#this is not how you draw the grappa glass i know
cicerenella · 10 months
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it's our favorite fruitcake
i finally finished this piece! i was waiting to give my two cents about feli, he's such an interesting character :)) and i make him just a little bit different than his canon version for historical purposes.
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impala666 · 4 years
The One With The Candy Hearts Part Three (Janice is Back)
So this one might be rough, I’m tired from school, work, and overall adulting. But at least there’s a new update, right!? Sorry in advance if it’s bad.
Last Part (Part Two), Series Masterlist
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It was early in the morning when you woke up, you had a hard time falling asleep because all you could think of was that guy that you had met last night at the coffee house and how you’d agreed to go out with him, you also kept thinking about how Phoebe mentioned that Joey wouldn’t like you going out with other guys. But who said that he got to decide, he broke up with you. Plus he was already seeing other people, maybe you should be too. Finally, you willed yourself to kick your covers off of you and make your way into the kitchen that you now shared with Ross since you had officially moved in. You smiled and greeted your roommate who sat on the sofa with a cup of coffee in his hand, you were about to grab yourself a cup when the phone started to ring. Quietly groaning at the fact that you were going to have to talk to someone before you had your safe amount of caffeine. “Hello?” You greeted the caller with minimal to no enthusiasm. 
“Oh, hi, Y/N. Put Ross on the phone, too. There’s someone I want you to say hi to.” Monica’s happy voice sounded through the ear piece. 
“Alright?” You questioned but did what she said anyway and walked over at sat next to Ross as you motioned for him to listen in as well. 
“They just happened to call,” You could hear Monica give to someone as an excuse. 
“Hello? Y/N? Ross?” An annoying and shrill voice sounded over the phone causing both you and Ross to perk up and look at each other in excitement for what torcher Chandler must be going through because of another stupid thing he did.
“Hey Janice!” You and Ross cheered. 
“Yes, that’s right. It’s me, how did you know?” Janice asked since it clearly wasn’t obvious to her. 
Now that Ross was on his date, Chandler breaking up with Janice (again) on Valentine’s Day,  and Joey doing who knows what. It was late enough in the evening that you were over at Monica and Rachel’s once again, and this time all you girls were going to get some sort of closure for all of the crap your past ex’s have put you through. The four of you had quite a handful of stuff to burn. So you sat on the couch next to Rachel with a glass of wine in your hand as Phoebe read the directions over the fire that was burning in a trash can. “Okay, now we need the sage branches and the sacramental wine.” Phoebe read off the next ingredients that would need to be added to the fire in order to do the ritual properly. 
“All I had is oregano and a Fresca.” Monica told her as she held the seasoning and beveridge in each hand. 
“Um…” Phoebe looked down to see if that would work. “That’s okay!” Phoebe told her as she took the oregano, but before she could take the soda in Monica’s hand you decided to contribute. 
“Oh, here! Use this, it’s not sacramental but it’s wine.” You smiled at how you were helping as you held out your glass. 
“Oh, perfect, thank you.” Phoebe told you as she dumped the oregano and the rest of your wine in before handing the glass back to you so you could refill it. “Now we need the seman of a righteous man.” She announced lastly, to which Monica, Rachel, and you shared a look. 
“Okay, Pheebs, you know what? If we had that we wouldn’t be doing the ritual in the first place.” Rachel partially joked with her blonde friend. 
“Can we just start throwing things in?” Monica asked. 
“Um, yeah. Okay.” Phoebe said as she immediately threw the instructions for the ritual into the fire. The three of you were about to stop her when it was too late, and you all just wanted to get to burning. 
“Okay, Barry’s letters. Adam Ritter’s boxer shorts.” Rachel started as she threw her items into the fire to be burned forever. 
“And I have the receipt from my dinner with Nokulule Oon Ah.” Phoebe announced as she followed Rachel. 
“Here’s a picture of Scotty Jared naked.” Monica announced drawing you, Phoebe, and Rachel to look at it. 
“Oh, let me see.” Rachel told her. “Hey, he’s wearing a sweater.” Rachel pointed out, thinking that Monica just got it wrong. 
“No.” Monica answered unfortunately. 
“Eww!” All of you shrieked. How could someone even be that hairy, you wondered? 
