#caxy is sad
caxycreations · 15 days
Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den
Chapter Fifteen: Security
Ferusian Law, Sixth Sequence, Article Four: Law of Work Equality Ferusian Employers are forbidden from hiring, or refusing to hire, based on the following: Sex, Gender, Biological Species, Species Identity, Divine Blessing, Economic Status, Religion, Age (with the exception of those under the Age of Employment Eligibility), or Immigration Status. Ferusian Employers found guilty of hiring, terminating employment, or rejecting employment solely based on these fields is punishable by no less than a fine equal to 40% of their annual income, up to a maximum punishment of 85% of their annual income in addition to 5-10 years imprisonment and the dissolving of all owned businesses. ***
I jolted at the sound of my alarm, feeling the body atop mine jolt in response. A soft whine filled the air as I smiled, rubbing his back with one hand and grabbing my phone with the other, turning off the alarm. David clung to me a little tighter and let out a dejected sigh. My eyes fell to his face, seeing him staring back at me with a sadness that tugged at my heart.
I kissed his nose and he pulled back a bit, scrunching his nose up at me, the corners of his mouth turning up as if to smile before turning to a pout. “Rye, do you really gotta get up now? Why’d you even set that dumb alarm?” His question was valid, he didn’t know I’d gotten the job or when the first shift was. I’d been so caught up in making sure all was well, and enjoying our time together, that I hadn’t told him.
I nodded, smiling at him. “Sad t’ say I do gotta get up, yeah. Got a job t’ get to. Kaleb’s got me startin’ work in ‘bout an hour. Gotta give myself time t’ get there, especially since I’m walkin’,” I said with a hint of frustration. After I broke the key, my truck had been towed and put in an impound. There wasn’t much I could do to get it home without the key, and it was a process to get it replaced. A simple one, but one I’d been too hospitalized to start on.
His eyes widened at my words and he smiled a little, nodding. “That’s great~! Trust me, he’s an ass but Kaleb doesn’t let his employees down when it comes to pay and benefits, you’re gonna love it,” he said with an almost practiced professionalism, even with his typical lilt, “and on top of that he never lets a place go understaffed, so you’ll always have plenty of help!”
I smiled, nodding and sitting up, David shifting to straddle my waist, sitting on my lap. I chuckled at his newfound habit of doing that, my hands finding his hips and resting on them as I kissed him, feeling warmth and light well up in my chest, a feeling I’d never had until giving up on fighting my feelings for this adorable little caxy. He let out a soft purr, his tail curling around us. I took hold of his tail gently, unwinding it from around us and shaking my head.
“Gotta get goin’, Davey. Ain’t got much time. Know what th’ dress code is up there? At th’ club we had your party at, for the security team?” I asked, wanting to dress as appropriately as possible to make the right impression. He hopped up, standing beside the couch and stretching as he hummed thoughtfully, his hum turning into a soft, comfortable moan from the stretch.
He shook his head. “I know they all wear those black shirts, but they’re company stuff...They all have the club logo on the back. Maybe you’ll have a uniform provided when you get there?” He suggested, heading for the kitchen. I nodded, standing up and stretching before making my way to the bedroom, grabbing a simple black tee shirt and a pair of khaki pants. In case I needed to order a uniform, I didn’t want to look like I wasn’t on-the-job my first night.
A quick five minute shower and a change of clothes later, I was ready as I’d ever be. I sprayed a bit of deodorant on before throwing on my shirt. If a fight broke out and I had to intervene I didn’t want the scent of sweat or blood, be it mine or theirs, to follow me all night. Another scent, familiar and pleasant, filled my nose. I followed the smell of sausage and pancakes, finding David cooking on all four burners.
I laughed, walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around him, my hands on his belly as I rubbed my nose against his neck, taking in his scent. He giggled and his hips started wiggling a little, swaying side to side and purring. “Made you breakfast big guy, knew you didn’t have a ton of time so I thought I’d use all the burners to cook more at once~!”
I nodded, smiling at him. “I see that, ya gonna have any for yourself?” I asked. He nodded, pointing to a plate off to the side. It had a few sausage links and a couple of sausage patties as well as a stack of three mid-sized pancakes. Meanwhile, in the skillets he was cooking with lay nearly a dozen or more sausage links, half as many sausage patties, and four full-size flapjacks.
“I’ve been munching on the first batch. And don’t worry about the dishes, they’ll be done by the time you get home big guy. Oh, can you stop by a Speed-Mart on the way home? You’re out of milk. I kinda needed the last of it for your pancakes, sorry…” he trailed off, looking at me apologetically. I chuckled, nodding as I grabbed a plate and held it out towards him.
He smiled, scooping food onto my plate now. I shrugged at him and shook my head. “Ain’t no trouble, Davey. Can grab a couple jugs on th’ way home in th’ mornin’. Anythin’ else ya want me t’ grab?” I asked before tearing into my food, not wanting to spend too long not walking to work. Even at my running pace, it would still take me fifteen minutes or more to get there.
He shook his head, turning to disable the burners. “No thanks, I’ve got plenty at home and it’s your kitchen anyway, so...Just get what you think you need, okay?” He replied, starting to hum softly. I recognized the tune, it was one my mom used to sing to us when we were little, when he would stay over for a few nights at a time to get away from home. In hindsight, not much has changed since then, except now I’m the one tucking us into bed at night.
I ate quickly, putting the plate in the sink and grabbing David by the waist. The caxy let out a surprised ‘Mrow!’ and looked at me in surprise, only to relax and purr as I kissed him and let him go. “I’ll be back ‘round six in th’ mornin’. Gonna be alright ‘til then, Davey?” I asked with a smile, tail wagging a little behind me.
He gave a nod and smiled, his own tail moving to shift around, curling around mine, making my own wag more at the affection. “Yeah, I’ll be alright big guy. You be safe for me okay? Don’t let anyone irritate those stitches…” He said, worry filling his voice. I gave him another quick kiss and nodded, heading for the door. I could feel his tail snaking around mine, slowly separating as I moved away. I shut the door behind me, smiling softly at the world around me. Just like on the docks, the colors of the world were vibrant, surreal, and all I could feel in the air was warmth.
I made it to the club just a minute before my shift was scheduled to start and, on explaining I was the new hire for the security team, I was led to a break room with a few other workers in it. I looked around, taking in their faces, their actions, what they were wearing. I was glad I’d chosen the khaki pants, everyone else was wearing the same. The black shirts matched too, save for the business logo on the backs of theirs, as opposed to my plain-color tee.
There were three other workers in the break room, and the head of security that had led me back there. A short, but bulky-looking doberman stood at the far end of the room, sipping coffee calmly. The name-tag read ‘Ben’. A few feet to my left and a little ahead of me, a chimp held conversation with a tiger. The chimp was clean-cut, their fur neatly trimmed and their tail was curled around their waist like a belt, even having been put through the belt loops. I couldn’t get a read on the tag, they were facing away from me.
The tiger on the other hand was all-too-easy to see. He was almost as tall as I was, barely six inches shorter if he was any shorter at all, and had the kind of body you’d expect from a life-long lumber worker. Every inch of him radiated power, but his face looked as gentle as David’s. I could see it in his eyes, all of that power was built to protect. I got the feeling, judging by his scent and his look, we’d get along well. His name tag read ‘Garret’.
The head of security, the one who’d led me here, was a monitor lizard, but he couldn’t have been pure-blood. His scales had a thicker quality, more like armor plating than what was typical for his kind. No doubt he was part armored lizard, or maybe dragon. His eyes were piercing, intimidating, not unlike Kaleb’s, if less intense. His name tag read ‘Tomas’. He stepped into the middle of the room and let out a low, clear hiss. The chimp stopped talking, and the rest of the crew stepped closer.
The monitor held a hand towards me, a gesture calling to the others to look, rather than an invitation to act or speak. “This is Ryder Trayson, he’s our new hire. He’s replacing Dalton for the foreseeable future.” He said, his voice hollow, like Kaleb’s, but with none of the emptiness, none of the apathy. The rest of the group waved or nodded, and I finally got a look at the chimp’s face. She was pretty, the fur and hair that had been so neatly kept from behind suited her, and her eyes were the same blue as David’s. Her name tag read ‘Lana’.
She was the first to greet me properly, stepping up and offering a handshake. I took her hand, shaking it, careful not to squeeze too hard, still hesitant to use much of my strength after the events of the last week. “Scared to hurt me Mister Big? C’mon, gimme a real shake!” She said with a grin, squeezing my hand firmly. So firmly it hurt. I looked at her, trying to suppress my surprise, and squeezed back as hard as she had.
She grinned wider, giving one quick nod before letting go. “There ya go, don’t go easy on me just cause I look like you could fold me like fresh laundry! Born under Gaius, takes a lot more than a squeeze to break us.” She declared, gesturing to the others. I furrowed my brow, looking around. Were they all born under-
The thought was interrupted by the head of security speaking up. “You’re thinking right now, ‘Are they all born in the same month as me’, yeah? Well, congrats, you’re the millionth guy to come through here and have that thought. Your prize is that I won’t make fun of you for not realizing how selective Kaleb is with his security.” He said with a smirk. I looked around, raising an eyebrow.
“So every last one’a y’all has somethin’ from Gaius?” I asked, a little incredulous at the prospect of Kaleb hiring exclusively Gaian-Blessed for his security. It was against employment laws, and reminded me of just why I hated the snake so much. He didn’t care about anything except what was most beneficial to him. It was no joke to be Gaian-Blessed. We were stronger, faster, had some kind of elemental affinity.
