#this is definitely unintentional BUT CMON-
spoopieere · 1 year
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I may be insane but- Asa “heart eyes” Emory
(You know damn well who he’s looking at in this scene)
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thiefnessman · 2 years
watched cleo’s ep and man scar was just a continuous string of… scar saying things. “my magical wood” “cockers/cuckers” (thank god they changed the team name) “the goat banged me” “i’ve got hoes on lock here” please…
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yukidragon · 3 years
When chapter 1 first came out Toby made a twitlonger to answer some questions people may have and here's what he said about the connection between Undertale and Deltarune.
"What you're seeing here is not the world of UNDERTALE. UNDERTALE's world and ending are the same as however you left them. If everyone was happy in your ending, the people in the UNDERTALE world will still be happy. So, please don't worry about those characters, and that world. It will remain untouched".
He also said, "To rephrase that, DELTARUNE's world is a different one. With different characters, that have lived different lives. A whole new story will happen... I don't know what you call this kind of game. It's just a game you can play after you complete UNDERTALE, if you want to. That's all".
This means that the Genocide ending of Undertale has no relation to Deltarune, especially considering the fact that not everyone has done/wants to do a Genocide run. So it wouldn't make sense for Chara to be involved at all since they only wanted to erase the world and move on the next (presumably another game) because of the events that took place during the Genocide route.
Obviously Kris is their own person struggling against the control of the player, that being even more evident in the Snowgrave route and certain reactions they have towards actions the player makes throught the main game. But to shifting the blame onto a character from another game is pretty redundant and misses the point of Deltarune's theme of choices not mattering that being your choices and Kris's choices.
I know that you don't like Chara and have a lot of issues with them and I'm not going to go into a rant on whether or not they're "evil" but cmon. Trying to make them out as "The big bad" in Deltarune is pretty unnecessary.
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Hang on, who said I don’t like Chara?
I’m pretty sure I’ve said repeatedly that I’m a Chara fan? I mean, why else would I get so deep into character analysis of them and co-work on an ask blog centered around her?
You can enjoy a fictional character but still think they did bad things and theorize that they had ill-intentions. Those two things are not mutually exclusive.
Anyway, onto the part about Deltarune... I’m aware of Toby’s statement. I’m also aware that Toby has established that this is a multiverse by creating Deltarune in the first place. How I interpreted his statement, and Deltarune’s existence in general, was that everyone’s personal interpretation of their own playthrough and the story they made with Frisk and the others is canon. There are worlds where players chose genocide, pacifist, neutral, or even abandoning the run in perpetuity.
Personally, I think that’s fantastic. It means people are free to read into the game, its events, and its characters in the way that most resonates with them and that’s absolutely valid.
I think it’s absolutely true that the player has a part to play in Deltarune, similarly to how they play a part in Undertale. The control the player has over Kris is definitely a plot point.
However, there are also blatant references to Chara in Kris’ story. From Kris’ appearance, their brandishing a knife, glowing red eyes, their love of chocolate, and even having possession of a red soul... These are things that are revealed in Undertale. There’s no way these references are unintentional given the references to other characters and plotlines from Undertale.
Does this mean Chara is the final boss? No. I don’t even think that’ll be the case. My personal opinion is that Chara is tied to Kris in some way. Whether that means Kris is Chara (or an amalgamation of Chara and Frisk), Chara is influencing Kris, or there’s some other connection, we don’t know yet. There’s only two chapters of the story so far, nowhere near enough to tell us the ending to the story.
From what I’ve interpreted of Chara’s actions in Undertale, as well as events in a genocide run, it leads me to a theory that Deltarune is the world moved on from a genocide run. A genocide run. Not to say that every single Undertale world has a genocide run, but it’s possible that after one game - one world - finished on genocide, that specific Chara moved onto the next world and that world is Deltarune.
Am I married to this theory? Oh heavens no. There’s not enough of the story for this to be anything more than speculation at this point. There’s plenty of other theories floating around online and inside my noggin. I just find this one to be the most appealing to me. I fully expect it to be proven wrong and find that Toby intended to take things into a different direction.
