#this is not about anyone in particular i just like drawing lovecore stuff
non4ry · 10 months
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you can hear it in the silence, you can feel it on the way home <3
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yumenosakiimagines · 4 years
hiiiiiii~ can i get some hcs for rei (BEST BOY BEST BOY), arashi (BEST GIRL BEST GIRL), and mama (😍🤠) hugging a TINY (im talking like,,, roughly tori's height) producer, at her own (very quiet lol) request after a fair bit of staring, fidgeting and blushing? (tall people hugs are the best!!!! shzkssishbshshb thank u so much for this blog,,, im loving it so much💜💜💜)
You sure can! I wanna hug all of them too ;-; This was my first time writing for both the demon king and the queen of knights so I’m sorry if my characterization isn’t really the best. I hope this is what you wanted though!
For anyone wondering, Rei is 179 cm (5’10) tall, Madara is 180 cm (5’11) tall and Arashi-nee is 176 cm (5’9) tall, while Tori is 153 cm (5’) tall!
It’s honestly hard not to stare at Rei; he’s beautiful, graceful and his mysterious aura just draws you in. He’s knows this, and he’s used to having all eyes on him. But something was different about the way you looked at him today.
You were chilling in the Light Music clubroom with the members, as per usual. Rei sat on top of his coffin, pretending to pay attention to Koga’s practice. You were on the other side of the room with Hinata and Yuta, and even though you were supposedly having a conversation with them, your eyes were glued to Rei. He winked at you playfully when your gazes met, your already blushed face suddenly matching the twins’ ties.
A playful smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth as he stood up and walked towards you, ignoring Wanko’s howls of protest. You couldn’t even look at him in the eye as he stood in front of you in all of his glory.
Rei wrapped his arm over your shoulders and your first reaction was to press yourself against his side before stopping in your tracks, clearly embarrassed. He was quick to notice what you wanted, but he always had the time of his life teasing his dear producer, so he couldn’t miss the chance. His hand rubbed your back softly, delighting himself on the way you seemed to melt under his touch.
You gave up after around ten minutes of his teasing, knowing he was fully aware of what you wanted. “A-are you really going to make me ask you for a hug… senpai?”
He exhaled sharply as the word left your mouth, he was so weak against it; he hid it with a laugh though, throwing his arms around your smaller form.
“You’re such a temptress, producer.” He teased you, burying his face on your hair.
She definitely noticed the way you seemed to be staring at her all throughout practice. Sure, your job was to look at all of them to pick up flaws in their choreography and technique in order for them to improve, but there was no way she was messing up so badly you only seemed to have eyes for her, right?
Even when the practice was over and everyone was gathering their stuff to leave, she could feel your eyes glued to the her. She checked her face on her flowery pocket mirror but nothing seemed different, and she looked up to you again, noting how red your cheeks looked. Were you feeling sick, perhaps?
“Is everything alright, producer?” Arashi asked, a little worried. She placed a hand on your forehead and the other one on her own to check your temperature, just in case. You didn’t seem to have a fever.
“Eek! Y-yes! Everything’s fine, Oneechan!” You rushed to say, stumbling upon your words, suddenly unable to look at her in the eye.
Arashi cocked her head to the side, and she was about to ask you again when Tsukasa approached you two to say his goodbyes. She sent the younger boy off with a quick hug, much to his embarrassment. When she looked back at you, your lips were puckered up in a little pout, and it suddenly clicked in her head. You just wanted some affection! Arashi was always pretty touchy feely with his unit mates, but tried to hold back with the producer in the name of professionalism.
“Oh, (y/n)-chan! You just wanted some affection, didn’t you?” she asked. You nodded, still looking away, and she felt like she could’ve died from cuteness right there and then. Her arms were wrapped around you in a second, and her hand softly played with your hair as she cradled your head in the crook of her neck.
“Next time, just ask Oneechan and she’ll give you as many hugs as you’d like.” Arashi smiled.
Lovecore cowboy loooooves hugs. On a normal day, he’ll be hugging you weather you ask him or not lol.
