#this is making me wanna share some of my otner recipes. should i become a foodie blog? XD
slippery-minghus · 5 months
Can you share the recipe you used for the chocolate cinnamon haupia 🥺🙏
hell yeah!! i kinda bullshitted the pudding recipe based off of a few other recipes + past experience, so here ya go!!
(i had previously opened an 18oz can of coconut cream and these measurements are based on that leftover amount of coconut. it made about... 1.75cups of pudding. if you have a full 18oz can, i'd say roughly double these amounts)
10oz coconut cream (regular coconut milk works just fine, but the cream is definitely nicer)
3/8 cup cocoa powder (better cocoa = better pudd)
1tbsp vanilla extract
1/2tsp salt
3/8 cup brown sugar (regular sugar is ok, i just always use brown sugar for everything)
1tbsp arrowroot powder (probably needed a bit more. or equivalent amount of cornstarch)
1.5tbsp (i think) cinnamon (i was a little overzealous with the cinnamon) (also if you have it maybe also include a pinch of nutmeg+allspice+clove here for a more well rounded spice)
dump the coconut cream into a small heavy-bottom saucepan. i used my little ramen pot—anything that will have even and consistent contact with the burner. heat on medium (4/10 heat). whisk a bit to even out the consistency, since the cream will probably be a bit separated.
add the cocoa powder. first 1/4 cup, then whisk until fully dispersed. it didn't look dark enough so i added another half a 1/4 cup. keep adding cocoa til it looks chocolatey!
add salt, 1/4 cup sugar, and a moderate pour of vanilla. whisk. keep gently whisking. taste it. is it sweet enough? if not add another 1/8 cup of sugar (or just another brown sugar clump lol)
keeeeeep whisking. add in your thickener (arrowroot/corn starch) and cinnamon. whisk more.
by now if your stove is decent, you'll be starting to boil a bit. keep whisking. never stop (gently!) whisking. lightly scrape the bottom of the pot with the whisk. a little down there will stick/burn, but that's okay. it cleans out after a soapy hot water soak well enough.
whisk for 2-5 minutes at that low boil. you might need to lower the heat a notch here, but don't let it get so cold it stops wanting to bubble the instant you stop stirring. corn starch will thicken faster than arrowroot during this phase.
kill the heat and pour into a bowl. scrape out every last drop with a spatula. lick the spatula. revel in your creation. seal bowl with lid/plastic wrap and refrigerate for a few hours until cold. placing the bowl in the fridge on top of/surrounded by ice packs will expedite this process (while also not disturbing your fridge's standing temp too much)
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