#this is prob during nargothrond when they have so much more that they’re not saying
fistfuloflightning · 11 months
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I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you Take me back to the night we met I don't know what I'm supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you Oh, take me back to the night we met
The Night We Met, Lord Huron
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legolasgoldy · 7 years
Gorgo and Finrod for the otp meme: All questions! Because I love this ship so damn much! (But take your time of course ^^)
// YASSS THANK YOU @truesanguinesoul You and me both XD//
OTP question meme        
send me a pairing & a number
1. Who is the most affectionate?
Honestly its a tie. They both are so loving and affectionate to each other all the time even when they are across the room from each other, its in their voice and eyes.
2. Big spoon/Little spoon? 
It depends. Gorgo is a cuddler when sleeping, so in main verse after they were first married she was the one who rolled over and cuddled on him without realizing. So then Finrod was basically the little spoon. Once they start falling in love and growing closer, Gorgo is the little spoon most of the time.
In modern its probs around the same
3. Most common argument? 
;~; the one question i cant answer and you already know. My heart hurts too much to go into detail about it, so does Finrod’s. The wound is too deep.
BUT he never argue or fight except about that one thing, and they may disagree about things like him being over cautious when it comes to her health/well being. He is always so super careful to make sure she doesnt get hurt in any way. ( More so main than modern)
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
Most definitely traveling and trying new things together in any au but especially in main verse. When they first meet, Gorgo has seen nothing of the world aside from her home. She seeks to know what other places are like, and that was what drew Finrod to her so quickly. He saw that adventurous spirit within her. From the moment they traveled to Nargothrond he promised to her to show her the world and try to fill her life with as much happiness as he can possibly give. Throughout their marriage he takes her traveling through the lands when ever possible, helping her to learn and try new things. It was one of the things that made him fall in love with her so much, because while he was taking her traveling they also learned about each other.. and he fell in love with everything he learned…right down to the curve in her smile.
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
Funny story actually. Finrod normally carries Gorgo but since elves are so incredibly lightweight, Gorgo will find that its probably much easier for her to pick her 6′1 (185 cm) tall husband up than expecteed XD
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
I think i answered this on a different meme with a similar question once. I think haha.  In all honesty there is no “favorite” because he loves her entirely, from her head down to her feet, he could never choose a fave. But i’ll say a few he loves a lot. First and foremost, he loves her smile. Secondly, her eyes. and Thirdly, her hips even though he wont admit it to anyone but her. Too polite XD
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Oh wow, what a loaded question. A really good question though.
Even before they realize they have feelings towards each other, what changes is everyone elses opinions. People were a bit suspicious of them being so formal and somehow distant with one another despite being married. But some did think they were only being proper because they are after all King and Queen. However that suspicion fade rather quickly when Finrod and Gorgo began falling in love, people came to realize that they did truly love each other long before the two of them realized.
When they DID realize, I think what changed is their closeness and.. emotions i guess? For Finrod, he began to feel a heavy weight lay on his heart( for other reasons which is a totally other story that i wont get into right now XD) but he also felt this liberation and life renewed in him after all he had been through. He felt almost.. free and happy. And the mixture of guilt and intense love overwhelmed him for a while but he finds himself holding her a little tighter at night, hugging her a little longer, letting his lips linger on her cheek a little longer when giving innocent kisses, and daring to tell her how beautiful she was several times a day. So in conclusion, they continually grew closer once they realized all leading up to their first real kiss. 
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
Love, is the only name i can think of, aside from maybe Sweetheart?
9. Who worries the most?
Finrod. Definitely. Since Gorgo is mortal, he constantly worries about her getting sick or hurt and takes precautions. Examples: Letting her win when they spar. Treating even a small paper cut to keep it from being infected.
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Well in main they dont have restaurants but i feel like they both remember each others favorites.
11. Who tops?
Finrod XD but Gorgo can be dominate too
12. Who initiates kisses?
They both do.
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
I wanna say they both do, but i also think maybe Finrod a little bit more?
14. Who kisses the hardest?
Definitely Gorgo. Finrod does get pretty passionate with kisses but tries his best to be careful, especially careful not to give hickeys if hes kissing somewhere other than lips. Meanwhile hes basically at Gorgo’s mercy XD.
15. Who wakes up first?
Finrod always. He gets up at like 6 am mortal time always lol. Although there are times when he doesnt want to leave her so he’ll stay there with her until 8 am at the latest before waking her up and giving her kisses before hes gatta go. If he cant wait that long, he’ll wake her up when he first wakes up at 6 am and give her kisses then let her go back to sleep.
BUT all this having been said, there are occassional days when they both sleep in rather late when they can manage to have some free time enjoy themselves. ;3
16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Gorgo considering how early Finrod gets up XD  Unless like i said, they were having a day to enjoy themselves and “sleep” in late then neither of them wanna get up.