I was always at my strongest, Trace could manipulate the air itself, and the Gaian-Blessed I’d known in school were always star athletes. It made us well-suited to work like this, but Kaleb had to have known better than to have an all Gaian-Blessed security team. It was clear they were used to this, none of them batting an eye at my question. The tiger answered quickest. “It’s not as bad as it seems. Just lucked out that way. I applied in the first place because I was Gaian-Blessed, knew it’d be easy pay. Didn’t feel like slaving away at a job I’d hate, and this one’s easy enough. Look big and scary and most people won’t give any problems.” He said with a smile. I could hear the gentleness in his voice. I was right, he wasn’t nearly as mean as his posture suggested.
The doberman nodded, shrugging. “I wound up here cause of a demotion. Was workin’ the bar, but Merissa shows up, outdoes me as an apprentice, Kaleb said if all I was gonna do was look pissed off, scarin’ away customers, I may as well be working a job that actually pays to do it. Pays, but not near as well as tips when I was working the bar…”
I had to stifle a laugh at that. Merissa was always complaining that tips didn’t cover her rent, and she was glad her paychecks were more than enough. Made me wonder if maybe people just preferred the handsome doberman over Merissa’s brand of beauty. I looked over to the chimp and the head of security, wondering if they’d share their stories too.
The chimp laughed, nodding. “There it is, finally wondered about me, huh? Well, my story’s not so fancy or personal. I wanted to work here, loved the music. Simple as that. Had some security experience before, made a good impression, here I am.” She said with a beaming smile. I could tell she was the kind of person who knew exactly who she was and reveled in it. It was nice, seeing others like that. Lana, Garret, they both seemed like my kind of people.
“I’ll finish the introductions with my own story then. My cousin was the former head of security here, he got me a job assisting the doorman, and I’ve earned my way to the position through effort, not birth status. Are we all caught up? Can we move on to our positions for tonight?” He asked, clearly tired of the socializing. I couldn’t blame him. It was work, our shifts officially started in a little over thirty minutes. I had no doubt he wanted to take the time to get everyone ready.
The group put their attention to him, the room going silent save for the sound of Ben drinking his coffee now and then. Tomas nodded gratefully and took a breath. “We’ve got another birthday party tonight, and there’s been a special request. Lana, you’ll be working the door tonight. You’ll be looking for minors trying to sneak in, as usual, but you’re also going to be on the lookout for four potential malcontents. I’ve got the list in my office, please remember to come by to collect it before punching in.”
She nodded, the cheer and friendliness of her face melting away. She looked cold, emotionless. It was the kind of look fitting of her position, but incredibly unfitting for the bright and happy person I’d seen less than a minute ago. Tomas looked over to Ben, his focus shifting from Lana to address the next position. “Ben, you’ll be manning the dance floor. I want you on the upstairs balcony, eye in the sky. Got it?”
The doberman nodded, his dejected and bored look gone. He’d adopted the same kind of look Lana had, fierce and intimidating, like he’d rip a man’s arm off just because he felt like it, but only if you asked him to so he’d have the justification. I smiled a little, glad to at least be working with professionals. People I knew would be reliable about doing their jobs. Tomas looked to Garret last, locking his stare on the tiger.
“Garret, you’ll be the ground man. I want you on the floor, comms on. Tune to Ben’s channel. Keep each other in the loop and don’t let anything go unchecked.” He ordered. Garret nodded once, quick and attentive. All that was left was to give me my orders, and we’d likely be told what the big deal was with this birthday party that required this kind of strategy and dispersal.
“Ryder, you’ll be on the ground with Garret. Anything you’re not sure of, ask him and he’ll run you through the process. But Kaleb wants to see you in his office before you get started. I’ll lead you there, then you’re on your own. Understood?” He asked, almost softly for his commanding hiss of a voice.
I nodded. “Yes, Sir.” I said plainly. He nodded back, looking to the other three. They had gone back to socializing, chatting with one another. I half expected him to yell at them, to play the role of drill sergeant. The way they’d all snapped to attention had given a militaristic impression, but here they seemed as lax as any other business’ employees might be. Tomas let out another hiss, catching their attention again.
“Tonight’s not much different than any other birthday, you all know the drill. Garret, keep an eye on Ryder, make sure he learns his job properly. Before you all clock in, keep in mind, the birthday guest is turning twenty, not twenty-one, so if Merissa calls for security, make sure he is aware in no uncertain terms that we can not serve him alcohol.”
The group nodded again, finally dispersing. I checked the clock, twenty-eight minutes until shift start. Tomas gestured towards a door at the back of the break room and lead me through it. Down a hall and through another door, we found a stairway leading up to another door, this one with a sign on it reading ‘K. Killian’ in the form of a gold-plated plaque.
Tomas gestured to it. “Head in, you’re the only one he’s seeing tonight so no need to make him wait. Best if you don’t, he’d kill for less.” He said, in a less-than-joking way. Somehow I didn’t doubt the truth in those words. He walked away and I was left outside Kaleb’s office, alone. I knocked on the door, hearing a very dry, empty voice invite me in afterwards. I took a breath and opened the door.
Where I had expected some dark, gothic aesthetic, maybe with a skull or two hanging from the wall, I was instead met with a simple room with a gray carpet, a wooden desk, several filing cabinets, storage shelves, and two large sets of drawers in the corners. Kaleb sat at the desk, a laptop open in front of him, typing rapidly as I approached.
He looked up at me, his fingers never slowing. “Mr. Trayson, I will make this as brief as possible as I am aware you dislike speaking with me and you must clock in soon. What do you know of Jonas, the man you brutally assaulted in my cafe recently?” He asked, still typing on the laptop. The constant clicking of the keys was beginning to irritate me. Or it was just him.
“I know he’s an ass. Deserved what he got. An’ he’s th’ reason ya hired me here. He was givin’ Davey hell all th’ time an’ I know he quit over what I done.” I answered, crossing my arms. He nodded, looking me over as if seeking a crack in the armor, a weak spot in my posture. Like he was trying to find where I was most vulnerable.
“Did you also know that he was involved in the group of criminals known as The Kings?” he asked, eyes locking onto mine. I felt that same chill as before run up my spine, felt my muscles seize. I was locked in place. It was infuriating, but I couldn’t bring myself to break free. That took anger. And anger was something I’d had enough of lately. I swallowed my pride, shaking my head, resigned to being his captive until he was done.
He looked back to his laptop, breaking his spell over me. “He is nothing to them, comic relief so to speak. But you injured the court jester, and now the king will be looking for retribution. Specifically, retribution against any Jonas claims were involved. That, in case you are unaware, means you and your mate.” He stated matter-of-factly, as if I wasn’t already well aware.
I growled, uncrossing my arms. “Ya said ya’d protect David. An’ with money like yours, that shouldn’t be no problem.” I said with a sneer. Kaleb just nodded, waving a hand at me before returning to his typing. I hated it, his disregard for my words, his complete apathy. He couldn’t even be bothered to stop typing on his damn laptop.
“Yes, and he is safe, and will remain as such. But you will have a part to play in his protection as well. I understand you will not harm in my name. But I assume you have no qualms about doing so for your mate,” He said pointedly, “given you have already killed for him.”
I stepped forward, grabbing the edge of his desk. My emotions were getting out of control. I knew that. I didn’t care. I dug my fingers into the wood, feeling it splinter beneath the force. “Don’t you bring that up ever again.” I snarled. Kaleb simply sighed, looked up at me, eyes locking on mine. I didn’t feel a thing, and I never broke his stare.
He stood up, looking down at where my fingers dug into his desk. “Mr. Trayson, I understand you are an emotional individual, but do contain yourself in my office. The wood did not anger you, and were you to try doing the same to me you would find yourself quite lacking in fingers before you had the chance.” He warned.
I huffed, letting go of his desk and crossing my arms again, more to keep out of trouble than anything else. Kaleb planted his hands on his desk and leaned forward, looking at me. “I am going to send you home in the morning with a mission and a card. There will be an address on that card. Tomorrow evening, be at that address at precisely nine-thirty. That’s at night, of course. You’ll find two men at that address. Deal with them as you will, but they’d best not wake from the sleep you deliver them. I’m sure you’ll find more than enough reason when you arrive.”
I glared at him. I’d already told him I wouldn’t do anything illegal. That I wouldn’t hurt anyone for him. “And if’n I don’t? If’n I jus’ stay home an’ spend time with David?” I asked, trying hard to suppress the growl in my voice. I swear I could see him smiling. “Then, Mr. Trayson, you may not have a David to wake up to the next morning. These men are planning to kidnap him and deliver him to Jonas. One of them will be quite familiar to you. After all, you did send him off with a message.” He said with an implicating tone. He was painting this as my fault.
“You-” I started to shout, only to be cut off, Kaleb’s hand going up to silence me. I wasn’t sure what pissed me off more. The fact he did it, trying to shut me up with a disrespectful move like that… Or that fact that it worked, and I felt my voice give out. His eyes locked on mine again. Whatever power he had in those eyes was starting to really piss me off.
A knock at the door broke me from the spell and I turned my head towards it. Kaleb sighed and I looked back at him. “Come in, Tomas.”
Tomas came in, gesturing downstairs, out of Kaleb’s office. “Everyone’s clocking in, Sir. I need to show Ryder how to use the system.” He said softly, meekly, not commanding like he’d been back in the break room. Did Kaleb have this effect on everyone? “Very well. Mr. Trayson, it was wonderful speaking with you. Please, come by again when your shift is over. I will have your sign-on bonus ready.” He said, a warning look cast my way. I nodded, trying not to growl. The last thing I needed was my boss knowing how badly I wanted to throw the guy signing our paychecks through the wall… And the wall after that.
