#this is from the comets twitter btw!
c0smiccom3t · 10 months
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ultfreakme · 4 months
1. Sokka’s sexism has been toned down and changed, not entirely removed. Pakku is still exactly the same. Sokka is actually wearing the KW armor in the trailers BTW, and I understand the change because in the OG, Sokka wearing the uniform wasn't a progressive guys can wear dresses thing. It was a joke, Aang also wearing it was a joke. It was not in good taste and they modified it to be more respectful.
2. The trailer literally has Aang having a tough time accepting his position as Avatar and they have said multiple times Aang’s childishness and fun-loving side is still in there.
3. The Ba Sing Se thing was a literal joke and they're playing the bit and you guys fell for it. EDIT: The Ba Sing Se thing isnt even real! A twitter account parodying DiscussingFilm posted it as a joke.
4. It is an adaptation so they do have to shuffle things around and redo things.
5. When they said it's like "Game of Thrones" they did not mean its not for kids anymore. It was to give a little more weight to what's happening and expand the demographic from just kids to something everyone can enjoy. An all-ages show instead of a strictly kids show. I'd say ATLA already is that but they had to censor deaths to make it appropriate for very young kids. Albert Kim straight up says he put more details on the genocide in there because the original viewers, who were children and the cast like Gordon and Kiawentiio were able to see that and understand the implications in the OG so he thought okay we could show it more.
Also like, you do understand that a good reason why we ONLY see the remains of the air temples is not because of a deliberate choice but also because of censorship, right? They worked with to make it poignant and intentional rather than restrictive, but the censorship played a huge role.
6. They removed Sozin's comet to accommodate for the inevitably longer time frame over which the live action will take place in. All of them are growing older and there was no guarantee for s2. So unfortunately the series's timeline has to increase too. Sozin's commet happens in like 3-4 months on the OG. They COULD have put it in to give the kids direction and a deadline but that deadline would be like, maybe even 3-4 years from now. Like I get it, and I won't pass judgement on if it's a good or bad decision until I see the show.
6. Bryke were there for the first movie. We all know how THAT turned out.
You don't need to watch the show, you may continue to ignore its existence and even hate it but it irritates me to see people entirely misunderstand and make conclusions without knowing what is actually happening.
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okiieriete · 7 years
singing with a “tired voice.” HOW??????
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kataraslove · 2 years
What do you think of that one post that’s about how katara and zuko understand each other’s anger and aang doesn’t? It mainly uses tsr as evidence btw
I’m not sure which post you’re referring to on here but I’ve seen enough tweets about this topic to know about the argument lmao. my two cents? of course zuko can understand katara’s anger to an extent - he knows what it’s like to lose a mother, and that’s something that they both have bonded over as stated in the series.
HOWEVER (and there’s a big however), while zuko may be able to relate to the pain and trauma associated with losing a mother, he never was (contrary to what twitter thinks) a victim of fire nation colonization. zuko lost his mother due to ozai’s brutality, yes, which is vastly different from the way katara’s mother was killed as a result of fire nation conquest. therefore, there’s a whole level of pain, trauma, and suffering that comes from being a direct victim of colonialism, that zuko cannot and will not ever be able to relate to.
does that mean that zuko doesn’t understand or can’t comprehend the consequences of what the fire nation did to katara’s mother and the water tribes, or that he doesn’t feel guilty with what the fire nation has done to the southern water tribe? of course not. zuko attempts to offer her consolidation and comfort during their trip in the southern raiders. however, i think his attempts of comfort and consolidation came more so from an expression of guilt out of what his nation did to her people, rather than an overall level of empathy towards her pain.
i hope I’m not sounding like I’m minimizing zuko’s trauma, because that’s not what I’m here to do. i’m merely stating that there are several layers re: the loss of katara’s mother - ethnic cleansing, colonialism, cultural genocide - that zuko cannot relate to. he “lost” his mother because his imperialistic, war-mongering father was a raging psychopath. katara lost her mother because the fire nation decided to strip resources away from the southern water tribe due to conquest and expansion (imperialism and colonialism, which go hand in hand).
i think, however, zuko can relate to katara’s vengeance against yon rha for two reasons: one being that he was raised in that particular environment where justice and revenge went hand-in-hand, and therefore it would make sense that yon rha deserved to be punished. and two, i think zuko also served to represent the audience’s viewpoint; that katara had to get closure through retribution in the form of violence against yon yha.
aang, on the other hand, wanted to offer a different perspective based on the experience of someone who was a victim of genocide (just like katara). he offered katara the advice that he learned from both the monks and the guru: heal through your pain by forgiving the world. once you can forgive those that wronged you, then you can learn to forgive yourself. his advice essentially came from both his ability to relate to her pain as a victim of genocide, in addition to his concern regarding what he had witnessed from jet’s desire to seek revenge in earlier episodes.
in the end of the episode, katara followed her own path that was different from zuko and aang’s advice. she sought closure and her form of justice, but she didn’t kill yon rha, but she also never forgave him. i see people stating that she did follow aang’s advice, which is wrong. while she did let her anger out, she stated firmly that she will never forgive yon rha.
what she says to aang at the very end:
Aang: “Forgiveness is the first step you need to take to begin healing.”
Katara: “But I didn’t forgive him. I’ll never forgive him.”
is a super important lesson because actually, that’s exactly what aang did - or didn’t do - with ozai! it’s really important that there are parallels between katara’s final decision in tsr and aang’s final decision in sozin’s comet, when he took away ozai’s bending. just like katara, aang also didn’t forgive ozai and his forefathers. he’ll never forgive them for what they did to his people. the voices of the thousands of avatars before him will never forgive what sozin, azulon, and ozai did to the air nomads and to the avatar cycle. however, rather than pursue revenge (death) or forgiveness, aang chose to offer retribution to ozai and honour the fallen legacy of the air nomads by taking away his bending, his vehicle for oppression and pain.
