#this is also the only digital drawing i’ve made for ninjago too i think
hammysamhah · 1 year
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i think you guys need to see the most important picture i’ve ever drawn for ninjago
(i am so sorry for the awful quality i genuinely have no clue wtf happened😭)
based off of this scene in s6 it’s just the way they were lined up reminded me of the mlp scene and i just HAD TO.
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ponydoodles · 4 years
Mod Masterpost 3
Here’s the further-continued mod list, due to the 10 image tumblr limit!
If they don’t have any social media listed, DO NOT ask for them, they’re not there for a reason!
Click on “Keep Reading!” This post will be updated accordingly!
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🎉🎊Hey Hey! I’m Mod Fiesta and I’m here to party!🎊🎉
🎊 I go by any pronouns! My default is often They/Them! 🎉 Mixed 50/50 (Puerto Rican/Norwegian), but I was born and raised in the U.S.! 🎊 I’ve been fixated on the MLP series for about half a year now but I’ve been drawing them since I was 11 or 12! I’m in love with older gen designs these days! 🎉 My favorite ships are RariTwi and MoonTrix (Moondancer x Trixie)! My favorite character is Spike and my close runners are Pinkie Pie, Bubbles, Trixie, Rarity, and MoonDancer. I do have a figurine of an older gen pony though! Her name is Twinkle Bloom <3 🎊 Consistent style?? Who’s That?? 🎉 If you thought I was an once of Neurotypical you’re out of your mind/lh 🎊 My other interests include SCP, TF2, Dead By Daylight, Danganronpa, MineCraft, Spelunky, and even more if you wanted me to read through my entire steam library- ���The cat’s name is JuJu :]
🎉🎊I’m so excited to see what lies ahead!🎊🎉
Art Tumblr 🎉 Instagram 🎊 ToyHou.se 🎉 <3
Ponydoodles tag
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💕 Hey what’s up gamers!
My name is Furbie or Mod Murmurs! I’m so excited to be here! I’m 20 years old and I just got into mlp one year ago! Ever since, my friends on Ponydoodles have made me feel so loved and welcome. I’m excited to see what being a Ponydoodles artist will have in store for me!
Things about me…
🌸 I LOVE STARCATCHER she is my #1 forever. 💕💞💘💞💕 Starcatcher and Skywishes are my favourite ponies. As for G4, I would have to say Zecora. My biggest ship (after me and starcatcher haha jk… unless?) is FlutterTwiCora! I also like Flutterjack and RariTwi.
🌸 I’d love to start an asmr channel someday!
🌸 I collect furbies! I have 10 at the moment, the loves of my life!
🌸 I love dating sims and hope to one day make my own
🌸 Other interests include : camping, writing music, anime, video games, collecting fairy stuff and Star Wars!
Thank you! I’m happy to be one of your new mods 💖
Art blog 🌸 Regular Blog 🌸 Twitter 🌸 Ponydoodles Tag
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💜 hello!! my name’s lily and i am so so so stoked to be on this blog and draw for you guys!!!!! Q_Q
💜 twilight & rainbow are my favorite characters and i ship them a whole lot<3
💜 i have adhd !! i like infodumping :]
💜 aside from loving mlp, i am a big ol philip j. fry kinnie and i love ninjago & tmnt!!
💜 i hope you’re doing okay!! get some sleep if you need it and remember that You Are Valid!!!!
pony blog | main | pdoods tag!
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Helloo!! I’m mod warm!! And I hope you’re having a good day! 🌞 My favorite mlp characters are pinkie pie, skystar, and vinyl scratch! (tho i have so many i hold dear..) 🌞 ive been drawin for a heck of a long time but have mainly been drawing ponies since last summer hehe 🌞 my pronouns are they / them or warm / warms : ] i love all good warm vibes in can get in case u couldn’t tell 💜 🌞 my art can be found at @ transgirlvelma c : I’m so excited to be a part of this!! cant wait to fill out y’alls requests!
Ponydoodles tag
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🦇 Ciao ciao! I’m Mod KO! I use He/They and up above is my sona Toonz (also known as Disaster Squish) and uses He/It!
💕 I’m the biggest cartoon nerd ever! Cartoons just in general are my biggest special interest along side maybe bats! Currently I’m extremely hyperfixated on Ok KO! Let’s Be Heroes! but honestly I don’t think there’s a cartoon out there that I don’t love!!
🌸 I love love LOVE gen 3 of MLP, it’s prob my favorite gen. Maybe cause I grew up with it haha! My favorite characters are Wisteria, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Chrysalis, Sunset Shimmer, Minty, and gosh just a ton more! I can’t help it there’s just so many good characters!! Though ship wise my faves are def Sunset & SciTwi and Wisteria & Kimono haha but gosh I love a ton of ships too!
You can find my main tumblr @hext00ns !!
Before you leave, let’s play a game! Pick a cup:
   🥤    🥤    🥤    🥤    🥤    
Ponydoodles tag
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YO how is it GOING gamers, I’m Mod Razz!! I go by Mech or Flick, I am ✨ Very Queer ✨ and ✨ ADHD ✨
🐞 I’ve been into MLP since my single digit years, and I’ve been drawing for about 6 years! I’m only thoroughly familiar with G4, but I intend to watch older gens eventually >:]
🐞 My favorite character overall is Chrysalis! My favorite minor character is Vapor Trail, my favorite mane 6 is tied between Applejack and Fluttershy, and my favorite ship is Frazzle Rock x Sapphire Shores! (If you make content of said ship I will sell you my soul)
🐞 I draw in multiple styles, some more complex than others. You may see some inconsistency between my posts, but I hope they make y'all happy regardless!!
🐞 me opossum. me chameleon. me bug. me creature >:]]
* The image above has a white filter over it to reduce saturation, since the original is bright. You can find the unfiltered version here!
