#this is obv no dhawan's fault he did great
roxannepolice · 2 years
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#here is: when i'll want to rant in the tags i'll be sharing the knowledge of polish painting#this way i can vent while also performing a social service#this one's stańczyk by jan matejko#the subject was a jester infamously wiser than anyone else in the court#but onto the tags#i'm just deeply frustrated by the way potd has so much master content yet i find i simply can't reverberate with anything there#this is obv no dhawan's fault he did great#it's just that the emotional level of his arc is that he wants to be the doctor and apparently hates being himself#and chad summerchilds of chibnall who present it as deep and what can i say whatever works for you#but the thing is... he's... right?#like textually correct to think he's inferior to the doctor???#and other characters rub it in?#wtf is that harry potter at its worst?#but also doylistsly#it's like the master is the only person textual or biological in bbc#to acknowledge timeless crap's impact on the text???? especially detrimental impact????#i mean. yes. he. is. objectively. inferior. to. the. doctor. now.#and everyone in text agrees#i mean if you make the protagonist the goal of their story then wth is the antagonist to do but get sucked into this black hole?#i'm starting to think there's a clear reason war of the sontarans is widely considered the best/second best post-ttc episode#the sontarans did a mighty good job of trying to get out of the black hole doctor into their own world domination scheme#good for them#*le sigh*#look i still think potd was enjoyable#just. don't think about it. really.#structurally it's just frustrating
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oswildin · 5 years
Frustrations ~ Dhawan!Master x Reader
Request: Oof these angsty master x reader are hitting hard 😭 can i request a funny / fluffy one? I had the idea that the master kidnaps the reader from the fam and he like handcuffs them together so the doctor can't hurt him without putting the reader at risk? And they both get more and more annoyed with each other, but the master realises he's actually beginning to reply like them? Even better if it ends with like kissing but IDK up to you obvs 😂 Thanks in advance! ☺ ( @resonate-concrete )
Warnings: Just pure crack. Honestly.
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You paced around the space station, listening to the Doctor’s ranting as she did what she always does. Get distracted. The fam were watching her with amused glances as you took a look around the station, taking it all in. You were definitely in the future, that was for sure. You took a glance out one of the windows as you saw debris floating around outside. The planet you were on had a purple surface, as the deep night sky encased it. Peering back, you realised the others had disappeared, as you sighed to yourself. Every time. You mumbled annoyances as you stepped back from the window. They couldn’t have gotten far.
You began to search the base, calling out for your friends as you began to grow tired of looking. You sighed to yourself, before deciding to try calling them with your phone. As you pulled it out, you felt a hand grip round your mouth, muffling your yelps as you tried to struggle away. You instantly went into flight mode, as you kicked your leg back, hitting whoever was trying to keep ahold of you as you heard them hiss. However, their hand was still over your mouth as you narrowed your eyes, deciding to try your luck. Hey, it worked in the movies. You managed to shuffle your head slightly, in a way that their hand slipped, causing their finger to be over your mouth as you instantly bit it. Hard. The person yelled in pain as you flew forwards, falling to the floor. You gasped, as you turned around, looking up at your potential kidnapper.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” You exclaimed, seeing it was in fact the Master. He looked very angry. He was clutching his finger with his free hand as he glared down at you.
“What is wrong with you humans?” He hissed, waving his hand about as he took a step towards you, towering over you.
“You’re the one who tried to kidnap me!” You furrowed your brows.
“Doesn’t mean you had to bite me!” He growled, before kneeling down towards you, a small smirk on his lips. “Although, if that’s what you’re into.” He wiggled his brows suggestively as you pulled a disgusted face.
“In your dreams, psycho.” You spat, as his smirk fell at your words. Oh, it never fails to entertain you. Bringing down a mans ego. Alien or human. He reached into his pocket, revealing some sort of device as you looked at it in confusion.
“What’s your plan?” You asked, voice quiet as you stared into his dark eyes. He smirked once more.
“This.” Before you could flinch away, he quickly managed to place the device on your wrist as it bolted around your wrist, another part grasping around his own.
“Handcuffs?!” You exclaimed, trying to pull your wrist away from his, but he was too strong. “Wow you really are into power dynamics aren’t you?” You commented as he rolled his eyes, getting up as he yanked you with him. You hissed at the pressure on your wrist. “Right so, what now?” You asked calmly, seemingly bored of his antics already. “You better have a key for these things.” You gestured to the handcuffs.
“Like I’d tell you.” He sneered as you pulled a face at him. “You are insufferable.”
“Yup. Been told that before.” You replied, looking happy with yourself.
“Perhaps I made the wrong choice of captive.” He commented, tugging you along as you walked moodily next to him.
