#this is honestly on par with those cringe art blogs
wrenhavenriver · 7 years
that post making fun of that one really bright moira gif makes me uncomfortable? just...if you don’t like the style of a certain gifset, it costs you $0.00 to scroll along and...not make a mocking post about it?? somebody did put time and unpaid effort into that, no matter how weird or unappealing you may personally find it. if i came across a post with thousands of people making fun of my gifs i would honestly probably just delete photoshop, goddamn. can we let gifmakers practice shit and get better without embarrassing them into never trying again?
the exception of course being whitewashed gifsets of POC--you should absolutely point that shit out.  but, in the absence of whitewashing or other harmful practices, what do you gain out of making a mocking post about a gif in which you claim the white background looks like “moira drowning in milk”? other than a sense of petty superiority about your own ability to make aesthetically pleasing looping animations of video game characters, i mean.
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