#this is all also applicable to several zombie aus and other such aus where the animatronics are biological
monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
I am SO SORRY, but every time you talk about animalisms or dogisms my brain goes right to Roxy having to be on a leash any time they go out so she doesn’t poop in a neighbor’s grass.
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kariachi · 2 years
Okay, so, if I’ve heard correctly then according to Pullman once the daemon’s burst into Dust you ain’t bringing a bitch back. That is the be all end all of the matter. And this makes perfect sense within the canon and things that work similarly, but I and I know many other people make Daemon AUs in universes where you can canonically bring back the dead. So, for my own use and that of anybody else who wants to grab it, some stuff for that.
The act of bringing back a dead person- properly bringing them back not making a mindless zombie or thrall- involves taking the lingering Dust of their daemon and basically forcing it to be a daemon again. It’s easiest if it’s immediate- the Dust hasn’t had time to drift away, it’s all right there- but is still doable for anything from an hour to a few days after death. The longer the pair has been dead, the less Dust is clinging to the corpse, the less of the original daemon you have to work with.
Having a small amount of the original Dust doesn’t make the whole thing impossible, mind. Dust not originally from the daemon can be added to make up any needed difference.
Reforming a daemon can have side effects, which include small personality changes, the sudden Settling of Unsettled daemons, and the Resettling of Settled daemons. Settling abnormalities caused by resurrection often result in shapes that aren’t a perfect match like they would have been, but still are a near hit, even accounting for any changes of mindset or personality caused by the whole ‘dying and coming back’ thing. These effects aren’t necessarily common, but individuals can be prone to them and they can be recurring. It is entirely possible to start with a magpie daemon who talks like you breathe, die and be brought back a few times, and now they’re more reserved and also a racoon dog.
Having none of the original Dust also doesn’t make resurrection impossible, just far more difficult. With someone recently dead, you’re working off Dust that remembers being a daemon and that you can poke back into being themselves, with someone who’s been dead long enough for all that Dust to fuck off? You essentially are taking loose Dust and making it into a daemon. Individuals brought back in this situation will still have a daemon, their daemon will still be them, but it won’t be the same daemon they had in their prior life. They’ll be fresh, new, nameless and Unsettled. A daemon’s Dust can only linger so long, and once they’re gone-gone you can’t bring them back. It’s a very risky thing, a lot of trauma inherent to the whole situation that can end very poorly, but it is possible.
Resurrecting someone who’s been dead so long can be made easier with the application of donor Dust. As long as the donor has an existing base of consciousness, Dust removed from them will retain it’s memory of being a daemon without risking muddling with the bonding processes. This makes making a new daemon easier, but they still won’t be the old daemon.
Both the easiest and hardest way of making a new daemon is through the murder of one or more third parties. One can then take the freshly loosened Dust, which very much remembers being a daemon, and form it into a new daemon. The issue here, besides the obvious moral problems, is that without a base of consciousness the Dust will, for as long as it lingers, cling to what it has, and removing this consciousness is difficult to impossible. Moreso when you’re working with more former daemons. A more successful resurrection under those circumstances would leave you with a new daemon with memories from the wrong life/lives and traits from the victim(s). An less successful resurrection would leave you with a new daemon that can’t fully change their shape, always retaining large portions of their last one, and who can’t seem to keep their memories, skills, and even personality at all consistent, often leading to severe mental health issues for both daemon and other half.
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wnnbdarklord · 7 years
Dear Worldbuilding Exchange 2018 creator!
Hi! This is my first year participating and I am excite!
AO3 username: wnnbdarklord
Worldbuilding Exchange 2018 Letter:
General Likes
Art Likes
Do Not Wants
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Request #1 - worldbuilding Asgard and/or Jotunheim
Request #2 - worldbuilding Sokovia Accords, Wakanda, Stark Industries
Middle Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
Star Trek the Next Generation
General Likes:
Polyamory, gen, het, slash, femslash, families of choice, competence, BAMF female characters, angst, hurt/comfort, teamfic, pretty much all the tropes especially if there is a twist, worldbuilding, humor, redemption, for want of a nail AUs, time travel, werewolves, dragons, crossovers, non fantasy/SF canons encountering the supernatural/aliens, fix it fics
For worldbuilding specific stuff: I think I'd be happy with pretty much any deeper exploration of canon or implications of canon. Building on throwaway references is also great as is considering logical endpoints that might not even have been intended by the creators. Or exploring something the creators never even mentioned but that has to exist for that world to be at all functional (like agriculture and trade in fantasy worlds as something rarely mentioned or explored in depth). Or unintended applications of technology and/or magic that exist in canon. Or exploring how history would change with the presence of certain canonical elements.
