#this is also why i don't tend to use 'hatred' to mean 'bigotry'.
(I am prefaceing this post by saying, I myself am a woman)
It really is starting to piss me off how many transphobic posts have "gender is a construct" in a sarcastic way in the tags, or talk about how trans women uphold the patriarchy. How do trans women do that? Because... Okay really none of them have been able to make a convinving argument for why outside of "men are mean to me."
Im not saying this to degenerate women, or say the patriarchy isnt a thing or a problem. What I am saying is that dishonest terfs like using the fact that trans women are amab to justify their cruelty and hatred. They use progressive sounding language to lure in unsuspecting left leaning people, and then smuggle in bigotry when they have you start agreeing with them, so that youre less likely to think that they're full of cowshit. Also they love to use the fact that a small number of trans women have commited crimes as justification for wanting trans women exterminated, meanwhile they never say a peep when a cis woman is found guilty of way more serious offences, which they tend to do way more often.
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Also the irony is not lost on me that terfs/general anti trans activists always, without fail, will talk about how "women have unique strength" or talk about how women should be allowed to be traditionally feminine, on top of their obession with the idea of biology (even though it disagrees with them) But when trans women wanna be girly girls, suddenly they completely flip their positions so that "gender is a construct" and being traditionally feminine is bad to them. Just goes to show they aren't actually feminist, they just don't like that trans women want to be feminine.
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So yeah. Terfs are just bullies who wanna use nice sounding words to get away with their bullying of a marginalized group, because admitting that they are actually not feminist or that they suck at sports would be too taxing.
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disquiet-dream · 4 months
Every time people start arguing again about the terms tma/tme I'm always - well first of all I'm annoyed, because I'm someone who was originally against the terms and have since come around, so like I get it but I can't help but cringe a bit, but I'm also always like… How do I put this…
It's strange to me that the portion of transfem tumblr who are heavily invested in this terminology the the portion who get really really mad at people identifying as femboys is like, pretty heavily overlapping?
Because like, I see people complain about tma/tme by talking about the literal meanings of the terms, i.e. The whole "well, everyone is affected by transmisogyny" argument, and I do get where that comes from, I just don't… Care.
Because no terminology is perfect y'know? I see it basically the same way I see "PoC", it's far from perfect, but it does articulate something meaningful - there are people who are the primary targets of a form of bigotry and people who are incidental targets. Like, an italian-american might get some racism thrown at them - and that does genuinely suck! I'm not discounting that! - but they don't suffer the same structural issues that impact your entire life, so there is a difference here.
(I also like PoC as a comparison point just because like. One of the issues there is also the literal meaning being kinda off - I used an Italian as the example there because a lot of Italians do have skin as dark as a lot of PoC groups, and there are of course "PoC" groups that aren't literally "People of Color", in the sense that they don't actually have dark skin, but they're obviously included.)
(That's not the biggest issue mind - the bigger one is that the whole framework doesn't really work in much of the world (on some level literally just ''outside the US", even), and trying to apply it there immediately causes issues - but it is an issue!)
But anyway, to wrap back around to my original point: while I do think the terminology is useful, I do agree with one point I've seen that's like, "if tma just means transfem why don't you just say transfem?"
Because like… I mean honestly yeah, I don't get the point either then lol. Like, the whole reason I like the term is because it implicitly acknowledges that there are people who are affected directly by transmisogny - and who's interests are aligned with those of trans women because of that, whether they recognize it or not - but don't neatly fit into "trans woman" or even "transfem".
Like, large amounts of amab nonbinary people (i'd argue most if not all tbh), quite a few intersex people, drag queens (''drag bans'' might be intended to attack trans women, but they choose to do it through queens for a reason!), and - the reason for this post - a whole lot of self-identified femboys!
These are all categories that to me are like, yeah of course those are tma. Like, they're not the same as transfems (although there's of course an overlap) nor are they treated identically, but they're subject to the same broad societal hatred in a structural way.
(With that said, I do think the like, image I have of ''femboy'' as a concept isn't the same as people who get mad about it. Although I of course think mine is the more accurate one.
Because I tend to think of what I guess i'd call "lifestyle femboys", which is to say people who present femme as often as is safe (and sometimes even when not), consider being feminine a core part of their identity, may even be on or wish to be on HRT, etc.
Basically, people who in terms of action are clearly on the same wavelength as most transfems, even if they're using different terminology, to the point where imo it's obviously ridiculous to act like they aren't subject to the same forces, even before you get into the ones who y'know, do just identify as both transfem/trans woman and femboy.)
(I'd argue the kind of femboy I'm implicitly contrasting against, who only does it privately and like, as a hobby rather than a lifestyle, is also often affected - if nothing else there's probably a reason it's by default a private thing, eh? Probably the same reason a lot of transfems only present femme in private… - but I at least consider that more ambigious.)
So y'know, if only there were a word for that hatred. And perhaps some sort of supercategory we could use to include everyone affected by this phenomenon. Who can say…
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eisthenameofme · 2 years
This blog is full of hatred. This blog can fit so much fucking hatred in it.
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