#this is just my opinion btw im not sayin my word is LAW or anything. just my own observations and take on these things
koujakuzure · 7 years
how do u feel about genderbending?
short answer: I generally don’t mind
longer answer with more explanation:
hmm… well, honestly, it depends! and I know there are very mixed opinions on this subject, especially when it comes to “gender-bending” trans individuals (which is another conversation in itself, which yall can ask me about separately if u rlly wanna kno my opinion on it), so I try to look at it from both and all sides. it’s not a very black-and-white thing, just like pretty much anything that deals with gender lol 
really, I prefer the term “cis-swap” rather than “gender-bend” mostly bcuz gender…. is very ambiguous. Gender, unlike sex, is a social construction (and you can look all of this info up or ask any sociologist or psychologist to confirm that I’m not just pulling this stuff outta my ass). Sex is a biological concept, based on genitalia (and/or chromosomes); it’s often very black-and-white (with a few exceptions, such as intersex individuals), unlike the concept of gender. Gender is basically the traits we use in society to identify what is deemed “masculine” and what is deemed “feminine” (i.e. in American society, the color pink is deemed “feminine” whereas blue is “masculine” even tho they’re literally just colors; or how skirts, dresses, and heels are “feminine” clothing items, and suits are often deemed as “masculine” attire, or sometimes androgynous/gender-neutral). 
and, with the term “gender-bending”, that’s insinuating that you can take a gender fluid, agender, or nonbinary individual/character and somehow recreate them as an “opposite” of their initial gender identity (if that makes sense- sorry if the wording is a lil weird).
I don’t mind when ppl use the term “gender-bending” bcuz I get what they mean when they use it, but I just use “cis-swap” as to not overcomplicate things adjfhskhs (or maybe I’m the one that just overcomplicated things orz). 
but anyway, I think that there’s really only two things that bother me when it comes to the general populace’s take on “gender-bending”:
1. Ok, well firstly… “Gender-bending” one damn character in an entire franchise just to put them into a heterosexual relationship with another character… it’s very lame. I don’t feel offended by it or anything, but every time I see it I’m just like “…… weak…”. That’s not to say that the characters may-or-may-not-be headcanoned as a different sexuality (maybe bi or pan or smthin), but 9.999 times out of 10, when a person “gender-bends” ONE character to pair them with another character into a heterosexual relationship…. it’s often to make them hetero. And just to clarify, since I know (I just goddamn know) someone on this hellsite will take this the wrong way and NO. I am NOT saying heterosexuality is BAD. dear christ hop of my dick, I saw those gears whirring in ur brain, readin’ into shit. It’s Not That Deep.
2. Oftentimes when someone takes a male character and turns them into a female, you could’ve started off with the most muscular, steel-eyed, roughened, toughened male character….. and his female counterpart is often amounted to some lameass little dainty girl with giant gravity-defying tits, and big, sparkling moe eyes. @ all y'all artists that do that shit: you are WEAK. When you make a “gender-bent” character, you shouldn’t be changing the ENTIRE goddamn character, personality and distinct physical traits and all. Girls come in all different shapes and sizes (that includes their muscle mass and boobs, dumbasses). Same with guys!! Gender-bending female characters into men shouldn’t always mean giving them a six-pack lmao There is a vast array of *~body types~* 
I have this specific image in my mind of a “gender-bent” thin moe-lookinass Jotaro smothering the original male version of Kakyoin with her overly-sized tits and it’s killin me yall pls stop doin this,, yall killin m e, i lose brain cells when i come across this shit p l s
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