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weapingveils · 3 years
So I should probably promote these
So I've started using Insta and Twitter recently and I figure I should probably promote those here:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ALaughingCrow
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/alaughingcrow/
I post mostly art & my cat, but I'm also going to get into the habit of retweeting and promoting a mix of fandom and politics.
here's some examples of my art btw:
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[IDs: 3 images. First image: a brown skinned Asian person swimming upwards surrounded by glowing motes. they are wearing a see-through white-linen shirt, a dark blue waistcoat & trousers. their clothes are adorned with dark-veined stones and their fingers have multi-jointed silver rings tipped in claws. Second image: Vergil from the DMC video game series laying on a dark background being ensnared by creeping tendrils, the shattered pieces of the Yamato hang in the foreground, the sheath clutched in his right hand that lays to one side. Vergil is a white-haired man in a many layered-vest and dark blue old-military-style coat with leather pants and boots, the Yamato is a katana. Third image: Portrait of a black woman with multi-coloured (purple, pink, & blue) hair styled into twists. Her pupils are stylised as the centers of black holes. around her are 3 halos with comets, planets, and rings orbiting them. the background is a bright starscape with a highlighted constellation. End ID]
and of course an example of my (very good) cat, Zhalia:
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[IDs: two images of a light cream coloured bengal cat with brown markings. in the first image her green eyes are open and alert, focused on something to the left of the camera, she is wearing a plaid bowtie collar. in the second image she is semi-curled up and sleeping with her paws tucked in under her chest]
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My dear assholes, I’m wheezing. RachelBerry of SC fandom called us LITTLE GANG OF MERRY HOMOPHOBES.
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All because of this conversation on twitter (x)
This brings my ass to some salty thoughts.
First of all, something controversial. Have you realized how we are called homophobes all the time, because we don’t like or support a white privileged bitch, who tortured, kidnapped, experimented on people without their consent, put nanobots in people’s brains and made them slaves, fucked entire world and tried to lobotomize whole humanity, who is xenophobe/alienphobe, murderer and supporter of corruped alienphobic president and neo-nazis, a bitch who has never face consequcences of her shit, ENJOYS RIDING DICKS and is not even confirmed LGBT character?
Also, a lot of us are lgbt members, many of us support and love Alex, Kelly, Maggie and Nia or ship Kara with other females. Yet, here we are.
Secondly, if we are homophobes, because we don’t like Lena, then I don’t know how to call people who happily hated on REAL life POC actors and other cast members, writers and producers (sent them death threats!!!!), and support Lena Luthor who is all I have mentioned above. How to call people who blindly stan her?
Thirdly, the RachelBerry of SC fandom *applause!* said we don’t understand a “troubled woman”. Yes, Lena Luthor is that troubled woman what gives her, I guess, all rights to do whatever she wants, because you know ,dramatic past. Like Kara, J’onn, M’gann, Oliver, Barry, Sarah and basically EVERY hero in DC universe didn’t have bad past and experienced. But Lena, for some reason, has a free pass and can do whatever she wants. It sounds like shit made by brainwashed fans to excuse some celebrity that was exposed as problematic.
Next, I think that SC shippers and Lena stans don’t get something very obvious. That we don’t like Lena and don’t ship her with Kara, not because we hate the idea of Kara being with a woman, but because Lena Luthor is a FUCKING ABUSIVE TOXIC HUMAN TRASH THAT DESERVES TO ROT IN JAIL. She hurt Kara like no one else, in every possible way, mentally and physicallly and they say they are fucking SOULMATES.
And that’s the main problem why it’s impossible to talk with SCs and Lena stans. As long as they don’t admit that Lena Luthor has done horrible shit and stop EXCUSING her countless shit we can’t have a real conversation with them. But, we all know they don’t want to discuss shit, all they want is to trash others, hide behind so called representation and look like they have some better rights to get what they want. 
Let’s come back to the RachelBerry of SC fandom.
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Aside of the fact she already:
1. Send her minions after SG writers to demand making SC canon when the pandemia started, because you know, writers, when they are afraid of losing jobs and having financial problems, and when people die in general, should focus on what SC want.
2.She claims she is the writer aka part of the group and she still she keeps throwing shit at her OWN people.
3.She keeps criticising actors who post things on social media. All. The. Time. 
But the tweets above? Fucking hilarious. Perfect example of manipulating and twisting reality.
What people? Basically, only SC/Lena stans hate on the actors. Btw, suddenly she says why do people hate on the actors - so what? Did she just admit MANY PEOPLE hate on actors? So there IS a problem? 
 When the actors did all what RachelBerry of SC fandom mentioned? WHEN? On SDCC17? When they sang a song? I guess Melissa, Katie and Sam, who were laughing their asses off mocked the people too? WHEN any of them said something about SCs being DELUSIONAL? And yeah, Staz was happy because SupergirlRadio asked people to write fics for CHARITY contest, where William is the horse Comet (from comic books) and RachelBerry of SC fandom immediatelly figured out they were asking for Kara x William fics. Boy, the REACHING. 
The RachelBerry of Sc fandom knows the actors personally and knows they are not bad people. And ironically, all she sais about the fands applies to SC/Lena fandom.
