#this is for my svsss mutuals i am so sorry
nakajimaas · 7 months
spreading more fem bingqiu to the world... b free
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iamnotmereally · 1 year
vote kdj in the isekai poll hes annoying and he make you want to throw yourself off the cliff and hes been isekaid multiple times if thats a problem comeon i am posting orv on main to get this bitch in the front
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pusangkambing · 1 year
Hello! Im Paimon! I like drawing stuff!!! :D
Status: indefinite semi hiatus
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All/Any prns! Just dont stick with using just one for too long
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Current Interests: TMA (on season 4), shen jiu only! from svsss, one piece(main), pretty rhythm, hermitcraft, life series, mcyts/streamers.
On mcrp smps in general, I mostly talk about the characters detached from the ccs who play them. If Im talking about the cc, I will specify
Longest interest/hyperfix: Ranma 1/2
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Art tag!: catgoat!draws! (Old: paimon!makes art!)
Ramblings and such!: catgoat!meows! (Old: paimon!speaks!)
Liveblogs!: catgoat!liveblogs! (Old: paimon!liveblogs!)
@mreeeoowwww is spam acc!
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I do not support dream/dt/forever/ccwilbur soot in any way and would not like to be followed by anyone who does
If you are an empty blog I might block you for thinking youre a bot
- i tend to accidentally rb the same things over again because im forgetful, sorry bout that lol
- u can ask me anything! Ill answer as much as i can! But if i dont answer at all it's definitely because i forgot or it has sat too long in the box so now its awkward to answer, sorry :(
-also send me an ask first before messaging me(unless we're mutuals or the some followers i recognize) because I am a very anxious and paranoid person and would love to be given a heads up first
- i do not normally tag so ask me if you want anything to be tag. I still retain the freedom to deny tho for various reasons if I find any
-mostly sfw but I will be rbing crass jokes and non sexual nsfw art which Ill tag by either nudity or nsfw (not always happens lol sorry)
-I tend to edit post for a variety of reasons
-not a native english speaker! So im sorry if my phrasing is weird!
Other Interests: Ranma 1/2, Akane Tendo, Ace Attorney, Pokemon, Naruto, Demon Slayer, Pretty Rhythm/Pripara series, Pmmm, Mob Psycho, Spy x Family, Musicals, Adventure time, Tawog, Stardew Valley, qsmp, dsmp, cfundy and etc that dont come to mind rn.
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Do whatever you want, I curate my online experience and Ill block whoever I dont like but Id rather be not interacted/followed by the following due to obvious reasons and the other for my own comfort reasons
-General DNI criteria (homophobes, racists, transphobes, terfs, etc)
-Dream/dt, Forever, Wilbur supporters
-Proshippers/Proship/Anti-Antis (underage x adult/grooming/predatory ships, incestuous ships)
And also dont be a fucking asshole!!!
Dividers: @/saradika
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hunxi-after-hours · 3 years
Hunxi, your meta about BingQiu is absolutely amazing and I 100% agree with you about the fact that the book ends at their beginning. Like, shit. That’s some powerful stuff. And it makes me sad that people judge the book based on the main story and then completely disregard the extras. I do wonder what you think about Shang Qinghua, our Airplane Bro. Do you like him as a character? An Ding Peak? How he’s bullied a lot? What do you think of the Moshang couple? So sorry, just knowing you like QQ AND SV has me sooo excited!!