Feel free to combine or mix up the prompts! The character choices are mostly there just as preferences or ones I think would fit with the worldbuilding prompts. Since the focus of this exchange is on the worldbuilding, I'd be perfectly happy to get something that doesn't focus on any of the characters or even original characters.
All of my requests are open for either fic, art or in universe meta. I love fics that blur the lines with meta.
Art Likes:
I’m pretty sure I’d love any art! I love sketchy styles with maybe just a splash of color to draw the eye. Black and white images with only one color to highlight Important Things is A+. That said, any art in any style would be amazing! As for subject matter, I’d love to see any scenes from the prompts or stuff from my likes.
Do Not Wants:
The ones bolded are the most important to leave out, but here is an expanded list:
permanent character death, incest, rape, dubcon, torture porn, underage stuff, infidelity, humiliation, character bashing, ship bashing, no powers AUs, love triangles, fake married/dating, power imbalances in relationships, hate sex, scat/watersports, necrophilia, PWP, abuse, fusions, zombies, 1st person POV, issue fic, themes of cynicism and futility, nihilism that isn't of the optimistic kind, animal abuse, unrequested ships, slavery, genderswap of the always an x kind, unrequested AUs , jealousy
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Request #1 - worldbuilding Asgard and/or Jotunheim
Loki (MCU) || Thor (MCU) || Hela (MCU) || Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (MCU) || Original Character(s) (MCU) || Any or No Characters (MCU)
WB: Jotunheim (MCU)
Ever since the first Thor movie, I've wanted more about Jotunheim. Anything! What is their culture like? Society? Geography? Politics? Flora and fauna? Gender? Medicine? Education? Trade? It'd be really cool if there was something dealing with the differences pre and post war with Asgard.
Why did they try to colonize Midgard? Given the revelations about Asgard in Ragnarok, were the Jotnar even trying to turn the Earth into Jotunheim's image, or was that just propaganda by Odin and the possibly innocuous presence of Jotnar on Midgard a convenient excuse for more war? Was their attempt one of desperation?
How are their relations with the other Realms? Do they still have any trade with them after the war? What does Jotunheim think about the events of the Thor movie? Are they even aware who it was that tried to destroy them? What were the consequences of the Bifrost attack? Severe planetwide or just local?
For art: I'd love to see a map of Jotunheim or plant or animal studies. Or maybe something detailing Jotnar clothing. Or architecture. Or what their language and alphabet looks like.
For in universe meta/fic: Excerpts from books or videos from various scholars on all the Realms. This could be really interesting, especially as a way to see how the Jotnar view themselves vs others, especially with Asgardian propaganda (and racism in their tendency to refer to any species but their own in derogatory terms). Or maybe something detailing what Thor and Loki would have learned through their education, skewed as it likely was. There had to be some reason they were both so convinced Jotnar were monsters.
WB: Aesir and/or Jotnar biology (MCU)
I love me some alien biology worldbuilding! They're clearly more hardy than humans, stronger and longer lived, but what are the other differences? Why does Odin disintegrate into sparkles upon death, but not other Aesir? Are there developmental differences between Aesir and Jotnar? Is one more long lived than the other? Hardier? What about nutritional requirements? Are they allergic to any foods the other is not? Do Jotnar have hair? Horns?
Any reproductive differences? Aesir seem to align to human norms fairly well (and what if they don't?), but do Jotnar have more complicated arrangements? What is their sense of smell, taste and vision like? In the myths, Jotnar were shapeshifters and so is Loki in the MCU. Is this a species wide thing or just more common on Jotunheim? How do their instincts differ
How do Aesir and Jotnar powers work? Why do Odin, Hela, Heimdall and Thor have powers, but the rest of the population doesn't seem to? How does the freezing touch of Jotnar work? Is it constant or just a defense mechanism? How cold can they get to shatter leather and metal made by Asgardians? Can all of them produce ice?
