#( intro && tress )
irresistiibles · 10 months
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was that kathryn newton? oh no no, that was just tress, a canon character from the cosmere series. they are twenty one years old, use she/they, and are aware that they are not actually from washington dc. too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. 
how long has your character been here
i'm highkey saying she just showed up
what is your character’s job
i'm unsure. i think any shops that need someone to employ could be a cool plot for tress, but otherwise i'll probably have her wind up at a bakery or working on one of the boat tours in dc. also they're slowly taking some part time college classes
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
right now i'm in the middle of the book, so in the middle of her journey to try and save charlie. she recently entered the crimson sea, and isn't sure how they got from there to here, but there's enough magic in tress' world that they have a variety of ideas for what might have happened.
has any magic affected your character
any other info
technically her given name is glorf. this isn't really important cause they exclusively go by tress but i had to share that knowledge.
okay so! gonna do a small lore dump without too many spoilers just need to know basis
the world building in this book is wild. tress is basically from a planet with twelve seas and twelve moons (i think it's twelve lol) and all of the moons release different spores
the spores make up the ocean, not water, hence why she lives on an emerald sea
when any form of water interacts with these spores they have some sort of effect, like growing into vines, or crystals, or shards, or exploding air. sounds cool, except like humans have water all over their body, and when i say the spores interact with water i mean any water
so essentially they're very dangerous. everyone lines their hours with silver or salt cause that kills the spores
suffice to say tress is going to be pretty stressed seeing their first rainfall here.
she's from an absolutely tiny island where no one is allowed to leave, and snuck onto a ship after finding out charlie, the boy she was in love with, was shipped off to an evil sorceress
she basically accidentally joins pirates, a bunch of shenanigans occur, and now she's here.
she basically became the person who worked with the spores on the ship and she's got some with her here in washington though very carefully sealed they're just for emergencies considering they're the main way she's capable of fighting i wanted her to have some
okay!! now one tress as a character
i understand her implicitly. she would rather risk her life than potentially inconvenience someone else and that is a vibe
she loves cups!!! collects cups!! is very excited to be in a new place with a lot of new cups!
pretty naive to the world, though open to learning.
she trusts so easily though it's pretty rough, and always wants to see the best in people. i wouldn't say that she's easy to take advantage of, because tress is pretty practical and smart, but she is the type to given seven thousand second chances because she wants people to be good so badly, and will find even the smallest good trait in people when she shouldn't
smart but that doesn't mean she regularly makes good decisions it just means she will rationalize stupid shit. and so stubborn!!!
very much an overthinker. a great listener but it takes tress a minute to figure out how to talk to other people.
plot ideas
collector buddies: anyone who collects anything please. tress would happily look out for their stuff in exchange for cups and i think it would be cute
in that same vein someone to go to different antique stores with her, again for cups
a roommate. tress is easy to live with and would offer to cook meals
maybe a more difficult character for her to befriend, although tress can handle someone having some bad traits she won't just let you be an asshole to her so we'd have to feel out the vibe
anyone to help her adjust to this world. their island was so small tress can't even fathom the idea of a place where you can't see the ocean no matter where you go. this is all going to be extremely weird to her. she's a good cook. will exchange baked goods for assistance.
as mentioned up above anyone who has some sort of shop and needs an employee this could be cool
school buddies she is going to need some help
a bad influence ig? not for like full crimes but this is someone who's barely even gotten drunk before someone make her have some fun
bisexual, down for a ship, probably on the wholesome side
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salty-accords · 5 months
Aphrodite Intro Pages
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Let us delve into the realm of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, known as the Smile-Loving. She is a divine beauty, Her radiance rivaling that of the heavens, yet Her wrath can be as fierce as the sea She was born from. Emerging from the sea froth of Ouranos' castration, She is hailed as the daughter of Zeus. While She may be a minor deity of the sea, particularly associated with sea foam and creatures like tortoises, turtles, and clams, Her influence extends far beyond, shaping numerous myths and narratives as the Goddess of Passion.
These pages will give you a glimpse into my understanding and reverence of Aphrodite. The content, largely drawn from my grimoire, is a testament to my unique perception and worship of this goddess. However, it's important to note that the altar concept, while significant to me, is a conceptual representation and not a direct reflection of my daily worship. These visuals are crafted with the internet in mind and are highly aesthetic.
55. To Aphrodite (The Orphic Hymns, Athanassakis and Wolkow translation; excerpt)
Heavenly, smiling Aphrodite, praised in many hymns, sea-born revered goddess of generation, you like the night-long revel, you couple lovers at night, O scheming mother of Necessity. Everything comes from you: you have yoked the world, you control all three realms, you give birth to all, to everything in heaven, to everything upon the fruitful earth, to everything in the depths of the sea, O venerable companion of Bacchos. You delight in festivities, O bride-like mother of the Erotes, O Persuasion, whose joy is in the bed of love, secretive giver of grace, visible and invisible, lovely-tressed daughter of a noble father, bridal feast companion of the gods, sceptered, she-wolf, beloved and man-loving, giver of birth and life. Your maddening love-charms yoke mortals, they yoke the many races of beasts to unbridled passion. Come, O goddess born in Kypros: you may be on Olympos, O queen, exulting in the beauty of your face, you may be in Syria, country of fine frankincense you may be driving your golden chariot in the plain, you may lord it over Egypt's fertile river bed. Come, whether you ride your swan-drawn chariot over the sea's billows, joining the creatures of the deep, as they dance in circles, or on the land in the company of the dark-faced nymphs as light-footed they frisk over the sandy beaches, Come lady, even if you are in Kypros that cherishes you, where fair maidens and chaste brides throughout the year sing of you, O blessed one, as they sing of immortal, pure Adonis. Come, O beautiful, O comely goddess, I summon you with holy words, I summon you with a pious soul.
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schoenpepper · 28 days
River (Charlie Puth)
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Intro: He doesn't understand why you keep getting closer and closer to him, even after all he's done. You don't understand why you love him, either.
Warnings: bad writing, awful grammar, not proofread it's too long for me to give a fuck, reader is like simp 100%, book 4-5 spoilers ig, not canon happenings huehuehue, kinda disconnected but like, all my songfics are disconnected so idk, i was half asleep writing the latter parts, so it'll be messy for sure
A/N: Jamil my babygirl~ The people don't enjoy my Twisted Harmonies series, but I don't care because I like writing them. This one went through a couple edits though.
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Don't run from me river
Don't run from me river, river
No don't run from me river
Don't run from me river, river
Meeting Jamil was the start of living for you.
Coasting through life back in your old world; everyday was a chore you had to get through in order to continue existing. When you got magically transported to a place with magic and new cultures and new people, it was like you finally got back to the same starting point as everyone else.
But seeing those dark gray eyes and long brown tresses, it made your heart beat for the first time.
A beauty that seems to want to go unnoticed, but how could you ignore him when his radiance filled your very being as naturally as oxygen filled your lungs? When he hid in his mask of incompetence and facade of normalcy, what can you do but trip over your own feet and fall? You see him, and the only thing you want to do is to be closer to him, enough to peel back that visage of mystery, to read him like an open book. Jamil is like a mirage in the deserts of the Scalding Sands, however, you know that the moment you reach out to touch him, he’ll fade away right in front of you.
So you keep watching.
You can’t do anything but watch.
You watch him plot and plan and fall victim to his own schemes. You watch him boil together the mess of feelings he doesn’t know how to release. You watch him bathe in his misery, you watch him drown in it.
You keep your hand to yourself instead of offering it.
You know he’ll never take it.
Look, you can play it cool
Act like you don't care
River don't be cruel
You're pushing me away
You’re interesting.
Jamil doesn’t care about much, and he certainly doesn’t care about you.
But a magicless human barreling into his world (literally) at orientation? You’ve got his interest peaked, at least. That’s it. He doesn’t care enough to give you a second glance. The only thing he knows about you is that you’re from a different world. But rumors always spread like wildfire, and suddenly, you’re the talk of the school. Riddle overblotted and you, somehow, are on center stage. In the Spelldrive tournament, he doesn’t know too much about what transpired, but what he does know is that you’re involved again somehow.
You could be useful.
You could be an asset to him, a boon if used correctly.
1, 2, 3, pieces fall into place.
Kalim is powerful, even if he doesn’t know it. But you, you’re Crowley’s little helper, aren’t you? You can make the headmaster look at the problem head on, instead of cowing to the Al Asims’ money. When everyone in Scarabia, and even Ramshackle’s prefect themself, is saying that Kalim is no longer fit to be housewarden, then wouldn’t the headmaster need to listen?
Stay for another dinner. Another night. Another training session.
Stay until you’re useless to Jamil.
Don't want to get hurt
So you hurt me first
With the words you say
Maybe you should fall
Hah. You ruined his plans.
He lays on the floor, soaked in ink and sweat and tears, the forbidden taste of freedom lingering on his tongue. Azul and the twins are looking at him with mild amusement, even though he could clearly see they were just as injured, just as tired as he was. But he can’t read you. Even under snake whisper, he never understands what’s in your mind. You’re looking at him with an expression he can’t place, you give him a feeling he can’t shake. He’s lightheaded, he doesn’t really know where to go from here—when the adrenaline runs out and blood returns to his veins, Jamil has no idea what to do.
He hurt Kalim.
He hurt his dorm.
He hurt you.
Is that all he can do? When the chains that bind him are momentarily unlocked, is hurting other people the only thing he’s good at?
He meets your eyes.
There it is again; an emotion he doesn’t get. Are you pitying him? Is it empathy, sympathy? What do you want from him?
There is nothing that Jamil Viper can offer you.
Not when he doesn’t even belong to himself.
That's what rivers do
'Cause when you're in love
You don't mind a different view
Things are looking up
You think it’s unfair how beautiful Jamil is, even defeated and down on his knees. You ignore Grim for a moment to skirt around the black substance on the floor, making your way to Jamil. He looks at you warily, reminiscent of a wild animal that’s cautious, and rightly so, of a strange being entering its territory.
You hold your hand out.
You should know better than to hope that today is finally the day that he takes it.
But he does.
It’s more than what you imagined it to be. In your dreams, the boy that you love takes it with a flustered face and an awkward smile, hands clammy with sweat. In reality, the very first time that Jamil ever takes your hand, there’s a determined look on his face and sludge on his palms. He’s tiredly glaring at you, likely internally cursing you out for ruining his evil plans. With the way his pretty eyes are slightly squinted, brows furrowed and lips curved downwards into a frown, you think it’s so much better than your fantasies.
Because it’s the real Jamil.
And his grip kind of hurts when you help him up, but he doesn’t complain when you make him lean on your shoulder for support. You help him back to his room.
Everything’s over. For now.
But for you and your poor heart, it’s all just begun.
Maybe this is the step you’d needed to get closer to him? Maybe this is the part of the cheesy romantic movie where he lets you in after troubles and tribulations? Maybe this time, you can get to know who he really is.
Strip away the practiced incompetence. Take off his cloak made of calculated errors.
So, it’s decided.
From now on, you’ll find out everything about Jamil, and you’ll give and give and give and give, if only to replace the parts he’d had to give away over the years.
You’re both broken.
But maybe if you give him the parts of you that are still working, at least one of you can be fixed.
Oh river (river, river) don't run (run, run)
Don't run (river, river)
Don't run (run, run)
Oh river (river, river) don't run (run, run)
Don't run (river, river) from our love (run, run)
He wakes up in the infirmary. It’s still you.
Why are you still here?
Leave. Leave him alone. He doesn’t deserve your gentle care, not when it’s his fault, not when he’s the reason both for your and his own injuries. You never say a word, but you redress his wounds so carefully, making sure not to hurt him in the process.
What do you get out of this?
He genuinely doesn’t understand.
Jamil has never been kind to you, no, he’s always done what he needed to do in order to get you to move according to the script he’d written. He’d toyed with you, manipulated you, don’t you understand? He lied, because lying is his nature, because you’re just so gullible, you never even thought twice before believing any of his words.
Why don’t you get it?
You hand him a packet of cookies. Cheap ones from the school store, but judging by the way you’re dressed, and what little knowledge he has of your financial situation, he knows it’s all you have on you. He takes it with a soft ‘thanks’ and opens it. It tastes like cardboard, he can make better ones.
But you smile at him.
Your smile reminds him of the sun back home. It’s unbearably bright, he wants to turn his eyes away, but it’s also so unbearably stunning. And your voice, it’s akin to the nectar of blooming flowers in the spring when they travel through the air in all their sweetness. “Eat up, you need to regain your strength.”
If you refuse to be his enemy…then what is he supposed to do?
Look, darling don't give up
When the water's rough
Where you gonna go?
My heart is your home
You are persistent, if nothing else. In a corner somewhere, in a low whisper that no one other than you or him would have heard, he’d apologized. You accepted his apology. He thought that would have been the end of it. You’d return to the state of strangers, as you had been before the winter vacation. But you’re like honey, sticking to his fingers and leaving a saccharine residue he just can’t wash off. You’re in the cafeteria and you choose to sit next to him, in the hallways where you greet him a cheery ‘good morning’ and ‘good afternoon’, in the parties in Scarabia that Kalim invites you to.
You pull Jamil away to a hidden balcony to escape the noise. You laugh and chatter away even when he doesn’t reply.
You hold his hand.
He lets you.
He doesn’t know why, but he lets you do whatever you want. He never stops you, even though he knows he should.
You show up to basketball practice and every single game. He tries, he really does, to convince himself that you’re there for Ace. You guys are best friends, right? So of course you’d be there to support him. Hell, you could even be there for Floyd, with how close you seem to be with the merman.
(Jamil is a liar, after all.)
He tells himself you’re not there for him.
Even when you run up to him after a successful play, passing him a cold bottle of water and a fluffy towel for his sweat, he swears you’re not there to support him. Why would you? He’s the guy that threw you all the way to the other side of his dormitory.
(You only give Ace an eye roll when he brags about the win, and Floyd, a high five.)
(The best liars fool themselves.)
Nothing is as cold
As running on your own
So river don't you rush
Maybe you should fall
You have…what was the expression again?
Jamil watches on with Kalim from the corner of the court.
Two left feet, that’s it. Your dancing is, quite frankly, hilarious to watch. A mess of uncoordinated limbs flailing about, but it’s certainly better than Grim’s or Deuce’s. Kalim interrupts with a well-meaning comment (rude, but it’s true), and somehow, Jamil’s volunteered against his will to teach the clumsy first-years how to dance.
Ace knows enough of the basics, Deuce is remarkably stiff, Grim is a hopeless case.
But you can learn.
You want to pass the auditions too? Vil’s rather stringent with his requirements, though Rook is certainly not. But if you want to have even a shot at this, maybe Jamil can teach you more thoroughly, one on one.
Sevens, even he doesn’t know what he’s saying anymore.
You agree.
(Why did you agree?)
