#this is late-ish bc i've been sick lol
anistarrose · 1 year
Angus McDonald and the Shop Teacher’s Secret
squeaking in under the wire for AU Roulette 2023! this was for the prompt "urban fantasy"
Angus was eight when he first read about changelings — in a book that he checked out from the library out of boredom, really. Boredom and disappointment, when he saw the new Caleb Cleveland wasn’t in yet. But what he read within, the descriptions of the fae children that swapped out for humans, well…
They were familiar. In a way that scared him at first, but over the years, began to excite him more and more — because maybe, just maybe, Angus could be like this for a reason.
Most obviously, he acts older than his age, and people notice, with some finding it unnerving. He can lie, but finds it so much easier to imply something false by omission. He’s mildly allergic to nickel, which isn’t quite the same as being repelled by cold iron, but that might just be a trait that varies among individual fae!
His parents are dead and his grandpa doesn’t remember enough to care for him anymore, so he has no one to ask stories about his birth, or early childhood — to ask if he acted more like a human, once — and he certainly does not remember every living in a faerie world, but the evidence is compelling nonetheless.
Most compelling of all — the thought that there might be more people out there who are like him. Who would like him, and actually treat him as one of their own.
And he’s starting to suspect, actually, that one of those people might be his middle school shop teacher.
(keep reading on ao3!)
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skellagirl · 1 year
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼(No pressure if you don't want to though!)Hope you have a good day! ✨
oh, I DO love talking about myself, though this is gonna be kinda weird bc I haven't made a lot of art that I actually like lately lol, and I'm not committed enough to go back super far in my timeline
in no particular order:
1) The extremely self-indulgent Jack/Maddie/Vlad comic I did last year, which was my second most popular post. I had sooo much fun doing it and made myself laugh a lot, idk, it was just such a joy to make and I'm glad other people like it too (I've LOVED reading through the tags on it)
this is my favorite 'panel', I think lol
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2) The big memey sketchdump from last year that was my FIRST most popular post lol, OF WHICH this is my favorite doodle.
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3) This one I haven't actually posted anywhere yet bc it's still VERY early and I'm not sure I'll ever finish, but I've been fucking around with making a comic out of one of my favorite Stardew oneshots, Practical Demonstration (which is VERY ummm......... citrusy, as one might have said in 2006) and I've actually been kinda sorta enjoying that, despite Art Block From Hell and the fact that I'm Not Good at backgrounds lol
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4) idk, I've had a lot of fun doing all my Potion Permit shit! The fandom is small but very funny and friendly, and idk it's just been another thing that's been fun to indulge in while Art Block From Hell continues
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5) and speaking of Potion Permit, I've been writing a chemist/matheo enemies-to-lovers longfic called flew like a moth to you (sunlight) that is SO self-indulgent, but I've actually really been liking how it's turning out! It's kinda silly to say, maybe? but I've been proud of my writing with this fic. I think I have an Okay ability to string words into nice-ish-sounding sentences 🥴👌
and since I posted pics for my art, here's one of my favorite bits of the fic's first chapter (also the 'summary' lol)
"Forty years. Raised in the thick of six generations’ worth of collective knowledge, lived tradition, so intimately familiar with medicine and healing that it’s like an additional sense, something woven into the very fibers of him, his entire life’s work -- all of it cast aside in favor of an upstart, fresh-faced chemist whose sole legacy of any significance to Moonbury is one of reckless endangerment and massive ecological collapse. He stares at Myer’s hands, clasped around his wife’s, his child’s. Doesn’t understand what sort of desperation would drive a man to this. Feels a sick twist in his gut at the inconceivability of ever doing the same."
I don't really send these to anyone but like. do it if you want? toot your own horn!!! or spread it to others ig, that works too 👍
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snellyfish · 2 years
any shows/movies/anime etc you recommend? also how have you been?
HI :) On top of being super sick I also can't keep my iron levels up so I've just been sleeping a shit ton lately hfsdjkfd, I am a sleep MACHINE rn, hopefully I can get back to drawing again soon (anything I've been posting a lil bit of is just backlog RIP).
