#this is me giving more Robbie Roh-Tane propaganda
beaubambabey · 1 year
I really like how unlike the older games, Baldur's Gate 3 doesn't make you pick an alignment to cherry pick your dialogue choices. Instead, you're the ultimate factor in determining whether you're doing good or bad things. Your actions speak for themselves and your companions and the larger world deems you heroic or villainous based on their own standards. Your class and background say so much more than a 9-part alignment chart could ever do. Who's gonna listen to the noble Paladin of Tyr preaching their agenda when they can have a good time with some random half-elf Bard with devilishly handsome looks and eyeliner who's saying exactly what you want to hear? I'll listen to that hot Bard, thank you. I heard he's working his way through all his hot companions one by one. Could be more efficient, but he knows his limits and I respect that.
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