That's what rivers do
'Cause when you're in love
You don't mind a different view
Things are looking up
One hand on your waist, the other gently fixing your leg in place by your upper thigh.
(He wonders if you can hear his heart beating when his chest is to your back.)
“You should be more relaxed. The song isn’t aggressive, so you shouldn’t be so stiff.” Jamil speaks lowly into your ear, and he feels you shudder but never pull away. Instead, you nod and try to follow his instructions the best you can. Your body melts into the posture he’s veering you towards, molded by his palms. You’re warm, and the way you’re nervously looking back over your shoulder to gauge his reaction makes him think of the stray cats that occasionally circled him for food.
“Sorry, I just, don’t really dance,” you admit in embarrassment.
“Then why do you want to audition for the SDC?”
“Hm? Because my friends are auditioning. They think that if enough of us are in the team, they’ll be able to replace Epel. He doesn’t seem very willing to compete, after all.”
And there you are again.
Saving another stranger, as if kindness itself is melded into your bones. Jamil finds that he was wrong; it’s not just your smile that’s evocative of sunlight, it’s you. Your eyes meet his with a warmth that doesn’t burn, yet touching your skin makes him feel like he’d just come in contact with red-hot lava.
If you’re this kind to everyone, was he just another charity case to you?
Oh river (river, river) don't run (run, run)
Don't run (river, river)
Don't run (run, run)
Oh river (river, river) don't run (run, run)
Jamil pushes you away like it’s routine.
Everytime you think you’ve managed to dig deeper, you’re met with another blockade, each stronger than the last. He’s confusing, because everytime you think he’s letting you get closer (every time, you’re given hope that your feelings have come through), you’re disappointed again and again and again. You manage to graze the edge of his fingers before he flinches away like your touch burns him like hot metal.
And you keep trying.
What else are you supposed to do?
You continue your efforts and hope and pray that one day, he’ll see you. 
But for now, you watch out for his lines and redraw them without his knowledge. You do what you can to be his friend, because even though every bone in your body is begging for his love, you know it’s impossible when he won’t even let you be his confidant. You sit next to him and stay, even when he tries to scoot further away from you. Is it healthy? Probably not. You know better than to do what you’re doing. But you don’t stop.
(Jamil is like a drug injected straight into your veins.)
Don't run (river, river) from our love (run, run)
Don't run from me river
Don't run from me river, river
No don't run from me river
He thought that distancing himself from you would be the right thing to do. He doesn’t know if it’s right, but what he does know is that it’s impossible. You’re a thought always running through his mind; a dream flowing through his reality.
When did it start that, even when he knows you’re not near, he still searches for you?
Jamil almost feels relief when he arrives at Pomefiore and realizes that you didn’t make the cut. Almost. He’s not relieved though, it’s overshadowed by a feeling of restlessness he doesn’t understand.
Anything concerning you, Jamil’s never quite understood.
Then you arrive anyway. When he’s managed to calm his heart down, you rev it up again like an engine. Vil announces you to be the team manager, and you agree quickly to let the team stay at Ramshackle at the notion of the prize money.
(You certainly weren’t looking at Jamil when you agreed.)
How is he supposed to avoid you now?
He moves in with the rest of the group, when you insist that you’re one bedroom short and thus, regretfully, Jamil would have to stay with you for the duration of his stay. He’s a liar, of course he knows you’re lying. He can see your gleeful smile you’re desperately trying to hide, in the small giggles that leave your lips when you think no one’s paying attention to you. He can decline, of course, and just room with Kalim instead where he can make sure that the heir survives the night without too much distance.
Instead, he agrees, only asking for Kalim to room nearby.
Don't run from me river, river
No don't run from me river
Don't run from me river, river
No don't run from me river
Your very smart and well thought-out plan worked.
Hm, maybe a little too well.
Jamil didn’t say anything when you basically forced him into sharing a room with you. Now he’s in the bathroom, and you’re shaking in your pajamas (from fear? Excitement? Withdrawal symptoms?), tucked into your cheap cotton sheets you’d bought at Sam’s for a couple thaumarks. It is unfortunate, but true, when you say that these are the nicest sheets you have. Jamil exits the bathroom fully clothed (sadly), hair wrapped in a towel and a hair dryer in hand. “Let me help you.” There is no way you were letting an opportunity like this slip through your fingers.
Surprisingly, he complies.
He’s sitting on your bed while you’re kneeling on the mattress behind him, plugging the device on and getting to work. God, it’s divine, he’s divine—his hair smells fruity and floral, and it moves through your fingers like he’s in a shampoo commercial.
(Don’t be a freak. Don’t sniff his hair.)
It takes a long time for it to dry, but when it does, it’s smooth and shiny and absolutely gorgeous. He tries to get up and says he can put his hair oil on by himself, and you take out the pushiest, most blunt sides of you in order to convince him to let you do it too.
Safe to say, sleep escapes you when you’re next to a five-foot-seven beauty in an oversized hoodie and pajama pants.
Maybe you should fall
That's what rivers do
'Cause when you're in love
You don't mind a different view
Jamil has come to the conclusion that he can’t avoid you.
Perhaps it was a realization that should have come long ago. But as the days pass by and he’s in your dormitory, it only further cements in him the feelings he’d been running from. Seeing you everyday feels right, spending every waking moment with you is more than just comfortable. It’s freeing in a way, like he’d just arrived to the countryside from the smoke of the city and he’s taking his first whiff of fresh air.
Practice is enjoyable.
He dances and he sings, and he can feel your eyes on him, roaming up and down but never to anyone else. For the first time in his life, someone’s chosen him, someone’s looking at him with every bit of their attention and focus. Not Kalim, not anyone else. Him. Jamil might be addicted to the feeling of you so openly lusting after him, almost begging for his attention.
(He can’t recognize the other emotions, but physical attraction is easy to read.)
You desire him. Really?
When he looks back at you, catching you in the middle of your act, he enjoys seeing your flustered face and avoidant gaze all the more. Vil calls for a break, so he stretches before taking the sports drink you’re offering.
(It reminds him of when you’d visit him during his basketball games.)
Jamil lightens the mood by deciding to make small talk with you instead of calling you out on your behavior. He takes a sip and laughs with you when Ace and Grim get in a scuffle in the middle of the dance floor, Vil breaking them up with a well-thrown bottle of apple juice. He watches you laugh at Ace clutching a forming bump on his forehead. It sounds like something he can’t quite place, but what he does know is that he’s dreamt of it before—
He’s…dreamt of you.
Multiple times.
The realization hits him harder than the bottle that Vil had thrown at Ace.
Things are looking up
Oh river (river, river) don't run (run, run)
Don't run (river, river)
Don't run (run, run)
Oh river (river, river) don't run (run, run)
Don't run (river, river) from our love (run, run)
Practice was useless.
You watch the reaction of the crowd in response to Neige and his team’s rehearsal. It was a fine performance (if it had been done in a kindergarten recital). Yet you see Vil seething and Rook sighing like the both of them had already seen defeat before it even arrived. You feel annoyance, frustration, injustice (why should the cutesy dance win when it was poorly put together, nothing but a mockup of an actually talented number?). None of that helps. 
Vil overblots.
It’s familiar, though it probably shouldn’t be. The fight saps all the energy you had in your body, and you rush to your friends before the dust even settles, thankfully, no one has a serious injury. They still perform despite everything that had just happened, on the stage that your friend Tsunotarou had rebuilt with just a flick of his wrist. Predictably, they lose.
Well, who said the majority of people had good taste?
(You find Jamil packing in your room right afterwards. You convince him to stay, just a little longer. You wonder what you would need to do to convince him to stay forever.)
Oh river (river, river) (don't run from me river)
Don't run (run, run) (don't run from me river, river)
Don't run (river, river) (no don't run from me river)
Don't run (run, run) (don't run from me river, river)
Jamil thinks he finally understands.
Not you, exactly, rather, the combination of emotions he always finds whenever he looks into your eyes. It was love, a deep adoration that seeped into your soul and made you vulnerable to everything he did. It makes him rethink; was it his unique magic all that time ago, or was it just you fully willing to submit to his whims? No, when did this even start? You’ll likely never give him an answer to that question, but he’s smart enough to figure it out on his own. Retrace the steps, right? All the way back to the first time he met you.
(It’s not quite love yet. But something is there, and he doesn’t know why.)
It’s incorrect for him to assume that just because he found out what your feelings for him were, he’d automatically unravel who you are as a person. It only serves to deepen the enigma; what had he done for you to notice him so early on?
(He crosses out the possibility it might be love at first sight. How boring.)
You must be some tactical genius, and every action leading to this moment must’ve all been a trap. It was as if every step he’d taken since the day you met had only led him spiraling down, deeper and deeper into you. You’re a master at this game he’d noticed too late, you’d already gotten him stuck in your well-woven web of deceit.
How unexpected.
And yet, thrilling.
As Jamil lays his head on your lap, drifting off to a peaceful sleep under the shade of the apple tree, he takes in the feeling of you gently massaging his scalp and thinks of only one thing.
He’d lost to your machinations.
(If you want it so badly, Jamil will give you whatever is left of him that is his. He will trust you.)
Oh river (river, river) (don't run from me river)
Don't run (run, run) (don't run from me river, river)
Don't run (river, river) (no don't run from me river)
From our love (run, run) (don't run from me river, river)
His eyelashes are remarkably long. You gently trail a fingertip over the edge of its fanned-out shape, taking note of the shadow it leaves on his cheekbones.
He doesn’t wake up when you kiss his cheek.
Jamil is a mystery you want to keep trying to read every single moment of everyday. He’s a person you want to keep next to you, even if you’ve already gotten to the bottom of all his plans and ideals. You were attracted to him because Jamil is a shattered mirror, all its pieces still reflecting you.
He was barely existing too.
You saw in him what you know is present within yourself; a creature of self-doubt and hatred, wanting to know its place in this world, needing to know its purpose for existence. But unlike you, Jamil took steps to find a way out of his own personal hell, while back in your own world, you were only ever stuck in the same place. He’s everything you never thought you needed, but did.
Now, he’s breathing.
You wonder if he feels safe with you.
You wonder if he feels the same way that you do. Does he look at you and feel alive? Just like how Jamil was the beginning of your living, are you his?
You don’t need to know the answer.
(You couldn’t fix him, and he couldn’t fix you. Isn’t it great, then, that your broken pieces slot right into each other?)
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avidabsurdist · 5 months
Every time a new Brandon Sanderson book is released everyone updates their suggested reading order but all you need is the patience to be uninformed and enjoy the book!
But depending on your preference the best story to start with will be different.
If you want a crash course on the basics of The Cosmere's magic physics (Aka Investiture) so you can hypothesize on how other magic works I suggest the short story "The Emperor's Soul" as a starting point, it gives a solid overview of Realmic theory and covers Identity (a rather difficult idea to communicate) very effectively. (this is the start of the PhD route)
If you want something that's more like a traditional fairy tale as an intro I suggest Tress Of the Emerald Sea, which doesn't require a PhD in the shattering to understand. (though if you're going the PhD route I suggest reading this one later because if you're questioning the magic it's a far more confusing one)
Warbreaker is a good middle ground, if you're going the PhD route I suggest this second (it covers Intention which "The Emperor's Soul" doesn't), It's not a bad starting place either, it was my first book in The Cosmere and it's up for free on The Sand-Man's website. It's also all-around an excellent book.
I'm going to be (a tad) controversial and say I enjoy Elantris, it's certainly not Brando-Sando's best work but it was his first, and it's not a bad book to start with! just keep in mind that many of the issues in the book are things he improves on in later books.
Mistborn is two (soon to be 3) series, we distinguish them by 'Era' and they should be read in order if you want to make sense of what's going on.
Mistborn Era 1 (3 books) is also an excellent place to start, it's a YA-style series so you follow a teenager in a Post-(more like perpetual)-Apocalypse, but it's also an Epic high fantasy so if you like those and don't mind romance It's a good one.
"Mistborn Secret History": read this after Mistborn Era 1 if you're going the PHD route read anytime before The Lost Metal (Era 2 Book 4) for everyone else. (PhD track: if you want the most out of it I suggest also reading White Sand first)
Mistborn Era 2 (4 books) is a high fantasy Western set in the same world much later in time, 10/10 no notes, it's excellent.
The Stormlight Archive, TheBigOne™ It is planned to be a 10-book series with accompanying Novellas. I suggest reading in chronological order including the short stories, published so far that would be:
The Way of Kings
Words of Radiance
"Edgedancer" (novella)
"Dawnshard" (novella)
Rhythm of War
Start with this series if you thirst for sprawling high-fantasy novels with page counts that would make grown men weep (the Audiobook for RoW was like 48 hours long)
The entirety of Arcanum Unbounded is not required reading, (unless you're on the PhD track) but it contains both "The Emperor's Soul" and "Edgedancer", you should probably read Elantris, Mistborn Era 1, Alloy Of Law (MB Era 2 Book 1), and Stormlight (up to Words of Radiance). If you enjoy Graphic Novels and dislike spoilers/rereading stuff when you haven't finished it yet I suggest skipping the White Sand excerpt.
White Sand is also not a terrible intro, it covers a theme in B-Sandy's work that isn't directly related to the cosmere but will give you a good insight into whether you'll like his work or not: the idea that skill is developed, not just inherent. if you're like me and dislike graphic novels GraphicAudio™ (actually a company not a joke) Has an Audio rendition that has some narrative differences from the Graphic novels (iirc at least one character is a different gender) But the Graphic novels also have a random boombox on a planet with no electricity so either should be fine.
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter is in a similar situation to Tress of The Emerald Sea except instead of a classic European Folktale Vibe it's got a Western Interpretation of Anime Vibe, ofc it's high fantasy like all Sandon Branderson's work so it's world is inspired by Japanese culture rather than just being Japanese.
The Sunlit Man read Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell (Arcanum Unbounded), and at least Oathbringer (Stormlight Archive 3) before this one, unless you like being thrown into the deep end, Mistborn Era 1 & 2 would also help.
There are other routes than Ph.D., there's also the Galactic Politics route, The Secret Society route, The Worldhopper Watcher route, The Ancient History route (Aka The Shattering route) ect
if you want specific reading route recs just tell me what you're looking for I can help!
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buckybarnesisdaddy · 7 months
Summer Lovin’ pt 1
Summary: Getting into the villa took more work than expected. What didn’t surprise you though was the drama that would ensue, you just didn’t think it would all involve you.
Pairing: those are surprises at the moment! 🤭 Everly(reader) X ???, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Jake Jensen, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Peggy Carter, Colin Shea, brief mention of Brock Rumlow. Also original characters.
Rating: Mature!
Warnings: talks of sex, making out, lap dances, petting, PTSD talks. Talks of war, trauma, bombs, war time violence. Graphic talk of injuries.