“Let’s see,” you started as they looked to you for your turn. “My ticket for the first play that I saw Joey in,” you watched it burn, “the room service of the place Joey and I stayed at for a weekend, and a VHS tape.” You murmured the last part to yourself.
“A what now?” Rachel asked, her voice high pitched as the other two looked at you with shocked faces.
“You guys made a tape?” Monica wasn’t sure if she wanted to be impressed or grossed out; you nodded. So they all just nodded in understanding. 
“But I thought Joey treated you really well?” Rachel asked because maybe she didn’t know everything about your relationship enough for you to burn his stuff.
“Oh, believe me. He’s treated me better than any man I’ve gone out with. But then he broke up with me in that sweet way, then went on that date right after.” You explained, which made you angry.
“Oh, I could imagine.” Phoebe said as the others nodded in agreement. “You still love him though, don’t you?” She was hesitant when she asked but all of them could see on your face that you still do.
“Ok, we were supposed to be burning old things and feeling better, whose turn was it?” You tried to move on and have the attention off of you. So Rachel decided to help you out. 
“Ok, and here we have the last of Paolo’s grappa.” Rachel smiled as she opened the bottle and dumped it on the flame without thinking. 
“Wait, Rach. Isn’t that almost pure-”Monica started to warn her, but it was too late. By the time the alcohol reached the fire, the flame grew to almost three times its size causing each of you to shrink and hide back from the intense heat.
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diaamantes · 4 years
Airport Reunion [March 30, 2019]
Juno gives Valentino a playful wink and nudge as she sees that Arrow was there to greet him for their customary Airport Reunion Bangs, giving her friends a two fingered salute before looking through the crowds for Jade, breaking into a sprint as she sees her, enveloping her into a tight hug before peppering her face with kisses. “I missed youuuuuu lassie!” She exclaims, before pulling Jade into a more lingering kiss.
Jade slinks through the airport popping a few more ibuprofen, until she feels the harsh impact of Juno rushing into her, settling into the embrace and furthermore into the kiss, feeling the cloud slowly disperse the more she gives herself into the moment. "Me too." She lowly mirrors back, once she feels Juno begin to draw back, taking hold of her hand, "So...how was it?" She finally moves to ask, as she adjusts her sunglasses, moving to slide through the crowd, alongside Juno.
"Good, but would have been sooooo much better if you were there," Juno says sincerely as she takes Jade's hand, moving through the crowd as she recounts the high points of her trip, from Arlo's insistence on looking like the Bugs Bunny for half the trip, the bomb ass trip, and how funny it was that Wyn got knocked out by Grappa like a rookie. "What about you? Any wild shenanigans happen while I was away?" Juno replies, playfully wiggling her eyebrows.
Jade takes in Juno's anecdotes from the trip, not having realized it was such a big production, as they part through the overcrowded building outside, absentmindedly scratching her fingers through her hair as she hears the question directed back. "All quiet over here." She offers back, her mind drifting over the time spent apart, most of it a hazy afterthought, giving a non-committal shrug, thinking through what Juno would be in the mood for after the killer flight, "...food?"
"Damn, Jasp didn't even take you out one night for Margs? Gotta return him to Brother's Depot," Juno playfully teases back, before excitedly clapping her hands. "Ohmygoooooood, I'm dying for a burg," she replies, before firing a finger gun at Jade. "Plus...maybe even a Lime In The Coconut Taco Fiesta Reunion tonight? See if you can't get the roomies out so we can soak up the girlfriend time?"
"Still waiting, going on...20 plus years now. I'll let you know once I get to the front of the line if my warranty is expired." She offers back, hailing for a cab. "Why wait, we can get delivery after all." She offers back, drawing Juno's arms around her as she draws her into another slow, warm kiss.
"If you do return him, can we like...get Burg Credit for him?" Juno playfully offers, wiggling her eyebrows playfully, before a grin flashes across Juno's lips as she hears Jade's words. "I like the way you think," Juno replies, before melting into the kiss, wanting to savor the moment, having missed it.