But you know what is the saddest shit here? A person who claims is fighting for minorities, representation etc. is constantly shitting on POC actors and characters, excuses the hate scs have been sending to everyone who thinks differently for years, person who happily calls people homophobes without any valid reason, this person thinks she has any rights to sound and act high and mighty. 
Dear God, someone should unpack it.
Anyway, I’m disgusted.
Her whole tumblr post under the cut.
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toffebraury · 4 years
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This event take place from 1.2.2020 to 29.2.2020.
Tag your works with: #toffebraury.
If you have prompts to suggest submit an ask. For the prompts suggestion: just make sure involve Toffee or a theme relates to himself.
You can take part with any type of fanworks: fanart, fanfiction, fancomic, edit, AMV, analysis, headcanon, etc... relates to the prompt of the day.
Don’t submit stuff NSFW. Anyway, you can post your fanart, edit or photo (this also applies for stuff SFW) out of Tumblr on site like: Instagram, Twitter, Deviantart, Pixiv,etc. For fan-fictions we have: Wattpad, AO3, Fanfiction.net... Just don’t miss of tag your post with: #toffebraury plus the day and the prompt (e.g: #toffebraury #day13 #killer) and insert a link (https://toffebraury.tumblr.com) or a mention to this site. Then, submit on Tumblr the link of your NSFW fanwork, always tagging with #toffebraury.
All the fanworks have to be unreleased and created for this event. Don’t count reposting of old works, translations and edit/tracing of official art or fanart.
If you want editing an official art or a fanart (in particular for these last) first, ensure to ask the permission and to be allowed to edit our art. Take in mind of added in your post a link of permission guaranteed.
If you can't take it in time for sumbit for a specific day or in all days of the  Toffebraury, don't worry, you can still submit your fanworks inspired from the prompts, also a day after Febraury. 
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Similary to Tom Lucitor, indeed, even more than him, Toffee of Septarsis has been a villain and a character who deserved a better treatment. No matter what say the crew of the show, it cannot be denied that his and the Septarians overall turned to be wasted potential. His past we aren't displayed so much as well as his motivation that unless contextualized properly, seem pathetic (take back his finger. Seriously?). In interviews, Daron Nefcy calls him a "Magneto-type character who is not wrong, but he's going about thing the wrong way”, furthermore his voice actor, Michel C.Hall, describe him as a: "Megalomaniacal, reptilian, slithery, infiltrating, flattering, backstabbing bad guy".  But, even if it could have any light sides in his personality that they would a complex character truly like Magneto, the show choose of  don't take this path. Toffee is portrayed as a big threat and until his titular episode it was but keep to be the typical Disney villain bi-dimensional. In addition, the little information revealed from the stuff aside the show (books, interviews, AMA...), they leave behind still too many unanswered questions, not helping to change the situation. Knowing that he have right about magic doesn't make him a hero, nothing justifies him for the actions his took. In particular because without giving it a redemption arc or a real return into the show or even a flashback episode showing you more about his past on Septaris (maybe showing that not all Septarians are evil) also his relationship with Seth and Rasticore, his friendship with a teen Eclipsa or the circumstances behind the death of Comet (or if really Toffee it had something to do with the murder of Solaria) we have no way to understand it and nothing to empathize with him. Toffee still had a lot to say, could be something more to a bad guy pyscopath/sociopathic, but might have a role like representative of the races Septarians. In fact, if he's used again not as an antagonist but as an antihero, maybe he might become the leader of the monsters-septarians faction who are fighting to take back their lands because had enough of racism from Mewmians. In short, the "Black Power" in the universe of SVTFOE demoted to extra in a world where the magic is a complex medium too often overused from rich and overpowerful people who belive they can resolve all problems destroying the source of magic in order to overthorw the matter of monster racism fighting instead of them, ending up for create even more to them and beyond.  But these are a fan's ramblings, don't mind.
Toffee is a character so mysterious, stunning, dark and with a wealth of plot hole about his past and life to broken his fanbase: between who love him, overshadowing about his cruel actions and attitude to those see him as a soulless bastard and who (the vast majority) has created a lot of AU and Headcanon for give your response to the many dark points about Toffee: from the connection with Seth to Septarsis's kingdom passing through his knowledge/acquaintance of the Butterfly (honestly: even if he is a historian and he did extensive research, how in the world did he know that the whispred spell was the first who Moon had taught to his daughter?).
Btw: is right leave that viewers have fun theorize and imagine about the show, so that find their own answers. But seem fair also receive from the creators of SVTFOE any official answers accurate and definitive, just to break the chain of speculatios. Because, after all, the fans they'll keep to theorize, imagine and create fanwork the same.
Heading back to the primary reason of this post: impressed from the TOMTOBER, the initiative about Tom Lucitor created by @tacosandtomcos​ I thought i'd of organise something like this but focused about Toffee: so, surprise! There you go: TOFFEBRAURY.
For all Febraury, will be different prompt each day where you can take part with any type of fanworks: fanart, fanfiction, fancomic, edit, AMV, analysis, headcanon, etc... relates to the prompt of the day. You can submit all days of Toffebraury or even just one day, don't mind. If you can't take it in time for sumbit for all days or a specific day of the Toffebraury, don't worry, you can still submit over the event, picking out a prompt from the list who inspired you. Ahed you’ll found the prompts chart and the rules. Just have a good time and don’t miss of tag your post (also out of Tumblr) with: #toffebraury.
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silverineontherun · 6 years
A theory about Lotor’s real goal and a possible plot for Season 8
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With s8 coming closer, the sneak peek we got at NYCC, and the possibility of witnessing a Lotor comeback, I’m writing this meta to revisit a theory I used to have around s4 and that I feel, after what happened since s6 and what we’ve seen in NYCC (and the poster), could not be as crazy as I initially thought. I discussed it on twitter first and decided to finally write a long version, but you can check that thread for a quick “summary” of this if you prefer.