A/N: there is so much I want to give a heads up for, not bad just some choices I made. So I’ll do that at the end. 😉
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You take a deep breath as you climb out of the car. Your bags disappear as a production assistant ushers you down the walk way. “So you will stand here and we are gonna ask you a few questions, okay?” The camera man in front of you has a blank stare as he zooms in closer, the production assistant gives you a look from behind the camera, she motions for you to smile.
“I’m sorry, are we starting now? Like right now?” You ask as you look around, trying to take in the view for just a second. The assistant taps the camera man’s shoulder and motions for him to back up.
“Yes, we are starting now. But we can give you a minute if you need it.” She assures you, thanking her with a smile. “How about while we wait, you tell me about yourself. I actually don’t know anything about you, so leave nothing out.” The assistant chirps happily. You nod and smooth out your sun dress, your fingers fidgeting with the wrinkles.
“Oh, um okay. I thought everyone would know every nitty gritty detail of our lives before we got on set.”
“Villa,” the assistant corrects you. “It will make it feel more like home.” She smiles. You nod as you look around.
“Right, Villa. The Love Island Villa.” You say quietly as you turn around and look at the looming mansion behind you. The assistant motions to the camera man to start rolling again, but this time he backs up and makes sure to not be seen. The cobblestone driveway clicks beneath your heels as you shuffle around in place. Gazing up at the two story mansion before you, modern but still home like. The black and gray color that make up the exterior contrasts all the bright pink, orange, and yellow that make up the furnishings, and decor. The windows reflect the sun brightly and the greenery perfectly placed along the balconies and tresses are lush and full of life, and quietly under all the excess noise coming from the camera crew and the production team, you can hear the roar and crash of the ocean waves. You take a deep breath and turn back to the production assistant. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name before.” You ask, extending your hand for a shake. She smiles and reaches her hand out to yours.
“Annie” She offers. You nod and shake her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you Annie, I’m Everly.”
“Nice to meet you, Everly. Now how about you tell us about yourself.”
You spend the next hour making an intro video that will be played on TV. After that Annie sits you down and explains the rules of the show. “Okay, No leaving the villa before the end of filming, unless of course you are voted off. Have physical altercations of you will be removed from the villa by police and charges may potentially be filed. You can’t have your own personal phone or communication device of any kind. We will provide you with one while you are here and it is solely for the purpose of texting between production and the participants. You must adhere and pass all drug and STD testing while you are here or else you will be removed from the island. And lastly, have fun!” You hear everything Annie is saying and you just nod.
“Do people really fail their STD screenings when coming in?” You ask and Annie laughs.
“You’re be surprised! It also depends on what it is. If it’s easily treatable then we may keep you and just quarantine you.” You lightly laugh.
“Well I don’t plan on getting one.” Annie laughs.
“No one plans on getting and STD, Everly.” She guides you back to the car. “Alright, now that we’ve got you checked in and set up, we wait!” You scrunch your eyebrows.
“Wait?? I thought-“ you point to the villa.
“Oh don’t worry, you are on the island.” You take a breath at Annie’s reassurance, you’re not sure why, you didn’t even sign up for this stupid love show, your friends did it for you. “But production of reviewing all your information and the other girls information as we can decide what order to introduce you to each other.” Annie smiles and then whispers, “But you have nothing to worry about, you’re total bombshell material.” And with that Annie is gone.
**** 1 month ago****
“Nooooo!!” You drunkenly whine. “Sarah why?!” Sarah, your best friend since childhood laughs.
“Because! The last man you let touch you was that pathetic excuse of a boyfriend you had! You need love, Evie!” Sarah says sweetly as you pout and pour another glass of wine.
“I don’t Need anything.” You correct her and she raises her hands in surrender.
“Okay true, you don’t need a man or love. But it couldn’t hurt to let yourself have it. Just because you don’t need it doesn’t mean it isn’t nice to have.” You grumble, knowing Sarah is right. “This is a fun and easy way to get back into the dating world, and to meet a lot of hot guys while you’re at it! After everything with Colin and don’t even get me started on Brock-” You sigh.
“Yeah I guess.” You laugh to yourself. “You know what? You’re right! Why should Colin be the last guy who’s ever touched me?! He doesn’t deserve that title!” You exclaim, the wine finally settling in and carrying you to the loud drunk stage.
“Yes, that’s the spirit! Now, let me tell you all about the island.” Sarah giggles as she explain her favorite guilty pleasure TV show.
“So it’s like the Bachelor but better?”
“Yes!! And babes,” Sarah looks you up and down. “You are bombshell material!!” Sarah hypes you up. “Those eyes and that hair! Those lips and hips! Those boys will be eating out of the palm of your hand and those girls are gonna be Mad!” Sarah laugh and you giggle.
“I don’t want to make enemies!” You laugh nervously.
“To quote the age old, love island proverb, ‘it’s love Island, not friendship island.’” You bust out laughing, the wine finally making you lose your mind and Sarah is right there with you.
You smile as you think back to that night. Sarah had helped you with your shopping spree the next day. Bathing suits, dresses, cute outfits. All of it perfectly fitting your style and helping you stay true to who you are. You fidget with your sundress again as you look down at your freshly tanned legs and painted toes. You been sitting for almost an hour with no word from Annie, maybe they looked at all your stuff and changed their minds. Now they are hoping you get the hint and leave. “No, Everly. Don’t think like that. They would have brought your luggage back if that were the case. Stop worrying.” You say to yourself. You think about how your mom reacted when you told her you’d be gone for 8 weeks to be on a dating show. She about blew a gasket and then she laughed and cried and wished you good luck. Your sister promised to keep detailed notes so she could tease you mercilessly once you got back. Your dad and brother promised to not watch a single episode after they googled and realized what all could happen on the show. Your dad said, “I’ll meet whoever wins your heart after the fact. I don’t need to see you swapping spit with him.” You laugh out loud at that memory.
About five minutes later Annie walks back in. “Okay Everly! You ready to get changed? We have this bathing suit for you.” She holds up one from your suitcase.
“Did you go through my stuff?” You ask as you take the swimsuit from her.
“We have to make sure no contraband is snuck in. Don’t worry, we don’t touch any self care items we find.” She winks and your face goes red. You didn’t pack anything like that but you know Sarah and your sister, Lizzy were snooping around your bag before you got picked up. “Oh god, what did they put in there?” You mumble to yourself and Annie laughs having heard you.
“Well if it was your friends that snuck that certain item inside then they want you to have a great time, regardless of finding love of not.” You blush bright red and dart into the changing room.
You slip on your bikini, it’s royal blue and fits you perfectly. The bottom is full around your butt with the slightest bit of a cheeky cut. You adjust them again as you recall telling Sarah ‘none of those boys have earned seeing any more of my ass.’ As you look at yourself in the mirror you stand by your decision. The top perfectly supports your breast and honestly makes them look irresistible. You slip on your sandals and walk out to meet Annie. “Oh perfect! Although, are you sure you don’t want these heels?” She holds up a pair you brought from home.
“I’m sure, I want to keep the sandals for now.” Annie nods and then takes you folded up clothes.
“Okay, these will be placed in the bedroom with your suitcase,” she holds up your clothes. “Now we are going to film your entrance and then you walking into the villa. After that, you’re on your own until we check in with you. Okay?”
“Okay.” You take a breath and wait for them to say action.
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You push open the main door and are immediately greeted with a giant neon sign that says ‘Love’. You smile and start to feel a little excited. You hear some others moving around upstairs so you make your way up. Passing by the living room, decorated ceiling to floor with pink, orange, yellow, and green and the kitchen with neon lights along the kitchen island and another neon sign that says ‘snacks’, you find the stairwell rather plain. But it open up to a giant room filled with 4 large beds. The floor is marble and there is a nice sized carpet in the middle of the room. The four beds face each other, two on one wall and two on the other, with a grand chandelier in the middle of the ceiling providing the light. At the very back there is an opening into the bathroom. A walk into shower, big enough for 2 and a tub big enough for 4, thankfully there seems to be a separate area for the actual toilets which there are three stalls in a little hallway on the other side of the shower. The shower is nestled in the corner with tiled walls except for the glass door and the tub sits under a large window that looks out over the yard. With further examination you see that there is in fact a door to the bathroom that can be locked, and that sets your mind more at ease.
You take another look at your surroundings and notice no one else is around. “So not the bombshell,” you sigh. “Great.” You explore some more when you hear people moving around again. “Hello?!” You call out, hoping to get an answer.
“Did you hear that?!” Says one girl with a sweet voice. It’s a little deeper and it has a Smokey sound to it, but still inviting.
“Yeah, it sounded like another girl!” The next girl says, her voice is lighter and softer, like velvet. You can’t tell there is the slightest bit of an accent.
“Oh great, the bombshell arrived.” The last girl says is a very proper British accent.
“Cut it out, let go find her and introduce ourselves.” The first girl says. You take a deep breath and prepare for whoever is about to walk out of the closet. First is a shorter woman, she has beautiful hair that is red at the roots and blonde on the ends, she’s obviously let it grow out and she’s absolutely owning it. She walks with grace and poise as she crosses the room to you.
“Hi, I’m Natasha. And you are?”
“Everly! It’s nice to meet you.” You smile at her and her friendly attitude.
“Likewise.” Natasha offers. Two more woman come walking out of the dressing room. One with bright red hair and soulful eyes and the other with brown curls and red lipstick.
“Did I hear your name is Everly?” The other red head asks, you nod. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Wanda.” She moves in and hugs you, you’re a little taken aback but you don’t mind. The other woman stares at you over Wanda’s shoulder before she smiles and introduces herself.
“I’m Margret, but most people call me Peggy.” Her voice sounds familiar but you think nothing of it, You smile and wave
“Nice to meet you.” looking around and sighing. “So how long have y’all been here?” Natasha settles on the bed behind her.
“Not too long. Enough to get settled and get ready to meet the boys.” She smirks. “But before we do that we need to know more about you! Tell us a little something, Everly!” You laugh and shrug,
“Not much to tell! I am a physical therapist and I work primarily with Veterans who have been through a life changing physical trauma.” Natasha and Wanda beam at you and Peggy just gives a tight smile, you realize she looks familiar too but you can’t place her. “I had a boyfriend of 2 years until I found him in bed with someone else back in December. I dumbed him and have been healing ever since. My friend nominated me for the show and after some soul searching I decided I am ready to give this all a try, hopefully find Love and if not then at least have a good summer.” Natasha looks at Wanda with a smile.
“So you’re here for love too!?” Wanda asks.
“Of course, I mean that’s the name of the game, right?” You joke and she nods.
“I’m ready to settle down.” Wanda says. “Natasha here is on the love hunt too.” Wanda teases and Natasha laughs and rolls her eyes.
“I am open to finding love but if all I have is a summer of fun then so be it. Isn’t that right Peggy?” Natasha turns to the tight lipped, familiar lady standing on the other side of the group.
“Definitely, we are all here for our own agendas and our own lives. Whatever our reasons are, are our own.” Peggy says as she crosses her arms. You look at Natasha’s who gives you a face and you hide your laughter.
“Well said, Peggy.” Natasha answers. “Anyway, Everly what is your type?”
“My type?” You ask.
“Yeah! Like mine is nerdy and sweet.” Wanda offers. “Natasha’s is moody and loyal.”
“You make my type sound like a dog.” Natasha jokes and you three laugh.
“Oh I didn’t mean it like that!” Wanda exclaims. “If anyone’s type is like a dog it’s Peggy’s! Protective but able to take orders?!” The girls laughs and Peggy roles her eyes.
“I would have much appreciated if you had kept my ‘type’ to yourself.” Peggy crosses her arms. Wanda is about to apologize but Natasha stops her.
“Oh calm down Peggy. It’s a type of man, not your bank codes.” At that Peggy does crack a smile. “We are just having some fun, lighten up! It is too early to be making enemies and something tells me Everly is gonna be someone you want to be friends with.” Natasha winks as she looks at you and asks you again. “So Everly, what’s your type?!” You blush and look at your feet and then back at her.
“Well I am a hopeless romantic. The idea of meeting someone in a coffee shop and spending the whole day with them because the conversation and company is just that good? That makes me melt. So my type is the romantic, passionate, sweet type.” Wanda smiles and looks like she’s gonna melt where she is.
“Yes! Someone to sweep you off your feet and then defend you honor all at the same time.” You laugh and nod.
“Yeah, something like that.” Suddenly a phone dinging gets all of your attention.
“It’s my phone!” Wanda excitedly exclaims as she read sit out loud.
*Wanda, the boys are waiting downstairs for you to make your move. #showthemwhatyou’vegot*
Wanda looks up and about squeals from happiness. “I’ll see you all outside!” Wanda hurries down the stairs and outside. Natasha grabs your arm and drags you closer to the window.
“Can you see them?!” Natasha asks.
“No, not a one. But we will see them soon!” You answer back as you try to Crain your neck just enough to catch a glimpse. Natasha’s phone dings.
“Some of us sooner rather than later.” Natasha teases. “See you down there!” She runs down the stairs. You sit in silence with Peggy who looks like she’d rather be anywhere else.
“So what do you do, Peggy?” She looks over at you and politely smiles.
“I am a military contractor.” Peggy says. You nod not having a clue what that means. The awkward silence is broken by your phone dinging.
“Huh,” she smiles up at you, “guess they are saving the best till last.” You don’t even bother to look at her, you just read your phone.
*Everly, it’s time for a bombshell like you to shake things up. Two of the four boys are coupled up but those boys could still step forward and fight for a chance to couple up with you. #Gogetthem #bombshellalert #summerlovin’
You feel butterflies in your stomach and you take a deep breath. “Okay, Everly. Let’s do this.” You walk downstairs and out to the back doors. You take another breath and decide to give it your best sexy strut. The big white doors open and the sun shines on your face, the warmth sends tingles down your spine. You toss your hair around a little as you start your entrance. Making sure you add a little bounce to your step as you descend the concrete stairs to the grassy yard. You take another deep breath, “hiya boys!” You holler and wave as you get closer. The four men in front of you stand with their eyes locked and jaws dropped. “I heard y’all were ready for some summer Lovin’. I’m Everly, nice to meet you.” You wink and walk even closer. Natasha cat calls you and Wanda cheers. The boys are mesmerized by you and just watches your every move.
“Hi, I’m Steve.” The tall, blonde, chiseled man to your right offers a bright smile as he itches to move closer to you. His eyes are a pretty blue and his smile is bright and infectious.
“Hi Steve.” You bite your lip a little and then smile.
“And I’m Bucky.” Says the tall, brunette, and just as chiseled man to the right of Steve. His eyes are a pale blue and his voice is so smooth, you can already imagine what sweet nothings would sound like coming from that voice. He holds himself proud and strong, you can tell he is a sturdy man. Natasha laughs and nudges his arm. She cocks her eyebrow and Bucky blushes as he looks back at you. You smirk and give a little wave and wink which seem to do the trick.
