#this is kinda long aldskfjasdf my b
irresistiibles · 10 months
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was that kathryn newton? oh no no, that was just tress, a canon character from the cosmere series. they are twenty one years old, use she/they, and are aware that they are not actually from washington dc. too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. 
how long has your character been here
i'm highkey saying she just showed up
what is your character’s job
i'm unsure. i think any shops that need someone to employ could be a cool plot for tress, but otherwise i'll probably have her wind up at a bakery or working on one of the boat tours in dc. also they're slowly taking some part time college classes
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
right now i'm in the middle of the book, so in the middle of her journey to try and save charlie. she recently entered the crimson sea, and isn't sure how they got from there to here, but there's enough magic in tress' world that they have a variety of ideas for what might have happened.
has any magic affected your character
any other info
technically her given name is glorf. this isn't really important cause they exclusively go by tress but i had to share that knowledge.
okay so! gonna do a small lore dump without too many spoilers just need to know basis
the world building in this book is wild. tress is basically from a planet with twelve seas and twelve moons (i think it's twelve lol) and all of the moons release different spores
the spores make up the ocean, not water, hence why she lives on an emerald sea
when any form of water interacts with these spores they have some sort of effect, like growing into vines, or crystals, or shards, or exploding air. sounds cool, except like humans have water all over their body, and when i say the spores interact with water i mean any water
so essentially they're very dangerous. everyone lines their hours with silver or salt cause that kills the spores
suffice to say tress is going to be pretty stressed seeing their first rainfall here.
she's from an absolutely tiny island where no one is allowed to leave, and snuck onto a ship after finding out charlie, the boy she was in love with, was shipped off to an evil sorceress
she basically accidentally joins pirates, a bunch of shenanigans occur, and now she's here.
she basically became the person who worked with the spores on the ship and she's got some with her here in washington though very carefully sealed they're just for emergencies considering they're the main way she's capable of fighting i wanted her to have some
okay!! now one tress as a character
i understand her implicitly. she would rather risk her life than potentially inconvenience someone else and that is a vibe
she loves cups!!! collects cups!! is very excited to be in a new place with a lot of new cups!
pretty naive to the world, though open to learning.
she trusts so easily though it's pretty rough, and always wants to see the best in people. i wouldn't say that she's easy to take advantage of, because tress is pretty practical and smart, but she is the type to given seven thousand second chances because she wants people to be good so badly, and will find even the smallest good trait in people when she shouldn't
smart but that doesn't mean she regularly makes good decisions it just means she will rationalize stupid shit. and so stubborn!!!
very much an overthinker. a great listener but it takes tress a minute to figure out how to talk to other people.
plot ideas
collector buddies: anyone who collects anything please. tress would happily look out for their stuff in exchange for cups and i think it would be cute
in that same vein someone to go to different antique stores with her, again for cups
a roommate. tress is easy to live with and would offer to cook meals
maybe a more difficult character for her to befriend, although tress can handle someone having some bad traits she won't just let you be an asshole to her so we'd have to feel out the vibe
anyone to help her adjust to this world. their island was so small tress can't even fathom the idea of a place where you can't see the ocean no matter where you go. this is all going to be extremely weird to her. she's a good cook. will exchange baked goods for assistance.
as mentioned up above anyone who has some sort of shop and needs an employee this could be cool
school buddies she is going to need some help
a bad influence ig? not for like full crimes but this is someone who's barely even gotten drunk before someone make her have some fun
bisexual, down for a ship, probably on the wholesome side
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