For fic: I'd love something where Loki is forced to confront his Jotun form long term. Perhaps Odin's spell on him fails when Asgard is destroyed and he'll have to deal with whatever differences there are.
For art: Anatomical studies and/or comparisons would be amazing! I'd be especially delighted with anything highlighting the differences.
WB: Asgard and its history (MCU) || WB: Relations Between Asgard and the Other Realms (MCU) || WB: Politics of Asgard (MCU)
All of these seem thematically related, so I'm lumping them together. Feel free to focus on whichever you want or combine as you please!
Ragnarok really made me hanker for more info about Asgard's past and its relationship with the other Realms. How did Odin and Hela go about their conquests? The murals depict Asgard being built by slaves. Where did the slaves come from? What happened to them?
Neither Thor or Loki are aware of Asgard's true history. What were they taught instead? Was that just Odin being Odin and keeping secrets, or was there some magic or technology behind Asgard's collective amnesia? Or just fear of the king?
How were Asgard's relations to the other Realms affected by its bloody history? Do the other Realms remember it? How were they affected by it? Have they recovered? Has Asgard purposefully and actively kept them lower, despite all its words of peace later? What was the relationship like after Loki-as-Odin pulled Asgard away from actively policing the other Realms?
How has Asgard itself been affected by these revelations? Its destruction? Do the people start a revolution on the ship? Is there a reason they're so passive throughout Hela's reappearance? They didn't seem shocked or particularly resentful of Loki usurping Odin's place either.
For fic: I'd love something where the Asgardian refugees have to contend with going from the top of the pile to the bottom. How would the other Realms treat them?
For art: I'd love to see more of the murals! What other secrets has Odin been keeping? How prevalent are they? I'd love a before and after like in the movie, but for other events.
WB: Relationship between magic and science (MCU)
Thor says they're one and the same on Asgard. Is that true elsewhere? I mean, there seem to be quite a few differences functionally. How does magic work and how is it different from science? Is everything on Asgard just technology so advanced it basically works like magic? If not and magic is actually a thing, how does it work? Can anyone do it with enough study? Does there have to be a natural aptitude for it beforehand? Or are there degrees of separation where anyone can do magic with certain artifacts and rituals, but only naturally born magic users can use it without those interfaces? Is shapeshifting magic, a natural ability or technology?
For fic: I'd love something dealing with Loki learning magic, or even Thor trying to learn it! They both seem fairly comfortable with advanced technology, but Asgard itself doesn't seem to have any visible tech. How does that work on Asgard?
Request #2 - worldbuilding Sokovia Accords, Wakanda, Stark Industries
Tony Stark (MCU) || Pepper Potts (MCU) || James "Rhodey" Rhodes (MCU) || T'Challa (MCU) || Original Character(s) (MCU)
These requests might not be as detailed as the Asgardian stuff above, but don't take it to mean I'm less enthusiastic for them! I just found it easier to come up with prompts there. I'm sure I'll be happy with whatever you come up with!
WB: Stark Industries (MCU)
Stark Industries sounds like it should be a huge corporation! With all the advanced tech in the MCU in general, what wonders does SI create that make the MCU just that bit different from our Earth? How did the company restructure after Tony returned from Afghanistan? With SI's focus on clean energy, is climate change less of a big deal in the MCU?
What's the legal differentiation between SI and Iron Man and the Avengers? Especially after the Sokovia Accords? What about Tony's work for SHIELD before it went under? What's the public's perception of SI after everything? What does the day to day running of SI look like? Perhaps a perspective from the average worker that has to deal with the fallout of their boss being a superhero/involved with a superhero?
How did the internal shakeup of SI go after Obadiah Stane and his double dealing? After SHIELD fell, how many of its agents sought refuge with SI? Is Hill still there after the Civil War? What did SI get up to after the events of the Avengers? Did they get access from the government to the Chitauri tech?
For art: I'd love something schematic-y for one of their products or maybe pamphlets or something from their public relations department. Or magazine and newspaper articles on SI or Tony, Pepper or Rhodey.