In short, my theory is this: What Lotor was trying to accomplish by working so much on the rift and attempting to cross it is not just to harvest quintessence, but to travel between realities and, more importantly, TIME. Why? To reach the past and change the course of history by altering a crucial event of the reality they live in. Which one? Probably, the trans-reality comet landing in Daibazaal. And he is not alone in this: he is being helped by Alteans. Be it willingly or not, it remains a mystery.
What would this mean? No corruption of Daibazaal and Lotor’s parents, no fall of Altea, and therefore… no Voltron either. And also, many other consequences for our current timeline that could play a crucial role in season 8, especially for our paladins.
All highly debatable, but if you are interested, I’ll explain my point under the cut. Buckle up, this one is long!
It always struck me as weird that Lotor, having so much beef with his father, would be more obsessed with the rift than with overthrowing him and after he dies, more interested in Altean science than managing his blooming Empire, which he loves, but also kind of… disregards, in a way.
The motive he claims to have is valid: he declares in season 4 that he’s trying to find a way to collect unlimited quintessence from the rift to stop the Galra from exploiting planets and to finally achieve peace. But given what we see in later seasons, this raises a few questions. First, why enter the rift? There was no need: his mother created pure quintessence from the rift and made it exploitable (if unstable) without ever entering it. From what we can grasp, he managed to stabilize it, why go further? More importantly, why enter it PERSONALLY? And why make the Sincline a faithful copy of Voltron (mecha and all), but with two seats? These questions make me believe he had a more personal goal in mind, and this goal could be crucial for season 8.
Let’s go back a bit to see the full picture. In season 3, Lotor is introduced after Zarkon’s supposed demise. He has a very smart and manipulative way to control his enemies and allies alike. However, since the beginning, he is very focused on Voltron. When the paladins are struggling with their new positions, he challenges them. His generals are ready to capture the Lions at his command, but he stops them. He has other intentions.
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Said opportunity is swiftly explained. In S3E4, the comet is introduced for the first time, and we also get a view of an alternate reality where Alteans have defeated Zarkon. About this, there are already great metas, but for this post in particular, I’m considering 2 things as relevant:
- The episode is telling us that the course of history changes radically with just a few events being different. In this reality, Allura wasn’t put to sleep and instead, fought the Galra Empire, changing everything. Including Shiro’s accent…
- And two, Lotor ALREADY had a theory regarding Voltron and its interaction with this rift and he is just testing it.
He did the false call to lure the team, and his plan worked well. He was set on getting the comet from the beginning, but whether Voltron could do it or not, he had a backup plan. I love my sly son.
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As we know, Voltron brings the comet to stop the Alteans from conquering all realities, but then Lotor steals it from them (hah, losers!). Later, we know what he used it for.
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The mysterious ship has been built by himself and his team. We don’t even know how. Could Galra manipulate the comet’s material? Didn’t the Alteans from the parallel reality say they were the ones who knew how to work it? This would be confirmed in the last episode of this season.
The team follows the comet’s signatures and finds Lotor’s generals in a Galra base where they are trying to steal a teludav.
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So, Lotor has scaultrite thanks to Acxa. Which, as we know, is used for wormhole technology too. Taking Haggar into consideration, the team concludes very logically that Lotor is trying to emulate this technology to conquer other realities like the Alteans intended, and they must stop him. This episode proves 2 facts: a) Lotor really pretends to use wormhole/teludav tech for some reason, and b) that said tech is key to make the comet/ship jump between realities and must be manipulated by an Altean. The team immediately thinks of Haggar.
Well, as we know, Lotor is NOT working with Haggar, so… why would he be so set in stealing a teludav he can’t use, even risking being deemed a traitor by his own people?
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Yep Lance, none of this makes sense… yet. Lotor keeps the ship but loses the teludav. This slip makes him truly mad and perhaps will cost him a lot next season.
Finally, by the end of season 3, we are shown the origin of Voltron, and most importantly, we are introduced to the rift in Daibazaal, created by the comet which later became Voltron itself. There are many bits in this episode that matter a lot, but for length’s sake, the most important are:
- Quintessence is worked by Honerva and becomes an unlimited source of energy. No need to enter the rift.
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- Voltron was created by Alfor and is made of the comet’s material, therefore it’s capable of traveling through the rift safely. Not only that, it can open it and interact with it without suffering harm.
- RIFT CREATURES. Our boy is probably a rift creature baby (we see that much later and that would be a whole new meta, but people has already done some!).
- And, very relevant: the only ones who know how to manipulate the comet’s material are Altean engineers.
And if that’s so, it brings the question… how did Lotor build his ship 10000 years later, after the extinction of the Alteans? How does he intend to use the teludav tech by himself, if he hates Haggar’s guts?
All of that remains a mystery as we enter season 4.
A few months have passed. Lotor is accused by Haggar of hiding. Keith leaves the team and is tracking Lotor with the Blades because they believe the strange influx of quintessence (in abnormal supply lines) can take them to him. He’s using a LOT of it while he works in his secret project. And, btw, it’s this trail of quintessence which takes Krolia and Keith to the colony in season 6. Bear that in mind.
As Haggar slowly recovers her memories, Lotor is dismissed as a ruler by Zarkon (on renewed steroids), but Lotor remains unbothered. He has other “plans”.
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Haggar notices something’s up with Lotor. She feels something “ancient” on him. Isn’t it a curious choice of words?