Jade rests in the warm moment with Juno, until she hears the beeping sound causing her to move her attention over to the cab, taking hold of Juno's hand as she slides into the cab, making room for her suitcase, as she gives the cabbie the address, moving to text Jasper to see if he could help her out with clearing the place for a few hours, sliding to her top food app to place a welcome home burgstravaganza for them, sliding her phone back into her pocket as she moves to continue the moment where they had left off.
Juno moves to take Jade's hand, getting back to where they left off, welcoming the moment before drawing back, looking at Jade with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Want to start the welcome home a bit early?" She whispers lowly, sliding a glance at the cabbie who was focused on the road.
Jade moves to place her glasses on the top of her head as her fingers lightly graze across her lips, blinking a bit at the brightness of the day seeming to flow inside the cab, casting a instinctual glance over at the older man, before turning back to Juno, slowly sliding her hand overtop her body, sneaking her hand up and under the thin fabric of her shirt, her thumb moving against her nipple as she moves her lips back onto Juno's.
Juno teasingly wiggles her eyebrows before drawing Jade into a deep kiss, moving to unbutton Jade's pants as she begins to snake one of her hands downward, beginning her motions, figuring the cab dude would keep his eyes on the road, or not, it didn't matter to her and her agenda for the rest of the cab ride.
Jade takes a sharp inhale of breath as she feels Juno's hand slide between her thighs, feeling the dexterous motions, drawing her hand from under her shirt to take hold of her face, "I really missed you." She breathes as their lips momentarily separate until Jade's lips crush hard against Junos in an attempt to keep herself quiet as pings of pleasure shoot through her body.
"I really missed you, too. I love you," Juno replies softly against Jade's lips she continues her motions, wanting to bring Jade as much pleasure as she could until they were able to fully reunite, carrying on until their cab arrived at Jade's place.
Jade moves her hand onto Juno's wrist as she feels herself edging closer than she had intended, wanting to cease her motions, the last thing she wanted to do is to cum in some dingy, dusty ass cab, for fuck's sake, a small breath releasing from her as she feels Juno's fingers slide from within her, drawing her into one final soft kiss. Running her fingers loosely through her hair, as she takes another breath, leaning back onto the seat, settling herself back down as she moves to zip and button her jeans back up, accidentally catching the cabbie's gaze as she looks over through the front window, a slight swirl of disgust passing through her in the moment. A sigh of relief moving through her as they arrive at her apartment complex, drawing some cash out of her pocket and handing it over, as she slides out in a flash, taking hold of Juno's...heavy ass suitcase as she does. "The...fuck is even in here?" She asks, a low grunt escaping her before they make the jaunt up to her apartment, turning her key into the door, ready to continue unfettered, where they had left off minus the random silent judgey vibes, hopefully, but who the fuck knew.
Jasper looks up from his computer as he hears the door open, a small strike of surprise moving through him as he sees Juno moving into the apartment, especially considering their plans for tonight, giving Jade a quick look, raising his eyebrow to try to inaudibly ask if Juno was coming out to celebrate too without having to say it, unsure if she had told Juno yet or wanted to.
"What...are you...still doing...here?" Jade asks of her brother, not having expected him to still be lingering around, rolling her hands out as she does so, "Did you not pay your phone bill...or?"
Jasper looks at Jade as he glances up from his phone. "Tonight?" He offers, trying to be as discreet as possible while still having his sister get what he was talking about.
Jade throws up a hasty thumbs up, dropping Juno's monster of a suitcase down beside the couch, leading her forward to her room as she moves to wordlessly mouth, "Go away," towards Jasper, finalizing her order on her phone as she kicks off her shoes, "Remind me where we were again?" She muses, before moving ontop of Juno onto the bed drawing her into a heated kiss, as she works to get her clothes off.
Juno takes in Jasper's words, before moving with her girlfriend into the bedroom and into the heated kiss, working to get her own clothes off. "What's tonight?" She asks, wiggling her brows in between the kiss as she recalls Jasper's words.
"No one knowssss." She replies back, working on Juno's jeans as she draws her into another kiss, ready to get her off the topic, and commence with the reunion bit of this shindig, wanting to cue the fireworks and all that shit.
Juno moves heatedly into the kiss as she works on getting Jade's pants off, before another knock on the door cuts through the moment. "Is it like...Jasp's birthday and I totally forgot?" She teases, letting out a laugh at the ridiculousness of that prospect given that Jade and Jasper shared the same birthday.
