#this is me returning the favor for u helping me with huntlow au
stars-and-birds · 1 year
how does one…. create and run a poll tournament
I was truly unprepared for my first time around, and to be fair tournaments were kind of a new thing
First thing I do is open up submissions. Use a Google form, because it’s easier to organize that way, unless you have all your competitors in mind already.
Oh yeah, for your blog, if you make a new one (you may decide to host it on your main, which is fine), be sure to tag some tournaments! They’ll reblog your pinned to spread awareness and get you more submissions.
Once you have your competitors, usually a good 16 I think, you make the bracket. However you choose to seed the bracket is fine; personally I like to randomize it. Then you put it all in a bracket template thingy, which I can send you. Edit the images into the template and post it. If you want to be real fancy, you can create special images with the anime style ‘vs’ in between pics of your competitors if yk what I mean.
And then start the polls! A week or a day, with images underneath to show us who’s who, all that shit. Be sure to update th ébranche regularly (reminds me I have to do that actually).
A little warning: it’s entirely possible you’ll get some vague death threats in your notes or complaining anons about how you did the bracket, it depends really. I mean I’m sure you knew that already but yeah.
That’s pretty much it! Dm me or shoot me another ask if you have more questions I’d truly be happy to answer.
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