“Hi Bucky.” The next man is tall and blonde but his hair is shorter and a little spiky. His glasses are round a look absolutely adorable on him. He is a little nerdy looking but in a way that you totally love. He fumbles a little and looks between you and Wanda. Wanda smiles and gives him a nod.
“I’m Jake- and wow! Oh I’m sorry-” He looks at Wanda who nudges him.
“No I agree,” she looks back at you and smiles. “Wow is right.” You notice Steve fidgeting and you can feel Bucky’s eyes admiring your form. You dart your eyes to the side and he knows he was caught. You smile to let him know that you don’t mind it at all before you shift your eyes back to Jake.
“Well, thank you, Jake. That was really sweet.” You coo as sweetly as you can before you walk in front of the last man in line. He is of course, tall, his skin is beautiful and glowing in the sun. His abs are incredible and he stands as though he was military. He smiles and has the smallest gap in his front teeth. It’s kinda cute.
“Hi, I’m Sam.” He says as he stands straighter and looks you up and down.
“Hi Sam.” You offer back with a nice smile. You look at the boys and give them all a contemplative look. You are very interested in all of them but you don’t want to ruffle any feathers, at least not on the first day that is. “Okay, I am going to couple up with-“ You see Natasha elbow Bucky and he jumps forward.
“Now wait, you’re supposed to ask us to step forward if we are into you.” He gives you a shy little smile. You blush and look at Sam and Steve who just shrug. Sam steps forward, Bucky eyes him and steps forward as well. You are caught off guard, of course you want men fighting for your heart, it’s nice to be wanted. But so publicly and at the express of the new friends you’ve made.
“Now boys, hold on-“ you start but are interrupted by Steve.
“Well if we are really doing this,” Steve says as he walks forward. Jake shuffles around and Wanda squeezes his hand.
“Step forward if you want, Jake. It’s okay, it’s the first 30 minutes of knowing each other, no one should be too attached at the moment.” Jake shuffles forward and stands shoulder to shoulder with the other three men. You blush and look at each guy overwhelmed by their interest in you.
“Well, I am very flattered but I don’t want to step on any toes.” You start to explain again when Natasha interrupts you.
“No need to worry, Everly. We just met these guys and we have all summer to woo and win them back if you take them.” She winks and you laugh.
“Well how about you tell me about yourselves.” You say and Sam speaks up first.
“I am a retired airman. Now I work in security. I’ve got a boat I love to work on back home and I’ve got jokes for days.” He smiles and you laugh, teasing him a bit.
“So it takes you days to tell a singular joke? Must not be that funny.” You wink and Sam laughs as he shuffles around.
“Oh we’re gonna have fun.” You shrug and move on to the next.
“Jake? What about you?” Jake smiles and adjusts his glasses.
“Well I’m retired military as well. Actually I’m supposed to be dead.” You gasp and he shrugs. “Anyway, I have a niece I am crazy about and I’m really good with computers and tech.” He smiles proudly and you can’t help but smile back.
“I’m sure your niece is very proud of you.” You assure him and Jake beams back at you. You then turn to Bucky.
“Oh my turn? Right, so I am a retired army Sergeant. I now work as a carpenter, me and my buddy started a construction company a few years back and it’s going pretty well. I also do some freelance security work.” You laugh as you ask.
“What does that mean?”
Bucky smirks at you. “If I told you then I’d have to kill you.” He winks and you blush and promptly look at Steve.
“I am a retired army Captain,” he looks at Bucky as he emphasizes his higher rank, and Bucky lightly laughs and shakes his head. “Funny enough I also work in carpentry and have a business with my buddy. Who I also work in freelance security with on the side.” Everyone looks at each other and then back at Bucky and Steve.
“Wait,” you ask. “You two are friends? And know each other from the outside?” Steve and Bucky laugh and nod.
“Yeah, Buck and I go way back.” Steve answers as he squeezes Steve’s shoulder.
“Childhood friends and all. Someone had to keep him from getting his teeth kicked in.” Bucky says as he puts Steve in a headlock. Sam and Jake are laughing, the girls are all in shock and Steve pushes Bucky off of him with a loud laugh. You look at Natasha and she cocks an eyebrow.
“You’re also all veterans, huh? Everly what was it that you do again?” Natasha taking on the role of best/worst wingman in the world. You clear your throat and wish away the blush rising in your cheeks.
“I’m a physical therapist. I work with Veterans who have experienced life changing physical trauma.” All four boys look at you in awe.
“WOW, that’s amazing.” Sam says.
“Could have used one of those when I got out.” Jake says jokingly.
“I bet you’ve helped a lot of men and women get back a little piece of themselves.” Steve admires.
“I know the work you do, mine changed my life after my accident.” Bucky admits, that’s when you notice the faint, white scarring across the left side of his chest and left arm. Your professional curiosity is about to get the better of you but you quickly snap back to the task at hand.
“I do what I can, I hope I’ve made a difference.” You gently smile at Bucky and he gazes back. Natasha clears her throat.
“So Everly, you gonna steal one of our guys?” You look at Natasha and then back at Bucky and Steve. You smirk and playfully answer back.
“Now Natasha, it wouldn’t be any fun if I stole them, they may choose me on their own.” You wink and Natasha give a playful laugh. Bucky looks like he’s about to melt where he is and Steve looks about ready to jump out of his skin. “Well I don’t want to ruffle feathers and we have all summer, plus this guy looks about as sweet as a golden retriever and I need that energy in my life.” Wanda looks a little worried, thinking you’ve got eyes for Jake. You assure her by flicking your gaze to the man you are choosing. “I want to couple up with Steve.” Steve punches the air and gives you a big hug as you jog over to him. You stand by his side as you wait to Peggy to make her entrance. She comes waltzing down the stairs and you feel Steve shift around a little but then he looks at you with his deep blue eyes and you melt. He takes your hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. You then hear Bucky whisper to Steve, “I thought they usually saved the Bombshell for last? After Everly my head is spinning so much I can’t bring myself to focus.” Steve agrees. You blush and try not to let it go to your head.
“Well, hello boys.” Peggy says sweetly. “Seems most of you are coupled up,” her gaze flicks to Steve, “but we could change that. Step forward if you fancy me.” Sam steps forward and so does Jake. She looks at Steve and then her eyes float to you. You can tell Peggy is gonna cause some trouble in the future. “Hmmm I think I will couple up with this tall, handsome man right here.” She takes Sam’s arm and Jake shuffles back to Wanda who promptly wraps her arms around his. You get a text.
*Islanders, these will be your couples until the next recoupling. Which may be sooner rather than later. Take some time to know your partner and the fellow islanders. #flirtaway #mixitup*
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You turn and look at Steve, he smiles down at you and then looks around to find a place to talk. “The daybeds look like a nice quiet place to talk, wanna?” He asks and you nod.
“Lead the way.” You two make you way across the lawn and pass the pool to the little covered patio on the other end of the lawn. The daybeds lay three in a row and face the rest of the yard. Steve sits down first and you crawl on the bed next to him. As you get settled you meet his gaze and his eyes flick from yours to your lips and then back again. Blushing and looking away, Steve lightly laughs, “So, tell me a little about yourself, Everly.” He reclines and rests one arm across his chest and the other behind his head. His smile is warm and he stares at you like you’re the most important person in the world, you feel butterflies erupt in your stomach as you meet his gaze.
“Well, as I said before I am a physical therapist but I also do some writing on the side. Helps take my mind off of work and lets me escape a little.” Steve raises his eyebrows in surprise.
“A writer too? WOW, what kind of stuff do you write?” He asks as he sits forward, even more intrigued.
“Romance of course!” You tease and Steve laughs. “But really, it’s love stories and teeth rotting sweetness. Just something to lighten up my mood after a hard day.” Steve beams at you and reaches out to squeeze your hand. “Humm what else? I have a sister and brother that I adore and my parents have been married for almost 30 years. I’m pretty easygoing, I love to spend time with friends and my loved ones.”
“Do you live near your family?” Steve asks as he rubs his thumb over the back of your hand.
“I do, but not so close that they would drop by unannounced.” Steve laughs and nods.
“I know what you mean. My mom lives across town and I make sure it stays that way. Don’t get me wrong, I adore my mom, but sometimes you need your own space.”
“Yes!” You exclaim. “Sorry,” you apologize for your loudness, looking around to see if anyone was disturbed by the outburst. All you see is Peggy staring at the two of you. “Umm sorry,” you laugh, “But I totally get that. My sister drops by sometimes unannounced and well let’s just say she has seen some things.” You blush and Steve lets out a loud laugh.
“Oh really?! What kinda things?” He smirks and leans a little closer, itching for the juicy details. You blush even more.
“Umm like an afternoon delight in the kitchen.” You cover your face and Steve pulls your hands away.
“Hey, no need to be shy!” He smiles kindly at you. “Would it make you feel better if I told you an embarrassing sex story too?” You laugh.
“Absolutely!” You cross your legs and lean your elbow on your knees and as you gaze up at him. He laughs and starts to blush himself.
“Well I was still enlisted when this happened. We were out on assignment and were waiting for the all clear to move in on our target. We were board and well, one of the M.A.S.H surgeons decided it would be fun to play strip poker. One thing led to another and me and her were in the back of the humvee going all the way.” You interrupt him.
“Steve this just sounds like your bragging about getting laid in a war zone.” You tease and Steve holds a hand up.
“Hold on, I’m not done.” He laughs and looks up at the sky, “Right as we were about to finish, the back door to the humvee opens.” You gasp and Steve nods, “yup, apparently while we were naked they radioed that we had to move out immediately. Everyone was geared up and ready to go but when they opened the door all they saw was my ass-“ Just then You hear Bucky and Natasha walking over, Bucky decides to finish the story for Steve.
“Yup! And that’s why we lovingly called him America’s ass the rest of his enlistment.” Bucky grins and pats Steve’s back. You try not to laugh as you look at a blushing Steve. He just nods and gives you permission, and you can’t hold it in anymore.
“Oh my god, that’s horrible. And kinda funny.” You laugh and Steve smiles, he likes your laugh, it’s sweet and light. He could listen to you laugh all day.
“I’m a big boy, I can handle being laughed at. But can you Bucky? Should I tell Natasha your embarrassing sex story?”
Nat laughs and looks between the two of them. “You two swap sex stories?” You giggle as you look back at Steve.
“Well yeah, don’t you?” He teases Natasha and she nods in agreement. “So Bucky are you gonna tell it or should I?” Bucky shrugs and looks at you with a smirk.
“Go ahead Stevie.”
“Stevie?” You question with a smirk of your own, Steve blushes and nods.
“Something my mom and my overprotective best friend always called me growing up. Now it’s just whipped out in times where he wants to be condescending.” Bucky laughs and agrees.
“Well I like it, Stevie.” You reach out and ruffle his hair and he catches your hand and give sit a kiss. “But back to the topic at hand, Bucky’s embarrassing sex story!” The four of you laugh and Bucky raises his hands.
“I was with a girl and her dad caught us. Walked right in there for a visit and apparently he had a key. And we were taking advantage of the great lighting in the living room of her apartment.” Natasha gasps.
“Wait?! As in like videos?!” Natasha asks, Bucky blushes and you want to see him do it again.
“If I said no would you believe me?” Bucky says to Nat and she laughs out loud.
“What?!? Like only fans???” Natasha asks, not weirded out at all but interested.
“Yes but it wasn’t mine. It was hers and it was a 1 time thing. We met at a bar and we were gonna hook up so she asked if wouldn’t mind being filmed. I said I didn’t care as long as my face and voice weren’t shown. So we set it all up and got to business. Her dad caught us before we could finish. So the video was deleted and that was my short, non-existent only fan’s career.” Your jaw is dropped and Natasha is laughing. Steve can’t breathe he is laughing so hard. “Anyway, it was for the best cause that was my first and only 1 night stand.” Natasha stops laughing.
“Wait really? Not trying to shame you, just wondering why.” Natasha asks as she takes his hand in hers. He smiles at her and then his gaze flicks to you before he answers.
“I’m more of the romantic type. I can flirt the pants off any women in a heartbeat but 99.9% of the time I then promptly ‘put them back on’. I’m kinda old fashioned in that way, I like it to mean something. Actually now that I think about it that story is kinda sad cause I was going through some shit and I was kinda in a spiral.” Bucky looks from you to Steve. He then lightly laughs. “Way to bring the mood down, Buck.”
“No, you didn’t, Bucky.” You assure him, taking his hand and giving it a squeeze. “Thanks for sharing. And I think that’s sweet about wanting it to mean something, I’m like that too, hopeless romantic and all.” Bucky’s eyes light up in a way that only you catch. He nods.
“Thanks, Everly.” He then looks at Natasha. “So, what’s your story?” Before she can answer her phone dings. “Saved by the bell!” She laughs and opened the message as she screams for the other to join.
“I got a text!!” Wanda and Peggy run over, followed by Sam and Jake.
*Islanders, head to the fire pit for a steamy game of Truth or Dare. If the fire isn’t burning by the end then a switch up may be coming your way. #Hotandheavy #getthefirestarted #sparksareflying*
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You and Steve look at each other and then back at Natasha and Bucky. “Sounds like if there aren’t sparks flying then that decoupling might happen sooner than we expected.” Bucky says as he looks at you and then back at Natasha. “We should probably head over.” He says as he stands up, you three follow him over to the fire pit. It’s sits right below the deck and has a built in bench that circles around half of the fire. The cushions are soft and brightly colored to match the rest of the house. You sit next to Steve and feel Peggy’s eyes on you. You glance her way and she avoids your gaze. Steve notices your face and gives you a nudge.
“Everything okay?” You meet his gaze and offer a small smile.
“Yeah, just I seem to have already made an enemy without even trying.” Nodding your head in Peggy’s direction as you whisper. Steve hums and takes your hand in his.
“I’m sorry, anything I can do?” He rubs the back of your hand with his thumb and you blush a little.
“Maybe get those sparks flying so we can stay together?” You give a flirty look and Steve bites his lip as he watches you.
“Oh I can definitely do that.” He smirks as he leans in closer, so close his lips graze your temple. “But maybe I should wait for the game to start.” He pulls back and winks and you just melt. You look across the fire pit and see Bucky, his eyes are soft as he watches you and your stomach does a flip. You give a small smile and Bucky has to bite his lip so he doesn’t break out the biggest smile. He clears his throat and looks at Natasha.
“So how do we play?” His phone dings, “Guess I could have waited 1 second and I would have gotten my answer.” He laughs and opens up the message.