ahaha I mean I took a solid few weeks break between finishing the main story and starting the extras so I’m quite fond of the main story the way it is. MXTX’s works in general tend to suffer from a lot of bad faith readings, which is pretty unfortunate because like you said, she’s got a lot of powerful stuff in there!!! her protagonists grapple with a number of issues ranging from the world-ending to the minute, and it’s both delightful and revelatory to see her characters make mistakes, clown on themselves, and struggle to work through things to become better and happier -- always, crucially happier. there’s such a focus on joy and how/where to find it when the world around you is on fire in her books that, if you’re not careful, it both can and will lay you out flat on your bedroom floor on a weeknight, haha no not speaking from experience at all, what makes you say that
I’m afraid I don’t have many thoughts about Shang Qinghua beyond the fact that he is, like, peak hilarity at all hours, if he is in a scene it is guaranteed to be laugh-out-loud funny and I do love that about him
beyond that, he’s a wonderful foil for Shen Qingqiu, and I mean that besides their shared metafictional transmigratory tendencies -- both of them respond to Plot Events with a similar mix of 1) sass, 2) reflexive roasting, and 3) matter-of-fact decency. I am specifically thinking of the moments where they roast each other verbally (beginning with their first official conversation because I will never stop laughing about Shen Qingqiu, three seconds after their mutual stunned silence of finding another transmigrator, immediately yelling plot holes! elementary school language! unfulfilled plot threads! in Shang Qinghua’s face), to their eventual relationship of being able roast each other with just an eloquent eyebrow raise. Likewise, we see in the extras that Shang Qinghua shares Shen Qingqiu’s habit of doing Actually Very Noble Things while passing it off as 1) saving his own skin, and 2) the basic, human, decent thing to do. Both share similarly optimistic, sarcastic, and supremely oblivious attitudes towards their world and circumstances, which enable them to navigate the (frankly rather treacherous) plot of PIDW/SVSSS with humor and a baffling amount of grace
(I’ve also been thinking lately about the fact that, had SVSSS not been mediated through Shen Qingqiu’s hilarity and blisteringly sarcastic humor, it honestly would have been. uh. extremely traumatizing and mildly terrifying? yeah)
I think where the difference between Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua lies is, well -- Shen Qingqiu (likes to pretend that he) has dignity (他的老脸总是拉不下来啊), whereas Shang Qinghua has gleefully and shamelessly thrown that out the window. “I have noble literary aspirations!” he says while selling out in a heartbeat. Never forget that, when all the dust from SVSSS settles and Shen Qingqiu confronts Shang Qinghua in the last chapter, Shang Qinghua literally says:
Shang Qinghua: “What, do you look down on gay protagonists? Literary authors, artistic works, all of them like portraying gay characters. Look--”
He counted on his fingers. “Brokeback Mountain, Bai Xianyong, Farewell My Concubine--classics, famous authors, all of them like writing about gay dudes. Pure literature favors gay dudes, don’t you know?!”
(chapter 81)
Shang Qinghua, we thank you for being an ally but did you have to be so mercenary about it??
this is also supremely hilarious considering (checks notes) the extras
anyway, as someone who has put in Hours (weeks, months, years even) doing backstage and technical work in theater, let me just say that An Ding Peak is Such a Goddamn Mood. 后勤无罪,后勤万岁 indeed -- seeing the little offhand mentions of An Ding Peak and all of Shang Qinghua’s copious eye-rolling about the other peaks freely abusing An Ding Peak’s services honestly reminded me of John Scalzi’s Redshirts, which is, incidentally, an absolutely insane novel and one I heartily recommend for anyone who loves (and loves to gently roast) the Star Trek franchise
uhh l’m running on a deficit of brain cells these days so I’m just going to throw some of my favorite Iconique Shang Qinghua Moments (TM) in the rest of this post and call it a day:
exhibit A, aka Shang Qinghua Actually Being Pretty Heroic But Treating It Like Another Goddamn Tuesday:
It was like Mobei-jun had never imagined that he would one day be knocked flying by someone else, so his expression remained frozen on his face. In the blink of an eye, he had fallen down Maigu Ridge. Shang Qinghua, scared out of his wits, grabbed a sword and was about to chase after him when Shen Qingqiu hurriedly pulled him back. “What are you doing!”
Shang Qinghua bellowed, “Fuck, he doesn’t know how to fly!” And immediately jumped down [after Mobei-jun]. (chapter 79)
friendly reminder that Maigu Ridge is currently the location of two realms being squished together like grilled cheese in a panini press, and Shang Qinghua just. jumps right into the middle of it for his shitty employer that he nevertheless would die for
exhibit B, of Shang Qinghua being petty and Extremely Iconic About It:
尚清华道:“你什么你?又是‘你敢’?告诉你,我现在还就真敢了。来!” Shang Qinghua said, “What about me? What do you mean ‘do you dare?’ I’m telling you, I’m daring right now. Come on!”
