#this is guna be in my head 4 the rest of time
cgtg · 2 months
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this is one of the most batshit kind complimence i hav ever gotten
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Discovering who you ARE   {2}
Soo - we stumbled about with words for a few minutes after waking - I did not really want to move until he had gotten out of the tent. I did not know if he had ‘cum’ during our little experiment - but I had definitely done so - multiple times I think - and inside my jeans was a mess I needed to sorta sort out.
We were in a moment of silence - when he turned and looked at me - and started giggling and laughing sooo much he couldn’t stop himself - and because he was laughing I started too. He was rolling about laughing and couldn’t speak :) however eventually he managed to blurt out “you should see your face” and started laughing again!! Eventually after we had both calmed a little - he told me that I was looking soo awkward and nervous it was like I was being told off by my dad or something.. He said to me “I’m guna go get the fishing gear packed up - don’t worry about 'that’”  and he pointed to my crotch area - “Just wash when you get home no clean water here buddy”.
I watched him leave the tent and start messing around outside with the gear - I heard him curse at the rods not having caught anything over night - and I quickly scrambled for my backpack. Pulling out a clean T-shirt - I took the one I had off and quickly pushed it down the front of my jeans and wiped myself as best as I could - nothing I could do about the wetness though.
Eventually we packed up everything - and dug a little hole in the side of the bank were it was soggy soil - and buried our rubbish - then we setoff across the fields for our bikes.
Little did we know that by the end of that day - neither of us would see each other again….
Arriving as we always did at my home first - mine was further in the countryside - we stored the fishing tackle in my fathers shed and were messing around putting things away - as 14 yr olds we were not exactly tidy types - when it became time for Anthony to go - he stopped at the shed door and turned to look at me in the shed - I looked up seeing him in the doorway there looking at me and smiling that smirk he always had on his face when he was thinking naughty things - and as I stood up he walked over to me slightly closing the shed door. He came sooo very very close to me its impossible to be closer to someone without actually touching them - and I new what was supposed to happen - he put his hands on my shoulders and I looked at the door a little nervously - then smiled and looked into those eyes of his.. We kissed again for a while - a little better at it this time - no teeth clashing hehe - and he actually squeezed my bum and made me squeak!!! heh.
Then he was off on his bike and I headed in to my home. I hadn’t gotten 3 steps into the kitchen when the doom started!! My fathers voice BOOMED OUT!!! “YOU IN HERE NOW!” My heart skipped about 50 beets and my poor tummy turned to all kinds of knots - and I made my way into the living room knowing I had been busted for steeling my fathers vodka bottle.
So as I received my telling off - the following words were spoken which made me stop saying “yeah yeah yeah” in my head and made me actually take notice.. “That Anthony is a bad influence on you BOY!” My father always made a point of calling me “BOY!” his way of trying to drill into me that wanting to be a Girl was wrong! I spoke - “No he’s not dad he’s ace - I told him to steel some booze from his house - not other way around”. Father “Don’t lie to me BOY! - you spend far too much time with just him - don’t you have any other friends?” Me “Off course I doo dad yeah - just we like fishing together is all - and he ” - I stumbled for the right words and ended up saying “he understand me is all……” Father “WHAT? - he UNDERSTANDS YOU? - what the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?” Father “Have you been talking to him about that…” my Father always stumbled around this topic but eventually he said “that stupid silly notion you have about girls”? He didn’t even give me time to answer……. Father “who else have you been talking to about that? DO HIS PARENTS KNOW?” Me “NOO off course not Dad - I haven’t told anyone anything - were just friends dad he’s my best friend is all” Father “What have you two been doing getting drunk at night out in them fields?” Father “Has HE been making you steel stuff from other peoples properties?” This was it with my day - he was going off on one and I new I couldn’t talk him down till he thought he’d got his points across to me soo much that I would cry in front of him. Me “Dad noo I don’t nick stuff - only that vodka dad - he’s not like that he, he’s, he’s - nice!” I new I had said the wrong thing as soon as I finished saying the word “nice”. I new exactly  what was coming and I was frantically trying to figure out a way of not having him BLOW HIS TOP COMPLETELY… Father “NICE!! NICE!!???? What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean - NICE?” Then I saw him put two and two together and come up with FIVE!! his eyes widened - he pulled a face like he’d just bitten into a lemon… Father “Has he touched you any place weird son?” “You can tell me Son” All of a sudden I was’nt 'BOY’ I was 'Son’.. Me “Daaaaaddd come of it” and I went completely red……… Father “He FUCKING HAS HASN’T HE….” “That little pervert - I new he was a bad egg” My Father rarely swore unless he was off on an uncontrollable thing - I could already see him looking for his keys with his eyes…… I panicked - tears really were rolling down my cheeks now - and to my Father it must of looked totally like something else I guess - like I was damaged or something… Father “You stay here - wait for your Mother - she will be home in 10 minutes - you’re sister is out - so you wait HERE GOT IT??” Me “Dad its not[sob]what[sob]you think[sobbing” I was crying properly now - I new things had fucked up truly badly and my dad was going to Anthonys house to KICKOFF BIGTIME!
