#this is actually just a ploy to egg on that WIP sev XD
deejadabbles ยท 11 months
I am here to stir the pots thots! After the delicious ideas that arose in this post (especially in the comments lol) I couldn't get this idea out of my head. @blueink-bluesoul I hope this is a fitting apology for adding to your WIPs ๐Ÿ˜œ
(Implied) Hunter x reader x Hound
warnings for: highly suggestive themes (Minors DNI) jealous and possessive Hunter, predator/prey elements and vibes, scent kink, mentions of alcohol.
Hunter had never considered himself a possessive man.
Slow to trust? Sure. Protective of his loved ones? Absolutely. Overly protective of some? Well, he was too big of a man to wave off the notion without thought.
But possessive?
Hunter had never considered it, or jealously, for that matter. That is, until he met Hound. More specifically, until he saw the way you lit up around Hound.
You had spent the first year of the war on Coruscant, working closely with the Corrie Guard, until your skills landed you with the Bad Batch. It made sense that you had...old friends, that some of the boys in red and white had gotten your affection long before you even met Hunter and the others.
Logically, he knew that, but even still, Hunter couldn't deny the clench of anger that filled his chest when he saw you run at the ARF trooper with that adorable smile. And he certainly couldn't deny the growl that escaped him when said trooper scooped you up in his arms and held you tight.
He couldn't stay annoyed at the other man for long, though, especially not when Hound was so enthusiastic as he pulled Hunter into a brotherly hand shake when you introduced them. Still, with you squished between them in a booth at 79's, Hunter couldn't shake the nagging urge to pull you against him every time Hound rubbed your shoulder or nuzzled against your skin. Especially since you giggled every time he did it.
"You know, Hound, I think Hunter's the only trooper that may have your tracking skills beat."
That brought him out of his possessive musings, your praise like music to his ears. Hound did not seem bothered by your comment, if anything, the ARF trooper quirked a brow in interest.
"Oh yeah? That's high praise coming from you, cyare. That true, Sarge?"
Tech was always the best one at bragging (or, "stating fact" as he called it) but somehow, Hunter couldn't find it in himself to be humble right now.
"I'm the best tracker in the GAR," but, because he still had a nice side, he added, "I'm sure you've got some skills too, though."
That made Hound laugh, a bark of a thing, staying true to his name. "Oh, that almost sounded like a challenge, brother."
"Ooo," you smiled into your drink, eyes darting between the two of them, "now that's something I'd like to see."
Hunter flicked his eyes down to you, and he liked the way you squirmed a little under his half-lidded gaze. "Maybe we should test our skills against each other." He looked back up at Hound, who was wearing a mischievous, toothy grin.
"I'm in, how do you want to do this?" The way Hound looked down at you, much in the same way Hunter couldn't keep his eyes off you, gave the sergeant an idea.
"You wanna help us, mesh'la?" Hunter asked, making sure his tone was low, the tone that he new made your heart race.
Your throat clenched as you swallowed, "How would I do that?"
Hound made a knowing sound, his grin somehow getting wider. "I think he wants us to track you, sweetheart. Wants us hunt you across Coruscant."
Oh, Hunter could feel your reaction to that and if all this time around you in the tight quarters of the Marauder hadn't taught him a new level of self control, he might have given into the urge to slip his hand down your body right there.
Instead, Hunter said, "Catching you would be the best prize, after all."
Maker, if he could smell your excitement already, what state would you be in when they track you down and caught you like a scared doe?
"Al-" you had to clear your throat, "Alright, I'll be your little prize."
Hound sounded more like a cat when he purred, "That's the brave girl I remember. This is going to be fun."
Hunter scooted back in his seat, allowing you just enough room to squeeze past him and leave the booth. "We'll give you a head start, mesh'la. Don't make this easy on us."
If you were shocked at the abruptness of the command, you didn't let it show. Instead, you downed the last of your drink, made sure your perfect ass brushed against him as you climbed out of the booth, and scurried away at a fast pace.
Hunter could feel something primal stirring low in his stomach, and, sitting beside him, he knew Hound was feeling the same thing.
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