17. Who says I love you first?
Finrod. He whispered it while cuddling her one night and thought she was asleep, but she wasnt and said it back
18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
Finrod, since he gets up really early he’ll have breakfast sent up to their chambers with a little “ I love you’ note attached. Or something like, “ I hope you slept well. I love you.”
BUT thats only on occasional days when hes literally just extremely busy and cant bring it himself. and dont get me wrong he ALWAYS includes her in on every single royal duty to the kingdom so everything is 50/50 but shes mortal and he wants her to get her rest, and the kingdom understands as well considering she has to sleep every mortal night for her health.
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Um.. in main this didnt happen. They had an arranged marriage so her family knew right off the bat and it was a secret to anyone else that it was arranged. In terms of him telling HIS family and friends about his “ engagement” he told them first.
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Her family I think would hope would work out for the better, and they would see eventually that it did. its not hard for people to see that they love each other, However Im not sure what they think of Finrod after Gorgo leaves him for a while ( another long story that i wont get into now XD).
Finrod’s immediate family loves it, and absolutely adores Gorgo. Yet again, its not hard for them to see how truly in love the two of them are.
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Depends.. could be both really but i’ll say Finrod because i know hes a nerdy, cheesy, hopeless romantic. Its so much like him to just ask her to dance.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
It depends on who you ask. If you ask Finrod who cooks better, he’ll say Gorgo. If you ask Gorgo who cooks better she’ll say Finrod.  And truth is he does cook a bit more, but he still insists shes a wonderful cook.
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Finrod isnt a pick up line type of guy, but is notoriously cheesy XD I think Gorgo would be the one to tease with pick up line things more, and Finrod does have times where he gives her tons of compliments to flatter her but not in a pick up line way.  UNLESS you consider their “ I feel like reading a certain book.” inside joke as a pick up line X’DD
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Gorgo always XD.  Finrod doesnt really dirty talk ( again unless their “reading a book” thing counts lolol) especially not at inappropriate times. The only time he ever talks dirty its so poetic that its not even dirty anymore. Unless its in the heat of the moment he might like whisper how good it is but thats still incredibly innocent dirty talk XD
25. Who needs more assurance?
This question is really hard XD but i would say Gorgo.  She comes to a new land full of flawless beautiful people in a complete different clothing styles, languages, customs, etc. Its like she stepped into a whole new world, and shes only human. Such a change can be difficult and nerve racking, especially having to set an example as the Queen. Finrod always makes sure to tell her how beautiful and perfect she is because he truly sees her as the most beautiful woman in the world, elf or not. He’ll let her know that its okay to sleep when the rest of the kingdom is awake because she has to, and no one blames her for it. This is why he always lays down with her when she goes to bed at night to help her adjust and assure her theres nothing wrong with it. 
26. What would be their theme song?
Oh gosh there are so many @_@ You’ve sent me so many songs for them in the past i cant remember the names but they were so cute!
There are several songs i always listen to and think of them but i cant quite remember right off the top of my head what they are XD One is a late 80s or 90s song and its perfecttt but i cant remember the name its so cute, its basically this guy singing about how great his girlfriend is and how tough she is XD I wish i could remember it haha
27. Who would sing to their child back to sleep?
They both would, but Finrod a little more i think?  They definitely both sing them to sleep though.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
It depends on why they are apart. If its just one of them being busy, then the other would probably just try and pass the time, find something to do, attend other royal duties, etc.  They always think of each other when apart. Gorgo will occasionally hang out when Finrod’s brothers and Turgon, they are great friends and love to laugh and play around. Finrod generally when not busy spends time with Turgon or tends to the garden when Gorgo is off with Galadriel or something.
HOWEVER. When they are apart due to a certain fight * cough cough* Gorgo is just trying to get over it and cope, try not to be so heartbroken and get support from her family. They both probs cry a lot. Finrod just mopes around and doesnt bother to put on jewelry or really put much effort into his outfit. Some days he might not even leave his room or brush his hair.
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
Well their big fight i mentioned in a few questions but aside from that, definitely that Gorgo dies in Finrod’s arms. He stays by her side for days knowing she would leave soon, and then the day she passes hes holds her when she goes, and he still lays there holding her after she has died. Their children lay there with him too, until he knows they cant hold her any longer. He carries her to the tombs after that, and they have a funeral and the kingdom goes into a long time of mourning. ;~;
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
That Gorgo is reborn, and returns to Finrod by mere luck. She doesnt remember at first but eventually she falls in love with him all over again and remembers it all.
BUT another headcanon that is just as good, is after she leaves for a while then comes back she finds out that Finrod had died and goes all the way to valinor to demand Mandos let her see him. She doesnt even give a flying heck about crossing the sea or having to find a way into Valinor itself, she freaking just does it determined to see him XD And while its sad, it’s also healing in a bitter sweet way because she does get to see him again
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