#this is probably also the metal ge/ars but i am frightened of k:ojima’s conception of women
beloved mutuals and other friends i have talked to at least once: i am now taking recommendations for a new pc open world rpg. i like the modern f/allouts very very much bc they let me poke around fucked up versions of places i have actually been, i like b/reath of the wild’s puzzles and every moment in that game is a carefully crafted joy, i also like genshin i/mpact’s puzzles but i really like going on like. hikes across that world. i like good environmental storytelling that’s not just skeletons in humorous poses and i fucking love journals and notes and audio logs. i don’t particularly care how good of a shooter a game is bc 1) im bad at shooters and 2) i want to wander around and look at things.
i don’t particularly care for skyrim or the ass creeds bc they feel very checkboxy to me. i played through the outer w/orlds once and then immediately forgot about it. do not recommend a fromsoft to me i do not want to get gud. boss battles i have to learn by heart are the opposite of fun for me
something modern-ish would be nice bc i have no patience for turn based battles or isometric views and that’s why ive never played the first group of f/allout games
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