#this is my last post criticizing ISKCON because ye log toh denial mode mein chal rhe hae atp
h0bg0blin-meat · 7 months
I have a lot to say about ISCKON and its leaders (hi Amogh Lila Prabhu, looking at you especially) but I just wanna let you know how this particular leader was convinced into joining this organization by foul means. Foul how? Lemme tell you.
He was a devout Shivbhakt. And then when he came to ISCKON he still wanted to be a Shivbhakt. But then he was shown scriptural "facts" about how Shiv is a secondary God/demigod to Krishna. THIS is where I have a problem.
You can be a monotheistic Hindu sect. But to say that Shiva being inferior to Krishna is the ONLY canon is not "facts". It's SOLELY the belief of YOUR sect/org. What kind of facts did they show you, Prabhu? Did they show you the Veds, which have literally no mention of this idea? Did they show you these Veds that don't consider Vishnu to be the supreme deity, but rather the focus is more on Indra, Agni, Vayu and other gods, which your org considers to be "demi-gods"? Also how is it possible that you being so passionate about Hinduism didn't do your OWN research? Did you simply go "Huh... makes sense."?? All you had to do was look at the Veds, which were written BEFORE the epics and the Gita. And there were your "facts". (Sanatan Dharm is NOT the ENTIRE Vedic pantheon my guy sorry to burst your bubble lmao).
Again, I'm not saying religions don't change. But when you say "scriptural facts", ALL scriptures come into consideration. From the Rig Ved to the Bhavishya Mallika. So you are free to consider Krishna as your Supreme Godhead for all I care but do know that "scriptural facts" ALSO say that Krishna is NOT the supreme Godhead, that the other Vedic Gods were JUST as powerful as he was, if not more, and that Hinduism is NOT solely monotheistic, and a lot more that you and your lot find uncomfortable and hard to digest. Because guess what, Hinduism and all other pagan religions NEVER had a linear path and JUST ONE canon event. I'm tired of regurgitating the same words oml.
In short, all I'm saying is... practice Vaishnavism and let others practice their own beliefs in peace. If someone worships only Indra and Agni don't go around telling them that they can't achieve eternal peace because these two are "demigods" and shit. I'm sorry ISKON was biased with their "facts" and made you a Krishnabhakt from a Shivbhakt in not a very ethical sense but eh, whatever. As long as you're happy who cares. But let others worship their own gods and PLEASE don't falsely spread the idea that Krishna as the Supreme Godhead is the ONLY canon event, because it's so not. And pls stop disrespecting the other Gods. Forgetting your roots and discarding the Veds doesn't erase the history and timeline of this religion lol.
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