"It cannnn be. What'd you get me?" She lowly questions, pressing herself further against Juno.
Juno wiggles her eyebrows as she’s about to make the big reveal before she hears the door knock again before the knob begins to turn as Jasper enters.
Jasper opens the door just a crack so he could speak to Jade, not looking in, knowing fuck all could be going on in there. “Got the shit,” he informs, figuring they could start pregaming now if they both wanted to.
Jade lets out an exasperated huff of breath, "One sec...sex." Jade promises to Juno with a quick kiss, quickly throwing on an oversized tee, as she forcefully swings the door open, grabbing hold of her brother's arm as she leads him away from her door. "Hey, hi, heyyyy. So. Quick little questionaroonie here. What part of go...awayyyy. Did you not understand the away or the go? Should I have said 'fuck off'? How could I make this experience more smooth, please fill the survey out and let us know." Jade irratadedly remarks, giving him a look. "What? What? What? What do you have Gollum?"
Jasper moves to pull the bag of pills out from his pocket, holding it up as he offers it to Jade. "Pregame?" He offers, finding it a good mix to start out the night, figuring the more intense stuff could come later, after his sister went home, if the night merited it.
Jade's brow furrows as she takes in the baggie, snatching it out of Jasper's hand. "What the fuck is this?"
Jasper gives Jade a quick shrug. “Party favors,” he offers.
"What?!" Jade snaps back, "Since when do you use these? You're supposed to be the fucking...Smart One."
Jasper gives a quick shrug in response, looking at was within the mix. “Good before going out,” he offers.
"Really. That's It?" She asks, looking at him for a few beats before shouldering herself inside the bathroom, dumping the contents into the toliet, giving the handle a harsh flush, throwing the empty bag at her brother. "What's next? You gonna off yourself too? Cut me...some fucking slack." She mutters pushing back into her room, moving to yank open her drawers, rifling through them roughly sliding on a pair of panties, as she continues to look through her dresser.
Jasper gives a quick shrug, moving to take out his phone, responding to the text from Camillo and Nicky, heading out of the room, figuring he’d just go out himself.
Juno notices Jade come back into the room after talking with Jasper, rolling over to take in her girlfriend. “Something up?” She asks, a strike of concern moving through her.
"Jasper is a fucking idiot." She harshly remarks back, stressing emphasis on the last word. "Get dressed. We're blowing this bitch."
"What did he do?" Juno asks, moving to pick up her clothes from off of the floor and quickly put them back on.
"He's on pills and who the fuck knows what else outta nowhere and he just drops that shit like it's fucking nothing. Like he's a fuckin' zomb." She mutters, sliding a pair of shorts on, throwing her shirt to the side as she moves to put on a bra.
"What?" Juno replies, the fact taking her a bit by surprise. "That's what he was...trying to tell you about?"
"Yeah. He got "party favors" for us, Lucky ducky style. Sweet, right?" Juno sarcastically offers back, with a rough chuckle, as she pulls a shirt on over her head. "Y'know...I really feel for the kid, he's got it fucked on both sides shit runs deep, who knows though right? Maybe, he'll be the actual Lucky one, not take after any of us. What a thought...right." She murmers, breezing out of her room.
"Why's he out getting party favors?" Juno asks, trying to furrow her brow, remembering him mentioning "tonight." "Was something going on, like...shit from Dick?" She asks, wondering if this was just a one-time thing where maybe he was just trying to find a high, before following Jade out of the room, before catching sight of Jasper on his way out the door, realizing he might be going off to do fuck knows what, before grabbing his hand. "It's been a while since we all went to Davey's together?" Juno offers, moving to grab Jasper's hand to stop him from leaving.
"Ask him." Jade flips back, once she catches sight of him in the doorway, "Probably over some dipshit, who wasn't worth his time anyway, comment cliché."
"C'mere, you're coming with us, my dude," Juno remarks to Jasper, linking her arm with his as they make their way out of the door walking with him for a second, before asking him to bend down, moving to give him a sharp slap on the cheek. "What the fuck are you doing?" She asks him seriously.
