#this is cute alkjflksjd
Day 6
Pairing: Cerise x Reader
Prompt: Love
Description: You can't help but be a little confused about your feelings. So, you turn to your trusted leader and friend (and probably crush?) to try to figure out, what is is you feel for her.
Rating: sfw
Content Warning: None
Word Count: 684
Notes: HEHEH OC TIME You guys know how much I love love love my girl!!! With this I'm all caught up so now I can finally take these a day at a time sdlfkjdflkjd
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“Hey… Cerise?” You catch her red gaze as she restrings her bow. She seems so cool and collected, you take a second to take a deep breath yourself.
“Hm? What is it?” Her small smile inspires one in you as well, makes your heart beat pick up gently. She was so… sweet. So pretty. And kind and gentle and-- she really was great. You could name a million reasons why you adored her.
“Ahh, well…” You sigh softly, looking away from her. It wasn’t often she took her hair down. You had to stop yourself from staring at the pretty pink locks for too long… “Have you ever been in love?” You ask her bluntly. She turns her attention fully to you, resting her head in her folded hands.
“Well, that’s rather bold of you!” She laughs sweetly, but doesn’t seem at all concerned at you question. “I’ll answer, if you’ll permit me ask why?” She hummed.
“Don’t tease, but… I’ve never really… been in love.” You admit softly. “I think I might be, but… I don’t know how to tell.” You explain to her. Probably best not to do so to the object of you maybe affection… But there was no one you trusted more than her.
“Oh I see.” She nods to herself. “Well… It’s kind of complicated in my case, but I think I have been before.” She explains, a faraway look in her eyes. “He and I… cared for one another very much, and the time we got to spend together was… magical. But in the end, we… saw differently. Ended up being different people than we thought one another to be.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up those memories.” You say softly, frowning.
“It’s alright. It saddens me, but it doesn’t hurt me anymore.” She curls her pretty lips into a smile, just for you.
“Back then, how did you know it was love and not, I don’t know, something else?” You scoot closer to her, eager to hear the details. To know if… that was what you felt for her.
“Hmm…” She closed her eyes a moment. “I suppose… it was the little things. How special he made me feel, how I found myself always wanting to be near him and impress him…” She mused. “And when we touched, I felt such sparks fly…” She sighed wistfully, sad eyes meeting your curious ones. “He made me feel like no one else before.” She finally decided.
“Is there… someone that makes you feel that way now?” You asked softly. You think you had your answer, though…
“Someone that I love?” She muses. “Hmm… I think so.” She nods softly, smile meeting her features once more. “I haven’t told them yet, of course. I’m waiting for a good time to confess.”
“When do you think is a good time, then?” You lay down beside her. “Lately, everything seems so busy and scary… Is there ever a good time to tell someone you love them during a war?” You sigh softly.
“I think it will present its self soon. I’m rather patient, so I’ll wait for the right time.” Cerise lays down beside you, a content sigh leaving her. “...What about you? Have you sorted out your feelings enough to decide how you feel about this person of yours?” She asked, closing her eyes. You admire her make up, smudged from the days battle.
“I… think so. But I need to make sure.” You felt your heartbeat pick up. “Is it okay if I try something?” You asked her, desperate to seem calm.
“I don’t mind.” She hummed out softly. She really was the picture of peaceful beside you.
“Right. Um, hold still…” You hover over her a moment, eyeing her still perfect, bright lipstick. Perhaps now you would get to see if the color suited you as well… Still, you leaned in, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips a long moment before pulling back slowly. As Cerise sat up quickly to stare at you, you only only blush and offer her a smile.
“I think it’s love!”
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