I followed Tomas back down the stairs and into the break room, this time passing through a door to the side leading into another hallway. Tomas was silent the entire way, until we reached the end. A machine was mounted to the wall, with a touch-screen and a card-scanner, similar to what most stores use for debit cards.
Tomas tapped the screen, putting in a code and stepping aside. “It’s in Registration Mode. Scan your ID in the reader and it’ll add you to the system, then I can assign you. Pay’s based on role for the night. Doorman makes Leisure plus seventy percent, Floor makes Luxury plus seventy percent, Sky box makes Leisure plus ninety percent.”
I nodded, pulling out my ID and scanning it into the machine, hearing an affirmative beep as I did. “Why th’ different pay rates?” I asked, wondering how often I’d get saddled with one of the Leisure jobs, and whether or not it’d be worth the trouble Kaleb was going to make this for me. Especially if he planned on using me for his dirty work. If I even let him.
Tomas shook his head and sighed. “Kaleb likes paying for the service and how much of your skills are actually being used. Door and Sky box don’t do much, so Leisure, but they can get dicey, so he pays extra. Floor’s where the real money is, and he’s insisted you take floor tonight. Guess he wants to see how you do.”
I scoffed. “That or he wants t’ see how much fight I got in me if’n somethin’ goes wrong.” I said bitterly. I half-expected Tomas to jump to Kaleb’s defense, but the old lizard just nodded as he tapped a few buttons on the machine’s screen. He stepped back again and nodded towards it, making a swiping motion. I checked the screen and saw it was showing a large clock face with the current time both depicted in analogue on the clock and digitally in numbers below the face. I scanned my ID again and the machine let out a small shutter noise and the display changed, reading in big bold letters ‘RYDER TRAYSON – 6:02PM’ across the screen. Tomas leaned over, tapping the screen a few more times. I watched him assign me to the Main Floor. He finished up and held a hand out towards the door a few feet away from us, inviting me to go through.
On the other side of the door was the dance hall. The music was much louder once we opened the door, and I wondered what kind of insulation they had going to muffle it so strongly. Suddenly I was home, bass beating so deeply I could feel it in my blood, the cheers from the crowd welcoming me into my happy place.
A quick rundown of my route for the night and what to do if anything happened, and a lesson on the provided comms, and I was set loose. I just had to hope I could go twelve hours in the club without needing to use the force Kaleb probably hoped to see from me tonight.
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rjshepherd · 5 years
Poldark season 4 ep8
well. here we are at last.  did you notice how i just started writing/rambeling more as the eps went on? mostly just reaction noises that have no value or critique but hey ho. not like anyones going to read this shit anyway, its mostly just for me in the future to read out of context and giggle at.  
Past George is much sweeter. I like this version of George better don’t a@me.
Everyone’s wigs are terrible. who allowed this?
although i like georges widows peak. pretty apt by the end of the episode.
“it will always be ross” I mean. Not for lack of trying, ross was a dick to elizabeth.
My mom just called Liz a tramp for fucking George ross and Francis D=
honestly i would too if they werent fictional.
actually on reflection maybe not. ross is a dick, francis would probably cry and id need to scrub myself after letting georges stained hands on me.
Probably for the best mel is back in Cornwall. Its going to die without her, like a plant left on a window ledge.
Where is conram fields? Is it important?
ok apparently its right beside the foundling hospital which seems ...dangerous...
personally i would have went further afield so no one recognized me but you do you liz. 
I have so much respect for elizabeth for doing this but also for this doctor for helping her on pain of death. No, its not a good thing for her to do but i see why its necessary. she loves her children, she never would have done this if she thought it put her or her chibbies in danger.
God. Petty mother fucker.
George, I LOVE you  I do but you need to chill the fuck out.
Ross don’t do the sad face you’re going home.
Where’s morwenna, I only care about her being happy right now.
Drake is such a pure bean. He loves her so much in every way.
Get you a drake.
Damn I need a drake.
Is magic real in the Poldark canon? Because those wishes have an alarming habit of coming true.
Mel and Sam are Drawenna shippers and its so sweet. present day theyd run a tumblr blog dedicated to them being cute.
Don’t ignore valentine.
Elizabeth has her “ we’re going to have words later” face on
Damn mel. 
the eyebrow arch really sealed it for me. this is top energy.
Oh, and she’s being polite to Liz again. I’m happy.
Ross “I quit” Falmouth “….booze first.”
What the shit are the banns?
More shit to google, ill add it to the pile.
That’s not an apology elizabeth. do it proper or dont do it at all.
Cary stop picking your teeth and put your wig back on.
Ok everyone CALM. She’s just gone for a walk she’s coming back.
Ross this is a bad idea.
Oh, this is all spiralling downwards isn’t it.
Damn morwenna is terrified .
Hes 5ft6 just SLAP HIM.
Actually val, continue
Elizabeth’s face says it all.
More wisdom from my mom “ why doesn’t she ( Liz) slap him ( George)”
George is the worst he’s ever been. I’m not happy Liz is going to die but I’m happy he’s down in the gutter with the rest of us.
Pissy little bitch. Standing up outa your highchair adds 2 full inches to your height.
Not sure that “forgive me?” “I do.” Was the best thing to do in front of an angry George.
That’s not tom harry that’s his equally ugly brother. the subtitles lie to me again.
Is Poldark just hell for morwenna?
Fuck off ugly harry brother.
Debbie my dear I have some thoughts on how you continue to torment morwenna . is this in the book? i cant subject myself to this again.
George val is A CHILD.
and apparently SO ARE YOU.
god val is so much more mature than you its unreal.
Elizabeth has clearly had enough of this noise and so have I.
“ I cannot help myself.” do you even TRY GEORGE?!.
Wow ok this is the worst thing George has ever done and that’s saying a lot.
That “yes…his happiness” was SO POWERFUL. Elizabeth is such a good mother. I don’t care what else people have to say, she’s a good mother.
How do Dwight and Caroline go from this sweetness and talking openly to season 5 where she cold? Is it because he keeps running to his patients?
That was an alarmingly fast birth.
I notice there’s not much foreshadowing of her death .
No wonder it comes out a fucking nowhere.
George doing a turnabout…well we’ve been here before AND I FOR ONE AM NOT IMPRESSED.
“if you can forgive me” that’s a pretty big if ,George.
Shame lady Warleggan never happens. Crying shame.
Hold up how do we get to ross and mel post fuck?
She’s dying of gangrene isn’t she. From ergots poisoning? 
This is a weird time frame. How does it take from morning till darkness for ross to get there?
“all will be well” that’s some famous last words.
Well. That was a horrible death reveal. You could have done so much better .literally anything would have been better
ok i get for the sake of ross getting screen time and us watching him be sad we had to do it this way but like
i dont care about ross feelings right now. i care about george, val and elizabeth. we literally only see georges reaction via ross and thats crap.
I am a little sad that ross didn’t get to say goodbye. just a little.
Ok I know I was mad at George, but this is genuinely devastating.
And Ursula is very cute.
They should have just faded to black there. The bit with ross was unnecessary I KNOW he’s sad, we’re ALL sad you don’t need to beat me about the head with it.
Dwight has a TERRIBLE burden to carry. This is mighty unfair on him
I’m glad ross and mel have a better understanding of each other. I’m just sad hugh and Liz had to die for that.
Ok tho wedding RIGHT BESIDE THE FUNERAL? Seems…harsh.
“ she was not a Warleggan.” That is INCREDIBLY unfair. I am ashamed of verity and Geoffrey Charles. shes not dead a week at this stage and you have the gal to say that in ear shot of george and her son? i get no one likes george but that shouldnt override basic human sympathy.
 you know what? im glad thats over. ive seen s 1235 then 4 and honestly i feel like i could have skipped 4 altogether and not missed anything other than a lot of unnecessary suffering and petulance . the acting was brilliant, no complaints about the cast, just the characters they play.
that was more of a roller coaster than before and frankly it was not an enjoyable ride. im sad elizabeth is gone, I’m sad George is alone I’m sad val, gc and lala have no mum. The wedding was cute, and I know it ends in a happy ever after ( well for everyone but George) but that doesnt erase a whole series of gut punches and sadness. 
ive seen s5 but im going to watch it again with some fresh eyes.
once the tears clear that is.
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stripesquadsideblog · 7 years
also where the shit is Tsurushi?
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marcopolorules · 4 years
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"La idea de la evolución es hermosa y también triste. Desde que empezó la vida en la tierra han existido entre cinco mil y cincuenta mil millones de especies, de las que sólo entre cinco y cincuenta millones viven todavía. O sea, que el noventa y nueve por ciento de todas las especies que han vivido en la tierra se ha extinguido."⠀ ⠀ "The idea of ​​evolution is beautiful and also sad. Since life began on earth there have been between five and fifty billion species, of which only between five and fifty million still live. In other words, ninety-nine percent of all species that have lived on earth have become extinct."⠀ ⠀ Nicole Krauss⠀ La historia del amor / Love story⠀ & Fran Recacha (artist)⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ #surrealportrait #portraitpainting #portraitart #contemporaryart #contemporaryartist #contemporarypainting #contemporarypainter #contemporarypaintings #contemporarypaintings #contemporary_art #contemporarypainters #contemporaryfigurativeart #contemporaryoilpainting #modernart #modernpainting #artgallery #contemporaryartgallery #figurativeart #figurativepainting #figurativeoilpainting #figurativeportrait #surrealart #popsurrealism #popsurreal #popsurrealist #lowbrowart #jesuislesurrealisme #vagabondwho #marcopolorules #franrecacha https://www.instagram.com/p/CAxI-TCHd-N/?igshid=5u6lunod1nv4
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caxycreations · 4 months
Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den
Chapter Nine: Sweet Tooth
Ferusian Law, Third Sequence, Article 3: Law of Trespass
Ferusian citizens are entitled passage and habitation of any residency or public space as recognized by the Department of Home and Business.
