#this is how i will always remember zelda in this game - not a sad damsel quietly accepting a duty someone else forced on her
thebreathofthewild · 1 year
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the zelda amiibo is, of course, absolutely beautiful... but i wish she didnt look sad in it. because THIS is how i remember the scene its referencing. THIS face. an expression of sheer power and determination. she accepts her duty not with sadness, but with courage. this is the face of sheer will that echoes through time.
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idontworkforsega · 5 years
This isn’t a prompt, just a question open for general discussion, do you see SonAmy becoming canon in the future? Teeeechnically it already is, but do you think there will be any comic or series or game where SonAmy are affectionate like how SonAlly (rip) was in the Archie comics? Just basically, is there any hope for my ship ;-;
I’ve answered this a few times, but with how popular trends are going, romance within more medias is becoming more accessible/acceptable to those who normally wouldn’t have… uh… how do I say, affiliations with it at all.
For example, Nintendo is starting to slowly introduce a more romantic tone in their Zelda series. With modern audiences expecting more from media concerning human ‘relationships’ there is a growing trend of our time for more emotional depth and strong character ties between each other. So more media is starting to say, “How do we enhance, expand, and keep our series going?” which then brings up the topic, “Should we introduce stronger emotions into our concept ideas?” it’s a good starting point, but it may take years to actually start happening. (When the older generations leave the industry/medium/field, then our generation can step up and give us what we’ve been wanting and waiting for lol)
As for Sonamy, it’s not “technically” a defined, two-way couple just yet. It IS, however, canon in that–yes, these two are advertised and associated with each other as a romantic pairing. The creators support the couple, and its officially stated that Amy is Sonic’s love interest (It’s literally the reason why she was created, they needed to bring in a love interest) because back then, damsels were a popular, growing trend that was demanded in media.
So nowadays, the growing trends are self-sustaining, intelligence, strong/fighting back characters. This also means that romance isn’t necessarily seen as ‘self-sustaining’ much like in Frozen 2, Elsa never finds a romantic partner, but instead, discovers herself and her own power.
There is a trend, however, that love sells really well. Like I stated before, the people are demanding stronger ties. Elsa and Anna are a strong ‘sister’ bond. Zelda and Link are a strong, central bond to the series. I wouldn’t be surprised if more games had couples appearing in them, and more dynamic couples that express more on the screen too.
Ex. Kingdom Hearts tries to build off this trend by being modern in the fact that it’s entire premises is based off of ‘bonds of the heart’ and relationship dynamics.
However, this trend isn’t necessarily a big deal in Japan. It’s mostly an American thing.
So do I think cute moments will happen with Sonic and Amy in the future? They most certainly can! But it depends on who’s running the “show”, so to speak. Not literal “Show” but who has the say in it and who will bring it up for discussion.
I feel there is a line that isn’t willing to be crossed with these two, currently, but there is plenty of support to show that Amy is starting to grow in popularity as a character. I think most of that has to do with the ‘self-sustaining, intelligent, strong character’ trend that the fans start building Amy into something more than her canon life has given her. Due to this, there is more demand for Amy and other ‘oftentimes obscured’ characters to have a limelight, because we are a generation that cares more about those bonds and puts more weight on their ‘happily ever afters’ or ‘endings’.
Due to all this, I can say that more will come, but probably not something as big as we’re all hoping for… it’s baby steps. I can say this though…
If a big tycoon industry suddenly starts doing well with a key-couple premise in their media? Other medias will rival that in hopes of similar success.
My hope… is that if more couples are being shown, than that can influence SEGA to think about evolving Sonic and Amy’s dynamic further. Even just Amy on an adventure with Sonic, just the two of them, so we can see how they interact and have cute or funny moments together where we see they BOTH care about the other would be enough to satisfy the current and on-going demand. We want more, but most companies don’t like to venture out and ‘test the waters’ because they try and find a way to have little to no risk in their ventures. (money, money, money…)
So will there be affectionate moments? I hope so! I think it’s a good possibility since many officials and fans seem to support it but do the people wielding the power want it? Do those who actually can make changes happen go for it? We’ll have to wait a see.
But I always have a lot of faith. I’m waiting right there in that band wagon. I’m sad to say they’ve digressed a bit since I was a kid but hopefully, more Sonamy will come in the future with popular, money-making, trends… it’s sad to say that, but remember that these characters are controlled by corporates and not always just wondefully creative minds, you know?
Still support them though! It’s definitely possible :)b 
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