说完撸起袖子,当着漠北君铁青的脸跃跃欲试活动拳头。漠北君眼神里嗖嗖放出冷刀子,尚清华毫不畏惧,一拳挥出,冲着他的脸就是一下。 Finishing, he rolled up his sleeves and began warming up his fists right in front of Mobei-jun’s ashen face. Mobei-jun’s gaze was like cold knives, but Shang Qinghua seemed utterly fearless, throwing out a fist at his face.
漠北君本能地别过了脸,只觉得脸皮一紧。 Mobei-jun could have turned his face away, but felt his skin tighten.
很陌生的感觉。有点痒,有点小疼,却完全不是预料的重击。 A strange feeling. A little itchy, a little painful, but completely not the impact he had been expecting.
尚清华两根手指捏住他一边的脸颊,使劲儿往外拉,道:“怎样,痛不痛?!” Shang Qinghua used two fingers to pinch one of his cheeks, pulling outwards with force, and said, “How about that, does it hurt?!”
边拉边想,这他妈跟老子心里想做的不一样啊!揍他啊,趁他不能动揍他啊。拉拉脸就算,怎么看也是自己亏了! While pulling, he thought, this wasn’t what he fucking wanted to do at all! Beat him, take advantage of when [Mobei-jun] couldn’t move to beat him up! Just pinching his face? No matter how you cut it, this was a terrible deal!
但是没办法,果然……还是下不了手揍这张脸! But there was nothing he could do, since in the end... he still couldn’t bring himself to hit this face!
漠北君被拉得口齿不清,坚持道:“你完了!” Mobei-jun’s face was being distorted so much his words came out muffled, but he stubbornly said, “You’re done for!”
尚清华嘎嘎笑道:“有骨气,这种状况下还能威胁我,爹欣赏你。” Shang Qinghua guffawed, “You have some spine, threatening me in your current state. Your father appreciates you.”
他另一只手也加入进来,捏住漠北君另一边脸,一会儿往相反方向拉,一会挤成一团。漠北君往日里高贵冷艳的形象被他一双贱手毁得鸡犬不留。尚清华嘴里还重复:“还不痛?痛不痛?” His other hand joined in, pinching Mobei-jun’s other cheek. He tugged [Mobei-jun’s] cheeks in opposite directions, then smushed them together. Mobei-jun’s past aloof coldness and stunning beauty were thoroughly destroyed beneath his dirty hands. Shang Qinghua repeated, “Doesn’t it hurt? Huh?”
Shang Qinghua: I’m going to exact my revenge upon you for all the pain I’ve suffered at your hands!
Shang Qinghua: (gives Mobei-jun the cheek smushies of his life)
just. if bingqiu is a flaming clown car careening off the side of an upside-down mountain range, then moshang is the rest of the circus, blithely following close after while continuing to bang cymbals together to provide the clown music to the unending clownery of SVSSS
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sapphicdalliances · 3 years
Hi, fellow MXTX rarepair fan! My enthused thanks for being here!
I’m a simple bitch with simple tastes; here is a general summary of my preferences, and ship-specific notes can be found further down!
I very much enjoy:
Romance – anything up to and including plotless shippy drivel
Short fics, or even collections of tiny fics
Long fics too, so I guess what I mean is, don’t feel pressured either way
Comedic tones, slice-of-life, lighthearted fun, any amount of improbable romcom contrivances
Am also very much on board with more tragic tropes, though I prefer a happy or at least bittersweet ending, unless you’re following the very sad events of canon.
I’m a big fan of AUs; I especially love modern AUs for all MXTX media, whether mundane, urban fantasy, or modern-with-cultivation!
Additional examples of AUs I enjoy would be any canon divergence, romcom, fantasy/fairytale, gender change, or remix/crossover AUs you feel inspired to explore!
Specific tropes I love:
Outsider/third character POV of the main couple
Exes getting back together
Friends-with-benefits-with-feelings/did a bad job keeping it casual
Oblique declarations of love/saying i love you without saying i love you
Acts of service; provision and caretaking as love
Aggressive matchmaking by an enthused friend and/or matchmaker fell in love
Arranged marriage/fake marriage/fake dating
Epistolary fic
Regrettably I do also love the sex pollen - A/B/O - fantasy hermaphroditism venn diagram of indulgent nonsense.
