#this is qcard though
yourbuerokrat2 · 5 months
One of the hilarious things about Discord being Q on vacation is that if Q ever somehow got Picard to marry him Q would want two weddings. One in Picards universe and one in the mlp-universe with fluttershy as the very enthusiastic bridesmaid.
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spocks-husband · 1 year
It's taking every ounce of strength I have not to go grab my laptop and write the most horrendous, blood boiling, mind melting, divorce causing, stroke inducing, dick evaporating star trek smut right now. I just wanna make my little alien boys bang each other's brains out the way that little kids make their barbie dolls scissor.
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stellarred · 9 months
A raging blizzard outside. Lots and lots of snow. You look out the window only to find swirling white and blue.
Nobody is going anywhere.
There's a large cabin on the side of a mountain. Very fancy with gorgeous stone work and wooden beams. A fur rug on the floor.
There's a large kitchen with the best and newest amenities, and it's refrigerator and cupboards are well-stocked.
Let it snow. Who cares?
There's a popping and crackling, orange fire lit in a large fireplace. A clock ticks on the mantle. 4:50pm it reads.
The house is dark, except for the cozy fire and a few twinkling candles.
There's a large, wooden bed in the master suite with luxurious, deep, thick blankets and pillows.
And yes, Q and Jean-Luc are in it, naked and tightly clutching each other. Making love again and again.
Let the blizzard howl and blow all it wants. It doesn't matter.
Q has Jean-Luc all to himself. No Starfleet matters to attend to. No vineyards to care for. No drama. Nothing to fear, even from the storm raging outside.
Nothing but them, all alone in this house in the middle of a storm in the middle of who knows where.
Perfectly safe, and Oh so warm, feeling, feeling one another.
THIS is what I call an instant mood lifter.
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1134soup · 2 days
If/WHEN Qcard and Simon & Garfunkel go against eachother in the old man yaoi bracket I WILL CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The impossible choice…. ): ): ): ):
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Hi, i just wanted to pop in and say that I've binged read your north star fics and i absolutely loved it, I really enjoyed your writing style and quite literally couldn't put it down and kept reading until the end, it was really sweet and brought genuine tears to my eyes thank you for writing it :]
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(I'll be here, on the floor, sobbing my heart out, in case anyone needs me)
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exuberantocean · 2 years
Me:  Wow.  It’s been months but I still can’t get over how poorly they handled Q’s death in Picard.  Like,barely any acknowledgement.
Part of my brain that controls my dreams: So what we’re hearing is that you’d like a long drawn out dream about Q slowly dying with at Picard’s place.
Me: WHAT?  No.  I’m just upset that they didn’t do anything after the fact.
Part of my brain that controls my dreams: OH.  So you also want to make a big drawn out deal about Q’s burial too.  Gotcha.
Me: OMG!  I did not sign up for this.
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hesgirf · 7 months
whenever people get horny about qcard i get a little scared because that’s like my grandpa and the weird man who lives in his house. dont talk about my grandpa like that
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c0smic-coral · 1 year
Every second I stare at this phone I am letting my insomnia win. I’m going to try to sleep now.
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mlmshipbracket · 6 months
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*Ship returned to make things even
Jean Luc Picard/Q:
Propaganda by @cchipollo [HERE]
Eternally devoted omnipotent being, human who can't let himself have fun with said being because duty comes first. UST galore!
Literally THE demon and angel ship. Spent thousands of years dancing around each other since they were so opposite even though they loved each other.
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hollis-art · 1 year
qcard? yes or no
personally, i do not think it is reciprocated on Picard's part, but Q is 100% delusional enough to believe that they are in love and married and they have a family with so many lovely kids (the crew) and they are living such a happy life. Picard on the other hand is oh-so tired of this nuisance of a being who will not stop sending enough flowers to make it impossible to walk into a room, popping up behind him on the horse whenever Picard goes horseback riding, and smirking at him from the other side of the bed when he wakes up even though he is like 99% sure that Q wasn't there when he fell asleep.
i do not think it is a two-way ship but i ABSOLUTELY do ship it. Picard deserves to be bothered by him, i think
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lacedspine · 1 year
qcard is my favorite tng ship bc they’re exes even though they would never get together in the first place
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yourbuerokrat2 · 1 year
Scenario, where earlyTNG!Q gets the idea to teach Picard a lesson about how emotional and hormone based humans are and decides to make a sort of game out of it. After all, after being corrected by Picard about the captains favorite authors work he has gotten quite familiar with it as well and why not incorporate something from Shakespeares most famous comedy. 
At first Q thought it would only be too entertaining to have Picard fall in love with some random person Q would curse to have a donkeys face, but then he gets another idea.
How about he simply makes Picard fall in love with him?
Q tries his best to ignore any and all upcoming emotions on his own part at that thought and instead chooses to simply view it as a more ... convenient way to teach the human this lesson and it would be quite entertaining to see Picard lose at least a bit of his pride in order to court Q.
And Q, only having a very vague knowledge of how morally wrong this is but no clear understanding as he has never had to step down from his own perspective  and who only saw that those kind of situations are considered ‘funny’ in human media and stories, makes it so. 
So, who is to blame Q if he, rather unexpectandly, finds himself actually enjoying the result  and decides to prolong this game/lesson a bit longer than originally planned?
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celestialholz · 2 years
The Celestialholz meta masterpost.
TM20 is gay.
TM20 is seriously gay actually...
Flapple? Even more gay than you thought.
The path to Artazon is suspiciously adorable...
There's 34 Surrendering Sunflora in Artazon. They're all gay.
The Harvest isn't any less gay, in case you were wondering...