Citizens are strictly forbidden from passing through, entering, or inhabiting any residency or public space owned privately through individual or business contract, such as homes, apartments, or private contractors.
Citizens are also forbidden from entering any space designated as Hazard Level C or higher by the Department of Risk Assessment, such as some condemned buildings, glassed towns/cities, or storm-wrecked districts.
Citizens caught in forbidden areas are fined no less than $10,000 and given a minimum of two months community service, up to a maximum of six months imprisonment.
I woke up to the sound of a claw tapping on glass, and for a minute I worried I'd been out here so long security flagged me as a risk. A glance out the window brought a smile to my face instead of a scowl, seeing I was wrong. A pale blueish gray caxy was standing at the window, dark markings in the shape of a cats eyes framing their forest green eyes. Ears pierced ten times each, and sharing Davina's signature studs above the eyebrow.
A lip ring adorned the thick, black bottom lip they shared with their mother. Brown hair, fluffy and thick, messy but swept to part on the left side. They were wearing a dark green bomber jacket, one that matched with David's, and Davina's, in style if not in color. A hand-drawn, stylized S was on the left side of the chest. Trace's logo.
I chuckled, unlocking the doors and stepping out, pulling the young hybrid into a hug. "Howdy, pup. How's life?" I asked, smiling. I could guess easily how life had been. Life with Davina was always interesting, given her habits. But I was still curious to hear how they'd been, and what they'd been up to, apart from that. Moss shifted in their seat, trying to get comfortable before giving me an answer.
"It's been good! Mom's been stressing over my weekend trips like usual, but she did mention something about taking my driver's test next year, so soon I'll be able to start practicing!" They said, half excited. Moss smiled, buckling into their seat and looking at me expectantly.
"Hell yeah! You gonna practice with 'Vina or Trace?" I asked, starting up the truck and pulling out of the lot, heading for the nearest Mac Patty's.
"I think I'd like to practice with Trace. Mom's great, most of the time, but I don't think she'd be very good at teaching me while she's busy fussing over every little thing I do behind the wheel." They said, letting out a chuckle. It was wild imagining Davina of all people fussing and fretting over little things, but I understood. Moss was special to her like that. We pulled in and got out, heading in and placing our orders before settling down at a table.
"How's it been here? Been good or...?" Moss trailed off, smiling curiously. I chuckled, shaking my head.
"Well, David's avoidin' home for a while. Tired of th' empty space, I reckon. Can't say I blame'im, he's got next t' nothin' unpacked there an' it's a damn depressin' little apartment." I responded with a dismissive wave. "Other'n th' houseguest I've been entertainin', it's been same as usual. Got a job offer though, security at th' club David had his 21st at."
Moss suddenly lit up, smiling wide at me and setting their burger down. "Oh yeah! I wanted to ask you, do you think you can get me in some time? I'm here every weekend, can't you get me in?" They asked, excited and almost pleading. They made wide, hopeful eyes, the smile on their face warm and eager. A hope, warmth, and eagerness I had to crush, unfortunately.
"No can do, pup. Ain't old enough an' they card ya at every turn in there. Davey almost gets thrown out ten times a night when he's in there, they have such a hard time trustin' his ID." I answered, half-sad at having to deny them. "Y'wouldn't be able t' get on th' dance floor, wouldn't be able t' get t' th' bar t' order water, an' ya wouldn't be able t' get in th' front door. Even if'n I helped ya by, they'd card ya inside an' we'd both be in trouble." I said with a sigh.
I watched them deflate, shoulders sagging and smile fading to a frown, eyes shifting to look at their food again. "Oh…Okay, sorry Uncle Rye." They apologized, low and quiet. I hated being the bearer of bad news. I glanced at the menu and chuckled, seeing a few pies, cakes, and ice cream options. I tapped one I knew they liked, a personal sized mulberry pie, and raised an eyebrow, smirking. They looked at the menu where I'd tapped and laughed a little, then looked at me.
"Are you sure, Uncle Ryder? I don't wanna cost you too much…" they said hesitantly. They glanced back to the menu, and I heard a soft, quiet mewl from them. I nodded, laughing a little and waving over a waiter, ordering two of the pies and a third to-go. Moss smiled, still not as energetic as they had been, but noticeably better than they had been a minute ago. We finished our food in silence, and when the pies came out, we ate them quickly and left.
Moss smiled as they sat their take-home pie in the floorboard, buckling in. "So guess what Trace said he would buy me today!" they said excitedly. I chuckled, shaking my head. Gifts from Trace were always bad news in the best way. I couldn't help but wonder what the fox had planned.
"What's that, pup?" I asked, smiling at them.
"Running shoes! There's a new shop that opened a few blocks from the mall, and he said when we leave there he'll buy me a pair!" the little caxy exclaimed. I smiled, nodding.
"Hell yeah! Well let's get ya back there so y'can get'em then." I said with a grin, putting the key into the ignition.
Starting the engine, I pulled out from the lot and headed back for the mall, settling into a space near the doors. Moss and I headed inside and, with a little searching, found David and Trace in Sugar Shack, a candy store David seemed incapable of skipping over when he came here.
"Trace! They have them this time!!" He exclaimed, bouncing giddily as he pulled a bar from the shelf. Double-stuffed king-sized cream bar, one of his favorites. Chocolate coating, Kanorian egg cream inside, and almonds throughout. He put several of the bars into his basket and skipped off to one of the scoop carts, grabbing a bag and filling it with various treats.
"Yep, I see that, did you leave any for anyone else?" the fox said with a smirk, walking over to keep up with David. Moss and I walked in and I grabbed a basket of our own, smiling.
"Go on, pup. Grab whatever y' want, I'll pay." I said, nodding to the candy. Moss shook their head and took the basket from me, quickly rushing off to fill it with their own selection of treats. I followed behind, tallying up the cost as they went. I knew better than to think they'd let me pay for it, and the only way I'd get the chance is if I was up there before they were and had the money ready to go.
"Oh my gods!!!" The exclamation turned every head in the shop, all eyes on the little grey caxy that had shouted. David was standing there holding a large box, a logo stamped on the back. He still hadn't noticed me, or Moss. I smirked, resigning myself to overpaying and just getting change back when Moss was done. Heading over to David, seeing Moss do the same out of the corner of my eye, I settled into place behind him, crossing my arms and looking over his find.
It was a gummy wolf, blue raspberry flavor. Industrial sized, the ones as big as a teddy bear. The eyes were peppermints, orange and white swirls meeting in a single point in the center. Trace had noticed me, but hadn't said a word, merely offering an acknowledging glance before focusing on David's presentation, the caxy now turning the box to face Trace.
"IT'S RYDER!!!" He yelled through his giggles, smiling wide. Moss, now approaching from behind Trace, nodded at David. The youngster nudged Trace, who nudged back with a grin, casually grabbing a couple of things from Moss' basket and slipping them into the inner pocket of his jacket.
"Sure is, Dee. I can definitely see Ryder." Trace said with a smirk, glancing at me again as he spoke. My smirk turned to a grin and I reached forward, grabbing the box from David's hands and heading for the front counter, carrying it under my arm and pulling my wallet out.
"Hey, that's-!" I heard David cut his words short, most likely realizing I had been the one to take it. I heard footsteps following, and as I set the gummy wolf down on the counter, David smacked my shoulder.
"That was rude, you know!" He scolded. I let out a chuckle and pulled a couple of hundreds from my wallet, looking around the store for a minute before nodding to myself and looking at the clerk.
"Here, $200, paying for everything these guys plan on getting. Whatever's left over you can pocket." I offered, holding the money out. The cashier, a black and brown husky, looked at the money and nodded, smiling.
"Understood, Sir! Take your time and stock up, we're closing for a few weeks for renovations in a few days so we won't be available much longer!" They responded, setting the money into a space beside the register to use when we checked out. David gave a mrow of disappointment and smacked my shoulder again.
"I was gonna pay for our candy…You need to save up-" I cut him off with a look, sternly locking eyes with him.
"Jus' cause ya got more'n we'll ever have in our lifetimes don't mean ya gotta pay for all our shit. Sometimes we wanna do somethin' nice for ya an' that's that." I said, relaxing into a smile. "Besides, I planned on payin' for the candy Moss grabbed an' figured I may as well cover all th' stuff if'n I'm gonna cover any of it."
David gave another indignant mrow before shaking his head, smiling wide and taking off to continue filling his basket. Moss gave me a playful glare before running off to stock up their own basket. Trace just stood beside me, rocking on his pads and watching the two boys collecting candy.
"Not gonna get any for yourself?" I asked him, looking over curiously. Trace simply smirked, making a show of shaking his head while his hand shifted in his pocket. I knew that signal perfectly. His coat was stuffed with snacks, tucked away in his 'special pockets' he'd had put in. Connections in the underground paid for themselves, I guess. "Understood." I said with a chuckle, shaking my head.