WB: Sokovia Accords (MCU) || WB: Public Relations and superheroes/related agencies (MCU)
I'm Team Tony, so I don't really want anything dealing directly with Steve and his team, but I also don't want any character bashing. I just really don't understand Steve's perspective. Ross is definitely an asshole who used the Sokovia Accords as an opportunity to push his agenda, but the concept itself did not originate from him. And he isn't capable of single handedly forcing 117 countries to agree to them. I don't think the UN works like that.
I also don't think the script writers know what the UN works like either? So, give me the Sokovia Accords with more of a focus on the legal and diplomatic realities rather than the dramatic tension necessary in a movie! They had to have been in the works for years at the very least, how did none of the Avengers know about them? Or did they and it just wasn't mentioned in the movie? How many times were they amended? How will they be amended? How do they work in practice? They certainly weren't ratified during the bombing because of the bombing, so why did the movie proceed as though they were in full force?
What does superhero PR look like in the MCU? Before the Accords? After?
WB: Wakanda increasing its international openness (MCU)
I don't have anything in particular in mind for this, I just saw the tag and my brain went !!! How and why does Wakanda decide to stop its isolationist policies? How does it affect them? How does it affect the rest of the world?
Middle Earth - J.R.R. Tolkien
Boromir (Middle Earth - Tolkien) || Faramir (Middle Earth - Tolkien) || Original Character(s) (Middle Earth - Tolkien) || Original Gondorian Scholar (Middle Earth - Tolkien) || Gandalf | Mithrandir (Middle Earth - Tolkien)
WB: Libraries & Archives (Middle Earth - Tolkien)
WB: Southern Middle Earth (Middle Earth - Tolkien)
WB: cultural differences between races (Middle Earth - Tolkien)
WB: trade in Gondor (Middle Earth - Tolkien)
WB: education in Middle Earth (Middle Earth - Tolkien)
WB: afterlife for non elven races (Middle Earth - Tolkien) /
WB: Mythology and Religion (Middle Earth - Tolkien)
I've been a Tolkien fan since I was 11, but haven't recently reread the books. I tend to float in and out of the fandom, but it is always near and dear to my heart. I don't really have detailed prompts for these, because it feels like they're pretty descriptive on their own.
I'd be most interested seeing something dealing with Gondor or Men in general throughout Middle-earth. In universe texts, stories, and songs dealing with aspects of the prompts would be great! Especially considering a lot of the mythology is presented to us as fact (despite the layers of 'it's just a translation' conceit) rather than from the perspective of the people themselves. The readers know what happens to Men when they die, but do the Men themselves know? Sure, there's accounts from the Elves and what the Valar and Maiar told them, but I doubt all of them are aware of it. Or if they had been at one point, how did that change after lack of contact?
Middle-earth is a big place, but we only really know a lot about one small part of it. What do the people we're familiar with think about the places we've never seen? Is there any contact at all? Are those places filled with familiar Races or is there more variety? Did they ever visit? What did they bring, if so? What did they leave with?
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
Ken (Dirk Gently TV 2016) || Farah Black (Dirk Gently TV 2016) || Dirk Gently (Dirk Gently TV 2016) || Bart Curlish (Dirk Gently TV 2016) || Original Character(s) (Dirk Gently TV 2016)
WB: how the Blackwing subjects' powers work (Dirk Gently TV 2016) || WB: Cosmology (Dirk Gently TV 2016) || WB: Blackwing (Dirk Gently TV 2016)
Gosh, I just love this series so much! I want to know more about everything in it, but managed to limit myself to these :D
How does the universe work in DGHDA? In the second season it's implied that it's broken and that the Blackwing subjects are effectively the debugging programs of the universe. How does that work? How did Blackwing find them? Did they ever make a mistake? Are there more out there? What are they doing? How does the universe decide which people to chose? We also get to see the universe's backstage. Why do people's eyes go different in that place? Why were Amanda's and Todd's fairly normal, but Friedkin's were red? What does the glowy stuff mean?
There are a number of holistic identities and the way they work seems to be very varied. Francis Cardenas' power was very overt and amazingly powerful. Bart is basically unstoppable and Mona can turn into literally anything. Dirk's power, by contrast, is fairly low-key and unobtrusive. Has he fully realized his potential?
