#this is for a uni asssignment
5 of my favourite movies and why
Howls moving castle: I love the visuals and art style, and like the music choices , its a very nice, fairly peaceful movie which is nice to relax too and chill out Legally blonde: I love the main character elle and her character arc, and the big end scene is just so fun to watch Puss in boots, the last wish: I love the animation style, and the sotry is so fun , and i love the main villian 'Death' Zombie land: I like zombie movies and it was one of the first unique zombie movie I saw as a kid, so I do have nostolgia with this movie Saw 2: I just like the lore and storylines Possible Double Features Howls moving castle would pair nicely with another Studio Ghibli movie, my other favourites arent as popular/well known, so while i'd love to suggest 'From up on poppy hill' or 'whisper of the heart', the smarter more popular chocie would be something like 'Spirited away' or 'kikis delivery service' While Legally blonde does have a sequal, its not as popular as the orignal , and I think a fun double feature would be mean girls due to the matching pink aesthic of main characters, and both set in schooling locations. Puss in boots the last wish is infact an sequal, but same with leglally blonde, the other movie isnt as loved, so maybe a good double feature would shrek 1, where the character of puss in boots originates from unlike puss in boots the last wish and legally blonde, zombie land and its sequal are equally good, using the same cast and set 10 years later (as the movie was coming out 10 years after the original) so zombieland 1 and 2 would be a very good double feature and same with saw, the best double feature would probably be saw 1 and 2
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aofikofi · 1 month
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also guys look at this uni asssignment wip yippers we're gonna print this on a shirt too >:) yhk shirt >:)
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easy-revenge · 2 years
pov its 3am and i just saw that i got an anon ask about the constantine reference with akimeno in the csm op and i had very little info on the movie so i looked a bit into it and i can actually see base for a lot of symbolism and parallels and am now tempted to skip my morning class tomorrow.....to watch the movie......and keep notes.......to find similarities to akimeno lore......my uni asssignments could never lmao
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beginagain270 · 7 years
University is just a game of “How much can you take until you break?”
Hey, you know you were juggling you mental health really well, ive decided to make you physical health shit instead.... you constantly have stomach ache when you eat, are bloated, windy and now shit and vomit loads too, 
Your blood sugar levels are all over the place so SURPRISE so is your mental health!!!
and dont forget your weight and that lovely fear of carbohydrates you used to have... thats back too!
heyyyy you know what else you’ve forgotten how much you used to love? PERIODS!!! you can no longer keep the pill inside you so i’m going to make you hormonal and bleed and have pain.... then make you question whether this is the reason you are bleeding or if actually you have something wrong with your stomach..
hmmm... i think ill add a bit of chest pain, that could simply be ingestion  but could also be the strain on your heart from this weird illness
Hmm have a rash across your face as well and feel super cold for no reason all night
while we are speaking of faces ACNE!!! we cannot forget the joys of acne!!!
added to this, we might as well flood your entire bathroom, have a room inspection that you cant summon the energy to hover for, make your main friend at uni ill, your other friend stressed, a to do list as long as your arm, an asssignment and dont forget to catch up on all those lectures you’ve miss because of the challenges above!!  lets not even begin to think about your summer situation! 
enjoy uni life *thumbs up * 
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