*Islanders, each person will get a chance to pick a truth or dare card. Each card is a steamy dare or a sexy truth. Now let’s get the fire started because whoever you have the most chemistry with is who you will go on a date with tonight, and it might not be who you are partnered up with. #isithotinhere #letsgetstarted*
Bucky meets your gaze and you shift around a little. His eyes are so captivating but you can’t get caught gazing at him when Steve needs to be your focus. You turn your gaze to Steve and he smiles down at you. “Okay, who goes first?” Steve asks, his phone dings and he reads the message, “Looks like it’s me.” He smirks as he walks up to the deck of cards on the edge of the fire pit. Drawing the first card and a letting a big smile break across his face. “I got a dare card and it says ‘kiss the hottest girl for at least 15 seconds’. They don’t have to tell me twice.” Steve turns and looks at you, he walks over and pulls you up from your seat, your heartbeats faster and your gaze flicks to his lips as he leans in closer. Soft gentle lips graze yours and at first it’s sweet and tame. Then his arms wrap around your body and pulls you closer as his tongue gently pushes against your bottom lip, you hold back the moan that’s about to escape you when you hear the timer go off. Everyone cheers and claps. Sam whistles and Jake says some joke about it not counting if there wasn’t tongue. You blush as you pull back and open your eyes. Steve has the cutest blush breaking across his cheeks and nose, give him a ‘sun-kissed’ look and it’s so cute you could melt. You sit and pull Steve to sit down with you, holding his hand and trying to hide your blush from everyone else. Natasha meets your gaze and gives you a killer smirk.
“So Everly, sparks?” She asks and you blush even more. Steve lightly laughs and looks down at you.
“I’d say there were sparks flying, huh?” You nod and Steve pats your thigh as you two sit back.
“Okay, my turn!” Jake shoots up and grabs a card, “Truth! ‘Have you ever faked it to get out of a horrible lay?’ Well I feel this would have been a question for one of the ladies, but surprisingly I have.” Jake looks at Wanda and she just laughs.
“Wait, how?!” She asks, you’re genuinely curious too.
“Well, we weren’t naked yet and I felt horrible about doing it but I also didn’t want to sleep with her if I wasn’t into it. So I just kinda-“
“Oh my god,” Sam exclaims. “You faked getting off in your pants to get out of having sex?!” He looks at Jake and Jake hangs his head.
“Yeah, I did.” The boys laugh, Wanda speaks up.
“I mean it’s sweet you didn’t sleep with her when you knew you weren’t into it. But you could have told her the truth too.” Jake nods and agrees.
“I know that now! Then I was 17 and just wanted to get out of there and get home.” Jake explains. Wanda rubs his back and gently smiles at him.
“It’s okay, Jakey.” She assures him and Jake blushes and acts all shy. Bucky laughs and shakes his head. Natasha stands up and grabs a card. Her perfectly sculpted eyebrow cocks as she reads the card. “Huh, I got a dare and it’s says, ‘Sit in a boys lap who isn’t your partner for 2 rounds.’ Sorry Buck.” She smirks as she walks towards Steve. “I hope you don’t mind,” she sits on Steve’s laps and gets herself comfy. “Rules are rules.” She shrugs and you laugh and shrug. Steve looks anything but uncomfortable. You just roll your eyes and laugh. Nat continues to move around a little at a time, knowing exactly what she’s doing. Sam goes and his was a truth. He had to share what a perfect date would look like. “And then we’d end it back at my place,” he looks at Peggy. “What do you think of that?” She shrugs.
“Seems okay.” She focuses back on the others and Sam sighs and looks over at Bucky, who offers him a pat on the shoulder. It’s your turn and as you walk up everyone cheers you on, you do a little dance as you get closer and it has everyone in stitches and cheering even more.
“She’s got the moves!” Bucky yells as he smirks. You look back at him and wink.
“You ain’t seen nothing yet.” You flick your hair and seductively bend down to get a card. You know your ass looks good and you know Steve and Bucky are looking at it. Hell maybe even Sam. “It’s a dare-oh Lordy it’s a spicy one. ‘Make out with someone who isn’t your partner for at least 30 seconds.’ Hmmm decisions, decisions.” You look around at everyone and their hopeful faces. Steve pipes up.
“Come on Everly, take your pick. You should pick me no matter what the cards say.” He winks. You laugh and turn to face him.
“Just for that I should make out with Natasha while she’s still in your lap, just to tease you.”
“Please do that!” Sam almost yells.
“Oh god yes!” Jake exclaims.
“Don’t tease us!” Bucky warns
“I’m game if you are.” Natasha smirks. You giggle at all the reactions.
“I won’t do that, mainly because I am straight but also because I’m sure these boys would explode in their pants, and for real this time, right Jake?” You tease and he blushes while everyone else laughs. You throw him a wink and he smiles. “But I’ll give you this.” You walk over and gently peck Natasha’s lips. It’s over before it begins but it affects the boys all the same.
“Shit,” Steve mumbles and you hear the other boys curse beneath their breaths too.
“Now onto the actual dare.” You turn your attention to Bucky. You walk over and move right between is legs. He is laid back casually as he watches you lean closer and closer. As you start to climb in his lap and straddle him his ‘cool vibrato’ breaks and you see his pupils dilate. His eyes flick from your lips to your eyes and then back to your lips. He moves his hands from the back of the bench and slowly moves them up your back, watching your eyes to see if it’s okay. You gently smirk, “this okay, Buck?” Without answering he crashes his lips to yours as you wrap your arms around his neck. He moves his hands to your head, threading his fingers in your hair. You move your hands around his shoulders and feel his chest rise and fall beneath your fingers as he nudges your lips with his tongue. Without a second thought you let him and he licks into your mouth, both of you completely lost to the moment. When you break apart you are gasping for air and your lips are a little swollen. Bucky’s pupils are blown wide and you can feel his heart pounding beneath your hands. Everyone is cheering and whistling as you two come back to earth, under his breath so no one else can hear him, Bucky says.
“Fireworks, absolute fireworks. You just lit up my world, Everly.” You blush and give his chest the slightest squeeze wanting him to know you feel the same way. You quickly climb off and walk back to Steve. You meet Natasha’s gaze and she gives you a knowing look as she passes by and smiles to reassure you that she would have done the same thing. You find your seat next to Steve and shyly look up at him.
“Hi,” you say and he lightly laughs.
“Hey,” there is the slightest bit of worry in his eyes and you reach out and squeeze his knee. “Wish that had been me.” Steve admits and you smile before you let your gaze fall to the ground and then back at Bucky. You turn back to Steve and whisper.
“There still plenty of time left in the game, I’m sure we will get a chance.” You kiss his cheek and he blushes and nods.
The rest of the game isn’t as exciting. Wanda does a little dance for Jake who absolutely loves it. Natasha shares about her threesome experience. Sam has a dare that makes him get close and personal with Peggy who doesn’t hate it but definitely doesn’t love it. The whole time Peggy has her eyes on you. You Ignored her sighs as you settled next to Steve. Even when Bucky and Steve went again and chose you to carry out their dares with. One was to dance with you and the other was to make direct eye contact with you for a full minute. Bucky’s eyes are incredibly beautiful and you didn’t have any issues. Steve knows just how to move and he got your blood pumping towards the end. The whole time Peggy sat there, tight lipped and looking at you like you had killed her dog. When it’s her turn she stands up and grabs her card. “It’s a dare, ‘Kiss your partner until the other islands say stop.’ Well, I-”she looks at Sam and then back at everyone else. She doesn’t speak she just makes a b-line to Steve grabs his face and plants a big kiss on him. And Steve makes the mistakes of going along, his hands along her body and kissing her back.
“Whoa?!” Yells Sam.
“The card said your partner, Peggy! Steve?!” You exclaim, jumping up from where you are sitting. Natasha and Bucky walks towards the scene right as Peggy steps away. She gives a smug grin to you all.
“I know what my card said. I also know what I wanted. I’m fine with breaking the rules to get what I want.” She saunters back over to Sam who stands up and walks to the other side of the fire pit. Steve stands there shocked, with his hair messed up and red lipstick all over his lips. He looks down at you and sees the hurt in your eyes.
“Everly, I’m sorry. But it’s part of the game.” Before you could speak Natasha is standing up for you.
“No me sitting on your lap or Everly making out with Bucky was a part of the game. You helping Peggy break the rules and obviously enjoying it while doing it, that isn’t a part of the game.” You look at Peggy and her smug look, all you want to do is cry. You don’t know why, you just met Steve and it’s not that deep or special, but it’s something about the way Peggy looks at you and seemed to hate you from the moment you met. A text interrupts your thoughts. Sam speaks up.
“It’s mine.”
*Islanders, the game is over. The dates tonight are as follows.*
“Anyone have a text yet?” Jake asks. His phone dings, “oh I do!” He reads it out. “Jake and Wanda. We got a date!” Wanda smiles and kisses his cheek. Sam’s phone dings.
“Let’s get this over with,” he reads it and his eyebrows raise. “Sam and Natasha.” He looks at Natasha and she gives him a flirty wave and wink. “Well, alright.” Sam’s mood looks like it’s improved quite a bit. Steve’s phone dings.
“Steve and-“ he stops and looks up at you and gives you a sorrowful look. “And Peggy.” Your heart sinks and Peggy jumps up and comes to sit on the other side of Steve. You wait and wait and no text comes. Jake gets another one.
*Islanders, those are all the dates. Please head to the room to get ready. #Dates #loveisintheair
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You try not to cry, it shouldn’t hurt but it does. In the shows eyes you didn’t have chemistry enough with anyone not Steve and not even Bucky. You feel sick to your stomach and can’t meet anyone’s gaze. Steve tries to talk to you but you just pull away because you can’t let him see you cry. Right before your voice breaks you croak out a, “go have fun, find me when you get back.” And with a kiss on the cheek you disappear to hide until they are gone. You sit up on the terrace and wait to hear their voices drift away as they all leave through the front door, the cars staring and driving away, leaving behind only the sounds of the ocean and your quiet sobs. Sitting there watching the sun set you remember that 1) you need to eat and 2) you aren’t here alone. So you make your way to the kitchen to whip up dinner and then you go to find Bucky. He’s sitting by the pool with his legs dangling in the water. He hears you walking up and he turns around to look at you before he waves you closer.
“Come join me, Evie.” You smile at the sweet nickname he just gave you.
“Thanks, Buck.” You offer back and he lightly laughs. Leaning back on his hands and watching as you sit next to him.
“Well, no matter what that dumbass game says, I think we had some pretty fire chemistry, don’t you?” He says, trying to lighten the mood. You give a sad smile and nod. Bucky sits up and nudges your shoulder. “Hey, talk to me. What’s going on?” You shake your head, “Look I know Steve can be a dreamy guy,” you laugh and wipe a tear away. “But even he isn’t good enough to have a beautiful girl like yourself crying over him.” You sigh and wipe away more tears.
“It’s not that, I umm-“ you take a deep breath and look at Bucky. You can tell he is trustworthy and kind, the way his eyes dance over you and not in a sexual way but in a protective and caring way. “I had a boyfriend, we broke up back in December because he was cheating on me. I found him with the women in our bed.” You can feel Bucky straighten up next to you, he puts his hands in his lap and you can tell he is squeezing his hands together. The thought of another man hurting you that way makes him angry, and that is incredibly comforting. “I thought I heard something so I stood by the door and waited. I heard a women say, ‘I know and I don’t care.’ Amongst other things. So, I walked in while they were in the throws, I wanted to make sure he saw me as I walked to the bedside table and grabbed my charger and bags before I glanced at her and then just stormed out.” Bucky puts an arm around you and rubs your shoulder before he leans in and kisses your head.
“I’m so sorry, Evie.” Bucky whispers against your skin.
“So Peggy swooping in and stealing Steve and Steve just going along with it,” you look up at Bucky, “well it opened up some old wounds.” You sigh again, “and I know that’s how this show goes and I know we’ve known each other for not even a day but it still hurt, you know?” Bucky nods.
“Yeah, I do.” Bucky looks at your lips and then back at your eyes. “I’m sorry he made you cry and I’m sorry Steve did too.” He leans in closer. “No man should ever make such a sweet, beautiful girl like you, cry.” And right when you think he’s gonna kiss you, he lifts up and kisses your forehead. A sweet and very kind gesture. “Well since we have this place to ourselves, let’s get to know one another, huh? No more tears unless they are from laughing too hard.” Bucky suggests and you agree.
“You’re right! Even if we apparently had the worst chemistry of the entire bunch, we can still have fun!” You laugh and so does Bucky. He shakes his head.
“Nah, we had chemistry, I think they did that for dramatic effect. And it worked. But now we are here, by ourselves for hours.” He smiles and raises his eyebrows and suggestively. “Whatever shall we do?!” You smirk and lean in really close, close enough to almost kiss him but you don’t.
“We should,” you say slowly. And Bucky nods.
“Yeah?” Bucky asks.
“Totally stake claim on the good beds and eat the best ice cream before those losers get a chance.” You giggle and Bucky nods.
“You read my mind!” He laughs and stands up, pulling you up with him. “Let’s go!” Dashing off to the kitchen you eat the dinner you made and talk about your jobs. “I love what I do and it pays well. But there’s just something about building something from scratch- something about creating that is its own kind of therapy, you know?” You agree and just smile and listen as Bucky goes on about the business he has. “So you work with Veterans?” You nod and sit back, pushing away your empty plate.
“Yeah, a lot of men and women who have lost limbs or have gone through some type of trauma that affects their mobility.” You look at Bucky as he nods and finishes his last bite. You bite your lip, trying to decide if you should ask about his injury or not. If working with Vets has taught you anything it’s that you don’t just casually bring up things that could trigger their PTSD. Bucky looks up at you and he can tell what you’re debating in your head. He smiles and sits back.
“You can ask, I can handle it.” You gently smile and sit forward.
“What happened? What was your official injury?” Bucky takes a drink of water and then sits forward to meet you halfway across the table.
“Roadside IED. Humvee hit it while we were making our rounds. It wasn’t there earlier that day but it was that afternoon. I’m a sniper, well was a sniper, so I was sitting in the nest on top on the car. We hit the bomb and I went flying, as did the car. I woke up and my left arm was hanging on by the bone and only the bone. There was also a large part of the Humvee keeping me pinned. I was in and out so I don’t know how long I was there but I know Steve was the one who saved me.”
“Really?” You ask, trying to control the emotion in your voice. Bucky nods.
“He was back at base and when we didn’t check in they sent out the search team. Knowing I was out there Steve demanded to be a part of it.” Bucky laughs. “He found me and damn near tore every muscle in his arms trying to lift that piece of Humvee off me. He saved me and got me back to base. From there we I was stabilized and sent home. It’s only a miracle that they saved my arm.”
“You have full range of motion and sensations?” Bucky smiles and looks down at his empty plate and then back up at you.
“If you’re asking as a professional? Yes, I can move and feel everything and I have my regular check ups to make sure there is no late onset nerve damage.” His tongue darts out quickly wetting his bottom lip, “if you asking as the woman I’m trying to win the heart of? Yes, I can pick you up carry you upstairs and feel every inch of your body if you’d let me.” Your heartbeat quickens and your eyes flicker to his lips and then meet his gaze again. He smirks and then sits back as you quickly regain your composure. You blush and get up to grab the ice cream.