Art class, in the art room. Because the art room's gay.
Hassius and the number two
Sun and moon men in a game not called Sun and Moon
Why is there a goddamn heart shape on the Sunflora Lawn, just why Game Freak
No hold up, Surrendering Sunflora wasn't quite gay enough
Hands up boys, we're in your walls
Motherfuckin' DIPPLIN.
Core-wyrms and fore-wyrms because why not am I right
So they have fields of apples now...
Shiny Dipplin is Hassel. I'm so done.
The saga of Hydrapple.
The bravest little Sunflora.
General Paldea
Larry's secretly a showman, the funky little businessman
Larry is a fucking gift to us all, and here's what's beneath the giftwrap
A small case of vanillacupcakes symbolism
The Treasures of Ruin are an AU Elite Four
Geeta's not evil, but if she ever heel-turns, here's why
The heart, the brain and the saviour, or why Q is the sun
The doorway to meaning
What the fucking hell is this outfit are you kidding me Paramount
Ineffable Husbands
An alternative coffee theory, featuring the official colour of the universe
We need narrative balance, so Aziraphale's going to resurrect Crowley
Baldur's Gate 3
Let's have a chat about Durgetash and weapons.
Deadpool and that one Star Trek scene
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stellarred · 2 months
I wouldn't be at all surprised if Q really didn't like Deanna Troi after Encounter at Farpoint, because near the end when Picard made that "bargain" with Q, pleading him to allow him to reach his Away Team, while they were on the attacking ship (jellyfish), we had this conversation:
Picard: My people are in trouble over there, Q...Please let me help them.
Picard: I'll do whatever you say.
*The Away Team fizzles onto the Bridge.*
Q: You'll do whatever I say...*Q leans forward, gazing intently at Picard.*
Picard: *looks at the Away Team*: Seems as though I did make that bargain.
Troi intervenes by saying, "It was not Q that saved us!"
Q then exclaims, "She lies...Make phasers and photons ready!"
Picard, of course, refuses to do what Q says, and then he procedes to put the pieces of the Farpoint mystery together as his Away Team colleagues share the new information that they'd learned through their comparison of the two alien structures.
But to think that Q almost had a chance to have Picard all to himself, with Picard doing whatever Q said, if Troi hadn't opened her mouth about the attacking ship saving them and not Q.
Perhaps in that moment Q thought, "Maybe he won't notice that the Away Team appeared on his Bridge in a purple, swirling light instead of my standard Q flash?"
Picard, for a moment, didn't take notice of that detail.
Darn that Deanna Troi and her Betazoid senses!
Alas, Picard manages to wriggle out of his little bargain with Q, as the entity allows Picard to solve the Farpoint puzzle and unite the jellyfish creatures.
Side note: I love how Q, standing behind Picard, kept looking at him. I wish I knew what he was thinking.
And then, Troi had to have her sappy moment with the whole "A feeling of great joy! It's so wonderful!" (Q: 🤢)
Poor Q. Skunked in the first episode.
We know it was for the best, though. Q was definitely in his jerky, self-serving phase of TNG, with his lessons to teach Picard (and his other expressions of love for Picard) coming later.
Neither of them were ready for a relationship at this point, and we very likely wouldn't have had any Qcard canon had Picard kept his deal with Q. It might have been amusing on Q's part to have Picard doing whatever Q said (with "whatever" being who knows?) but, Picard wouldn't have liked it.
A potential hookup with the one, who just put you and your entire race on trial?
Perhaps in that moment, and I'm reeeaaalllyy stretching it here, Troi had a slight hand in starting the evolution of Qcard.
Qcard has been a slow burn from the very start, and if Picard thought that Q had indeed saved his crew, and he joined him, the slow burn very likely wouldn't have even had a chance to catch fire at all.
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dont-call-me-tiny · 1 year
not counting popular ones, such as Garashir and Spirk, though i love them dearly
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porgthespacepenguin · 5 months
For the Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game, I choose 🐝
Great ask, nonny!
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
Ooooh, boy. This could take a few hours. 😄 Alright, so this can in no way, shape or form be an exhaustive list, but ...
@essence-stealer World-class beta, dearest friend, adopted sibling, and all around a truly wonderful person. I'd *never* have completed NEWTS without their support. Fact. You're the best, darling.
@why-its-kai Whenever I feel down about lack of comments or whatever, I go re-read one of Kai's and I immediately feel better. 10/10 would befriend again and again and again if we were stuck in a time-loop.
@predawnite Well, let's just say a certain fic wouldn't be what it is without Dawn. *coughs in KW* Also they have the absolute best freaking prompts, bar none -- an inspiration to us all. And a truly cool person to know, as well. *high-five*
@celestialholz My fandom wife, who somehow still likes me even though she's been straying into BG3 fandom and I have... not. AND WHO MADE ME PLAY POKEMON AND GET TENDONITIS (I wish I was joking). Write Reduction and I might forgive you (joking, joking -- or AM I)
@mrporg My actual, RL, bona fide, patiently long-suffering spouse, who has been putting up with me for a very, very, very long time and now has to endure me on Tumblr too. Talk about supportive. Mwa! <3
Let's not forget:
@dustydahorse (the pinkest and awesomest of little bros)
@lordlexion and @voiid-vagabond (their comments single-handedly kept me posting NEWTS even when I wanted to give up -- fact -- and they're both awesome)
@anzstrek, @ellewood117, Bonesy, and all the others on the Qcard server -- you guys are the best <3
And lastly a wonderfully skilled artist friend of mine who I'm 100% sure will prefer to remain unnamed (but you know who you are!).
Here's a link to the Ask Game if anyone wants to keep playing!
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