#this is raw and unedited word spew from my notes app
madredhattie · 1 year
I really should be asleep but instead I’m picking at various fic WIPs I’ve started up in the last month or so. Dropping a snippet down here because while I’m fond of what it’s about, it doesn’t fit the flow. Be free, little snippet!
Such as his duties as a Subway Boss.
Just a few weeks ago, he’d officially rejoined the Battle Subway - as a Depot Agent, wearing the olive green uniform. Though Nimbasa City had celebrated the return of its lost Subway Boss with great fanfare (and what a feeling that was, to know that he had been missed by so many!) his ongoing patchwork memory prevented him from returning to his old station immediately. 
It was for the best, really - though setting foot inside Gear Station had felt like sliding into a much loved and worn coat, the sheer volume of everything had proven overwhelming. On top of that readjustment, there were certifications to undergo, hands-on training to fill in the gaps that remained in his mind, and all manner of other safety checks before Ingo could truly resume conducting battles with skilled trainers.
He wore the black conductor’s cap still. It was the one thing Emmet had pulled rank on, a visual reminder to everyone who saw Ingo that one day, the twin brothers would once again conduct the battle lines side by side. It would just take time.
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