But anyway I am Always down to recommend my freak media;;
Shows: -Feel insane for this but Bate's Motel was like the most fun I ever had watching a show LOL. -Currently rewatching Lost Girl and maybe this is my nostalgia speaking but it's so uuhuhguhh<33 (I call it the queer womans Supernatural, bc it literally is, it's literally so campy and cringe but I love it so much) -Love Death & Robots but specifically Jibaro I mostly just watch movies and anime I can't think of anything else SOWWY
Movies: -Devil's Carnival (2012)(horror/musical)(mostly the sequel hghghghrhg it's so GOOD favorite movie ever #1 always) -Creep (2014)(found footage/horror)(but ALSO mostly the sequel) -Pearl (2022)(horror/drama)(it's a prequel but the original movie was bad) -The Babysitter (2017)(horror/comedy)(ignore the sequel it sucks) -Bernie (2011)(drama/comedy) -Zombieland (2009)(comedy/horror-ish?) -District 9 (2009)(sci-fi/horror??/found footage?) -Music and Lyrics (2007)(romance/comedy/musical)(im a horror fanatic but this is like my one romcom. my guilty pleasure. its so good)
Anime: -Buddy Daddies (it's airing right now!! go check it out its cute and funny!!) -Hinamatsuri -Saiki K -Michiko and Hatchin -Ranking of Kings -Space Dandy
Can I recommend manga too and say Goodbye Eri
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acaiasahi · 2 years
honestly, the principal's son is kiiiiiiindaaaaa cute imo 🤭 he's smart, nice and respectful too tbh AND i've had moments with him even from before this this rumour surfaced up but i'm just starting to realize/remember abt them now 😓😓 he was sick yesterday (last day of school!!!!!!) so we didn't have much moments but i did helped him a little AND i just realized how pretty his facial features are, but what makes me scared is the fact that i catch feelings fast SO if i happen to ykyk.. but he doesn't really feel that way abt me 😔👎
how have you been??? since it's the holidays now, i'm probably going to be more active on tumblr and interacting w youuuu <33 !!!
- 🌱 (resent this bc the last one didn't go through i think, but if it did, please ignore this one hehe)
i'd say to js be careful bc sometimes rumors are made by icky ppl but if he seems genuine (which it seems kinda obvi that he might be), why not get to know him more! n if anything, if u don't feel the same, don't feel bad/pressure urself into liking him, if that makes sense LOL. if the rumor isn't true, doesn't that mean u slay so hard to the point where ppl are talkin abt u??!! 🫡🫡🫡 if ur rly unsure, js stay neutral!!!
i've been kinda in the dumps lately. not to get deep n stuff but one of my fav uncles is going into surgery this upcoming week for his heart n i'm rly nervous bc 2 months ago, my other fav uncle passed away from surgery so everyone's on edge, especially since it's the holidays so if u can, pls send good vibes his way, i'd rly appreciate it!! but besides that, i haven't been working much bc it's cold n no one wants boba when it's like 40° out 😭 i've been staying home n playing video games, writing some things but other than that, life's been okay-ish LOL i'm glad to hear that we'll be interacting more tho! <3
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transparentheartz · 3 years
day 10!! good morning!! thank you for wishing me happy birthday, you're so sweet<33 i did get it in eventually but was like 4 hours late for my other portfolio but its fine!!
i feel the same about my job, it just tedious and boring ish but money is money i guess
astroworld is like a nightmare come true for me, honestly i don't even like to think about the families bc it's so so horrible, i feel sick when i do. oo a wedding, that should be fun, maybe? i didn't get tickets for olivia in the end, the venue has a capacity of 5000 and there was 30,000 ppl in the queue ahead of me so that was never going to happen.
aw no i'm really sorry to hear that, i can't imagine how horrible that year must have been for you, to have to go in everyday. was online school a bit better? school really isn't the nicest place at all, my sister is kinda struggling atm, but homeschooling isn't really a thing here as much. i spent the majority of my classes with my head in a boolk and tried to get through it but i got in trouble with teachers constantly for reading even tho i never bothered anyone.