Had it been anyone else, I might have tried to stop them. Paid for their goods myself, at best, convinced them to pay themselves at worst, but Trace was a special case. We'd never seen eye to eye on this sort of thing, and learned early on in our relationship it was best not to ask where Trace got anything, and even better for us not to question the methods if we did find out. I watched David and Moss, giddy over the snacks they were finding, sharing excitement across the store.
Moss was athletic, healthy, they didn't indulge in sweets much, but a candy store like this had plenty they could enjoy. David was even helping, pointing out anything he found that wasn't some sugar-filled monstrosity of cavity-inducing sweetness. I leaned back, watching them, from David's tail, long and freely swaying in his joy, to his hair, flying every which way as he turned sharp corners, excitedly darting from shelf to shelf. It was too cute not to laugh a little under my breath, smiling wide.
Trace nudged my side, raising an eyebrow at me. "You ever gonna ask the lil guy out? Come on, man. You've been making puppy eyes at him for the last ten minutes." He asked, causing me to look at him with wide eyes, my brow furrowed.
"Jus' so y'know, I ain't got any intention'a askin' David out. We ain't like that, ya oughta know that by now. Jus' cause y'like fuckin' your friends don't mean everyone with a best friend is pinin' t' pound'em." I scoffed, shaking my head. Trace smirked a little more, flashing his teeth at me.
"You're just jealous it's so easy for me, but face it, anyone with eyes can tell you want a little more than just a night of caxy magic, you want the caxy himself." He accused, turning to face me properly. I frowned, shaking my head. The odd feeling here and there didn't mean anything, it was natural for folks as close to each other as David and I were to wonder once in a while, but that didn't mean we had to pursue it. I knew better than that.
"Might wonder now an' then, but I learned pretty well that friends don't make good mates. Learned that from you." I said pointedly, hoping the jab might make him drop the subject.
His own smile faded into a frown, and he sighed. "I'm different. I liked you. You loved me. Doesn't work if it's not a real back and forth, dumbass. Gotta be mutual." He said, leaning back against the counter and pulling his hands out of his pockets, crossing his arms. I nodded, looking at David and Moss again. Moss hardly had anything in their basket, focusing on the healthy treats, the sugar-free stuff. Comparing that to David's was an anthill to a mountain, David now carrying a second basket, the first piled high. I hoped I'd paid enough for all of it.
Moss ran up and set their basket on the counter, smiling. "I got all I wanted, Uncle Rye!" they said with a wide grin. The cashier scanned the items, a few bars, a couple bags of chips, some gum, and used a bit of the money I'd given to pay it out. Moss smiled, taking the bag of candy and settling in between Trace and I. Trace nudged Moss, the young caxy looking at him curiously. "What was that for?"
Trace nodded towards David idly. "Y'think Ryder and Davey would make a good couple, kiddo?" he asked casually, leaving me glaring at him. The last thing I needed was Moss thinking about that sort of thing.
"Aren't they already?" They asked the fox, genuine curiosity in their voice.
"No, pup, we ain't. Jus' friends." I answered before Trace could corrupt the situation any further. Moss looked at me, confused.
"But he lives with you, y'all sleep together most of the time, too. And you're always watching out for him, buying him gifts like today. Are…you two not dating?" they asked, and I began to wonder what sort of things Davina had told them, or neglected to tell them, about David and I. I shook my head, sighing. This subject was starting to wear on me.
"No. Davey's my best friend, ain't nobody like'im, but that's all. Gotta be mutual. An' it ain't." I said, looking over at the little grey caxy across the store, grabbing a few more candy bars and bounding towards one last display. "Th'feelin's ain't there, pup." I said plainly.
"Oh." The younger caxy said, idly pulling one of their snack bars from the bag and starting to eat it quietly. Trace looked at me, shaking his head and letting out a sound that was half a sigh, half a growl. I looked over just in time to notice him grabbing my shirt hard, pulling me with all his strength out of the store. I could have resisted, but if he wanted to talk, better hear him out than have him make a scene in the store.
"Moss, stay there and make sure David uses what Ryder paid before he tries paying himself. I've gotta talk to your Uncle." he said, scowling. We made our way out of the store, settling in a few stores down with Trace glaring up at me, arms crossed.
"Do you have any clue how dense you are? Any idea at all?" He asked angrily, scowl only strengthening. "David looks up to you, admires you, adores you, trusts you more than he does any of us, even his own damn sister. We see you two together every time we see one of you, can't get an hour alone with either one. Even when you took off with Moss, you were back in forty minutes. Just can not stay away. But the feelings aren't mutual?"
I started to answer, but he cut me off. "Nuh-uh, quiet, not done. I've watched you rush in like a bat out of hell for the kid, but I've never seen you hurry like you have for David. Nobody else gets that privilege." His expression softened, and he looked at me with sadness in his eyes, though he tried hard to hide it. "Not even me, back then."
I was taken aback. Trace was always the blunt one, having this explosion was rare. He always spoke his mind in the moment, and I wondered why he had bottled this up. But I wasn't about to ask and risk getting hushed again.
Trace returned to his scowl, shaking his head. "The feelings weren't mutual on your end, Ryder. Not then. But now? Now anybody on Relan can take one look and see that you'd take on Gaius himself if he were a danger to David." He accused, shifting his weight from one paw to the other.
"Trace, I do all that for David cause ain't nobody else done it." I said, sighing. He had a point, one I wanted desperately to ignore. I didn't want David and I to go the same way Trace and I had. I couldn't do that to him. I couldn't hurt him too.
Trace glowered at me, then let his shoulders slump. "You are…too stupid for your own good." He said, frustration in his voice. "And for David's."
His words came with a finality I didn't dare question or add on to. I watched him pad back towards the store and followed quietly. He had said his piece and I had no idea how to respond besides simply going back with him. I felt a tightness in my chest, heat rising in my heart. Anger, remorse, regret, blame, all fighting on equal ground to decide how I was supposed to feel.
We got back to the store, David and Moss waiting by the door. Trace smiled, wrapping an arm around each of the caxies. "Got your goods, boys? Gods know I do!" He said with a laugh, letting go of David to pat his pocket, the sound of cellophane crinkling as he did. I stepped up behind Moss, ruffling his hair and putting on my best smile. I ruffled Moss' hair, earning an angry mrow from the young caxy.
David looked at me and mrowed curiously. "Everything okay, Rye? What did you and Trace need to talk about?" He asked, obviously a little worried. I shook my head, smiling.
"Jus' some old wounds needin' t'be licked, that's all." I said casually. Trace nodded, grinning.
"Yeah, he licked my old wound real good~" He said with a smirk. Moss playfully smacked his shoulder, laughing. I admired how easily he could slip back into his casual, playful attitude.
"Trace!!" the younger caxy exclaimed, trying to quiet their laughter. The four of us headed for the front entrance, and Trace stopped us at the doors.
"Alright, David, remember the game plan?" he asked, a wild smile on his face. David nodded excitedly.
"Yep! Tomorrow night at eight, you pick me up at Ryder's and we head out. I've got my stuff at my apartment so we'll make a stop on the way home so I can get it!" He answered eagerly.
Moss smiled, nodding. "I've got my gear in the back of the car! So we'll be all set and ready to go!" They said confidently.
"Y'all wanna tell me what this is about?" I asked worriedly, looking at the excited trio. Trace grinned at my question, like he knew how the answer was going to make me feel.
"We're going ghost hunting at the mall in Old Town." he said proudly, like it was worth bragging about. Old Town was no joke. Spire in the area failed during a storm, and the entire district was lost to a lightning strike. Hundreds, gone in an instant. The stories of ghosts ran rampant after that, and with the damage to structures, I didn't like the idea of David going out there one bit.
"Y'all ain't doin' that. Not with David. I know you'll be fine, Trace, y'got that wind shit ya do, an' I trust Moss t' take care'a themselves jus' as well. Davey, please tell me ya ain't goin' with'em?" I asked, half-pleading.
David simply shrugged, smiling. He was going, and wasn't about to give me a chance to turn him away from it. I sighed, nodding.
"Take care'a Davey out there then. Ya put'im first, 'fore yourself, got it, Trace?" I insisted, baring my teeth. The fox shrunk a little at that, but nodded.
"We'll take good care of him, we always do!" Moss said with a smile. The little caxy nudged Trace and pulled his jacket a little. "C'mon, we gotta go get some sleep if we wanna be up all night tonight!" they demanded, grinning.
Trace nodded, following suit and waving his hand at us. "You two be good, and don't forget what I said, Ryder!" he yelled our way, heading for his car.
David and I shared a laugh, my own being more tense than happy, and headed for the truck. If David was going to go, at least I knew Trace had agreed to watch him like a hawk. For all my worries, I could trust Trace to keep his word. I had to hold on to that.
I had to trust David would be safe without me tomorrow night.
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caxycreations · 10 months
The Seltz Family: Adoption Day
Moss was... nervous. They'd been in the foster system long enough that they couldn't really remember their birth parents, and they hadn't exactly had the best of experiences with any of their other foster parents. Who was to say that this new one would be any different to the others? The best they could hope for was that whoever this was, they'd be nice, and they'd know how to deal with a still maturing Caxling.
They sighed quietly once they heard their name get called, standing slowly and grabbing the only bag they had enough stuff to fill. Their trusted stuffed bear was tucked under one arm and their favorite blanket was clutched in the hand of the other. How sad was it that their only comforts were inanimate objects? 
The first impression that Davina Seltz got of scared, little Moss was that they hadn't had a good upbringing. The way their ears drooped and their tail dragged behind them would always betray their low mood, and if it was that bad then it must have been their circumstances that caused it. When they spoke, their voice shook more than it should have, as if they were eternally worried about everything surrounding them.