* You can also find my sona’s clearer (slightly dated) ref here!
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Click for page two! ⬅️
Click for page one! ⬅️
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iapplewriting-blog · 7 years
The Emoji Movie: A Cautionary Review
As soon as I saw the trailer, I knew something was up.
It wasn’t the concept, really - after all, The LEGO Movie (as well as both of its spinoffs, The LEGO Batman Movie and the upcoming The LEGO Ninjago Movie) was based off of something else you wouldn’t think would translate well to the screen: a children’s toy. Same goes for pretty much all Pixar movies. Cars is about, well, sentient cars; Inside Out personifies actual human emotions. At first glance, these concepts probably didn’t seem like they could become blockbuster movies. And yet they did. All of these made me believe that just about anything could be turned into a movie - a rock, a burger, even your kitchen sink - if only you tried hard enough. Apparently the folks at Sony Animation also got this memo, but they missed the part about “trying hard”.
The trailer felt... off, somehow. The animation looked like every other generic kid’s movie out there, which might not have been so bad if the rest of it hadn’t also been awful. You get the plot laid right out in front of you: Gene, who is supposed to be a “meh” emoji, is somehow capable of expressing more than one emotion (more on that later) and decides to try to find a hacker who can help him get rid of this abnormality. This is a mistake; in most good trailers I’ve seen, there’s still a bit of mystery there to draw you in. Go watch the trailer for this one, though, and you’ve basically watched the entire movie. The trailer, as is the norm for this kind of movie, flashes messages about being yourself, making it obvious that Gene will inevitably abandon the desire to fit in in favor of just being his own person. Or emoji. (Geez, now I sound like the movie.)
Shortly after the movie came out, the internet flooded with bad reviews. Currently, The Emoji Movie is pulling an 8% on Rotten Tomatoes, just a hair above the 0% it used to have. How the rating went up, I can’t tell; all of the reviews seem to be negative. Even the positive ones are more sarcastic and don’t show any signs of being honest. Seriously, take a look. Keep in mind that that’s only the reviews from one site. Google “emoji movie reviews” and see what else comes up, if you dare. If you don’t want to, some spoilers: they’re pretty much all negative.
I read many of these reviews, and through it all, I was assaulted with a single message: this movie is really really bad, never see it. Unfortunately, when it comes to kid’s movies, I am hopelessly optimistic; something inside me said timidly, hey, maybe it won’t be that awful. And even if it was, sometimes bad movies were fun to watch, right? I made up my mind: someday, I was going to see the movie and see for myself.
The opportunity came on a trip to visit my brother this summer. It was $5 Tuesday at the nearest movie theater, plus they had recliner seats and didn’t charge you extra for butter on your popcorn. My brother and I had an open afternoon and decided to go see it.
The ride over was okay, if awkwardly quiet. Alex was tired from work; I hadn’t been able to unlock the parcel locker at the post office to pick up a box and still felt embarrassed about it. About halfway there my determination haze wore off and started to feel like I’d finally lost it. We got inside, bought our tickets and a large bag of popcorn, and settled into our recliner seats, choosing the back row to try and minimize the impact of the movie. (It didn’t work.)
You know how Chinese food works? How when, an hour after you’ve eaten, it’s like you never actually ate? That’s kind of how The Emoji Movie felt, aside from the fact that it’s not as awesome as even the worst Chinese food (like the time Mom had an actual cream cheese wrapper in her wonton.) After we left the theater, I didn’t remember much about the movie except for loads of emojis, too much app placement (how much did Dropbox pay for all that name-dropping?) and conflicting messages of “words aren’t cool” and “puns will save this movie”.
Another thing I remember, though, is that the movie is weirdly dark, and not in a good way. In the trailer for The LEGO Ninjago Movie, the lead character literally loses his arm, but because he’s a LEGO, you know he’ll be fine. In this movie’s universe, apparently being able to show different emotions than the one you’re assigned is grounds for deletion, otherwise known as straight-up execution to us humans. Yeah.
A few more things I remember, not in any particular order:
- Me wanting to bash my head against the wall I was sitting by while Alex muttered something about gouging out his spleen with a rusty spork.
- Nobody laughing at all, not even the youngest children there, which is probably because none of them understood any of the jokes and were too traumatized by the character designs to be amused.
- Needing to leave three times for water to wash the foul taste of the movie from my tongue.
- Wondering how many brain cells I’d lost.
- Wondering if I could get a refund.
- Staring in disgust at my own phone.
- Feeling the need to make sure my muscles hadn’t disintegrated in what felt like the three million years I spent watching the movie.
- Silently cheering at the part where Gene is repeatedly shot into the sky by fire and returns to the (digital) Earth charred and smoking, because really, that’s what I wanted to happen to this movie at that point.
- Awkward, badly timed attempts at character development. (Notice the “attempts”.)
- Leaving before the credits ended, which is usually a no-no for my family; we believe in watching the credits, because people worked on that movie and deserved respect. I felt no respect for the creators of this atrocity and walked out at the first opportunity.
- Poop jokes, and really gross ones at that.
-The two of us finishing the large popcorn even though we can’t usually do that. I guess we just stress-ate through the whole ordeal (and there is no other word for it; it was an ordeal of the worst kind)
- Feeling gross as I left, not only from the butter on my fingers but the images still flashing before my eyes.
- Puns. (One of my favorite screenwriters called it “a pun-nado of sh*t”.)
- Wanting to eat my own eardrums just so I didn’t have to hear any more of the movie.
- Alex calling it a “vicious, pretentiously sarcastic assault on all of my senses”.
TL;DR: Can’t recommend. Rating: -163892798764879279846/10 .(insert about fifty thousand thumbs-down emojis)
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