“My mum always said that if I got kidnapped they would return me.” You shrugged casually as he tried not to grow annoyed with your pointless rambling.
It had been ages since you had lost the others. Part of you worried they’d gotten into some trouble. Of course they had. It was the Doctor after all. You began to grow tired of walking about as you stopped, causing the Master to peer over at you, irritated.
“What now?” He huffed, exasperated.
“My feet hurt.” You whined like a child.
“Not my problem.” He gave you a tight, wicked smile as you glared at him.
“Also you owe me a new phone.” You pouted, looking down at the device in your free hand.
“I’m sure you’ll live without it for a few hours.” He rolled his eyes. God was this what it was like to have humans tag along with you? It was exhausting.
“Brand new model as well.” You muttered as he began to walk once more, pulling you along. You whined as you had to follow him, your feet begging you to stop. “So what was the plan? Handcuff yourself to me then what?”
“Well, if you’re with me, and I’m the only one who can release the handcuffs, then the Doctor wouldn’t risk putting you in harms way.” He told you as you narrowed your eyes.
“That’s a stupid plan.” You mumbled as he clenched his jaw. “I mean, come on!” You laughed. “Aren’t you meant to be like some sort of evil genius who comes up with these great big extravagant plans?” You asked, raising a brow as he gave you an amused glare.
“You try doing this for thousands of years.” He retorted as you pulled a face of ‘fair enough’.
Eventually, he let you rest, both of you sitting down on the metal floor of the station as you leant against the wall. You pursed your lips before clicking your tongue to fill the silence.
“Don’t you stop for two seconds?” He grumbled as you gave him a wide smile. “I’ll take that as a no.”
“Ugh where is she?” You whined. “How big is this place?”
“Too big. Apparently.” He dragged a hand down his face in exasperation as he was beginning to grow tired of his own plan. Was it even worth putting up with you?
“That’s what she said.” You joked to yourself, as he groaned, hitting his head on the wall behind him as you furrowed your brows. “Why are you doing that?”
“It’s distracting me from the pain you’re making me endure.” He said lowly as you rolled your eyes at him. Finally he stopped as you raised a brow.
“Better?” You asked.
“Much.” He sneered, clenching his jaw as he looked ahead. He had to admit, certain traits of yours reminded him of his last regeneration, Missy. You had that sarcasm, playfulness and didn’t seemed to be too scared.
“Okay this is impossible.” You groaned, trying hard to keep up with the Timelord. “She’s obviously got herself in some trouble. Knowing my luck they’re all dead and I’m stranded here.” You commented as he raised a brow at you.
“You’re a cheery one.” He smirked.
“If they’re dead, you’re taking me home.” You told him sternly. “It’s all your fault I didn’t find them in the first place, deciding to jump me like that, I mean, did no one ever teach you any manner-“ Before you could finish, you found yourself pinned against one of the walls, as the Master looked down at you with a tired expression.
“You are one of the most unbearable humans I have ever had the displeasure of knowing.” He sneered. “Oh your pointless ramblings, your empty words, and your god awful annoying personality.” You hissed as you looked unpaused at him. He wasn’t expecting that. It only annoyed him more.
“Sounds to me like you’ve got a crush.” You told him cheekily as he growled in frustration. Nothing phased you did it?
“Do you ever shut up? Do you always have a retort to everything?!” He exclaimed, his eyes searching your own.
“Just about, yeah.” You nodded, as you felt yourself blush being in such close proximity to the alien. You couldn’t help it. He was a bad boy. A very handsome, crazy bad boy. You swear the bad guys always look good on purpose. Before you could register what was happening, the Master had closed the gap between the two of you, crashing his lips to your own. He hated to admit it, but you were annoyingly chaotic. It was an energy he couldn’t help but be drawn to. You raised your brows in surprise as you allowed yourself to sink into the kiss.
As quickly as it had started, it ended. As you looked up at the man in confusion, before planting a smug expression on your face.
“So... The handcuffs, is that what you’re into?” You questioned, as he slowly blinked, calming his breath.
You both shot your head in the direction of the Doctor’s voice calling your name. You were almost disappointed she had resurfaced. No more action for you. You sighed.
“Now she finds me.” You groaned, as the Master smirked at you, before lifting your wrist up with his own as he placed a code into his handcuff, allowing it to fall off your wrists and to the floor. You looked at him confused. “What are you doing?”
“Leaving.” He told you, stepping back, before beginning to walk away.
“Hold on!” You called after him. “You can’t just leave!”
“Yes I can.” He said smugly. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.” He gave you a small smirk. “Maybe next time I’ll bring the handcuffs again.” He winked, as you felt hot under his gaze. Before you knew it, he was gone, disappearing out of sight as you sighed, deciding it was home time.
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