"Good morning, Miss Seltz... I'm Moss," 
Davina had come here in the hopes of finding someone to watch out for, care for. She'd spent her entire life doing so for her twin brother, and having moved so far away she was left with a void that begged to be filled. But she'd fought it for a long time. When she saw the number for a Foster Agency here in Gala, she'd gotten an idea. It hadn't taken long for her to call them up and begin her application to adopt.
A lengthy series of interviews and bare-bones psychological evaluations later, and here she was in the meeting room. The agent handling her case sat beside the table, with Davina at one end and an empty chair at the other. They had talked for a time, last minute interview formalities, mostly. And when the agent stood, opening the door to call to the child they had matched her with, she had expected someone like her: confident, bold, self-assured.
Instead she was met with a caxling much like she remembered her brother being: timid, afraid, hurt in ways she could only guess. Her heart shattered, looking at the poor caxy standing before her. The things they must have been through, the pains they must have suffered, tore at her heart like icy claws. She didn't care how this interview went anymore. She didn't care if this kid turned out to be the biggest mistake of her life. She didn't care if they were the most well-behaved child on Relan, or if they were a complete hellion.
She stood from her chair, approaching and, without hesitation, knelt down and hugged the caxling. Not a tight, crushing embrace, nor a light, emotionless action. A gentle, and assuring hug. Loose enough the young caxy could back away if they wanted, but firm enough to get her point across. She could see it in their eyes that they had been deprived of this for too long, and even if this interview ended in her leaving without them by their decision, she would not leave this place without giving them some reassurance to remember.
"Well, uhm, I suppose that's one way to introduce yourself." Their voice wasn't shaking anymore, thankfully, and it seemed as though there was a little bit of humor in their tone as well; both things were good signs. They relaxed into the older caxy's embrace after a few more moments, their tail lifting from the floor and wrapping around her waist to hold her as close as possible. Whether that was an intentional thing or simply just a subconcious urge, Davina wouldn't ever know.
Still, the fact that they had so readily accepted her gave her more hope than she'd walked into the meeting room with and she couldn't help the soft smile that graced her features. Perhaps the fact that they were the same species was helping Davina's case, or maybe it was just the motherly aura that the elder of the pair carried with her. Either way, Moss didn't seem against having this person as their caregiver.
While yes, Davina's little friend was irreversibly scarred, they also still had it in them to trust and be trusted, and that was all they needed to start healing and moving on from their past. Perhaps being fostered by someone nice would be all they needed to get out of their shell properly, but they didn't really want to hope, so they just nuzzled close to the woman who'd become their idol and smiled.
That seemed to shock the agent considerably, his mouth opening in suprise as he saw the soft expression for a brief moment. Clearly little Moss didn't smile much. Hopefully those small moments of joy would stick around and become something more. That thought... the agent couldn't recall ever thinking anything similar to that in regards to Moss... ever. Progress? Maybe. Just maybe.
Davina let go of Moss, never rising from her kneeling position. She had to look up a little to lock eyes with the little caxy. Davina was already short, only standing at 5'2" counting her ears, and kneeling like this she was a tad shorter than Moss was. She smiled at the caxling. "So you're Moss, that's a great name. I'm sure they've told you, but I'm Davina. I really, really hope you liked that hug, cause you're probably gonna be getting lots of those." The caxy giggled, blowing her hair out of the way a little.
She knew she didn't dress the part of a mom. A black t-shirt under an unzipped bomber jacket, and black cargos with a bright teal belt gave her the look of a teen much younger than she was. And yet, kneeling there, Moss couldn't help but think the elder caxy before her looked more motherly than most of the people who had come to adopt in years past. Davina finally stood, taking hold of Moss' hand and walking with her to the table.
"If it's all the same, I think I'm ready to sign the papers." She said, looking at the agent. She turned to face Moss, smiling softly. "If you want, that is. Whaddya say, kiddo? Ready to go home?" She asked Moss, sitting at the table and pulling a pen from her jacket, ready to sign whatever she needed to. Moss was exactly what she was looking for. Someone she could relate to, and someone who could relate to her. Someone she could guide, teach, protect. She felt an almost immediate pull to the little caxling, and she wasn't about to ignore that.
"H-Home...?" That concept seemed almost completely foreign to them, but it still brought light to their eyes and a quicker wag to their tail as they bounded up to sit next to Davina at the table. It was almost undoubted that they'd stolen the agent's seat, but with such a cute face who could really stay mad at them? Not Davina, that was for certain. They didn't even seem to realise that their tail was wagging so madly.
The agent was happy to quickly provide the elder caxy with the right paperwork, Moss' excitement spurring them on. It wasn't very often that the not-so-little caxling came out of their shell so quickly, so their only lifelong companion wanted to be sure that they were supported in their choice. He'd seen so much good in Davina, and seeing the two of them interacting so well only solidified his wonderful impression of her.
"Quickly, Miss Seltz, before they change their mind." The agent's tone was lighthearted and clearly joking, but it still made Moss blush and pout a little in the cutest display of huffiness that Davina had ever seen. The caxling quickly recovered, however, and went back to practically bouncing in their stolen seat out of excitement. They just had so much damn energy, it'd be hard to keep up. 
Davina smiled, signing the papers and finishing the last forms she would need to fill in order to bring Moss home with her. The young caxy, taller than she was despite the age gap, was a bundle of energy she couldn't help but enjoy. It was an energy she had herself once, and it only made her happier for the decision to look into adopting. She looked at the last lines of the document, smiling as she signed her name and the date, followed by pushing the papers to Moss.
"It's all signed and sealed, just one last thing needs doing. It's your decision, kid. Think we'd be a good fit?" She asked, smiling. There was a gentleness to her, and a subtle hint of wild nature in her eyes that radiated positive energy. Moss looked at the paper, Davina's pen resting on it. The only thing left to mark was a single box. A glance told Moss all they needed to know.
Checking the box meant all was in order, everything was done. They would go to Davina's home as Moss Seltz, and be there for so long as all was well. They would no longer be living in the group home they'd spent their recent days in, no longer moving from place to place, no more wondering if they would be going to sleep in the same bed they woke up in that morning. Checking that final box was agreeing that Davina was the one they wanted to leave with today. It meant committing to a new life, whatever came with it.
And by the time Moss finished checking the box, all of that had flashed through their mind along with a resounding thought, echoing loudly in their head. 
The thought echoed, louder and louder, until it escaped through Moss' lips. The shy caxy gave the pen back to Davina and pushed the paper towards the agent with a timid hand. They looked from the agent to Davina for a moment before smiling softly. "I'm...I'm r-ready..." Moss said, voice soft and shaky from their anxieties and fears, but their eyes gleamed with hope. The agent smiled, their heart melting at the sight of Moss so ready to start this life, and Davina was in no better a state, fighting tears and trying to be strong.
She hadn't expected it to hit her this hard. The reality of it all was so much. She was now officially responsible for this individual's care, their life, their future, their safety. She was mother to them, something that she never knew well herself and was now in a position to do better. She reached for Moss' hand, taking it as she stood from her chair, the agent doing the same as they took the paper from the table.
"I'll get this filed, and in around a week you should have the official certificates in your mailbox. Moss, I am so happy for you sweetheart. I know you'll be good, and if you ever need anything you know you can still call me." Said the agent, smiling as the trio walked out of the room. Davina simply smiled and promised herself she would do her very best for this child, giving Moss' hand a gentle, affectionate squeeze.
Neither of them knew what the future held, or how well this was going to go. But as the pair of caxies locked eyes once again, each feeling a sense of familiarity with the other, hope swelled from the pair. When Davina held Moss' hand, all was well. And when Moss held hers back, she felt that things were finally looking up.
And she was ready to call them her child. She only hoped she was just as ready to be their mother.
The End
This was an absolute blast of a project, I adored working alongside @that-one-enby-onyx to write this, go give them some love cause they definitely deserve it.
Thank you, my little Moss, for all you do. <3/p
Davina, Relan, and it's concepts are owned by me.
Moss is owned by @that-one-enby-onyx
Tag List
Tagging these folks cause they seem to like my work! If you would like to be added (or removed), just let me know!
@sparrowcraft @moremysteriesthantragedies @thetruearchmagos @a-scaly-troublemaker @that-one-enby-onyx @snakelovingnerd @the-chaotic-writer @leisoree
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caxycreations · 15 days
Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den
Chapter Nine: Sweet Tooth
Ferusian Law, Third Sequence, Article 3: Law of Trespass
Ferusian citizens are entitled passage and habitation of any residency or public space as recognized by the Department of Home and Business.
Citizens are strictly forbidden from passing through, entering, or inhabiting any residency or public space owned privately through individual or business contract, such as homes, apartments, or private contractors.
Citizens are also forbidden from entering any space designated as Hazard Level C or higher by the Department of Risk Assessment, such as some condemned buildings, glassed towns/cities, or storm-wrecked districts.
Citizens caught in forbidden areas are fined no less than $10,000 and given a minimum of two months community service, up to a maximum of six months imprisonment.
I woke up to the sound of a claw tapping on glass, and for a minute I worried I'd been out here so long security flagged me as a risk. A glance out the window brought a smile to my face instead of a scowl, seeing I was wrong. A pale blueish gray caxy was standing at the window, dark markings in the shape of a cats eyes framing their forest green eyes. Ears pierced ten times each, and sharing Davina's signature studs above the eyebrow.