Jasper feels the sudden sharp smack on his cheek, a flit of irritation moving through him at Juno getting all in his business, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at her. "Going out," he replies bluntly back.
"Then. Go." Jade dryly states back, holding her hand out, giving Juno a Look to let go of his hand. "Fuck off."
Juno takes Jade's hand, taking in her Look, before looking back at Jasper, not wanting to let go of his hand as she takes in his tone, what she knew, a gut feeling that she had. "Come get ice cream," she says to him seriously. "Nech sa deje čokoľvek, nepotrebujete to," she says slowly, trying to recall all the words in Slovak, but saying it seriously nonetheless.
Jasper's lip twitches as he stares back at Juno, a coldness moving through him as he takes in her words, yanking his hand away from her. "Čo to kurva viete," (what the fuck do you know) he says to Juno, his tone ice, as he takes out his phone, feeling his head begin to pound.
A sharp pang moves through Juno as she watches Jasper move away, feeling helpless, in the moment, like, like...her mind moves towards that day, when she heard the news, just a train ride away, close enough to maybe have...done something, feeling a strike of emotion surge through her even as she steels herself, telling herself fuck well she was not going to cry, not now, over this, biting her lip as she lets go of Jade's hand, feeling like shit in the moment, for failing to stop Jasper, for...she takes a sharp breath, hoping her gut feeling was wrong.
"Jedzte péro, Jasper." Jade plainly states back, flipping him off, taking hold of Juno's hand once again, as she feels her drop it. "C'mon, fuck him. He's a selfish cunt, comes with the territory. ...Let's go."
Juno lets out a breath, not knowing what the fuck else there was she could do, before looking back at Jade. "...Okay," she replies, trying to shake that gnawing gut sensation that whatever Jasper was intending to get up to that night...wasn't good.
- Later that Night -
Juno sits with Jade at the midnight cheesecake place, trying to set her mind off of things with Jasper and focus on her girlfriend, absentmindedly moving her fork around on the plate. "I kind of...want to check on Jasper, but I have no idea where the fuck he'd be," Juno says, recalling that he maybe had like...one or two friends in high school that weren't her, Jade, or Lucky, furrowing her brow. "That roomie guy of yours...would he be with him?"
"Doubt it." Jade offers back with a yawn, taking another slow bite of her cheescake, chasing it with her dry martini.
Juno furrows her brow, trying to recall who else Jasper even knew, letting out a deep sigh. "Is this...a new thing?" Juno asks Jade. "Jasper...doing this shit?"
Jade gives a nonchalant shrug, "Try asking him again. See how that pans out for you." She declares raising her glass over to her. "So. I dropped outta school..."
Juno furrows her brow, before a shot in the dark idea pops into her head, moving to text Noor, Jade's words barely phasing her as she does so. "...cool," she replies, trying to finalize the text, hoping by some stroke of luck that's where he was, vaguely recalling Nicky being thirsty on one of Jasper's posts.
A twitch passes across Jade's lips as she hears the response, "...And, I got a job offer in Shreveport. Figured you could come?" She offers, "Or, I don't know. We could just break up? Sound cool?"
Juno stares at her phone for a few more moments, a wave of worry still moving through her, before she takes in Jade's words, a small smile twitching onto her lips in spite of all the shit that was going on. "Fuck," she replies, placing her hands on top of Jade's. "You got a job? That's so kickass, and I'm proud of you," she says, before her mind drifts back to the situation at hand. "I'm just...worried about Jasp, y'know? He seemed...off," she admits, before looking at Jade. "Maybe I could transfer there, get a clean start, get out of the...hole I'm in, at the dead fucking bottom of the law class, where I can't get a job so we can get that place of our own together?" Juno offers, finding the idea of starting somewhere new, somewhere where she could do better, be by Jade's side...really nice.
A small smile teases onto Jade's lips, "Yeah. It's not super killer or anything but it should be chill and just the right touch of ironic for me to enjoy plus I heard they have this craw daddy burg and it's a personal duty to check every kind off the list right?...So...that a yes?" She inquires as she takes in Juno's musings.