Well, at this point, Lotor has built 2 ships already and only 40% of the material is left. He’s carrying it in his own ship. However, being spied by Narti (rip), Zarkon discovers his plans and this pushes him to make a desperate decision: before completing his ultimate plan (which is still a mystery), he’ll try to accelerate it and bet everything on it. And we are finally taken to the rift in Daibazaal, his secret project.
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Notice this face? He truly feels for what happened here, I think it was worth showing it. And then this scene happens:
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So… three important considerations:
- First mention of a “secret team”. 
- The construction around the rift is clearly Altean. This here is an excellent theory about it. Also, it looks a lot like a teludav.
- Lotor intends to “pierce” the barrier between realities.
This is the key to this theory. If he just wanted to harvest quintessence, he could exploit the rift in the same way his mother did before. But that’s NOT what he wants. He made it so he could cross it.
Then what was he trying to accomplish in this moment, exactly? He just had 2 ships and his father was tailing him to kill him. It’s not like he could form the Sincline mecha with that to confront him and having infinite quintessence doesn’t mean he can manipulate it immediately. Then, why did he bet everything on this strange plan instead of hiding to save his own life?
My theory is that he didn’t intend to come back from the rift. And why wouldn’t he come back? Because he intended to cross this reality, powered by a constant influx of quintessence from the rift itself, and tear the realities tissue to reach a moment/place in the past.
Which moment is debatable, but if I had to make a bet, I’d say that Lotor’s ultimate goal was to stop the corruption of his parents. If he went back and stopped the comet from landing on Daibazaal, or at least the corruption of the planet and the fall of it, he’d alter the entire course of history on this reality. It wouldn’t matter if he dies trying. It wouldn’t matter if he can’t go back after accomplishing his objective, and that’s why he put all his money on it. 
I know by this point it sounds like a crazy reach, but it’s in later seasons where the writing bends the rules and allows us to consider it possible. However, here in season 4 his first try failed (because he doesn’t have the teludav technology NOR the ability to use it! He’s just a plain half-galra, half-altean man, not an alchemist, and the project is unfinished), and at such an early stage none of us had a clue on why he’d just throw himself head first into the hole that had ruined his planet and his entire life. Well, most of us didn’t.
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Of his generals, the only one who seems aware of his plans is Acxa, his closest ally, and a relationship that is really important, as Astro wrote. Look at her face: she knows they failed. And also, once Lotor escapes, it’s her idea to take them to Haggar, as we’ll see in the next season. Sounds convenient, right? Anyways, Lotor shames his father’s fleet making good use of the resistant properties of his ship and heads to Naxzela, where he surrenders to Team Voltron.
And here’s where it starts getting juicy. But since these seasons are more recent, I’ll just make a quick recap.
In the first ep of s5, Loki Lotor finally gives us a clue about his real intentions. In his words, he wants to find a way to give the Galra Empire a permanent source of quintessence to make them stop ravishing planets.
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Which makes a lot of sense, but it’s probably a lie. Or, at least, just part of the truth.
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I think that, from now on, he is at all moments showing part of the truth. He really wishes to put an end to the war, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t other ideas. He really is trying to enter this zone, but not just for extracting resources. And Lotor always adapts to his circumstances…Though his original plan failed the first time, he didn’t drop it. Instead, using his new position as Emperor and after gaining an unexpected but invaluable ally in Allura, he dedicated himself to discover the secrets of Oriande and strengthen his assets.
It’s worth saying that I’m a firm believer that he truly fell in love with Allura, and that this wasn’t in his plans. However, he let it happen, because it didn’t hinder them at all. His ultimate goal remains the same and being accompanied by Allura would actually grant his success, and I’m pretty sure that, in his head, he judged that it was the best for Allura too. Imagine saving her entire planet and her life. Maybe he could even convince her to join him… which I think he actually intended to do, in season 6. But in a bad moment, so it didn’t work and she uh... didn’t take it well. 
There’s so much to be said about the Oriande episode but I bet all has been said before. I’m just gonna rescue two bits:
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First, Acxa again showing her undying loyalty. She’s back to help him a second time with the plan. I’m convinced she’ll play an important role in s8.
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And Lotor telling his awful experience with the colony he once ruled and how it made him start exploring his Altean heritage. We see in the season 8 sneak peek this heartbreaking shot:
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His story is true, and I mention it here because I’m quite convinced that this moment is the trigger of his plan. Zarkon always was shitty, but Lotor was cruelly marked by this horrible day and I’d say he’d do anything to stop things like these from happening. He probably became cold and sly to survive for so long with the only hope of fixing this mess some day.
Anyways, jumping to season 6 and the colony episode, the project is finally done. Lotor and Allura try the ship and get into the rift, though NO ONE UNDERSTANDS EXACTLY WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO DO.
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Lance again, asking THE RIGHT QUESTIONS. After that, what?
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Please notice the curious composition of the ship. It’s designed to have a copilot, and that copilot was going to be Allura. He included her in his plans this time. The project is done and Lotor is satisfied, ready to change the course of the universe, but they are going to collect samples and probably study the real reach of the rift before even trying to get to the final phase. This time he is not in a hurry, after all. It must work perfectly and, more importantly, he must convince Allura that trying to go back in time is the right thing to do.
But he never gets to do it. When he is denounced by Romelle, he sees himself again in the same position he was in season 4, cornered by his enemies and having to make the bet again. And it could have worked, if not for one missing piece: Allura.