yeah i think when you don't do what you're "supposed" to be in school and just stay quiet they call you the "quiet smart one" i don't like it. i used to consider myself quite shy but i think honestly i'm just really content to be alone, i don't feel a lot of need to talk to people or friends all the time, it can be so draining. making friends in college is really fucking hard
i read such a good tomlinshaw harry potter au a while ago, it was super long and just so so good, idk if you read tomlinshaw, i used to hate having nick in fics but idk it just works
that's not too bad pain wise then, the healing process is tends to be a bit more painful for me anyways. it's the best thing when you can look at something like that and just be so happy with it, like it makes you smile. do you've any tattoos or just the piercings?
omg eight sisters wow, the chaos, bc i have two and they're noisy noisy, well we are noisy i suppose. and you're the youngest too!! are you close in age? or do you have a sister you get along with the best?
your car would crush mine, ahaha, nah i had to google yours too, i know nothing about cars, not a thing. i really like it! that's so lovely your grandad gave it to you! i've always wanted a big jeep or car, like if you know teen wolf, stiles' jeep, idk why
yeah she's insanely good, some other artist i listened to recced her songs on their insta story so i gave her a listen. she's pretty cool tbh. i love 2 songs from bea miller but i've never heard that one but i do know gracie abrams, she's great. loote tho, i don't know, i'll try look them up!
trumpet that's mad! such a random instrument. i play the guitar, badly and haven't gotten lessons in years but it's good fun
i'm so sorry to hear you hate college. were you made go or did you want to try it? the fear of failing and the lack of motivation is kind of ironic in a painfully horrible way, i really hope it gets better for you.
yeah i'm in college rn, we have to declare as we apply to college. i'm doing english with creative writing. took me ages to pick, but i was told to do what would make me happy, not what would garrantee a good job but make me miserable, so i do. some modules are better than others but it's a lot of writing
i love that your best friend came to see you!! it must be so nice to see her, especially if she lives in a different state. how'd you guys meet?
hope you have a great day!! really love talking with you!
- your ss <33
well, at least you go it done, very proud of you!
aw that sucks, hopefully you'll get to go to her show another time she goes on tour. or you get to go to all the other people concerts you wanted to see.
yeah school just isnt for me. i've never really liked it. i'm super shy and hate talking to new people and adults (Its amazing that i got the job at barnes and nobles lol). I would say my favorite years were middle school. I did like online better, the first year wasnt the best only bc the program i used and the one math teacher i had. but the next two years were good, i used a different program and really liked it.
I hated when they called me smart because i was quiet, i struggled so much in school. especially with math. and people always wanted me on their team when we did projects cause they felt like i knew everything since i didn't talk a lot.
I made two friends my first semester of college but we didn't stay in contact soo oh well. then i made another but then covid happen and we never saw each other again but i do have her on snapchat (I hardly use it though)
I don't read tomlinshaw, everything i've read has been larry with a past or side tomlinshaw/harry&nick. my friend read a fic where it had the original ending and an alternate ending, where louis ended up with nick and she said she actually liked that ending better lol. i don't care for nick, in fics or irl, i just never paid attention to him the way others do in the fandom. if he's in a fic then ok, if hes not then ok.
i don't have any tattoos, i want some but am so picky and scared i'll end up hating it.
it was very chaotic growing up with so many sisters. It's confusing and a lot of explaining but i would say i'm closest with my sister who is three years older than me. i'll explain more to you when ss is over cause its a lot to type on here. we are close in age, im the youngest at 20 and the oldest is 35.
i love teen wolf, i looove stiles. the question is though, stalia or stydia ?
my favorite songs by bea miller are burning bridges, that bitch, and hallelujah. i only listen to that one song by gracie abrams. and the song i mentioned before is my favorite song by loote.
trumpet was assigned to me by my teacher lol. we never played tho we just sat around the class and took notes.
for college, it was either get a job or go to college. bc my anxiety was so bad i didn't want to get a job so i went to college. i did take a semester off but i came back this semester bc i was literally doing nothing but sitting around. i only have one semester left so i might as well finish to get my associates degree.
i have always been very unmotivated in school but had a fear of failing lol, its not been fun to live with.
english w creative writing sounds fun. are you going to become a teacher or a author? or something entirely different?
we met in eight grade (the year before high school starts), she was transferred to my class a few weeks into the school year and we jsut clicked immediately. then in high school she moved around a lot but we always managed to stay friends and in contact. she only lives the next state over so i still see her a lot.
hope you have/had a great day too, i love talking to you <3
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