I just like this theory because, well, I am a Chara fan. I’m interested in seeing their story continue and learning more about them. I might be decently confident in my personal interpretation about them from Undertale, but I’m hardly an expert. I’m just a rainbow cat putting a puzzle together that’s missing at least half the pieces and guessing what the picture actually is.
If you don’t agree with that theory, that’s absolutely fine. Your interpretation of what’s going on sounds valid to me.
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tinycamembert · 6 years
Tetrox and maybe Logan?
ooh nice!! thanks for asking
favorite thing about them: she's just. hilarious. even tho she mostly only got speaking time in OE she still has a distictive personality and has such a Chaotic Presence... shes here to fuck shit up and have a good timeleast favorite thing about them: i mean she had a whole storyline that tammy hinted at for like two years straight and it just never happened at all, so. that sucked lol but i hope that she gets her own storyline in bup, bc since she never got that backstory basically her whole presence in cct revolves around arnick and we all know she's more than that. i just wish we got to see itfavorite line: probably "So cool! I wanna fight him!" when she first met angelo lol or any line she has like that fdjkfhbrOTP: her and bella and cyanthia!!! i really live for their interactions (or just team toxink interactions in general) and i wish we got more of that instead of just arnick and tetroxOTP: i can see a universe where she and arnick got more in depth development after OE and readers got to know their respective backstories, and then i would really like their ship but rn i just dont really have one for hernOTP: uhh again dont really have one other than like Dont Ship Her With The Minors u know. so much of her content is based off of her being shipped w arnick i just want some platonic/friendly stuff too!random headcanon: @bup-oh said they had a dream(i think?) where it turned out tetrox was faking her accent the whole time. is that actually a real headcanon for me probably not but could you imagine. what if she's just really good at doing accents. id screamunpopular opinion: i just.... dont get the arnick/tetrox hype? like i definitely dont dislike it esp bc i think it has really good potential (and i cant wait to see what happens w them in bup) but right now the only basis for their ship is that theyre both Hot and they Dont Like Each Other. literally it feels like what ended up with them in cct was arnick hated octolings until he met a sexy one and now he loves them... like thats so bad im sorry lmfao. imagine how much better it could besong i associate with them: people cmon by delta spirit! id love to make a playlist for her one dayfavorite picture of them:
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absolute legend
favorite thing about them: i like how his character has evolved! even after tammy changed him from the "strong silent type" etc from what he's like now i feel like he's gotten nice gradual development, from his interests to his FAMILY to his friendships with splat jam! he's a good boy trying his best who has had to put up with so much lesbian drama oh my godleast favorite thing about them: uhhh i dont really have one that i can think of? hm. favorite line: its from a patreon page from... two weeks ago? you'll know it when you see it. brOTP: him and splat jam!!! all the way!! i think he has potential for rly interesting relationships with all three but especially marian bc it really seems like she took him under her wing and whinter as well! i feel like there aren't a lot of male friendships that get a lot of focus in tammy's works but i like to see whinter and logan just hangin out. guys bein dudes.OTP: him and tanrine!!!! theyre cute and i love them and i love unrequited mutual pining fjdksfnOTP: im just glad people dont ship him and whinter anymore lol even as a jokerandom headcanon: him and whinter have a twitch channel together and they stream dumb shit like horror games. theyre both p good at video games but also they scream at jumpscares LOLunpopular opinion: ill literally never accept that he was afraid of bella when they were both on SJ together it just makes no sense for both of their characters (thats more of a miscue on bella’s character than logan’s tho imo)song that reminds me of them: hmm maybe i wanna get better by the bleachers? i cant think of any definite ones off the top of my head rip. but i think this song kinda delves into the fact that logan has Been Through Some Shit and how SJ helped him :')favorite picture of them: any pic where he breaks the fourth wall and ends up making eye contact w the reader sjfkds i know its unintentional but it cracks me up. also this one. dapper boy
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