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Allura doesn’t give him much more room to explain himself. I admit, this was a good moment to explain himself if my theory (reach, call it whatever you like) is right, but I’m pretty sure that he chose to go for the emotional approach instead of the logical one. Resulting in one epic yeet before Kuron rescues him.
After being rejected by Oriande, Lotor doesn’t have the powers to maintain himself stable inside the rift. I guess he would have succeeded if he convinced Allura to join him in this final attempt. But that doesn’t happen and, as we well know, being compared to his father (whom he despises deeply) is the last straw before he loses it and ends up trapped in the space between the same realities that he longed to cross.
And the team discovers that Lotor built his ships to form some kind of bootleg Voltron they have to fight. If he just wanted to collect quintessence, why do this? Alright, the EPs need cool mecha battles, but can’t we give them some meaning? I really believe he intended to copy Voltron’s ability to cross the rift, but failed. More than the ship, what failed was himself: he got corrupted. He had no means to defend himself from the rift’s horrors. Even Allura had trouble with that, after all. And they left him there. 
But the explosion from closing the rift after their battle sends the paladins 3 years into the future. They don’t know it yet, but this is confirmed during season 7. Again, the rift, Lotor, quintessence and time mechanics are all together in the picture. I don’t think it’s coincidental. 
Ok, but what’s the deal with the time traveling tho?
Season 6 also introduced the Quantum Abyss, a place where time rules are all over the place, which allows us to include time skipping mechanics into our current universe.
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They are telling us that playing with time IS POSSIBLE. And, surprise, surprise… Lotor’s colony happens to be built right in the middle of it. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.
And if these mechanics exist, why not take them into consideration when we are talking about crossing realities? The Quantum Abyss on itself is remarkably similar to the rift. In 10k years, Lotor had plenty of time to study it.
To even reach such a place, Lotor must be at least familiarized with the concept of time traveling. And to do so, he probably needs technology. Dare I say, Altean technology. Technology he probably acquired thanks to the Alteans he found. The same who were meant to help him with the teludav he tried to steal, and which he could never have used by himself, not even after we discovered he is half-altean: he needs alchemists for that.
Unless you have Voltron. We saw in S7, in The Journey Within, that the paladins struggled a lot when they were hit by a similar rift (its nature remains unexplained as everything in this series lol). But once Keith and Lance formed the wings, they were able to cross this wormhole and travel in a few minutes a distance that, normally, would have taken them 1.5 years.
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I’d say this is EXACTLY the kind of horsepower that Lotor needed with his Sincline, but we don’t know if he had it. And the ship got lost with him on the other side... at least for now.
I’m not gonna get into the authenticity of Romelle’s story. There’re a lot of ways that could play out, but to defend my theory, I’ll say this: the Altean structure around the Rift, the “secret team” Lotor mentioned, the fact that his first 2 ships were built in record time and in absolute secret, and the fact that Keith and Krolia found his colony just following the trail of quintessence are dead giveaways that he was working alongside Alteans and not just extracting their quintessence. There is a high chance that some Alteans were voluntarily helping him reach his ultimate goal, and they could be the same ones that are going to be introduced in the last season. So, whether we can forgive Lotor or not for his supposed crimes, season 8 will (hopefully!) answer that.
And speaking of season 8! How could all this work in the final season?
With Lotor gone, our new challenger seems to be Queen Honerva herself (yaaaas!).
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After NYCC, I’m convinced that Lotor’s plan will carry on to the last season of Voltron in the hands of Honerva who, unlike him, has the knowledge of Oriande. Her agenda, much like her son’s, has always remained a mystery. However, now that she’s free from Zarkon, now that the Empire is crumbling and her memory is back, perhaps she will finally pursue a personal goal. To be honest, most of this wishful thinking is inspired by the first pic of this post, where the poster showed us happy small Lotor with his parents. What if Honerva decides she will use her amazing powers to get THAT?
 But given the sudden attack at the end of season 7 and the cliffhanger with the Altean Eva, I suspect that she may need something else to accomplish whatever she intends to and that something could have to do with team Voltron. Why bother attacking Earth, otherwise?
The sneak peek shows many interesting bits. I highly recommend that you visit this amazing frame by frame analysis and s8 prediction here. But the bits that matter to me are, of course, the flashbacks that are going to explain Lotor’s story, and these:
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A crew of Alteans walking into Oriande. See those mechas? Smells like danger. Also, this seems to explain why Kolivan found the colony empty. Our Alteans have a new home!
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This shot of the paladins traveling through a wormhole, similar to The Journey Within in s7. Sounds familiar?
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That wormhole looks pretty familiar too. As @luminis said on Twitter:
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That was the time when Coran was de-aging. See? They were already teasing us with these time-traveling shenanigans.
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This last bit is the most interesting to me. They are the same Alteans that are behind Honerva in the poster. And the ones around this crystal are five, huh? Maybe Honerva wants Voltron for herself to travel through the rift with these 5 cuties? Who knows. But for the Alteans to be powering the Atlas, it must be for some crazy maneuver they will have to pull after they have shifted sides. Maybe a time jump?
So, after trying to stick to the facts (hey, I tried), this is where I just let myself speculate. My bet is that Honerva rescued her son, who may or not be conscious, and now that she discovered his entire plan, she took control of the colony or the real Alteans working for Lotor, to carry on with it. With her memory restored and her Oriande powers, she will try to finish the job and recover what she destroyed. But she may be missing something that only team Voltron (or Allura specifically) can give her to travel to the past.
So, what would this mean for the plot?
This is the last part where I just go crazy because it could be a juicy twist of events. This could mean:
- A possible redemption for Lotor. It all depends on how is his relationship with the Alteans explained, and the veracity/accuracy of Romelle’s story. Whatever the case, from the teaser we already know that he is a crucial part of s8, so let’s hope that he is more than a mere memory.
