#this is post-reveal forger fam when anya is a teenager
selfetishizing · 1 year
loid never asks anya to read minds for him unless it concerns a squabble with yor. he'd muse aloud "i wonder if your mother is still mad at me." anya would roll her eyes as her father cleared an imaginary lump in his throat. "i said, i wonder if your mother is still mad at me."
"it doesn't take telepathy, pa," she'd scorn, shoveling heaps of cereal marshmallows into her mouth, "to know when ma's mad."
loid, restless from his wife's indifference to him, would finally give and directly ask, "anya. is she mad at me or not?"
meanwhile, yor, in the living space, would wipe the coffee table so diligently that the legs would burn holes into the carpet.
"mad as shit."
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