You’re probably so used to his hugs that you definitely feel their absence when they don’t happen. Like on days when he’s too busy or distracted and it just slips his mind, you’ll definitely notice.
On that particular day, Madara had finally decided to attend one of the Track & Field Club practices, and as his producer, you could only trail behind him. You stood close to him as he talked to the members, pouting as he rested his hand on Arashi’s shoulder, gently patted Adonis’ back and ruffled Mitsuru’s hair. All in the span of 5 minutes.
After he had sent them off for another lap around the school grounds, you shyly tugged at his sleeve and he turned around, towering over you. You didn’t let go of the fabric, but he didn’t seem to mind.
“Is there anything I can help you with, (y/n)-san?”
You just nodded, too embarrassed to tell him what you wanted. Mama chuckled at your cuteness, gently petting your head. You leaned against his touch and he melted.
“Ah, you’re almost like a cat sometimes, you know?” He laughed as he took you between his arms, your head resting against his broad chest. Honestly, Mama’s hugs are the absolute best. His body was warm and his hold around your smaller form was firm yet incredibly gentle.
“I’m sorry, have I been neglecting you lately?”
You quickly shook your head no, wrapping your arms around his waist to bring him even closer, breathing him in and sighing happily. He laughed again, resting his head on top of yours.
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electricpurrs · 4 years
Tag meme!!
tagged by @porygonprince ! Thank u for tagging me <3
Ok so, answer 17 questions, then tag 17 people (I won't sorry)
Nickname: Dawn! It's not my birth name but I like being called by that!
Zodiac sign: virgo. I don't believe in that kind of stuff tho
Height: I'm 5'3
Hogwarts house: honestly I do not care hshdjjs
Last thing I googled: I was searching for pictures of Ibuki Mioda (love her <3)
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Number of followers: rn I got 249, which is a good number in my opinion, but I'm stuck in it for quite a while now 😭😭 wish I had more followers
Song stuck in my head: I got several hdjdh, but one of them is Tomboy by Destiny Rogers (but nightcore bc I only listen to that now)
Sleep: it's the same as always, I go to sleep by around 10pm and wake up at 7am, but I sleep very badly and wake up several times during the night so I'm still tired. Also a few nights ago I just had sleep paralysis for the first time so. That was an experience.
Lucky number: idk about that but I like the number 13! (Bc it's my birthday)
Dream job: HONESTLY IDK, ngl I don't know if I want to thave a job, I hate working bsjsj but dude I wish I could live out of my art! Maybe making commissions or smth, drawing is my passion
Wearing: rn I'm wearing my donut pajama pants, a really old black shirt and my fluffy bear hoodie (it has bear ears on the hood), and honestly that's what I've been wearing lately: anything that's comfortable bc I won't go out anyway
Favourite instrument: I like guitars and bass! But I don't really know much about instruments. I think they're cool but idk how to play them. I had violin classes once but I gave up because I hate learning things through classes
Favorite songs: dude idk!!!!! I change my mind every week or so. I guess I really like mother mother and my chemical romance songs
Aesthetic: I really love alternative aesthetics, like punk, emo and goth, I'd love to look like that irl but all I have are my emo bangs and black nails 😭😭 tho my favorite color is pink and I like lovecore
Favorite author: I've only read one book in the last year or so and I never used to read from an author in particular, so I'm gonna say the last author I had contact with: Kabi Nagata, the author of My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness! It's a good book I recommend it
Favourite animal noise: the howling of wolves!! I howl when I'm excited and it's just sooo fun! I love doing animal noises, like barking and meowing and growling. It's weird but I have fun
Random: I'm trying to find comfort in femininity again. I tend to avoid anything that's feminine bc it will make me look like a girl, but I realize you can be feminine and nonbinary, and nb ppl can look anyway and be valid. So I'm gonna wear crop tops and skirts and earrings and paint my nails bc I like it. At the same time as I don't have to do anything that I don't want to! So I won't shave or wear make up anymore cause that's my decision to make.
I'm rambling too much so I'm gonna stop! I'm not gonna tag anyone bc I have anxiety but anyone feel free to do it and say I've tagged u!!
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