- A moral conflict for the Team. If the team is confronted with the choice, what will they pick? No need for Voltron if there’s no war, after all...
Because this sounds like the golden solution, right? No comet means no war, no cruelty and no loss. Allura and Coran would have never lost Altea and Zarkon would have never been corrupted. The paladins would never become paladins and, therefore, wouldn’t be hurt by this decision. They wouldn’t even know. And depending on the timeline intervention, Lotor could or not have been born (if the comet lands but Honerva is not corrupted, he would be born. If not, he wouldn’t, and I’m sure Lotor was willing to pay this price. Honerva tho, I’m not sure).
So, our paladins would probably live normal lives, with two notorious exceptions.
a) Shiro would eventually die of his illness. I swear I don’t enjoy writing this, Shiro has had enough, but remember this is just hypothetical and I’m as salty as you about his mistreatment.
b) Keith would never be born. No war means no Blade of Marmora. No Blades mean our boy is never born because Krolia never gets to Earth.
As a demon klancer (sorry, don’t leave!), point b is making my senses tingle, because I’m pretty sure that in a moment of confrontation, Keith would consider it a fair price to pay and I like to think that the team, especially Lance, would be dead set against it. If the gang had to take sides, my bet is this: Allura and Coran would be tempted, and Keith would agree. Pidge and Shiro could be in a grey zone but I’m pretty sure that Hunk and Lance would be totally opposed to this.
And I know what you’re thinking: what a tired trope is this “ magical time travel, the plot never happened” crap. TO BE CLEAR: I’M SURE THEY WON’T ACCEPT IT AND THEY WILL FIGHT HONERVA ANYWAY. I’m just exposing a possible moral dilemma that could divide the team as a plotline, but I think there will be some kind of scientific inconvenience to this, that will make it too dangerous or downright impossible to achieve. And you know who I think will have to explain that to them?
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This fella. He is back for a reason! (he’s also in a screenshot from the sneak peek). And he is the only one who understands the complexity of the trans-reality comet, the coexistence of many realities and the percentage of success of every action in the chain. And once the team settles their argument, maybe after some confrontation, they will have to stop Honerva from wrecking their reality, maybe giving us one last epic mecha fight and one last, heartbreaking team bonding moment too. After all, this cartoon is called VOLTRON for a reason, right? And it’s… ending. Finally.
Inch resting at least, don’t you think?
Many thanks to @leakinghate for letting me borrow the NYCC screenshots and also for writing an amazing post, and to @astrolatte for being on board with this and making a great thread on twitter. Let me know what you think! And sorry if you’re on pc, it looks kinda ugly lol
Edit: In case you are interested on a take about the endgames, I answered that here.
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cjoat-boost · 4 years
During my mental break, I’ve been trying to recover from a traumatic experience that occurred last month…I probably won’t be venting about my life anytime soon. But it is really messed up. Anywho, been resting, practicing mindfulness, my period came on, so I’ve been trying to control my temper, etc. 
But here’s an update, I did some more artwork. I’m going to give you that today. I’m going to recommend a few apps, youtube channels, and show off some artists and musicians, in this post. I’ll also mention some servers for you guys to join. In also munching on some organic cinnamon bears by the Wholesome brand. You can’t beat them. 
Apps I use on my phone!
Here’s some apps I use in my everyday life. Some you have to pay a little more for but it’s definitely worth it.
Triller | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/triller-social-video-platform/id994905763 | Personally I have not tried This. But since a TikTok is getting banned in the US and China, I thought well, might try this out. Despite TikTok’s racism and shadowbanning, I liked making small little clips. No matter how embarrassing it is. So give it a try you never know.
Polarr | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/polarr-photo-editor/id988173374 | Okay. I had to include this app into this list. Y’know? This is my favorite photo editing program. It’s simple, it’s sleek, and it’s so fun to mess around with stuff in your photos. I never knew this great of an app exists a year ago? You can add effects, get rid of some unwanted features, or just do a simple touch up. It’s available on the computer, and tablet and phone.
Telegram | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/telegram-messenger/id686449807 | it’s a messenger app. Yes. I know. But! Hear me out! You can set it up to have this so password protected. It encrypts all of your conversations. You get all kinds of stickers to include in your conversations. Honestly? It’s fun, interactive, and safe from unwanted eyes. 
Notebloc | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/notebloc/id1077023687 | oh my gosh what can you do. It’s a free app. With premium scanning capabilities, at no cost to you. It’s amazing to be honest I believe it’s better than Evernote. Just give it a shot.
YouTube channels I watch!
Here’s a list of YouTube channels I highly recommend for a good laugh, interesting fun, SpeedPaints, gameplay, etc.
Jacksepticeye | premium content. Amazing. Loud voice. Beautiful and happy man. Plays many video games, has a lot of reactions, it’s beautiful honestly. Watch his videos.Neebs Gaming | My favorite series on this channel (and I’m currently listening to) is his Subnautica series. It is absolutely hilarious. It’s great. This guy(s) turned this game and made a video show out of it, it’s so laughable. I love it. 
Adrian Von Ziegler | Beautiful channel, perfect inspiration music. D&D campaign music! And taking Celtic Music back to its roots. Oh my gosh it’s absolutely amazing.
Penny Jacobson | Held by our very own CJOAT social media manager! Show her some support, please she’s trying her best.
Epic Meal Time | These guys are absolutely insane. Don’t know how to cook, but made the best cooking show on YouTube (in my opinion) oh but seriously, if you want diabetes for your eyes? This is perfect for you.