“You like mint?!?” You exclaim as Bucky takes a bite. He laughs and defends his choice.
“Not exclusively but maybe I’m just wanting to freshen my breath in case you wanna repeat our dare from earlier. Or make me prove that my range of motion and sensations are fully intact!” You giggle and run away from him as he chases you, trying to kiss you. You run to the pool and one thing led to another as you both go crashing in. You emerge gasping for air and laughing so hard as Bucky pulls you closer. Your laughter dies down as you gaze into each others eyes, growing closer and closer as he backs you up against the pool wall, taking your face in his hands and leaning in. Right as your lips are about to meet, your phone dings. Coming back to your senses you climb out and grab your phone reading the text.
*Everly and Bucky, you guessed correctly. You two had the most chemistry out of all 4 couples and we thought you deserved some private time while the others enjoyed their group date. But the privacy is almost over as the other islanders are on their way back. #Sparkswereflying #recouplinganyone?*
You look back at Bucky and he walks closer to you. Taking your face in his hands. “Well now I won’t feel bad about doing this,” he kisses you as his hands dance across your skin and your arms wrap around his neck. He moans into the kiss as your bodies move closer and you gasp as he bites your bottom lip before soothing it with another kiss. When you pull apart you stare into each other’s eyes and know that this summer is only about to get more interesting. Bucky moves back in but you stop him.
“I can’t- I know Steve and I aren’t exclusive but- I chose him, Bucky. I have to try, please understand.” Bucky sighs as he takes your hand.
“He’s on another date as we speak.” Bucky says.
“And technically so am I. How do you think he will feel when he finds out we got a private date, away from prying eyes.” Bucky sighs again and shakes his head.
“Okay, fine but you can’t deny what we have, Everly.” He pulls you closer and brushes your wet hair away from your face. “And I’m not giving up, I’ll be here. Natasha is great and I’d probably fall for her if you weren’t here but I meant what I said after that dare.” Your breath catches, it’s the first day, could you really have found it all on day one? “You lit up my world, Evie. And I’ll go about this however you need it. But I’m not giving up.” You let out a shakey breath and pull him into one last kiss before pulling apart and putting some space between you two just as the front door opens and the three couples come walking inside, loud as ever.
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“Hey! What did you two get up to?!” Natasha yells as she motions to your soaking wet clothes. Steve walks closer and eyes you two intensely. You both laugh and play it off pretty well.
“Oh, well we were having a debate over which ice cream was better and it got heated and Bucky chased me and made me fall in the pool. I made him jump in too as pay back for ruining this perfect outfit.” You give Bucky a playful shove and he picks you up and hauls you over his shoulder, ready to throw you in again.
“You wanna go in again?!” He teases and you yell and try to wiggle free. He tickles your sides. “I don’t know, what do you think Steve?!” Steve laughs.
“Okay Buck, put her down. I think you’ve tortured her enough tonight.” Steve walks closer and pulls you into his arms and kisses your forehead. You feel Peggy’s glare bore into your back as Steve ushers you away. You look back and see Bucky watch you walk away with Steve. Nat and Wanda come up to comfort him and usher him towards the kitchen. “So how was your time here?” Steve asks once you get settled on the day beds.
“Good, got to know Bucky a little bit. Can see why you two have been friends for so long.” Steve nods. “He also told me the story about his arm.” Steve sighs and squeezes your hand.
“Yeah that was a scary time. But thanks to people like you,” he kisses your hand. “He is back to his old self.” Steve looks down at you and his eyes flick to your lips. “Man I really want to kiss you right now.” Your heartbeat quickens.
“You do?” You ask, a little unsure. Steve nods and closes the distance between both of you. Your lips crash to his and he slips his hand behind your head. He pulls you closer and you feel your cheeks starting to heat up. He pulls away too soon and rubs his thumb across your cheek.
“Wow, now that was worth the wait.” You blush and curl up next to him as you gaze at the stars.
“So how was your date?” You feel Steve shift and tense up. He clears his throat and you sit up to look at him.
“Well I want to be honest with you,” he hesitates, “Peggy kissed me and I didn’t exactly stop her.” That angers you more than it should and you don’t know why. Especially considering what you and Bucky got up to.
“I really like and care about you but I’d be lying if I said Peggy didn’t turn my head a little.” You sit back and create some distance. “I’m sorry, Everly. I just want to be honest.” You nod and sigh.
“No I appreciate that. And I guess I should be too.” You take a breath. “Bucky and I kissed while everyone was gone. We got to talking and flirting, we had a heart to heart because I was sad after yall left and well we kissed.” You meet Steve’s gaze and he seems a little upset but about as much as you were at his news about Peggy. He then sighs and leans his head back.
“Was your head turned?” Steve asks and musters up the courage to look at you.
“A little, yeah. But I told him that I chose you and I wanted to see where things go- if there is anything here, you know?” You explain and Steve nods.
“Yeah I get that.” He takes your hand. “Thank you for being honest.” You gently smile and kiss his cheek.
“Good to know. So are you gonna tell me why you were upset?” Steve asks as You lean back and stare at the stars.
“Just something earlier today reminded me of my ex who cheated on me. It made me more emotional than it should have. Not sure why though,” you shrug it off. “Anyway, Bucky helped and talked me through it.” You smile at the sky and Steve catches the fondness that washes over your face as you think of Bucky. He wished it didn’t hurt.
“Well I’m glad, Bucky is a great man.” Steve says as he pulls your attention back to him. “So are we all in until a recoupling potentially pulls us apart?” You smile and look at Steve, you see Bucky over his shoulder and he seems to walking your way. He gets there before you could answer Steve.
“Hey! A couple of us are gonna have a late night swim.” His gaze dances over you. “You two wanna join?” You look at Steve and you can tell he’d much rather talk but something in your eyes must have told him differently because he looks a little sad and then answers for the both of you.
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You are getting changed into a bathing suit as you hear two people in the bedroom.
“Did you tell her?!”
“No! Why would I?!”
“Because-“ you accidentally knock over a can of hairspray and it clangs loudly. The people who were talking quickly rush out of the room before you can see who they were. Thinking nothing of it you head down to the pool where the party seems to be in full swing.
“Oh there she is!!” Bucky cheers and whistles.“The party has arrived! Everyone Evie can do an excellent cannonball, saw it myself.” Bucky teases about earlier. You walk over and he knows what’s about to happen and he accepts his fate as you push on his chest and he backflops into the pool. You laugh and jump in after him. Natasha swims over and gives you a look that tells you, she knows everything.
“So a little birdy told me that had we been gone longer then we might have needed to treat this pool.” You blush and shake your head.
“No, nothing like that was gonna happen.”
“But something did.” She smirks. She sees your guilty face. “Oh that face better not be for me, because Bucky is hot, I’ll give you that but I’m not feeling it. So you are not stepping on my toes.” You sigh out of relief.
“I told Steve that my head may have turned.” You admit. Natasha hums.
“And how did he take it?” She asks.
“Pretty well. Said his might have too. But we still wanted to try while we are together.” You say and Natasha nods.
“So where is he?” You look around realizing he isn’t there. “He should be here with you, in the pool, grinding all over each other in the water.” You laugh and look around again.
“I actually don’t know where he is.” You go to climb out. “I’m gonna go see if I can find him.”
You grab a towel and head to the day beds and what you find as you get closer makes your blood boil and your heart breaks. Peggy is straddling Steve and making out with him while she moves his hands over her body. You hear Steve trying to get her to stop, to slow down, telling her that he is with you and that he likes you. “I’m with Everly, I like her-“ but she’s not listening, not respecting his wishes. You are speechless and then you hear her say it, “I know, and I don’t care. Touch me.”
It all comes back to you, standing in the hallway of your own apartment as Colin fucks some girl in the bed you share. “You know this will never go anywhere. I love Everly.” Her laugh and response, “I know, and I don’t care. Touch me.” You storm in to grab your stuff and you see her brown curls draped over your pillow and her legs around your boyfriend. Peggy was the women who fucked your boyfriend.
A/N: So I don’t like Peggy is you couldn’t tell 🤭. Also I know Colin is actually a sweetheart but let’s just say this was during his fuck boy phase. 🤷🏼‍♀️.
Taglist: @hisredheadedgoddess28 @cadencejames87 @jessieasher1616 @janineb86 @cjand10 @slytherinqueen4life @theinheriteddutchess @rainydayandmondays @georgiapeach30513 anyone else who wants to be tagged to contact me! 🥰
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fly-pow-bye · 4 months
The Lost Blossom Shampoo Commercial Part 3
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I was already following Hook Up Animation on Instagram because they post old promos and even newer promos like that amazing one they did for Cartoon Network's 30th anniversary. I opened up Instagram and the first thing I see is that they posted a compilation video of various promos they did featuring the Powerpuff Girls. Since I have learned recently from someone at Hook Up that Hook Up Animation worked on it, I had reason to believe I was about to see at least the clip I saw in the Rogan and Toonix reels. It's not the full spot, but about 9 seconds in, there it was.
My 10 year old mystery is technically not fully solved, but at least we get to see more of it. More after the break.
One thing right now: this compilation is essentially an AMV of various clips from promos and commercials they worked on set to the Powerpuff Girls theme, and none of the promos and commercials are shown in full. However, we do see quite a bit more of the commercial I called the Lost Blossom Shampoo Commercial, and I can say one of those words is technically wrong, as it's not just Blossom.
We get to see the setup of the commercial, with Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup looking in the mirror with their bad hair day. It would have been wrong to just have Blossom even if she would have the most impressive hairstyle for a hair product ad. I did suspect that Bubbles and Buttercup should appear as well considering there's three superhero mascots at the end of the commercial. Three Powerpuff Girls, three Showerpuff Girls.
Having Bubbles and Buttercup in this commercial also means that the almost Sailor Moon-esque hair transformation scene Blossom got also happens to Bubbles and Buttercup as well. I can at least do a quick GIF of Buttercup's.
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Bubbles gets one too, but the clip of Bubbles is a little too short and I couldn't really fix it like I tried to do with Buttercup. Each of the girls do get different effects. Bubbles gets a wind-like effect, possibly representing the spiky haired mascot, and Buttercup gets the combing cream, representing the long red haired watery mascot.
Now with the appearance in this compilation, this is how much of the commercial we have now.
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We went from just under 3 seconds to 7 seconds of what could be a 15 or 30 second commercial. I should point out that even with all of these different reels, we have exactly zero seconds of audio from this commercial, as the reels and compilation plays these clips over stock music and the English Powerpuff Girls' opening, respectively.
I did joke about what the rest of the commercial would be like, and that obviously wasn't going to be accurate. Thanks to having the intro, I can make a good summary of what it actually could be:
Professor Utonium sees the Powerpuff Girls in dis-tress, yadda yadda yadda, the Powerpuff Girls' hair gets restored to their usual glory thanks to the power of Hidratacion Intensa. Warning: baby shampoo will still not give your baby superpowers.
Much like that Seinfeld episode, the yadda yadda does hide what could be interesting: what did the Professor do? Does he pull out the brand new hair products, spawning those superhero mascots to help out Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup? Or...did he create those superhero mascots? Have I stumbled upon the most obscure Powerpuff Girls in any officially-sanctioned media before I made that article about Bittercup? There's only one way to find out, and I wish I could find that way.
One commercial I could find because Cartoon Network themselves uploaded it is this O Movimento Cartoon PSA. Yes, we know, there's already a well hated episode with this exact concept, but the live-action/animated hybrid style looks really cool. Maybe if the CW show used that, maybe it would have been greenlit! Or, maybe not.
< Part 2 - ? >
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atinycafe · 1 year
LIME SORBET — special 01 [hatchan live!]
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PROMPT; reader finally comes back to s. korea as she finished her training in los angeles, ready to debut as a solo artist under kq ent! exciting right? well her sunbaes seem to like that idea too.
FEAT; alpha!ateez x omega!idol!reader
IN THIS BONUS; reader goes live 4 the first time with sannie, she introduces herself to atinys
NOTES; this is a bonus, not a chapter!! i'm gonna have many of those, the bonuses are just random chapters that don't fit the main story's timeline. contrary to the main chapters, the bonuses can be reactions, most to least, blurbs and can be requested
TAGLIST; @marievllr-abg @cookiechristie @sugarrush-blush @hiraii-gf ; lmk if you want 2 b added 2!
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atiny-34r: omg first time i arrived this early for a live?? chwewoosan: where's my baby mingi 119smallhwa: i heard that they're gonna make an announcement hoong2ho: hongjoong finally went bald ig
"Did the live start already?" a soft voice echoed from the surroundings as the girl gracefully reached down to retrieve her delectable sushis from the delivery bag.
With a contented sigh, San settled himself in front of the camera, playfully balancing chopsticks in his mouth, "I think so."
mounta46in: omg san!!! 2jeongyw: where's woooo 10-bulgoriya: whose voice was that? amatzfangirl: is there a girl with u??
"Hey, y/n could you grab the soy sauce it's right behind you on the counter."
Obliging without hesitation, she swiftly retrieved the sauce bottle and gracefully made her entrance on screen, taking a seat beside San. Clad in a modest black t-shirt and vibrant red pajama pants, her tresses cascaded elegantly over her shoulder, partially concealing her neckline and the collar adorning it.
"Hello atinys!!" she murmured in a gentle, hushed tone, leaning closer to the camera to peruse a selection of comments.
teddyjongho: who is she omg she's so cute yeohehetsangie: WHAT IS HAPPENING ddeonghwa: san acc gets bitches no way??? 1117haneul: twitter stans are gonna go crazy at this
"San do the intro for me," she finally turned towards him, delicately plucking the chopsticks from his mouth.
San's hands applauded with enthusiasm, as though beckoning for everyone's attention. "Atinys!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement, "Let us welcome the latest addition to the KQent family, new idol Hatchan!"
The girl gracefully inclined her head in a gentle bow, thanking the viewers for their time, savoring a delectable piece of sashimi as she deftly picked up the other phone from the table to look at the incoming comments. Upon stumbling upon a particularly humorous one, she burst into laughter, playfully tilting her head backward and directing her mirthful gaze towards San, showing him the amusing remarks.
yunhenergizer: lmaooo this is so ghetto, budget of 200₩, slay tho captnjoong: oh okay just like that, this better b real balmainboi: no fucking way, they must be trolling a2thez: so we get an ateez comeback and a bad bitch, life is so good rn
"So basically, my formal introduction will take place alongside my KQ fellaz season just like the boys had, which is set to release tomorrow at 5 PM. But, my manager kindly granted me permission to greet you all beforehand," the girl chuckled, her eyes twinkling as she once again perused the entertaining comments. A tinge of blush graced her cheeks, a testament to the fans' delightful humor.