How did Blackwing come into existence? How long have they been operational? How were they so unsuccessful in determining their subjects' powers enough to lose almost all of their funding? Was it the recapturing of the subjects that made the universe broken? Anything dealing with Blackwing and their subjects during their captivity there would be great! Like, how did the logistics of keeping Ken in a taxi for 70 days even work? Things like that :D
Star Trek the Next Generation
Data (ST:TNG) || Jean-Luc Picard (ST:TNG) || Deanna Troi (ST:TNG) || Original Character(s) (ST:TNG) || Any or No Characters (ST:TNG) || Geordi La Forge (ST:TNG)
In most fandoms, I'm fine with a grimer, darker take, but for Star Trek I like it to encapsulate the ideals it was created with - namely, that we might not be perfect, but we can achieve so much if we're willing to try and strive to be better. Which isn't to say that life has to be perfect, but I'd like it to be hopeful. Cynicism need not apply.
WB: Warp Engines (ST: TNG)
There was a recent article about warp drive possibly not being such an impossibility anymore! The technical details would probably be beyond me, but I would love an explanation of Star Trek's warp engines combined with the real life science one! Give me all the pseudo technobabble!
WB: interspecies relationships (ST:TNG)
How common are they? How common is offspring? Genetic manipulation is forbidden in the Federation, but do people use it anyway to have children they otherwise might not be able to, legally or otherwise?
There's loads of culture clash between people from different countries from the same planet, how much more is there between two different species? Or does that make it easier in some ways?
WB: fashion and clothing (ST:TNG)
Honestly, this prompt was entirely and completely inspired by this tumblr post: http://cookiesforthedarkside.tumblr.com/post/169324738115/mosellegreen-justanothercarbonunit in which Gene Roddenberry has a problem with zippers. And buttons. By the time TNG rolled around, there were clothes with visible seams and such, but it was left ambiguous whether they were actually zippers. So, what does clothing without buttons or fasteners of any kind look like? How does it work? What material is it made out of? Is the lack of zippers and buttons the reason for some of the more...let's say eclectic looks?
WB: media reporting (ST:TNG)
Starfleet gets up to so many shenanigans, it's ridiculous. And we know reporters and journalists still exist! So, what do they report on? Is there a 24 hour news channel somewhere? Is there a gossip rag Picard secretly reads that absolutely butchers the Enterprise's mission reports? Are there dramatic readings of them in Ten Forward?
Are there a billion different channels of subspace radio that broadcasts all the local minutia of whatever system the Enterprise is currently in? Do they play it on the bridge?
I just feel like it'd be an interesting perspective on the little details of the Star Trek verse that have to be there, but we never really see. Go wild!
WB: AI rights and personhood (ST:TNG)
We know Data paved the way for AI rights in the ST verse. What ripples have his efforts caused? We know it's not just limited to him or other androids and robots - it seems like everytime we turn around, another hologram gains sentience. With the amount of holograms in use by the Federation, it could become a problem very quickly.
Do more androids eventually get built? Do the star ships themselves gain sentience? How would the Federation navigate these issues?
WB: Utopian Earth (ST:TNG)
It probably isn't a true Utopia, because those seem impossible and designed to fail, but I'd like to think it's pretty close. How does life for the average citizen of Earth look like? What do they do in a post-scarcity society? What do people not in Starfleet do? How do they live?
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For funsies, I’m laying out a few verses for my muses. Not full AUs, but rather different takes on their stories, essentially what ifs or in the cases of my longer lived muses different sections of their life. I’ll be listing these in each of the applicable blogs under Verses, and these can be requested for memes or RP at any time.
Without further ado, here are a few verses for Victoria Frankenstein:
(A note, these are pretty much all sections of her long life and options for her future, but any can be adjusted to present day circumstances if it helps interaction)
Little Delia: This covers Vicky’s early life before she discovered magic proper, the cutoff point generally being her ill fated doctor’s appointment. Here she lives with her family in a much younger New York. Known as Delia Goldman, she lives without knowledge of magic or magical creatures in a fairly poor part of town. She’s an incredibly shy girl, far more comfortable with her books or her dolls than with people. She’s very smart for her age, but unless she’s infodumping she often trips over her words, and rarely if ever makes direct eye contact. Her home life is often miserable, with her parents growing frustrated with her desire to read and learn about things other than the Jewish canon, how she recoils at social interactions and doesn’t even look her elders in the eye when speaking to them. This sadly is the kind of frustration that leaves bruises. Past a certain point her parents start to burn all her books save the ones specifically talking about their religion, forcing her to make little stashes of books where her parents can’t find them, often scattered around town.
