#this is queue-gone jinn
shih-coulda-had-it · 7 years
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I am brave, I am bruised, I am who I’m meant to be
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shih-coulda-had-it · 7 years
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episode credit (for the uncolored section in the bottom middle):
Lyn futilely attempts to lie about why she wants a private call with the Kaiburr Crystals (paraphrased) - Episode 16, about 49-50 minutes in
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shih-coulda-had-it · 7 years
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this was an unexpectedly entertaining tangent, and one of my favorite bits is how young Tryst is forced to maintain a buzzcut because his older sisters keep shaving off his hair in either (a) the middle of the night or (b) in really weird places, so he has to shave his entire head
ft. Binbon the Outsider Jawa, Tryst, and Jubna the Malfoy Gamorrean
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shih-coulda-had-it · 7 years
spectre, part ii
I was horrified to realize that this broke my writer’s block. Part 1 has been edited.
Context: When He Ying picked up the lingam in a run-down cave, he picked up an unwanted voyeur in the shape of Sendhil Ramamurthy. In other words, an unsanctioned interpretation of Shiva is trying to get He Ying to have a good time.
Part 1 | Part 2
When Shiva next appeared, He Ying and his three brothers were en-route to the emperor’s brother’s household. He Ying dozed for most of the ride, content with knowing his horse would follow the caravan without his input, and then he was abruptly and rudely awakened.
When two people ride a horse, both of them typically face forward. The rider holds the reins, the passenger holds the rider’s waist. Shiva, by some course of physical majesty, manifested clinging to He Ying’s front, face pointed to the vanishing distance behind them all. As per usual, He Ying’s layers of armor and leather did little to protect against the feeling of skin touching his.
The lingam, wrapped in cloth and tucked away inside his armor, had made no warning. It hadn’t for the previous visits, but He Ying lived in hope. For now, he glared blearily ahead. Shiva braced himself on He Ying’s shoulders and readjusted himself so he stays center in He Ying’s line-of-sight.
He opened his mouth, and a slurred, barely comprehensible language spilled from the parted lips. He Ying caught a word or two. “Is – working?”
Shiva grimaced, cleared his throat, and tried again.
“Have I gotten the dialect right?” He Ying’s eyes widened, partially due to the fact that he was no longer hearing the weird buzzing lilt when Shiva spoke, and also because there was a warm length pressing against his thigh. “Ah,” Shiva looked pleased with himself, “I thought it would be disorienting to keep hearing all your land’s dialects at once.”
Shiva shifted in place, sinuous muscles coiling and uncoiling. In He Ying’s head, his peace of mind fled.
“Go away,” said He Ying. He spoke quietly, almost nonverbally. He might be at the back of the train, but his brothers had keen ears. He Ying resigned himself to a bitter one-sided conversation; Shiva’s irrational and loud behavior against He Ying’s controlled façade.
“But,” Shiva protested, “what if you fall off your horse?” His eyes slid down to see white-knuckled hands clutching the reins, and then they flickered back up, mischief evident. “See? I’m already doing my job perfectly.”
He Ying scoured his memory for information about Shiva. He ultimately came up short. “Aren’t you supposed to be running the universe?” Or destroying it. Perhaps the latter of the two. The universe would have fallen apart long ago if Shiva was in charge of it.
Fingers splayed on He Ying’s shoulders. “I think you misunderstand my existence. If I was truly Shiva, Destroyer of the Universe, I wouldn’t be here.” Shiva tilted his head, his matted curls falling to the side with him. The look and the scent reminded He Ying of a running river, fresh and clean. “Well. Maybe I would.” Fingertips tapped out rapid drum-like patterns.
“So what are you?”
“An avatar. An offshoot of Shiva’s true self. Shiva has several forms, some not perceptible to the human eye. The lingam you hold close,” here, Shiva leered, “was imbued with a minor part of Shiva’s powers. It is a dying relic, but still a relic Shiva personally touched. I am him, though a shell of him. Does this make sense?”
“A ghost,” He Ying summarized.
“A ghost who can touch you,” corrected the… He Ying struggled for a term after this revelation. ‘God’ no longer fit since Shiva was evidently constrained by some boundaries, but at the same time, He Ying had seen no evidence of said boundaries. Still a god. Shiva hummed, possibly oblivious to the consternation He Ying suffered. “You know, you should consider my offer. A bed is soon in the future.”
“I don’t care,” said He Ying immediately. He thought about adding a vindictive, ‘A bed with you sounds like hell,’ but he also remembered Shiva, remnant he is, being a god. A god of destruction and chaos. Or so the legends say—Shiva currently personified all unwanted but unshaken suitors. “Leave me alone.”
Shiva leaned in close, his nose bumping against He Ying’s. “You’re too interesting for me to leave alone,” he confessed. “Your circumstances are going to be amazing, and it’s in my best interest to see what time makes of you.”
He rocked down and forward in He Ying’s lap, and He Ying hissed a curse the same time he accidentally nudged his horse into a faster trot than necessary.
In an instant, Shiva reared back and winked. He disappeared, forcing He Ying to spin an explanation for riding ahead to Yuanlong’s position. He Ying played it off as nerves about bandits and the openness of their surroundings; Yuanlong accepted the shoddy explanation with only a curious stare.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 7 years
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Iceman (2014) is about a found family breaking apart because the oldest (last picture) could literally not deal with his younger three brothers dicking around modern-day Hong Kong.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 7 years
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some big biG MOODS ft. disaster uncles + their disaster-proof ward
the only concrete episode credits:
heart-eyes Tryst is Episode 9′s last minutes when he goes “tell me you drink wine” to Lyn
about 27 minutes into Episode 10, Tama misses the point of Bacta’s heartfelt gift
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shih-coulda-had-it · 7 years
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girl power au: Sailor Pellegrino narrowly avoids the path to oblivion, attempts to haunt kindred anti-bourgeoisie soul into restoring her foci only to end up advising her how to take over the world (and without sacrificing modern clothes)
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shih-coulda-had-it · 7 years
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shih-coulda-had-it · 7 years
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my two mains have tiny gundams and I think that’s amazing
(I know nothing beyond personalities, I just play ‘em on DY: Gundam 3)
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shih-coulda-had-it · 7 years
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original content post hiatus (not counting those in queue for Lando Week) begins today, August 20th, FOR I’M MOVING INTO COLLEGE YO
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shih-coulda-had-it · 7 years
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this is actually an excuse to link my headcanon raven’s roost post-kalen song: “Hoedown” (an excerpt) composed by Aaron Copland
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shih-coulda-had-it · 7 years
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sad >> pained >> rapturous
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