Curiosity piqued, San leaned closer to her, peering over her shoulder at the phone nestled between her hands. He couldn't help but notice the subtle intake of breath she shyly took at their proximity, causing a mischievous smirk to play upon his lips, hidden behind her hair.
"What's so funny?" he inquired, his voice laced with curiosity.
Gleefully, she replied, her smile widening as she reached for another succulent piece of sashimi, "Someone said that KQ's budget was two hundred won!"
Just as she was about to indulge in the delectable piece of rice, San swiftly seized her wrist, playfully taking the food and nonchalantly taking a bite as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.
The girl, taken aback by the unexpected act, turned towards the camera, a mixture of surprise and amusement evident on her face. She pointed at San, a bewildered expression still lingering, and addressed the viewers, "Did you guys see what just happened? Did he just steal my food? Should I beat him up?" she asked the last question in english.
jjongapl: get him! princssminki: personally i wouldnt take that level of disrespect san0810: nooo don't hurt our baby puppyunho: ROCK HIS SHIT!!
"Atinys are telling me to beat you up."
"What?!" San exclaimed, feigning innocence. "But why? What did I do?" He turned his gaze towards the camera, employing his trademark puppy eyes and adding a slight pout to his expression, hoping to elicit sympathy from the viewers.
"You used your big alpha strength to steal food from a poor omega," she melodramatically sighed, casting a mockingly exasperated glance at San. Then, she swiftly redirected her attention back to the camera, her tone laced with playful amusement, "are you all seeing this, should we cancel him?", she inquired, her words tinged with jest as she playfully entertained the notion of holding San accountable for his mischievous deed.
woosmole: she's an omega??? noticemehwa: she's so funny hahahaahbha yosongfan: did she just say omega? gueri11a: omega????
"Oh you guys didn't notice it?" San playfully pushed her hair back, revealing a subtle glimpse of her neck, and gently placed his hand at the base of her neck. Meanwhile, she began tapping on the black collar with her meticulously manicured nails, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes, "should we bring Seonghwa oppa here for an ASMR session?"
The unconventional act of an alpha touching an omega's neck in such a manner did not go unnoticed by the keen netizens. Given the societal norms and the implied significance of such an interaction, speculations and assumptions about the two idols' relationship began circulating among the public even before the girl's career had officially commenced. The unexpected gesture fueled curiosity and led to conjectures about their relationship, setting the stage for intrigue and anticipation surrounding her journey in the industry.
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"So what did they say?" San asked her as soon as she ended the call on her phone.
Both of her managers had immediately called her out when they finished with the live, expressing their dissatisfaction with the unscripted interaction. Their words carried a weight of admonishment, but she chuckled, feeling a tad defeated.
"They chewed me out a little bit, but it's all right," she confided in San, her voice tinged with a mixture of resignation and amusement, as she recounted the aftermath of their impromptu on-screen moment.
"Sorry, it's my fault," he pouted, his expression reflecting a mix of remorse and frustration. "You know how I can get touchy sometimes," he admitted, acknowledging his tendency to act on impulse and physical affection without considering the potential consequences.
"It's all good oppa," she reassured him, playfully punching his shoulder with a light touch. "You're going to get me trending even before I've officially started. I should be thanking you for all the attention," she remarked, her tone laced with a hint of playful gratitude.
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chaos-grimlin · 2 years
Intro: No one truly knows what happened that night in Woodsboro, California. All the public knows was that two teenage boys, Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, went crazy. That the boys killed with no motive, that it was a case of crazy and peer pressure. Sidney Prescott, the "girlfriend" of Billy Loomis,Y/n L/n, the girl both boys were deeply obsessed with, and Gale weathers, a news reporter, where 3 of 5 witnesses that were willing to talk and tell their sides of the story to the public while Dewy Riley, the deputy sheriff of woodsboro, and tennager Randy Meeks refused to talk to law enforcements at the time. All the stories told to law enforcement seem to differ from person to person, but...in this tale, we will focus on Y/n, the obsessions, side of the story...
Marked (Poly! Billy Loomis and Stu macher x reader)
Word count: 1117
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Chapter 16 - Police lights and regrets
^^3rd person P.O.V^^^
An hour had passed since Y/n had left the Riley house and Tatum, Dewy, and Randy were all worried.
"It shouldnt be taking this long" Randy said as he looked at Dewy. "Your right" Dewy muttered as he grabbed his gun from his holster and also grabbed the keys to his police cruiser.
" come on, lets go" he said as he started to the door, Tatum and Randy following behind him.
Randy felt a feeling bubble in his gut as he walked closer to the police car. He was worried that something was wrong.
The feeling almost made him gag as he opened the back door to the car and slid in.
Tatum rushed into the passenger seat. "Hurry up Dewy!" She screeched as Dewy quickly rushed to the drivers side of the car.
Dewy fumbled with the keys as he started the car. Dewy had the same feeling bubbling inside of him.
Dewy got this feeling every time something bad happened..
Dewy sped down the streets, flipping his police lights on as he did.
The police siren cut through the damp air, ringing around Randy's foggy mind.
Randy bit at the inside of his cheek as his leg bounced up and down. He was worried for her....
Countless intrusive thoughts filled his mind as he watched the blurry images of tress pass by as Dewy drove.
After 4 minutes (thanks to Dewys fast driving) the trio had made it to Y/ns house.
Dred filled Dewys gut as he saw that the door to her house was wide open.
Dewy stopped the car and they all got out, not wasting any time to rush into Y/ns house.
Randy noticed how much of a mess the house was...
"Y/N!" Tatum screamed out.
Randy shoved Tatum out of the way as he rushed up the stairs and gunned it to Y/ns bedroom.
He saw the door was open and barely hanging onto its hinges (?? I cant spelllllll)
"Fuck" he whispered to himself as he quickly rushed into Y/ns room, but froze in his steps as he saw a horrid heart wrenching sight infront of him...
Y/n was tied to her bed. Her wrists was bleeding, She looked to be gagged, all of her clothes seemed to be missing, and blood oozed from a wound on her thigh.
It was obvious what had happened.
Randy felt guilt rise in his chest as he rushed up to Y/ns bed and quickly took the tape off of her lips.
"DEWY! TATUM!" Randy screamed, his voice breaking as tears clouded his vision.
Randy untied Y/ns wrists and started crying more when he saw how deep the rope marks were and how far the rope had cut..
"What?!..holy shit..." Dewys voice went quite as he rushed in, his eyes landing on Y/ns battered and bruised nude body.
Dewy was quick to untie Y/ns ankles.
Randy scooped Y/n up gently in his arms and cradled her.
Tears dripped onto her skin as he and Dewy rushed out as soon as Tatum amde her way to the door.
"Oh fuck!" She screeched as her eyes scanned over Y/n and Randy...and thats when Tatum saw it.... Someone had Carved the father death mask into Y/ns hip...
Everything else was a blur as Randy grabbed a blanket and rushed back to the car with Y/n in his arms.
He sat in the back seat and covered her nude body with the soft blanket.
"GET IN THE CAR AND FUCKING DRIVE!" Randy screeched out to Dewy.
Dewy didnt even get mad at Randy as he got into the drivers side and Tatum again got in the passangers side.
"What the hell happened!?" Tatum asked as she looked back at Randy, who cupped Y/ns cheek and traced her soft beaten skin, his tears peppered her exposed skin.
"Im so sorry" Randy whispered, ignoring Tatum.
Randy felt his world collapse into a dark hell that he couldn't escape.
He felt like it was his fault for not walking with her. Yes he asked her, but he shouldnt have listened to her no.
Randy hugged her body tightly, pressing her head against his chest as he lightly kissed her forehead. "Im so so sorry" he muttered.
Dewy heard Randy's cries as he drove to the hospital.
Dewy felt small tears prickle in his eyes. Out of all the years Dewy had known Randy, he had never seen him like this...it pained Dewy.
Dewy stepped on the gas petal a little harder, he wanted to get Y/n to the hospital and fast.
Randy looked at Y/n. A thought washed over Randy, a thought that filled him with so much rage and so much sadness...
He thought of the highly likely possibility that Y/n was raped...
~~~~Time skip~~~~
Randy sat in the lobby of the hospital, his head buried in his hands as he cried.
Randy felt like screaming..
He had grown close to Y/n when no one else went around her...
He was there to comfort her through Casey's death, he was there to love her, he was there to try and make her life seem better.
Randy had spent countless nights in her room, sleeping on the floot next to her bed just because she was scared..
"Hey Randy" Tatum said.
Her voice made Randy jump slightly.
Randy quickly wiped his eyes before looking up at Tatum.
Tatum had tears swelling in her eyes, making them look glossy.
She sat down next to Randy and looked at him.
"Dewy said that the doctor said that Y/n is alive..but...she was raped" Tatum said, her voice going quiet as people stared at them.
"Do they know who did it?" He asked, his voice shaking.
"No..." She whispered.
"Fuck" Randy whispered, leaning his head back and blinking his eyes, feeling tears drip down his face.
"Dewy said the police station can take seaman samples if any was left and do a DNA test" Tatum added.
Randy just nodded.
"Did you tell the others?"
Right as Randy said that Billy, Stu, and Sidney rushed in, worry and sadness painted on their faces.
"Oh my god please tell me its not true!" Sidney said as she ran up to Tatum and Randy.
Randy and Tatum stayed quiet..
Billy and Stu walked over to the group, sad looks dawning onto their features.
Tatum rushed to Stu and engulfed him into a hug and letting to tears flow.
Billy glanced over at Stu, a look that went unnoticed by the group, but it was a look...a look of pride...
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wyndlerunner · 2 years
As much as I loved Tress of the Emerald Sea, I don’t think I would recommend it to a friend as an intro to the Cosmere cuz:
Despite the claim that you could read it without knowledge of the other series in the Cosmere, I feel like it would be pretty confusing for someone with ZERO Cosmere exposure
The tone is so different from the rest of the Cosmere books. It’s one of the reasons I love it so much, but I’d be afraid that they’d read it and decide they don’t like Hoid’s narrating voice or expect all of the books to have the same vibe and then be disappointed
At this point, I would probably still recommend The Final Empire to be a friend’s cosmere intro. It feels representative of Sanderson’s writing without being an intimidating 1000 pages and if they end up liking it, the books just get better from there
But I do think a case could also be made for Elantris or Warbreaker to be intro cosmere books depending on what the person likes
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prince-f8 · 5 months
I need to learn how to animate rn cause I've got the icebound intro animatic stuck in my head
Yornier is trecking through the snow as mammoth runs past him. For skrimm, it's him fliping the coin, and then it transitions into him, looking around worriedly as grave yard jack is in the tress. barnabos is doing he's pose from he's art as waves over take him with like green eyes in the back, taishen is doing fire stuff in fields of tea leaves and he's fire looks like a dragon as it over takes the screen and queenie is surrounded by bees and they form a bear behind her as an arrow flies behind her to represent daisy. It's in the order they r in during the usual intro, and all of em r being like looked at from above. little bits between r them just going through the snow. Right before the title screen is them all looking them at drakar from the ship, and the title screen is litraly crashed into by the ship to make the crack in the text.
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evereinefaust · 3 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Masato Hijirikawa X afab!Reader
Synopsis: Entering the dorm building, MC scoured the hallways in search for her beloved idols. Arriving at the foyer and hearing the piano, she knew who to expect meeting.
Word Count: 1,247
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Soft footsteps made its way inside the building whilst [e/c] eyes darted from item to item, a smile tugging at the corners of the person's lips. [Y/n] noted how well-lighted the main room was despite being enclosed. The moonlight seeped into the place through the large, glass window. Suddenly, she heard a soft tune of the piano coming from the foyer.
She glanced up, seeing the silhouette of another member of St☆rish playing the piano elegantly. She instantly recognized the person. Her smile widening as she slowly made her way up the stairs. Once she reached the foyer, she watched as the bluish-black haired male played the piano with such emotion.
He finished his piece eventually. "I am flooded with feelings of love. I will never stop singing my love for you."
"Sato-nii..." [Y/n] called, earning his attention as he opened his eyes to look at her.
"Is that really you, [Y/n]?" he asked in disbelief, uncertain whether it's just his imagination or not.
[Y/n] giggled, her voice echoing inside the building. Somehow, Masato felt a heartwarming feeling started to engulf his entire being.
"Of course, it's me, Sato-nii," the young teen made her way towards the idol.
Masato closed his eyes. "I thought it was an illusion of the passions in my heart."
This only made her giggle once again, stopping in front of the said male. Masato's blue eyes trailed from the piano up to her dazzling figure. She sweetly smiled down at him with a tilt of her head, her [h/l], [h/c] tresses following along.
"What do you mean by that, Sato-nii? Are you implying that I am simply a mere ghost of your fantasy?" she pouted, trying to appear offended.
"I don't mean it like that. You know that [Y/n]," he returned back the smile with his own. "What are you doing here by the way?"
"Paying my beloved idols a visit," she took a piece of the music sheet and examined it. "Hm...? Thought so, this is the one I composed for you."
"I thought you wouldn't notice," he chuckled.
"Who wouldn't? I heard you play it after all."
"Very well then," he closed his eyes once again.
"Say, Sato-nii, did you became emotional because of the song I composed for you?" she teased.
"Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional...it's the people that come to your mind when you hear it..." he stated, opening his eyes once again to stare into [Y/n]'s [e/c] ones. "And it just happens that you're the one I'm thinking about all this time."
Once again, the [h/c]ette blushed because of the male's words. How many times has it been since she started blushing? Maybe it exceeded ten times. However, this will not be the last time she will be experiencing this. Her heart throbbed against her ribcage in utter nervousness. She averted her gaze away, trying to hide her incoming blush.
Masato smiled once he saw her flustered state. He patted his lap softly. "How about sitting here with me and play the song you made?"
This caught her attention and she stared at the male with widened eyes. Her blush deepening and she tried her hardest to cool it down, along with her speeding heart. Nevertheless her hesitance and nervousness, she trudged over to him and sat on his lap. Masato snaked his arms around her waist as he leaned his chin on her left shoulder, closing his eyes as he relaxed with the girl by side.
"Should I play the song I compose for you?" she asked, tilting her head a bit to see Masato's face.
"Mhm-hm," he hummed against her ears.
[Y/n] felt something roll down her spine because of it, but she complied with his request anyway. After the intro of the song, Masato started to sing the lyrics he made for the song. The young composer smiled and closed her eyes, her fingers automatically moving across the keys. When she heard Masato's gentle voice whispering in her ear, she can't help but feel comfortable being in his embrace.
As the song ends, [Y/n] slowly removed her hands from the piano, placing it on the male's arms wrapped around her waist. She leaned her head back, her eyes still closed as she enjoyed the memorable moment.
"What was the title, Sato-nii?"
"Hm~ Best friend, huh? Do you consider me as your best friend?"
"Yes. Though I would admit that I consider you more than that."
"What would that be?"
"It's a secret for now; you don't have to know that yet."
