#this is going to be a fun season to watch at least 😗
timelesslords · 2 years
Everyone on the new season of Great British bake off is so HOT where did they find all these people they’re like models
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dabilove27 · 2 years
My dear sweetest rach, CONGRATULATIONS on 300 followers!! 💚💚💚 You deserve every bit and here's to many fucking more because you're wonderfully talented and deserving. 💚💚💚
For your event, if it's not taken I will like to request either Erwin or Suguru for prompt #2👀👀
Whoever resonates with you the most 😗😗
So I had to go with Erwin (I got a few more requests for Getou so you will see him around (; ) Thank you to my wife, @lady-lunaaa for beta'ing this I love you!
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Link to the masterlist
Warnings: NSFW mentions, established relationship, reader calls Erwin “commander”, pet name (my love)
"Not today Erwin," you snap as you step into his room, your boots tapping lightly on the stone floor. Every part of you is aching; your legs are on fire, your arms feel like they might fall off any minute, and you are in absolutely no mood for sex. 
Brutal is the only word to describe the training today. Even though you’re a seasoned Scout falling under Captain Levi, your muscles never seem to get used to the daily torture of training. You groan as you pull off the sweat-stained white button-up, muscles screaming at every tiny movement. Your only desire is to climb into Erwin's big bed and let him snuggle you until the break of dawn. 
The last time you slept in your own bed was months ago. Erwin has always been a force you can't resist. From the first moment, when your eyes met his icy blue ones, you just knew that you needed a taste. It didn't take much longer for the two of you to become something more profound after that. Late night rendezvous turns quickly into spending whatever little free time the two of you have together. And that transforms into spending every night tucked away under his sheets with your legs tangling with his. 
But tonight, your body is screaming at you to get your ass in bed. No time for fun in the sheets when every part of you aches. 
But Erwin is a patient man; he knows how to play you like a skilled musician. You drive him crazy, and you know it. He can hardly focus on watching other Scouts during training because his eyes always find their way back to your perfectly shaped ass, cupped ever so beautifully in those white pants. 
You're a danger to him, for watching you too long only causes him to become hard. And he knows all too well that getting a hard-on in those pants is nothing but embarrassing and uncomfortable. But god how is he supposed to tear his eyes away from you when you look that good?         
He thinks about you and all the things he wants to do to you when he has you behind his closed door. Memories of your whimpers and whines plague his every thought, and it takes everything inside of him not to bend you over his mattress and rip your pants off. 
Erwin knows he has to be patient though; most nights begin like this, complaints of valid aches and pains–he would have to talk to Levi about easing up at least once a week for your sake. But after some time in the tub or shower, your muscles become loose, and you melt like putty in his hands.
This is the delicate dance that the two of you do, not ever entirely giving up to each other until the end. Both of you love the chase. And so, Erwin lies in wait until you submit to him. Sometimes it drives him up the wall, but he can't deny the feeling of sweet success when you finally give in.
He watches your nude body move towards the private bathroom he's lucky enough to have. Again, he can't pull his eyes away from your soft curves and perfectly shaped rear. His pants grow tighter at the sight, and he tries to control himself as he shimmies out of his attire.
The hot water spray meets his ears as you turn on the shower. He hears you let out a satisfying sigh as soon as you are graced by the warm water. Erwin wastes no time joining you, pulling the white curtain back to slip into the small space with you.
He can't stop himself from enveloping you in his arms, pressing his sculpted body against yours. You fit so perfectly against him. You have since the first time the two of you were together.
You let out a little sigh at his actions, leaning back into his muscular chest. A low rumble leaves his throat as your ass presses into his already hard member. 
"You're insatiable, Erwin Smith," you chide at him with a lightness in your voice. A deep chuckle escapes him and vibrates in your back. You decide it's time to tease him. "But nothing for you tonight, Commander. I am much too tired" you let out a dramatic huff and lean back against his shoulder, letting the water cascade down your neck.
As much as Erwin loves the chase, he knows when you'll be a brat and when he needs to step things up. He traces up your body to cup your breasts as a sinful moan erupts from your lips at the contact. "I will bring you down on your knees. One way or another," his voice is heavy with lust as he pulls at your pebbled peaks.
"Oh yeah? Why don't you show me what you mean by– that," your voice hitches as he pulls hard on one of your nipples.