Rat Queen: After being subjected to a charlatan’s “treatment” to try and turn Victoria, then Delia, “normal”. Rather than turn her into a good smiling Jewish girl, they got a hellion. Shortly after her procedure, she ran away from home, and quickly learned of her talent for necromancy, as well as those in the city who would take her head for using such talents on humans. So she began using them on something far more accessible and readily available in the depths of New York: rats. With a horde of undead rats swarming over those who stood in her way or stealing what she needed to survive, she drew the attention of the warlock Mairon the Red and his apprentice crew, Scarlet the pyromancer firebomber, Stick the illusionist trickster, and Mole the geomancer digger. For many years she ran with this crew, for better or worse through Mole’s cowardice, Stick’s arrogance, and Mairon’s advances, until one by one her competitors vanished. One through sickness, one through sacrifice, and one through the charms of fae, till only she and Mairon remained. This particular era of apprenticeship and limitations ended with Mairon’s death at the Rat Queen’s hands, felled by his own secrets that he’d thought were safely locked away.
Victoria, the Rat Queen after her mastery of using tides of dead rodents, is young and in some ways fairly brash at this age, but you can see the cunning that would later serve her well in full warlockhood. Of her group of warlock apprentices, she’s the most strategy and detail oriented. Due to her penchant for thievery, she also is usually the one providing for the others, pulling off jobs even Stick, the group pickpocket, can’t pull off.
Necromancer Ascending: These are more or less the formative years of Victoria’s warlock career, of her building her power base and resources while acquiring knowledge and connections enough to make her respected in the magical underworld. She goes through several names through this period, things like the Bloody Doctor or Lady Moreau, only settling on Victoria Frankenstein very late into this part. In general, the end of this era can be marked by her first execution, an unknowing (at least on the White Council’s part) test of her phylactery and Crimson Engine, a method for keeping herself around even after death.
In this part of her life, Victoria is far more cautious than she would become later in life, as she does not have a method for surviving a missing head till the very end of this era. It is here that she gets a penchant for disguises and false personalities, hiding in plain sight as she begins to merge science, medicine, and magic into her own unique spin on necromancy and biomancy. She’s beginning to develop her trademark personality, but only under several layers of false faces. She has quite a bit of power, but not as much as she would wield down the line, and not as much in terms of resources.
World War-Lock: This is a section of Vicky’s life, during her relatively modern run, taken specifically during the World Wars and the White Council’s war on Kemmler and his Thule Society. In the beginning of their attempted conquest of Eastern Europe, Kemmler and his servants began to court Victoria’s favor and resources. She was, after all, a powerful necromancer in her own right with a horde of her own and inventive magics that the White Council had trouble countering. With her on their side, they would have a much easier time steamrolling over native resistance.
Victoria wasn’t quite so eager. Kemmler and his society of necromancers, to her, stood for everything wrong with warlockdom. Far from “freeing themselves from the shackles of white magic”, they too often bound themselves up in ancient knowledge that clearly didn’t help their inventors to survive and, to her, pointless goals like ruling the world. Still, they were true to their word as far as necromancers tended to go, so she gifted them a few bits of technical knowhow and magical weaponry. Nothing world ending, of course, she saved those for funsies, but potent knowledge and items nonetheless. After a sustained silence on their end, Victoria made a surprise visit to see how her knowledge and weaponry were being used.
It was only then that she learned where the Thule society were getting their bodies to reanimate: the mass graves of the Holocaust. Now, Vicky will often point out that is not a good Jew. In many ways she’s almost the antithesis of that faith, forsaking most if not all of the Law and only celebrating the customs or traditions of the faith when convenient or if she were bored. One could even argue she carries some resentment for the faith due to the harsh orthodox treatment she recieved as a child. Even then, even through all that, deep down she still thought of these other Jewish people as her people. And to see them used like this, as puppets when they’d already suffered so much at the hands of the Nazis...