A lip ring adorned the thick, black bottom lip they shared with their mother. Brown hair, fluffy and thick, messy but swept to part on the left side. They were wearing a dark green bomber jacket, one that matched with David's, and Davina's, in style if not in color. A hand-drawn, stylized S was on the left side of the chest. Trace's logo.
I chuckled, unlocking the doors and stepping out, pulling the young hybrid into a hug. "Howdy, pup. How's life?" I asked, smiling. I could guess easily how life had been. Life with Davina was always interesting, given her habits. But I was still curious to hear how they'd been, and what they'd been up to, apart from that. Moss shifted in their seat, trying to get comfortable before giving me an answer.
"It's been good! Mom's been stressing over my weekend trips like usual, but she did mention something about taking my driver's test next year, so soon I'll be able to start practicing!" They said, half excited. Moss smiled, buckling into their seat and looking at me expectantly.
"Hell yeah! You gonna practice with 'Vina or Trace?" I asked, starting up the truck and pulling out of the lot, heading for the nearest Mac Patty's.
"I think I'd like to practice with Trace. Mom's great, most of the time, but I don't think she'd be very good at teaching me while she's busy fussing over every little thing I do behind the wheel." They said, letting out a chuckle. It was wild imagining Davina of all people fussing and fretting over little things, but I understood. Moss was special to her like that. We pulled in and got out, heading in and placing our orders before settling down at a table.
"How's it been here? Been good or...?" Moss trailed off, smiling curiously. I chuckled, shaking my head.
"Well, David's avoidin' home for a while. Tired of th' empty space, I reckon. Can't say I blame'im, he's got next t' nothin' unpacked there an' it's a damn depressin' little apartment." I responded with a dismissive wave. "Other'n th' houseguest I've been entertainin', it's been same as usual. Got a job offer though, security at th' club David had his 21st at."
Moss suddenly lit up, smiling wide at me and setting their burger down. "Oh yeah! I wanted to ask you, do you think you can get me in some time? I'm here every weekend, can't you get me in?" They asked, excited and almost pleading. They made wide, hopeful eyes, the smile on their face warm and eager. A hope, warmth, and eagerness I had to crush, unfortunately.
"No can do, pup. Ain't old enough an' they card ya at every turn in there. Davey almost gets thrown out ten times a night when he's in there, they have such a hard time trustin' his ID." I answered, half-sad at having to deny them. "Y'wouldn't be able t' get on th' dance floor, wouldn't be able t' get t' th' bar t' order water, an' ya wouldn't be able t' get in th' front door. Even if'n I helped ya by, they'd card ya inside an' we'd both be in trouble." I said with a sigh.
I watched them deflate, shoulders sagging and smile fading to a frown, eyes shifting to look at their food again. "Oh…Okay, sorry Uncle Rye." They apologized, low and quiet. I hated being the bearer of bad news. I glanced at the menu and chuckled, seeing a few pies, cakes, and ice cream options. I tapped one I knew they liked, a personal sized mulberry pie, and raised an eyebrow, smirking. They looked at the menu where I'd tapped and laughed a little, then looked at me.
"Are you sure, Uncle Ryder? I don't wanna cost you too much…" they said hesitantly. They glanced back to the menu, and I heard a soft, quiet mewl from them. I nodded, laughing a little and waving over a waiter, ordering two of the pies and a third to-go. Moss smiled, still not as energetic as they had been, but noticeably better than they had been a minute ago. We finished our food in silence, and when the pies came out, we ate them quickly and left.
Moss smiled as they sat their take-home pie in the floorboard, buckling in. "So guess what Trace said he would buy me today!" they said excitedly. I chuckled, shaking my head. Gifts from Trace were always bad news in the best way. I couldn't help but wonder what the fox had planned.
"What's that, pup?" I asked, smiling at them.
"Running shoes! There's a new shop that opened a few blocks from the mall, and he said when we leave there he'll buy me a pair!" the little caxy exclaimed. I smiled, nodding.
"Hell yeah! Well let's get ya back there so y'can get'em then." I said with a grin, putting the key into the ignition.
Starting the engine, I pulled out from the lot and headed back for the mall, settling into a space near the doors. Moss and I headed inside and, with a little searching, found David and Trace in Sugar Shack, a candy store David seemed incapable of skipping over when he came here.
"Trace! They have them this time!!" He exclaimed, bouncing giddily as he pulled a bar from the shelf. Double-stuffed king-sized cream bar, one of his favorites. Chocolate coating, Kanorian egg cream inside, and almonds throughout. He put several of the bars into his basket and skipped off to one of the scoop carts, grabbing a bag and filling it with various treats.
"Yep, I see that, did you leave any for anyone else?" the fox said with a smirk, walking over to keep up with David. Moss and I walked in and I grabbed a basket of our own, smiling.
"Go on, pup. Grab whatever y' want, I'll pay." I said, nodding to the candy. Moss shook their head and took the basket from me, quickly rushing off to fill it with their own selection of treats. I followed behind, tallying up the cost as they went. I knew better than to think they'd let me pay for it, and the only way I'd get the chance is if I was up there before they were and had the money ready to go.
"Oh my gods!!!" The exclamation turned every head in the shop, all eyes on the little grey caxy that had shouted. David was standing there holding a large box, a logo stamped on the back. He still hadn't noticed me, or Moss. I smirked, resigning myself to overpaying and just getting change back when Moss was done. Heading over to David, seeing Moss do the same out of the corner of my eye, I settled into place behind him, crossing my arms and looking over his find.
It was a gummy wolf, blue raspberry flavor. Industrial sized, the ones as big as a teddy bear. The eyes were peppermints, orange and white swirls meeting in a single point in the center. Trace had noticed me, but hadn't said a word, merely offering an acknowledging glance before focusing on David's presentation, the caxy now turning the box to face Trace.
"IT'S RYDER!!!" He yelled through his giggles, smiling wide. Moss, now approaching from behind Trace, nodded at David. The youngster nudged Trace, who nudged back with a grin, casually grabbing a couple of things from Moss' basket and slipping them into the inner pocket of his jacket.
"Sure is, Dee. I can definitely see Ryder." Trace said with a smirk, glancing at me again as he spoke. My smirk turned to a grin and I reached forward, grabbing the box from David's hands and heading for the front counter, carrying it under my arm and pulling my wallet out.
"Hey, that's-!" I heard David cut his words short, most likely realizing I had been the one to take it. I heard footsteps following, and as I set the gummy wolf down on the counter, David smacked my shoulder.
"That was rude, you know!" He scolded. I let out a chuckle and pulled a couple of hundreds from my wallet, looking around the store for a minute before nodding to myself and looking at the clerk.
"Here, $200, paying for everything these guys plan on getting. Whatever's left over you can pocket." I offered, holding the money out. The cashier, a black and brown husky, looked at the money and nodded, smiling.
"Understood, Sir! Take your time and stock up, we're closing for a few weeks for renovations in a few days so we won't be available much longer!" They responded, setting the money into a space beside the register to use when we checked out. David gave a mrow of disappointment and smacked my shoulder again.
"I was gonna pay for our candy…You need to save up-" I cut him off with a look, sternly locking eyes with him.
"Jus' cause ya got more'n we'll ever have in our lifetimes don't mean ya gotta pay for all our shit. Sometimes we wanna do somethin' nice for ya an' that's that." I said, relaxing into a smile. "Besides, I planned on payin' for the candy Moss grabbed an' figured I may as well cover all th' stuff if'n I'm gonna cover any of it."
David gave another indignant mrow before shaking his head, smiling wide and taking off to continue filling his basket. Moss gave me a playful glare before running off to stock up their own basket. Trace just stood beside me, rocking on his pads and watching the two boys collecting candy.
"Not gonna get any for yourself?" I asked him, looking over curiously. Trace simply smirked, making a show of shaking his head while his hand shifted in his pocket. I knew that signal perfectly. His coat was stuffed with snacks, tucked away in his 'special pockets' he'd had put in. Connections in the underground paid for themselves, I guess. "Understood." I said with a chuckle, shaking my head.
Had it been anyone else, I might have tried to stop them. Paid for their goods myself, at best, convinced them to pay themselves at worst, but Trace was a special case. We'd never seen eye to eye on this sort of thing, and learned early on in our relationship it was best not to ask where Trace got anything, and even better for us not to question the methods if we did find out. I watched David and Moss, giddy over the snacks they were finding, sharing excitement across the store.
Moss was athletic, healthy, they didn't indulge in sweets much, but a candy store like this had plenty they could enjoy. David was even helping, pointing out anything he found that wasn't some sugar-filled monstrosity of cavity-inducing sweetness. I leaned back, watching them, from David's tail, long and freely swaying in his joy, to his hair, flying every which way as he turned sharp corners, excitedly darting from shelf to shelf. It was too cute not to laugh a little under my breath, smiling wide.
Trace nudged my side, raising an eyebrow at me. "You ever gonna ask the lil guy out? Come on, man. You've been making puppy eyes at him for the last ten minutes." He asked, causing me to look at him with wide eyes, my brow furrowed.
"Jus' so y'know, I ain't got any intention'a askin' David out. We ain't like that, ya oughta know that by now. Jus' cause y'like fuckin' your friends don't mean everyone with a best friend is pinin' t' pound'em." I scoffed, shaking my head. Trace smirked a little more, flashing his teeth at me.
"You're just jealous it's so easy for me, but face it, anyone with eyes can tell you want a little more than just a night of caxy magic, you want the caxy himself." He accused, turning to face me properly. I frowned, shaking my head. The odd feeling here and there didn't mean anything, it was natural for folks as close to each other as David and I were to wonder once in a while, but that didn't mean we had to pursue it. I knew better than that.