Father “DO AS YOUR TOLD BOY! stay here - to think you’re my son - it DISGUSTS ME”
And that was my dad flying out the door about to ruin my life for a second time - and I was left crying hard in the living room wondering what the heck I was going to do….
Soon after that my Sister came home and held me for quite some time - I told her everything - including all about me and Anthony - and she was as ALWAYS totally understanding and just held me closer…
My mother came into the house about 25 minutes later - but before she could ask me and get a word from me - my fathers car pulled up and I shot into my bedroom…
I was in my room for what felt like hours that day - and there was arguing in the house all day and well into the night. At some point I came out my room because I still hadn’t washed and was getting hungry and tired etc..
My Father was out at the Pub by then - and I asked if I could have a bath - and was told yes but then straight to bed because I was grounded FOR LIFE - and this time I really had messed up BIG and according to my Mother - my Father had said I was not seeing Anthony or any of his family again..
After my bath I managed to catch a few words with my SIS - and she enlightened to just how CRAZY things had gotten..
Apparently my Father had gone to Anthony’s and amongst other things had  belted his father - nearly gotten arrested - and apparently when pushed by my Father and his parents - Anthony had said we had gotten drunk and just kissed!!!
To say I was gob smacked and a little taken aback - was an understatement - but I guess it must of been hell for Anthony when my Father arrived at his home - and being put under pressure from 3 adult parents - one of which was your best friends Father - he had cracked and decided honesty was the best policy..
Anyway’s from what I can gather - Anthony’s parents would be MOVING with him AGAIN - as soon as they could find a place to rent - and according to my Father via my Sister - they were soo ashamed - as the neighbours had heard everything - well the police had been called after all - and they were just going to leave and take my ANTHONY away..
It took me a good few days before I would even talk to my father properly again - he couldn’t even look at me properly for months after that day…
I was grounded for months afterwards I never got to go out for the rest of the summer - no phone-calls - no friends round etc…
And Anthony’s parents kept up their promises/threats - they moved within 4 weeks - and I never ever heard from Anthony again!!!
After the summer holidays - I went back to school - and my first day back I rode my bike passed Anthony’s house just to see if it was true - and there was another blooming family in the house - no sign of Anthony or his parents - their dogs - nothing!
I guess they never really tried to buy a house - Anthony’s home must of been a rented one - because it felt like they moved like lightning!!! I guess they had-had a lot of previous trouble with Anthony being expelled from school after school - or maybe they were 'idiots’ like my parents and wanted to hide away what he really was inside..
To this day I don’t know if Anthony was Gay or just Bisexual like me - all I know is for those few moments I new him - I had fallen in love with him - in Love for the first time in my life.
I’ll never forget him :) He’s part of my history - and has a special place riding his bike along with my soul in the Heavens…
Hope you had a good Life Anthony :) x0x
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