"It's a hell yes," Juno affirms with a smile, before pulling Jade into a kiss, before she hears her phone buzz, a bit of relief moving over her as she sees that Jasper is with Noor's friends. "So, Jasp is with Nicky and some...ass guy?" She remarks. "So like, he's probs having a wild ass time, but not like...with the kind of people Lucky used to hang with," Juno offers, knowing Nicky was probably just out to have a good time. "Still worried about him, though."
A full smile breaks onto Jade's lips as she hears the affirmation, indulging in the kiss for a few blissful moments until she feels Juno pull back, moving to polish off her drink as she hears the conversation pivot back to Jasper, yet again. "You wanna chloroform, kidnap, ransom him up?" She dryly offers in return. "Other than that, I'm outta ideas and fucks to give."
Juno furrows her brow, not exactly sure What she wanted to do about the whole Jasper situation, before looking at her girlfriend. "You're pissed at him for pulling this shit, aren't you?" She says, after taking in Jade's words.
"Mm. Too small of a word." She notes back, with a slight shrug of her shoulder's.
"He'll be okay, if he's just with Noor and Nicky and their crew," Juno offers, before looking at Jade, taking her hand, giving it a squeeze, softly trailing her thumb along her hand. "Maybe...he needs some fresh air somewhere, too, somewhere..." She trails off, not wanting to finish that sentence, knowing that it was probably hard for him, being back in New York, where he and Lucky had grown up together...where she died.
Jade closes her eyes tightly releasing a breath through her nostrils, slowly attempting to roll her shoulders, leaning her neck from side to side trying to loosen it as she feels the gentle motions along her hand, "...Fine. Let's go, chop him up into bite-size sushi pieces, we can put him in your suitcase..."
Juno nods her head, squeezing Jade’s hand. “Get in, get out, drop kick Jasp’s ass, get burgs?” She offers, a small bit of teasing moving into her tone.
"Mmmm." Jade lowly hums as she feels the squeeze, hearing Juno's words, a peek of a smirk beginning to form in the corner of her lips, dropping some cash onto the table, drawing Juno up. "C'mon then. Where's the idiot at?"
“This place called Plan B?” Juno offers, moving to google the address so she could grab a Lyft.
"...Of course, it is. Hilarious." Jade muses, heading out of the establishment, indulging in a cigarette as they wait for the ride to bullshitland.
Juno heads out of the restaurant, heading into the Lyft with Jade, hopping out when they reach the club, holding onto Jade’s hand. “Keep an eye out for bright pink hair,” Juno informs, finding Noor likely to be the easiest one to spot in the club, sure that Nicky and the ass guy and Jasper wouldn’t be too far away.
Jade gives an eye roll, as she hears the mention of "pink" hair, keeping her eyes peeled for the "girl", in question bumping pass the drunken rejects, catching sight of the spritely slut herself watching as she catches her riding on someone's lap, turning her head to catch sight of her brother, fishing a few bucks and spare change out of her pocket and throwing it in the girls direction, drawing her brother up. "C'mon idiot."
Jasper looks up at Jade, a flit of surprise moving through him as he wonders if it was actually her or just some hallucination, before getting up with her, giving her a small nod in reply, momentarily looking back at Nicky and Camillo, before following her out.
Jade leads her brother and Juno back out of the eardrum popping club, letting out a grateful breath once they're outside, swirling back around to Jasper. "We're leaving, for good this time. Onto greener pastures. You in or you out?"
Jasper nods his head, not sure where exactly Jade meant, but...feeling a need to get away from the bullshit of this place and all of the bullshit it carried, giving her a simple thumbs up in response.
"No. I need to hear you say it..." Jade insists seriously back, not finding it good enough at the moment, "If you come, you gotta leave this shit, and especially whatever the fuck you're on...have been on, here."
“I’ve tried,” Jasper ventures back, thinking on the time he had been clean at Cornell, only to...fall back on it again, before looking at his sister seriously. “But I want to try again.”
A swirl of surprise moves through Jade, causing her head to move back a bit as she processes the information, letting out a breath as she closes her eyes momentarily, finding the phrase an uncomfortable echo of the past, trying to shake it off at the moment as the palm of her hand swipes across her eye, watching as Juno takes hold of Jasper's other hand in the interim. "C'mon...we can talk about all the shit tomorrow." She settles on, leading the duo down the street, hailing a cab to take them back home.