"Might wonder now an' then, but I learned pretty well that friends don't make good mates. Learned that from you." I said pointedly, hoping the jab might make him drop the subject.
His own smile faded into a frown, and he sighed. "I'm different. I liked you. You loved me. Doesn't work if it's not a real back and forth, dumbass. Gotta be mutual." He said, leaning back against the counter and pulling his hands out of his pockets, crossing his arms. I nodded, looking at David and Moss again. Moss hardly had anything in their basket, focusing on the healthy treats, the sugar-free stuff. Comparing that to David's was an anthill to a mountain, David now carrying a second basket, the first piled high. I hoped I'd paid enough for all of it.
Moss ran up and set their basket on the counter, smiling. "I got all I wanted, Uncle Rye!" they said with a wide grin. The cashier scanned the items, a few bars, a couple bags of chips, some gum, and used a bit of the money I'd given to pay it out. Moss smiled, taking the bag of candy and settling in between Trace and I. Trace nudged Moss, the young caxy looking at him curiously. "What was that for?"
Trace nodded towards David idly. "Y'think Ryder and Davey would make a good couple, kiddo?" he asked casually, leaving me glaring at him. The last thing I needed was Moss thinking about that sort of thing.
"Aren't they already?" They asked the fox, genuine curiosity in their voice.
"No, pup, we ain't. Jus' friends." I answered before Trace could corrupt the situation any further. Moss looked at me, confused.
"But he lives with you, y'all sleep together most of the time, too. And you're always watching out for him, buying him gifts like today. Are…you two not dating?" they asked, and I began to wonder what sort of things Davina had told them, or neglected to tell them, about David and I. I shook my head, sighing. This subject was starting to wear on me.
"No. Davey's my best friend, ain't nobody like'im, but that's all. Gotta be mutual. An' it ain't." I said, looking over at the little grey caxy across the store, grabbing a few more candy bars and bounding towards one last display. "Th'feelin's ain't there, pup." I said plainly.
"Oh." The younger caxy said, idly pulling one of their snack bars from the bag and starting to eat it quietly. Trace looked at me, shaking his head and letting out a sound that was half a sigh, half a growl. I looked over just in time to notice him grabbing my shirt hard, pulling me with all his strength out of the store. I could have resisted, but if he wanted to talk, better hear him out than have him make a scene in the store.
"Moss, stay there and make sure David uses what Ryder paid before he tries paying himself. I've gotta talk to your Uncle." he said, scowling. We made our way out of the store, settling in a few stores down with Trace glaring up at me, arms crossed.
"Do you have any clue how dense you are? Any idea at all?" He asked angrily, scowl only strengthening. "David looks up to you, admires you, adores you, trusts you more than he does any of us, even his own damn sister. We see you two together every time we see one of you, can't get an hour alone with either one. Even when you took off with Moss, you were back in forty minutes. Just can not stay away. But the feelings aren't mutual?"
I started to answer, but he cut me off. "Nuh-uh, quiet, not done. I've watched you rush in like a bat out of hell for the kid, but I've never seen you hurry like you have for David. Nobody else gets that privilege." His expression softened, and he looked at me with sadness in his eyes, though he tried hard to hide it. "Not even me, back then."
I was taken aback. Trace was always the blunt one, having this explosion was rare. He always spoke his mind in the moment, and I wondered why he had bottled this up. But I wasn't about to ask and risk getting hushed again.
Trace returned to his scowl, shaking his head. "The feelings weren't mutual on your end, Ryder. Not then. But now? Now anybody on Relan can take one look and see that you'd take on Gaius himself if he were a danger to David." He accused, shifting his weight from one paw to the other.
"Trace, I do all that for David cause ain't nobody else done it." I said, sighing. He had a point, one I wanted desperately to ignore. I didn't want David and I to go the same way Trace and I had. I couldn't do that to him. I couldn't hurt him too.
Trace glowered at me, then let his shoulders slump. "You are…too stupid for your own good." He said, frustration in his voice. "And for David's."
His words came with a finality I didn't dare question or add on to. I watched him pad back towards the store and followed quietly. He had said his piece and I had no idea how to respond besides simply going back with him. I felt a tightness in my chest, heat rising in my heart. Anger, remorse, regret, blame, all fighting on equal ground to decide how I was supposed to feel.
We got back to the store, David and Moss waiting by the door. Trace smiled, wrapping an arm around each of the caxies. "Got your goods, boys? Gods know I do!" He said with a laugh, letting go of David to pat his pocket, the sound of cellophane crinkling as he did. I stepped up behind Moss, ruffling his hair and putting on my best smile. I ruffled Moss' hair, earning an angry mrow from the young caxy.
David looked at me and mrowed curiously. "Everything okay, Rye? What did you and Trace need to talk about?" He asked, obviously a little worried. I shook my head, smiling.
"Jus' some old wounds needin' t'be licked, that's all." I said casually. Trace nodded, grinning.
"Yeah, he licked my old wound real good~" He said with a smirk. Moss playfully smacked his shoulder, laughing. I admired how easily he could slip back into his casual, playful attitude.
"Trace!!" the younger caxy exclaimed, trying to quiet their laughter. The four of us headed for the front entrance, and Trace stopped us at the doors.
"Alright, David, remember the game plan?" he asked, a wild smile on his face. David nodded excitedly.
"Yep! Tomorrow night at eight, you pick me up at Ryder's and we head out. I've got my stuff at my apartment so we'll make a stop on the way home so I can get it!" He answered eagerly.
Moss smiled, nodding. "I've got my gear in the back of the car! So we'll be all set and ready to go!" They said confidently.
"Y'all wanna tell me what this is about?" I asked worriedly, looking at the excited trio. Trace grinned at my question, like he knew how the answer was going to make me feel.
"We're going ghost hunting at the mall in Old Town." he said proudly, like it was worth bragging about. Old Town was no joke. Spire in the area failed during a storm, and the entire district was lost to a lightning strike. Hundreds, gone in an instant. The stories of ghosts ran rampant after that, and with the damage to structures, I didn't like the idea of David going out there one bit.
"Y'all ain't doin' that. Not with David. I know you'll be fine, Trace, y'got that wind shit ya do, an' I trust Moss t' take care'a themselves jus' as well. Davey, please tell me ya ain't goin' with'em?" I asked, half-pleading.
David simply shrugged, smiling. He was going, and wasn't about to give me a chance to turn him away from it. I sighed, nodding.
"Take care'a Davey out there then. Ya put'im first, 'fore yourself, got it, Trace?" I insisted, baring my teeth. The fox shrunk a little at that, but nodded.
"We'll take good care of him, we always do!" Moss said with a smile. The little caxy nudged Trace and pulled his jacket a little. "C'mon, we gotta go get some sleep if we wanna be up all night tonight!" they demanded, grinning.
Trace nodded, following suit and waving his hand at us. "You two be good, and don't forget what I said, Ryder!" he yelled our way, heading for his car.
David and I shared a laugh, my own being more tense than happy, and headed for the truck. If David was going to go, at least I knew Trace had agreed to watch him like a hawk. For all my worries, I could trust Trace to keep his word. I had to hold on to that.
I had to trust David would be safe without me tomorrow night.
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rjshepherd · 5 years
Poldark season 4 ep4
my complaint from last time still stands, im really not sure what the main plot thread is. ross being a hero? i mean im not complaining but thats not what id call a juicy plot nugget. more like a plot grape, tasty but leaves you wanting more.
Dgi George calm down. We’re like 5 minutes in.
george is going to have an aneurysm.  seriously. im surprised it hasnt happened already.
“scat us all to mdjinons” is how I'm going to say fuck everything up from now on
It's only ep 4 scatting is exactly what's going to happen.
When does Ozzie die. Hurry up No!
Not Sarah! Ozzie! Take him instead!
I'm glad Ross and zacky are friends again.
2 seconds later- NO PUT BBY BACK
Rowella is a fucking boss. I love her so much she just does not give a shit.
Aaaannnddd Ossie is still gross.
Don't be a little bitch Geoffrey. Oh wow actually that didn’t go how I thought It was going to go. thats a nice surprise
Don't brake Rosina's heart drake. dont do it
Hol up. Is Ossie feeling bad?
Nevermind. Spoke too fucking soon.
Thank GOD Dwight is sensible.
Baby no. Don't do the lie, I just called you sensible DAYUM DWIGHT OH A MINE FLOOD GREAT OH AND THE BABY IS GOING TO DIE THIS IS ALL AWFUL.
Is Dwight developing CPR??
Ok I’m a little calmer now. No one died.
GDI now Sam is sad too.
This is AWEFUL I don't like this episode.
Christ George has mentioned being a black smiths grandson 11 times.
"I think it's given me sinew" bitch it's given you a complex, and a head the size of st day. calm your tits.
OK thank you sarcastic Demelza, for making me smile.
Oh George right to business, at his 2nd favourite hobby , buying stuff that isn’t meant to be bought.
His first favourite is stirring the pot.
George Warleggan , serial pot stirrer is a line my brain just gave me.
Is Elizabeth happy or scowling. I genuinely can't tell.
I'm glad that everyone is broken and fucked up. and im glad that ross mel caroline and dwight understand eachothers pain. and im double glad there was none of that “ you dont understand meee!!!11!!” nonsense.
That was a carriage ride of horribleness. I’m emotionally drained. It reminds  me of that euthanasia roller coaster, that does 7 loops and deprives your brain of oxygen.That was what this episode was like but rather than die at the end I’m just on the floor weeping softly.
Well on to episode 5
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