"Eh? So unfair..." she pouted.
Masato only chuckled, his chest vibrating against the girl's back. A slight blush dusted on his cheeks.
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
Thinking about the gold as the gingko tress vampire au hhhhh
Wifey: Sorry we can’t kiss I had garlic bread for breakfast :(
Morax: …
Morax: that doesn’t hurt me
Wifey: ..what
Morax: that was a rumour spread by Barbatos to….season the dish
Wifey: oh….
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Thinking about vampire Morax but also an incubus AU I thought of which I am like 80% sure I shared with beta but in case I didn’t: It’s the same intro where the shrine is broken and wifey gets into shit for it, but instead of Morax saving them from the demon, he is the demon.
He appears to them late at night like “don’t you think it’s unfair how they treat you? After you’ve been such a diligent follower? You shouldn’t put up with that. I can show you a better life.”
I can feel the fly swatter beta is going to hit me with. That or she’s gonna hit me in the dick with a sunflower again. Point is I know she’s gonna yell at me-
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Random Art AI Issue 20
Issue 20 of Random Art AI, each issue will have four randomly created pieces of AI art with a collection issue at the end of each month containing all issues for that month. These early issues probably won't be very good as I was still learning how to properly prompt for them. 
1. Intro 00:00 
2. Platinum Elegance Portrait of a Captivating Blonde Beauty 00:10 
3. Chic Captivation The Woman in the Red Beret 00:30 
4. Contrasting Elegance Silver-White Tresses and Ebony Attire 00:50 
5. Exquisite Glamour A Captivating Beauty and Her Enchanting Attire 01:10 
6. Outro 01:30 
Twitter (Gaming & AI Art) 
Instagram (AI Art) 
For more issues of Random Art Ai visit this playlist for all currently published issues 
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velnica · 2 years
#WIPWednesday - Singing Along Ch 5
Sanson invited Guydelot into his late father’s study, and they found an old console. Hilarity ensued.
…At the side of this bookshelf was a box with a familiar logo on it. Opening the carton, he grinned as he pulled up a set of plastic instrument.
“Is that why he’s got an old GamiTek here and a copy of Guitar Warrior?”
Sanson leapt up to his side, snatching the controller out of his hand. “Nope, this one was for us to play. Shall we turn it on?”
“So I can beat you playing it? You’re on.” He pulled out the console from the box, following Sanson back out to the living room. Like two giddy kids they plugged the cables in, turning the machine on and laughing as the intro started. Sanson’s smile was bright yet wistful; he was clearly remembering the memories of playing this with his father. Guydelot picked the first song, Under the Weight, an old rock banger that he summarily beat Sanson at. The Hyur picked the next one, Locus, flexing his fingers and licking his lips in defiance. Yet that wasn’t enough to beat the Elezen’s high score, much to Sanson’s chagrin—and Guydelot’s delighted smirk.
“Give it up Sanson, you don’t even play the guitar,” Guydelot taunted as he scrolled through the song list. Sanson cracked his knuckles again, face deadly serious this time.
“I’m just warming up. Don’t get ahead of yourself.” Grinning, the guitarist cockily picked a harder song, A Long Fall this time. He couldn’t help but glance at his roommate during the slower sections, watching his face scrunch up in concentration as his fingers dance on the colourful buttons. “Don’t get distracted, you’ll lose,” the Hyur teased, eyes not leaving the screen. Fuck. Guydelot immediately focused back onto the game, missing a few notes that got Sanson grinning wider. At the end, their score was only off by a few thousands, With Guydelot winning the round yet again—just.
Sanson picked the next song, Ominous Prognisticks, a complex instrumental piece that had Guydelot floundering at a few sections, brain unused to coordinating the colours to his fingers. Sanson, on the other hand, breezed through the song, losing only the last section because he was the one looking at Guydelot’s frustrated expression.
“A fluke,” the Elezen claimed as the scoreboard went up. Despite only winning by a slim margin, Sanson’s smirk nearly rivalled the one Guydelot sported before.
“I don’t need to know how to play the guitar to win at Guitar Warrior.” He laughed as Guydelot put on his best sceptical look. Clocking his head at the screen, it was the Hyur’s turn to taunt, “Alright, pick the next song then.”
Grumbling, he went through the list again, scrolling straight to the top of the difficulty list.
“Game on, Sanson,” he declared as the selection slams on the hardest song in the game, Rise. Instead of replying, Sanson just took off his hair tie, holding it between his lips and shook his tresses loose, the motion of it enthralling Guydelot into silence. Taking no notice of his attention, his roommate gathered his hair again, retying it back into a neat ponytail. It was a simple gesture, he’d done it before at home countless times; yet without fail it always made Guydelot’s mouth go dry.
“Ready?” Sanson asked as the loading screen disappeared. The Elezen fell back to his cocky smirk, trying to act nonchalant. Internally he was anything but.
“Bring it,” he replied. As soon as he said that, the first notes flew down the screen and he scrambled to press the buttons. The song had a slow start before the tempo rose to a breakneck pace that took all of Guydelot’s concentration to perform. From the corner of his eyes he could see Sanson’s hands moved just as furiously, the both of them attempting to hit the prompts on time, scores flashing madly on top of the screen.
When the song ended, the words ‘Player 1 wins!’ blazed across the TV and Sanson danced with glee, the widest grin adorning his face as Guydelot baulked in disbelief. And he summarily beat the guitarist too, with nearly twice the score.
“You should really see your face,” the Hyur giggled out as Guydelot glared at him. “I told you we played a lot of this when I was younger.” When the glare turned into a full blown pout, Sanson giggled again, turning the console off to spare Guydelot further embarrassment at losing to someone who couldn’t even play an instrument. He huffed, coaxing a proper laugh out of his roommate. “You look like you’re three seconds away from throwing a tantrum, Guydelot.”
“Maybe I am,” he pouted even more. Sanson’s grin turned into an affectionate smile as he reached up, his thumb unconsciously tracing the Elezen’s jaw. Guydelot froze.
The front door opened with a creak and both boys jumped back, the atmosphere broken.
“Sanson, I’m home! I’ve bought some tomato pies for dinner.” Yvaine took that moment to return, entering the living room and watching the two of them stand awkwardly a few steps apart. Sanson moved first, grabbing the box of pie from her hand and taking it to the kitchen, very obviously escaping Guydelot’s presence. His mother just stood there in slight shock, levelling a questioning stare at the Elezen.
“He, uh, beat me at Guitar Warrior,” he spoke up, belatedly realising that his explanation made no sense whatsoever. The woman tilted her head in confusion, but then a knowing smile bloomed on her face. Glossing over his words, she patted his shoulder fondly before following Sanson’s steps. Yvaine called out to her son at the doorway, giving him a peck on the cheek below the mistletoe.
They disappeared into the kitchen proper afterwards, leaving Guydelot alone in the empty room, his own finger touching the spot where Sanson’s thumb was moments ago, heartbeat roaring in his ears.
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realitys-ex · 2 years
I recently finished Brandon Sanderson’s first Secret Project (Tress of the Emerald See), and wanted to share a few thoughts. It came out recently enough that I will put it below the cut to avoid accidental spoilers. (assume full spoilers for anything Sanderson ever wrote)
I really liked it.
The tone was great (though I imagine that many people could find it anoying compared to the other Cosmere books), it really expanded the lore of the Cosmere, while having practically no impact (as far as I can tell it takes place after the projected end of the Cosmere plotline so probably 1 000 years in the future).
It was perfectly self contained to the point that I think it makes a good candidate for an intro Cosmere book. Now I can imagine that that would surprise some people, so I will explain my reasoning: 1) Despite taking place at the end of our timeline, it doesn’t give anything away about any of the stories, except one mention of Sazed. (a mention so brief and so removed from anything that may connect the reader to Mistborn that they would probably forget it, or assume it was a recycled name)
2) It shows the existence of a wider universe in a way that is both enticing and not at all intimidating. Let me expand on that point as I think it is key. For the vast majority of the Cosmere books, the existence of other worlds was hinted at/ easter eggs. If you read all the books, you would know what was going on and be super happy to catch the hint (oh, he poured some dust into his drink and looks slightly different than the native population? Clearly a Misting/ Mistborn!), but if you didn’t read all the books, you wouldn’t feel like you missed anything (oh he poured dust in his drink etc.? Probably sick or likes added flavour, and one of his parents is from another country).
I really liked this method, as it made the entire process feel exclusive, while welcoming new readers to start anywhere without feeling out of there depths.
This changed in the Lost Metal, where there were clear people from off planet using abilities not seen if you hadn’t read everything. And it was presented in such a way that it felt like a deliberate ‘There is more going on than you know, and you are missing all the implications of this scene by not knowing.’
This was partly due to the P.O.V. character for the scenes, who they were attempting to get to join the group and entice with secrets. (Note, I personally don’t like that direction, but I understand why he is going that way)
In TotES they mention stuff coming from other planets, and weird people and magics, but it is presented ‘hey, thats a thing. it’s weird but lots of stuff is weird. don’t worry about it.’ which  is wayyy less intimidating, and makes someone want to learn more from curiosity rather than feeling like they are missing out. Which I think is wonderful.
3) It shows that there  are powerful movers behind the scenes, but kind of points to them being unimportant.
So the cosmere has crazy shit going on behind the scenes, and we all know that, but it is hard to pick up. In this book we see that Hoid, the Dragon, and the Witch all have vaguely important goals, but the main characters don’t really give a shit about them.
TBH this is really a different version of number 2.
But yeah, I like the book, had some issues with it, as I do with literally anything I ever read, but think it was pretty solid! 
(Though tbch, while the art was good, I don’t think the artist made the right choices. A big deal was made of the MC wearing braids but she is never depicted with em, and the pictures all felt romance covery. Though I will admit I have a bias against any art depicting pov characters.) 
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mirandamckenni1 · 1 year
Liked on YouTube: Historical Hair Care Grew My Hair to Hip Length! Here's How || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-2YxqGiI54 || I have been practising historical hair care for the past 6 years, and it grew my hair to hip length! This after having a chin length hair cut and having never been able to grow very long or healthy hair my whole life (up until now!) In this video I will be explaining: *My hair history and how it's led me to the methods I now use *The unusual hair detangling method that has helped to retain hair length *How historical hair care drastically differs from modern hair care in its attitudes and results *How not using conventional shampoos has helped my hair to grow (and thrive) *The natural, homemade concoctions I use in my hair. Hint: I only use products in my hair that are edible *How historical hairstyles actually helped to grow long hair. Hint: it's about length retention Have you ever looked at those historical photos and paintings of women with surreally long hair, and then looked at the many thousands of people today who desperately desire long tresses, but their hair simply refuses to grow past a certain point, and wondered . . . maybe those historical women knew something we don't? When I chopped off my hair to chin length 6 years ago, it was time to drastically rethink my hair routine. Previous generations clearly knew how to grow long hair - and I was ready to figure out the secret, even if it meant throwing out everything I'd been taught about modern hair care. This routine dramatically differs from almost all modern hair care routines, especially those typically recommended for people with curly hair like me! (ie. "curly girl method") To give credit where credit is due, I have learned a lot from the natural kinky hair community here on Youtube, who are one of the few ethnic communities still practicing these gentle, natural hair care techniques. Due to my own hair's dry, curly texture, it loves these gentle, moisturizing ways of care. Throughout this video, I will refer to "hair growth" synonymously with "length retention" (ie. avoiding breakage). For 99% of people, their hair is always growing, but if their hair care practices are constantly breaking their hair off at the ends, they will never see that growth. This was my own experience before beginning my current historical hair care routine. Keep watching to see how I changed that! ✍ Blog post for this video: http://bit.ly/3Txvmgd Rhassoul clay I use: http://bit.ly/rhassoullink Ayurvedic Hair Oil Recipe @curlyproverbz (I've been using this for years) - http://bit.ly/hairoilrecipe Ultra-natural hair conditioner brand I love: https://ift.tt/fIMp0Ti 💇🏻‍♀️ Recommended Hair Care Products Silk Sleeping Bonnet - https://amzn.to/3X8zmH7 Microfibre Hair Towel - https://amzn.to/3tDrsrL Satin Srunchies - https://amzn.to/3Ol24QM Jojoba Oil - https://amzn.to/3ArhihM Jamaican Black Castor Oil - https://amzn.to/3USjE1a Shea Butter - https://amzn.to/3hVH6fb Rhassoul Clay - https://amzn.to/3TIAMFe Boar Bristle Brush - https://amzn.to/3FN53z5 Shampoo Brush - https://amzn.to/3XcFQ7Q 💇Holdi-Locks hair up-do tools: https://ift.tt/pvo24FN Use code "KAT10" at checkout to receive 10% off your order! "Bun-Maker" Kit: https://ift.tt/1uwvA3P Gentle hair "barrette": https://ift.tt/6npdmhu ⏰ Time Stamps ⏰ 0:00 - Intro 1:01 - Why Historical Hair Care? 1:33 - Who is This Video For? 2:19 - What's Up With Historical Women's Ultra-Long Hair? 5:40 - The 4 Main Sections of this video 6:23 - My Hair History 7:34 - My Experience With the "Curly Girl" Method 13:29 - Historical Vs. Modern Hair Care 20:15 - My Historical Hair Care Tenets 20:22 - Dry Finger Detangling 21:12 - Problems with Wet-Detangling Hair 24:13 - Historical Women (Mainly) Dry-Detangled Their Hair 25:24 - Historical Boar Bristle Hair Brushing 26:46 - My Personal Dry-Detangling Approach (for curly hair) 29:34 - "No Poo" Method - Rare and Gentle Hair Washing 31:54 - Rhassoul Clay Hair Washing 33:40 - Minimal Hair Product Usage 34:54 - Hair and Scalp Oiling 37:42 - Protective Styles 40:47 - Weekly Hair Routine Demo 40:52 - Dry Finger Detangling 42:25 - Daily Protective Styling 44:51 - Pre-Wash Oil Treatment 46:04 - Clay Wash Recipe and Routine 50:24 - Finished Hair Results 51:02 - Conclusion 👑 Join my Channel Membership to Access Bonus Perks: https://bit.ly/joinkatherine 🌐 My website: https://ift.tt/yv3VFtg 🛍 Sewing supplies I recommend: https://bit.ly/sewsupplies 💇 Hair care products I recommend: https://bit.ly/hairsupplies 📖 "Victorian Custom Corset-Making" Course: https://bit.ly/corsetcourse ☕ Buy me a coffee: https://bit.ly/katherinecoffee ✉ Contact me: [email protected] ♥ Follow me on social media: YouTube: http://bit.ly/KSEWINGyoutube Facebook: http://bit.ly/KSEWINGfacebook Twitter: http://bit.ly/KSEWINGtwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/KSEWINGinstagram TikTok: https://bit.ly/KSEWINGtiktok Pinterest: http://bit.ly/KSEWINGpinterest
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