Jasper nods his head, giving Jade a small squeeze of her hand, before heading into the cab, ready to sleep it all off and deal with it in the morning.
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exquisitesip · 5 years
Watermelon Liqueur Recipe D.I.Y.
New Post has been published on http://www.buildthebottle.com/2019/06/20/watermelon-liqueur-recipe/
Watermelon Liqueur Recipe D.I.Y.
Your Favorite Homemade Watermelon Liqueur Recipe!
Hey Guys and Gals, are you Looking for an awesome Watermelon Liqueur Recipe? You now have no reason to look any further! You have just found what you have been looking for, this is a recipe for the most awesome tasting Watermelon Liqueur Recipe in the world.
Watermelon Liqueur, is both fun and easy to create, in man talk its D.I.Y. friendly too.  Watermelon Liqueur, is Great for rainy days, party days or any day. Best of all, get ready for all those “Wow it is good moments”, you will get from all your friends and family that you share a drink with!
Let’s get started creating most awesome tasting Watermelon Liqueur on earth.
Watermelon Liqueur,
Not Just for Grandpa, and occasionally Grandma,
Now, let’s begin, make sure the Kitchen will be completely available for the time that you will need it for. If your going to make it in the morning wake up earlier, than the earliest family member does, and guess what, surprise the kitchen will be available.
If you are making Watermelon Liqueur , at night , that would mean mom or anyone else, has no plans on using the kitchen. I always just make sure supper was already cooked, and the kitchen is available for the rest of the evening. After all if you would like to do this again don’t start up with mom.
If you are mom, and plan on making this recipe by yourself, I hope your kids know you are the coolest mom on earth, kudos to you.
Now that the kitchen is available make sure that it is clean, no clutter or anything else on the counter, or tables.
You should remove all the ingredients, and utensils, that you will need from the cabinets, pantry, and draws, ahead of time. Then place, all the ingredients in an area you do not plan on using throughout the mixing process. Double check to make sure you have all the ingredients before you start.
Ingredients needed for your Watermelon Liqueuer Recipe.
2 cup’s of vodka
2 cup’s pureed watermelon ( no seeds )
1 cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar
Make pureed watermelon, with either a seedless watermelon or by removing the seeds and rind from about 1/4 of a medium watermelon.   
Chop up the watermelon so that you can stick the piece’s in to the blender.
Pour the melon and sugar into the blender and blend for 15 seconds or so, or until the sugar has dissolved.  
Pour the watermelon puree into a container with a lid, add the vodka, and cover.  
Store at room temperature for a week.  
Makes 5 cups.
Strain and st
I am listing the simplest utensils that you can use, the ones mom should have already have in the kitchen. Utensils: – A large glass jar (I used a 3 liter jar)  – large plastic bowl – measuring cups (liquid and dry) – metal strainer – cheesecloth – saucepan – small funnel – glass bottles, or storage containers, for the final product, you can either use the glass Jar you used before, or just buy a second one. 
Notes on Utensils:
Avoid plastic as much as possible when working with strong alcohol. Glass is always preferable.
Straining, Filteing, and Drinking your Watermelon Liqueur
After the steeping time is over. Carefully strain the liquid through several layers of cheesecloth. It helps to moisten the cheesecloth first so the liquid permeates more smoothly.
Once you get to the point of straining out the pulp and rind, gently wring the cheesecloth to extract all of the liquid and juice.
If you still need to you can strain your Watermelon liqueur one more time through a coffee strainer. When you are done straining, you can discard all of the rind, pulp and any spices.
Return the liquid to the jar, for best taste let your A Watermelon Liqueur age for another month in a cool dry place.
Congratulations, you have completed making this awesome Watermelon Liqueur recipe,
You now need a bottle, and a label, that is cool enough to compliment your hard work. Honestly if it looks good people will rave about it. If you put it into a cheap bottle people will make fun of you.
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Master Distiller and Drinkologist: Binyomin Terebelo, Binyomin Terebelo is the master Distiller at Millville Distillery. Millville Distillery is a quiet little Boutique Distillery located in Cumberland County, along the Scotland Run River.
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