"Gladly, my love," he turns you around quickly as he responds, placing a heated kiss on your lips before gently pushing you down by the top of your head until your knees touch the wet tile floor.
Your eyes meet again, playful and seductive, knowing that this night is long from over.     
Thanks for reading!
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justaredheadf1fan · 1 year
High hopes in Monaco after the cancellation of Imola
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Well, I was originally planning on writing last week after the announcement of the GP in Imola being cancelled due to the floods going on in the Emilia Romagna region, but between my shitty shifts and exhaustion, I couldn't even think about it.
It was a sad thing, but it was the necessary decision. For once, the FIA was quick to decide what was best and also for once, they made the right choice. Just wish people in the area were all okay...
This weekend I'm watching it all after work, so yeah I'll be late once again. On another note, we started this race weekend with the news of Honda teamming up with Aston Martin starting 2026 and rumors about Yuki being a possibility to join Alonso. That would be funny tbh. Also, Mercedes FINALLY got rid of the "no sidepods" concept on the car. Really hope this levels things, at least a tiny bit (I'm expecting no miracles).
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Anyway, onto the actual purpose of this post, so I'm starting at last.
Press conference - Thursday
First press round and not really anything interesting except for Yuki's take on the floodings in Italy. I'm here just waiting for the second round to start so that I can watch the chaos unfold 🤣
Chaotic Sharl is on and I'm here for it, "Hello, Lewis" sounded like the funniest shit in the world with that laughter of his. Seriously, I can't 😗 I do love those Lewis-Sharl interactions, they're so cute seriously and they'd make an insane duo, lots of fun stuff would be sent our way for sure.
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Piarles clowning together about the football match a few days ago and how they just clashes into each other despite being in the same team. Really, boys? 🥲
Do people still think, given what we've seen this year so far and also last season, that Ferrari is a good choice for Lewis? I mean, yes Mercedes is not going through their best moments right now, but Ferrari? After so many disasters and making their own driver lose the chances of gaining a championship? I love Ferrari, but come on.
Free Practice 1 - Friday
Finally some movement in the streets of Monte Carlo and I'm actually thinking about all the new rumors that we might get after the race. I've been waiting for this weekend just for this 🤣
I know there have been a few Red Flags today so I'm just here waiting for them. I don't care how boring this track can get, I just love it and nothing's gonna change that. Ever.
Sid the Sloth is crying on the radio. What for? He has a fucking missile despite that much complaining and whining about it.
Not much else going on, pretty calm session for now. Apart from Sargeant having some kind of problem, nothing else to say. And I obviously spoke too soon, since Nico span a little bit too hard and fucked up his rear left tyre, causing a Yellow Flag that turned into a Red Flag. First of the day.
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Sharl probably touched the wall or so, and right afterwards Albon crashed on his side, so the session was Red Flagged permanently now, with 3 minutes to go. Quiet one despite those problems, but not the worst news possible considering.
Free Practice 2 - Friday
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Besides different drivers trying out setting times and so on, there's been nothing going on. I do love that tunnel, though. That must be scary as fuck, honestly.
Aaaaand Carlos tries to goes as close to the wall as possible but crashes. Fantastic job causing another Red Flag. Quite a few drivers have gone very, very close but have managed to get out unscathed. I guess it's damn luck (on top of skill obviously, they're going over 200kph).
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Commentators are talking about the future 2026 PUs and honestly, if the regulations for that year are as bad as the ones introduced in 2022, this will just get worse by then.
Maybe tomorrow something else will happen, especially during Quali, which I'll obviously watch late.
Free Practice 3 - Saturday
Well, I already know what happened in Quali today, but just gonna watch in order first so that I can finish this one post, I don't want extra tabs open on my browser right now, it's been a tough day at work 🤪
So Estie Bestie stopped in the middle of the tunnel (on the side anyway), but managed to get back to the pit lane, so at least nothing scary going on.
Wasn't Laurent Mekkies supposed to be in Alpha Tauri by now? Or did I miss something? I keep seeing him on the Ferrari pit wall 🤔
Honestly, nothing going on in FP3 so I was just watching memes on IG the whole time. Oh Jesus, and Lewis against the wall all of a sudden?! What the hell. That car being moved by the crane.... Was that really necessary, taking it so high!?
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Red Flagged session so that means I'm gonna go watch Quali finally.
Peace out!
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