#this is just me rambling. thanks for reading ....AUHASHAS
pekodayz · 1 year
poopoo aini molly usiuii random lore questions
You are now forced to read about them. my ososan oc hellspawns: aini, molly, and usiuii.....(they grow up so fast..sobs). i used this generator for oc questions. fun lore for shits and giggles!11! uhh haha read under cut...thanks....
How does your oc handle having a crush on someone? Do they have crushes a lot or rarely?
Aini: RARELY. She does not handle them well at all. Will end up shooting you if you try to ask...she misses though. (i-it's not like i like them!!!! b-b[redacted]) Then she goes berserk and denies any sort of crush or warm fuzzy feelings. throwing every single cuss word in the book at u. then she gives up (blushing and stuttering) and sobs, running away and swearing she will find your address and will send the codes to nuke your house. (she doesn't...she sulks away. embarrassed). But she will give try and bribe you to not say anything, might become ur maid for a bit. I think you can tell she has a crush if they are able to subdue her chunibyo-gundere-tsun-delulu personality for a minute. Rendering her stunned and speechless...and normal. Does soften her features (FOR A MOMENT!!!) if she likes someone, don't point it out.
Molly: SOMETIMES. Can handle them...okayish? They don't bring it up, but it's kinda obv is she has a crush on someone. She has a goofy smile on her face, but if you ask them......smile goes away instantly. u know how charas get swirly eyes and steam coming out of their ears. yeah. Then Molly goes mute for a while and just avoids eye contact......then they give u a quirked-up janky grin and begins to leave the scene. They're mumbling under their breath. (100 words a second, sounds like french. (THEY R NOT FRENCH. language will vary.)) She is extra, extra, EXTRA sweet around their crush. Buying them frappes and giving them more hugs....uhh..Molly..you're hugging them too hard. Will give more gifts as well. Don't try and push it...they will break and something magical and evangelical will happen.
Usiuii: RARELY. Can handle them...uh...concealing them. She squints if you bring it up. Then denies it wholeheartedly . denydenydenydenydenydenydenydenydeny. Then they say something completely off-topic. "I'm flaccid." "What?" "What." She would say that she isn't into that "anime" crap. (she's an otaku in secret. what r u on abt, usiuii.) Then would try to change the topic again, she's gripping her knees now. It's drawing blood. Sweating. Eyes twitching. She moves her hand over behind her back, and pulls out her guitar out of thin air. Staring at you. Holds it like a baseball bat, swings it, everything goes black. You wake up and see Usiuii wearing a completely different get up. She looks at you and says, "you wanna go to a maid cafe?" ...she changed the topic again. Why did she change her clothes...
What is your oc like during a conversation? What kind of things do they tend to talk about?
Aini: Uses a lot of emotion, mwahahahas a lot. Even though she is....something...she will listen intently, keen on learning abt things. "You humans are so...peculiar..." "Aini, drop the act already." "SHUT THE HELL UP." She's not THAT mean, she does have a soft spot and will remember details abt you. Don't mention it to her, she'll point the gun at you. She does like talking about people, whether it may be in a positive or negative light. Anddd her unrelenting dream to bring heaven, hell, and earth together. (pipe dream. dont mind her)
Molly: Good listener, soft-spoken...okay well even tho they're a good listener, they can still get a bit distracted. But will immediately apologize and bow a lot, she gets dizzy...oopss. Likes to talk abt whatever show is trending...or just sweets. Bring up any of her interests and they will go on an hour-long spiel. Get comfortable.
Usiuii: Elbows on the table, straight-faced. Listening to you, sending brainwaves to your brain. (I AM LISTENING. KEEP GOING.) Short answers, nods, and eyebrow raises. Likes to talk about otaku things...only to a specific person tho. (gee, [redacted], you really get me...sigh...*looks at them* wanna watch a hentai? ((they both turn it off after 10 minutes))
Does your oc wear/style their clothes in a certain way?
They all have their default clothes and work clothes. Molly likes taking them to the mall to buy new shit. They have many outfits. Thanks Molly.
Does your oc live alone or with others?
Since I want them to be inseparable, (BFFS FOREVER) they live in the same apartment complex. Right. Next. Door. To each other. HEART. They crash at each other's places a lot. Rock, paper, scissors....okay we're going over your house. They usually just do sleepovers 6/7 days of the week. Lots of doordash....and Chibita's every single day ofc.