I’m not super into:
First person narration
Soulmate or organised crime AUs
In general, please avoid:
Character death or serious/permanent injury (non-canonical)
Animal abuse or death
Hopeless or downer endings (apart from the events of canon)
Ship specific prompts:
Su Xiyan/Tianlang-Jun - all-powerful demon lords of darkness who just wanna get wifed are valid and i support them. any snapshot of what their silly adventures in pre-canon would be great, i adore the fact that su xiyan is just canonically tianlang-jun’s sugar mama; a canon divergence where she stays alive and they make a few feeble attempts to re-parent luo binghe before accepting that their son just really wants to be an orphan and fucking off to become rogue cultivator patrons of the arts would be a lot of fun also.
Gongyi Xiao/Zhuzhi-Lang - this one isn’t in the taglist (sorry, i missed the nom period!) but i figure i’d throw it up here just in case. i think they are both great boys and it’s a shame they didn’t get along in canon. any crumb of content would be savoured with relish! a canon divergence where they end up with a grudging mutual respect, or a modern AU where they are just two earnest dudes trying to keep shen yuan out of trouble, or really just about anything else would be delightful. zzl showing gyx his pet snakes.
Ming Fan/Ning Yingying - also not in the taglist, just rolling the dice, but it’s very sweet that shen yuan gave them both room to become a bit more mature and thoughtful, and I always think a cute domestic-y partnership with a flustered but earnest ming fan and an affectionate, indulgent, clearly-being-groomed-for-the-peak-lord-position ning yingying would be nice!
im not very insistent on which media you follow. my usual preference is “the novel events and timeline, but they do all look like the actors, except they have the donghua hair, and also all the chengqing stuff is there” so go with faith on this one.
Jiang Cheng/Wen Qing - see this post. i would be happy with canonverse and all its tragedies, but a slightly less death-y AU would also be lovely. also, A/B/O with alpha wen qing and omega jiang cheng is an indulgence of mine that really doesn’t make sense anywhere except in my heart, and perhaps in yours!
Jin Ling/Lan Jingyi/Lan Sizhui/Ouyang Zizhen - the coffinshop quartet! I am okay with them all just being teen best friends, or being teen best friends who kiss. a scenario i can see is Jingyi frantically trying to figure out how best to matchmake his three best friends and accidentally tripping them all into polyamory. my favourite iteration of this will always be “they are a quartet, they all love and kiss each other equally” but if your muse is leading you toward one particular pair or trio enclosed within, i absolutely won’t object!
Jiang Cheng/Jin Guangyao - see this post. my favourite flavour of chengyao is when it’s not quite what they actually want for a happy ending, but is still structurally important to their lives in the moment, but i do ALSO love it when they become de facto domestic partners and end up having sex about it.
Bai Jing/Ling Wen - ling wen did nothing wrong and she WAS effectively using girl power when she convinced her lover to take his own life to hasten the end of a war, as well as when she stole a hugely powerful ghostly artifact and threw the heavenly court into chaos, and actually she should have committed MORE larceny and succeeded in her goal to re-forge her ex-boyfriend a body in the crucible of mt tonglu. i love bai jing, the number one king himbo in all of fantasy ancient china, rounding out the trio of men who are like “if my beloved orders me to take my own life do NOT prosecute them, that is on me and they caught ME slipping”. they were in love! they still are in love! (of course, i understand that the tag in the set is an ampersand, so if you’d prefer to keep it all platonic, that’s totally fine with me too!) content that’s set before/during bai jing’s death would be fun; something one-sided about ling wen’s thoughts during bai jing’s robehood; or an AU where he’s alive and kicking and just loving anything that raises ling wen up would all be great.
Lang Qianqiu/Qi Rong - i am fascinated by this ship, and simply can think of zero objections. i don’t have a lot of smart thoughts about them but i do love that they’re now de facto raising guzi together. postcanon or AU stuff would probably work out best for these two fools. i think qi rong deserves to be bullied a little bit.
Ban Yue/Pei Su - one last ship that’s not in the tagset, but i’ll throw it at the wall just in case it sticks. I just think they’re two sweet kiddos who are best friends (and/or in love) and also true love is stored in the snakes.
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