Perhaps it was one of the many selfish strains that tend to force Victoria into altruism from time to time, perhaps it was a shining moment of righteous clarity, but this revelation snapped something inside the necromancer. She did bring her horde to bear in Europe, but not as Kemmler and his lackeys had intended. Instead of turning them against the White Council, her monstrosities tore through the ranks of Holocaust dead, giving them “final rest” in Vicky’s eyes. She came in as a clad-in-black spectre of death against the Kemmlings, one of the few times she played into stereotypical necromancer style, calling down bolts of fire and earth on her foes from atop Bahamut, her largest zombie and her own personal mobile fortress.
While she did her share of fighting, she made sure to leave the thickest fighting to the White Council. After all, if Kemmler fell by her own hand, what would the Wardens think of it? Simply more infighting to take advantage of, and so she would get targeted as well. So began a very odd and tacit alliance between herself and the Council, rarely if ever acknowledged in word, only in the odd action on the battlefield.
Here, Victoria’s passions and fury are laid bare. She’s horrified and enraged that her own knowledge and tools were used to manipulate her own people when they’d already lived through the worst of humanity, and the magic she slings in this war is a major indication of this. She brings the worst in her arsenal to bear, and is much more flagrant about its use than she might otherwise be.
Deus Ex Thanatos: This is one of the major endings I have in mind for Victoria. Here, hounding from the White Council has hit its peak, annoying and frustrating Victoria into taking a route she might not have ordinarily taken. Finally snapping and wishing to shed any viable connection the White Council could use against her, she goes through a ritual ascention, using countless fossils to make countless microfractures in the time space continuum connected to the Great Dying, the Permian Extinction, one of the largest extinction events in Earth’s history. Taking in a massive amount of power into herself, reaped from the countless life forms dying on the other side of time, she ascended into godhood. Victoria the Necromancer became Victoria the Death God.
Of course, this came with its own set of problems. While she was largely rid of the White Council as an annoyance, she now had to deal with pantheons of other gods who didn’t take to the upstart very well.
So now you’ve got an even more confused, frustrated, unstable, emotional Victoria, who can incidentally command immense power and is unintentionally starting an underground cult among fledgeling necromancers.
Spirit Willing, Flesh Weak: Here, while Victoria wasn’t pushed as hard as her previous verse, she still expanded her knowledge of forbidden magics and pushed her powers forward. Unfortunately, this consistent push towards the dark arts is starting to take its toll on her soul and her body’s reaction to it. Past a certain point, her artificial bodies begin to break down before she says so, leaving an ambulatory rotting corpse before long. While she tries to remedy this by making bodies at a faster rate, but soon that became ineffective as the decomposition accelerated. At its climax, its all she can do to have some semblance of a human face on a skeletal body. At this point, she has become a true lich, fully undead with permanently glowing eyes and barely any flesh aside from a synthetic face.
Here, she fluctuates unpredictably from lamenting over her past appearance and her lack of need for bodily restrictions when it comes to magic. Here, she often truly seems insane, swinging between sad and angry and maniacal laughing in odd intervals. It is here, I think, where she could truly become not just an antagonist, but truly evil as her humanity slips away.
Victoria Redeemed: In this verse, as described in a long-ago Hundred Years meme, Victoria has renounced her ways. Possibly as an opposite reaction to her mind snapping in the other two verses, she finally seems to see the light and basically burns her home and work to the ground, laying to rest the thousands upon thousands if not millions of zombies therein, including her ever present Lassie. Of course with the built up magical energies of that place it may as well have been a nuke without the radiation, thankfully with a series of fake threats she managed to drive everyone else away.
Feeling she needed some isolation to get herself back on a better track, she went far away from her normal stomping grounds and found herself a little plot of land nestled in Oregon, with a peaceful cabin and a plentiful garden. She rarely if ever practices magic, and even then its usually to give the plants a little boost in bad growing years. She’s even given up smoking and drinking, which didn’t come easy but so far she’s clean. Only once she’s relatively confident in her abilities to abstain from black magic will she start to reach out to others.
She has no phylactery at this point, but neither will she avoid justice being sought. She knows she’s done terrible things with magic, but she would like to do some good before she finally goes.
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alocaldad-blog · 7 years
Devenir VIP gratuitement sur MSP + Preuves - MovieStarPlanet [Hack] [Sans vérification humaine]
MovieStarPlanet Hack Tool
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