How many hours of sleep does your oc need in order to function normally?
Aini: NO SLEEP. NONE. she's lying, she needs 7 hours. She gets all tired and groggy and will lean on anyone for a nap. like a baby..nuzzling up and being quiet for once.
Molly: since they work in the office...8 hours. they want to sleep more though, like 10. Constantly drinking frappes keep her up at night tho. It's a problem. (pouring themselves another cup of coffee. she stares at u, smiles nervously)
Usiuii: 4 hours...plays dating sims after midnight. (looks at the shining sunrise thru the window) "ah."
What is something about your oc's appearance others always compliment them on?
Aini: Her hair and teeth.
Molly: Hair and eyes...and their body. (shoots u)
Usiuii: Hair and excessive use of spikes. (teeth sometimes)
Around what time does your oc have lunch? Do they make something themself, or do they get lunch elsewhere?
On work days, Aini and Usiuii just eat around 11AM. They scavenge for whatever snacks that are at their workplace (convenience store) Molly just goes to Mcdonald's around 12:30PM...alone...since...they have to work in corporate...sad...they miss any sort of friends...sobs. She does eat with coworkers sometimes...she sighs solemnly.
Off days, they kinda just go to whatever's close. Or rock paper scissors...winner gets to pick. ok have fun, you freaks.
How far is your oc willing to go in order to keep their friends safe?
They will all kill for their friends btw. Like beasts.
Has your oc ever dyed their hair, and if so, what color? Did they like it?
Aini: Natural, doesn't want to dye her hair. Is scared. Will freak out.
Molly: Dyed it black and brown b4. Blonde with pink. Just straight black. They liked it. But orange is their natural hair color.
Usiuii: Natural hair color is pink. Dyed it some darker shade to seem more natural...and cooler...
What dish can your oc make best?
Aini: can't cook for shit. will order food online. best "dish" was pizza. she bought that.
Molly: Eclairs. Anything pasta or sweet they can make. Can cook anything, actually....uhh....molly...idk where they learned that.
Usiuii: Carbonara. Eat it, and you will ascend to the heavens for 6.6 seconds.
How fast does your oc fall in love?
Aini: slow-burn it. unless something happens like accidental smth smth (accidental ____ or someone she has taken a liking to falls asleep on her) . then it'll pick up a bit. Then she just represses it. Until she looks a mess.
Molly: Kinda quick, but realizes and dials back. Staring longingly at them. She must keep calm.
Usiuii: Unknown. She wakes up one night in a cold sweat, eyes shaking...something happened....what is this feeling...someone kill me...
What is your oc's favorite alcoholic drink?
Aini: Wine. Will take a fruity drink tho.
Molly: Margaritas. Or anything that's sweet.
Usiuii: Sake. (wtf. tryhard) or just beer.
Does your oc believe in love at first sight?
They all say no. Molly was going to say yes...chickened out.
Does your oc have any bad habits, and if so, why? Is it possible for them to stop?
Aini: Repressing. Makes her go insane. 1% chance of stopping
Molly: Caffeine-addict. Tastes too good to resist. Fidgets a lot. NOT STOPPING (latte, coffee, frappe, cap, anything)
Usiuii: Late-night gamer. Doesn't get enough sleep. NOT STOPPING
How good is your oc at giving advice?
Aini only gives good advice when you finally let her guard down. Speaks in a different dialect.
Molly gives good advice...sometimes. When they're nervous, they stutter a bit, but will try.
Usiuii...uh...depends on what the topic is. If it's emotional, she kinda just sideyes u nervously and smiles. (uh.........what.....hah....)
Does your oc prefer to sit around and chill or be up and moving, doing something?
Aini: Depends on the mood. If she's ready to be herself, shes up all day. Sometimes she just wants to keep to herself and watch the clouds. rare silence. Then Molly carries her to their next destination.
Molly: Wants to go everywhere, everyday. They will drag you to the mall, any place to eat, the park, the city. They loves doing something. She can't sit still.
Usiuii: Will laze around and gets dragged, MOVE . GET UPPPOPPP
BWAHHHHHH OKAY IM DONE FOR NOW!! That was fun. Will continue this tomorrow. THANK YA FOR READING THIS SUPER LONG LORE. (snaps knuckles and slumps) oughh.
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