Sprocket Tech | Okay I cant help it, this channel reached 40 subscribers as of this week. 1 active commenter, things are absolutely gravy. If you could show some love to the speedpaints and other playlists made in this channel… it would be amazing. Youtube is special but yknow? We’re trying.
Discord Servers to join!
Here’s a list of servers I’m in, and I watch you to take part in. It’ll be amazing if you showered them in support.
UNDERTALE ROLEPLAY Server | Universal Server Invite | https://discord.gg/PQdJX5n
Creator’s Museum: Do you specialize in any of the creativities of arts, (meaning you Create something no matter how long ago or how bad or good you think it is) | Do you need support from others or a place to network? | Do you want to dump all of your stuff in a Safe and friendly place? | Do you have a fandom or two to share? | And most of all, want something to entertain you while you’re bored | Creator’s Museum is the one server for you! We are a community that advertises and supports our members, we’re honest, sweet, trustworthy, empowering fandoms, being allowed to express ourselves, and just giving each other some attention! Got a server you want to gorge? We’ll partner with you. For the entire month of December every year, as soon as you join, you get a gallery of your own to dump everything you want in. For the rest of the year, you get your gallery if you stay two weeks. We have tourneys, and challenges, and some extra Notification ping friendly action. come in and say hi, dump as you please, and make a friend or two! | https://discord.gg/amWDkyz
My Art Currently As on Pride Month 2020!
  Happy PRIDE
Underwater Tram Battle
Medieval Ref
Glowing Eye (Black Lives Matter)
(ᴇʀᴢᴀʜʟᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ĐɆⱤ₳₦₲ɆĐ#2276‘s Character) Erzahler (my Art Though)
Baby Medieval (Thank RedKammy on Twitter for the F2U Lineart)
Chymrali’s Small Body Compared to Her Large Wingspan
Chymrali Catching Dreisig
Fire Practice
3D Filter Practice
I’m Sorry (Soul Update)
Dawn (Halo’s Character) & Graffonti (My Character) Ship Child
Michael & Grillby’s Ship Child
Rebelle Missing His Special Someone
Black Lives Matter Mask
Rebelle’s Soul (Crap I spelled his name wrong)
Post-Birthday Rebelle (21 years old As of June 30th)
Comet! FtM Space Dazzler
Rebelle Flexing In Space
Nilla da Beana
Mystic Anthromorphic Rabbit
Human Form turned into Medieval
EDIT: Okay! So after my art getting called demonic and a severe psychosis breakdown; PLUS, a motivational religious talk from my biggest supporter, my mother, Kelli Wise. Love you, Meema! I decided to completely disregard what my grandmother and my uncle said about my art, and continue posting what I love to draw. Especially since I’m on Art Fight! Can’t be feeling down and below, since my art needs to and is constantly improving. So below I’m going to show my Art Fight Identification Card for 2020! And the Art Pieces I’ve been doing there and recently as of July!
So far I have over 520 points! Come and attack me! I dare you!
Just Child Me, checking in on you.
After I vented for a bit, my close friends sent comfort, jokes, and love my way. I love those guys.
Just my skeleton form in bitty form.
This is the symbol for my character, Chymrali.
Galaxy Swirl Nightmare
OwO Slime
This was my first art attack. While I am not proud of it, I’m still glad this is what set me off.
Pfffhehehehe a certain couple “broke” when they saw this. They loved him, and they both loved the art.
She liked this one. ^^ This was my second art attack.
This was my third art attack. Even though I didn’t get any into for it, I got the Grace of meeting a Parody of James Bond.
Another D&D character! I love drawing Drows. They’re just so fun to draw and colour without going full on black and white.
This was @Fluffaros two characters! I hope they become canon. They haven’t confessed but i hope they do.
This was an attack on Team Spice’s MissOccult. (She loved it btw.)
This was an exact scene from Doldrum’s campaign.
I was thinking about my pup, Shy, may she Rest In Peace. I created this in her memory.
MissOccult attacked me back with beautiful art!! So I attacked her back in revenge (more like love) with another character she loved.
This is an improvement of some of my previous attacks!
This was just practice drawing honey. Could be better but you know.
this could possibly be my first lineless art piece. I’m surprised it turned out so well.
I loved messing with the blues on this piece. It was very fun to do. Also YAY FIRST SUCCESSFUL BACKGROUND! Probably not first but you know.
Trust me, their character design looked a lot better when Vmii did it. But I’m just glad I could throw in a throwback piece for the background.
Was listening to Clarity as I made this caption. I think it impacted the art. It’s nice to pair with the piece.
BEST PIECE BY FAR! I’m so proud of this.
Certainly not the best but not my worst either. But Grandmother seems to like this one.
Girasol Guerrero Sirena Princesa Gianna
…No comment on this one…it brings back pain.
I’m black in America, fighting for our rights to be here in unity and empathy.
Kitten…Be Safe…
Intermission From Life During my mental break, I’ve been trying to recover from a traumatic experience that occurred last month...I probably won’t be venting about my life anytime soon.
0 notes
okgamers · 6 years
Did someone call for the Warriors of Light? We're jumping in and taking all the AoE on August 2nd! (Stand behind the comets btw) -[sol] https://t.co/rbrHWSiexm
Did someone call for the Warriors of Light? We're jumping in and taking all the AoE on August 2nd! (Stand behind the comets btw) -[sol] https://t.co/rbrHWSiexm
— Oklahoma Gamers (@OKgamers) July 12, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/OKgamers July 12, 2018 at 10:06AM via IFTTT
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