#this is set just before she and j.ames go into hiding
evasn · 3 years
accio  starter  call   ...   @lupiinee
                                       a hand absentmindedly comes to rest on the barely there swell of her belly .  lily keeps one eye on the crack between the curtains and the other on remus .  he looks skinnier than the last time she saw him ,  the circles under his eyes are darker too .  she won’t be able to rest until the other boys are back from the meeting ,  poor remus having been left behind to keep her company ,  but fretting over her friend should prove to be a decent distraction .  “  when was the last time you had a proper meal ?  ”  she asks with one eyebrow raised .  “  we should have a family dinner tonight ,  the five of us .  ”  worrying about remus’ state is easier than worrying about what is being said at the order meeting  .
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fenixburnedarchived · 3 years
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A.rya S.tark
girl with sword my beloved
has been through too much honestly (lots of trauma)
I would love to work with post-canon, when Arya is back in Winterfell & trying to find her new place in the family & protect them
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M.argaery T.yrell
resident flower girl but with lots of ambition
let her actually be queen & live bc g-ot was bs
I run on vibes more than anything else tbh
I want her in the new order, supporting D.aenerys in the capital
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J.ames St. C.lair (D.ark R.ise)
canonically the story is set in R.egency L.ondon (though obviously other periods wotk too)
was actually born into an ancient order that protects the light but turns out he’s the reborn general (called the betrayer) of the great evil, the Dark K.ing (who was also his lover in this other life)
because of that he was cast out and eventually becomes the right hand man of the guy who wants to bring back the Dark K.ing
James is just super powerful?? Like he barely has to move a finger to wipe out a whole group of fighters & make them bleed on the floor
so yeah, he’s a murderer, that should always be considered
due to the whole reborn-thing he never feels like he belongs into this world, it’s all a blur & very weird to him
actually he just doesn’t want to be controlled, but free & finally make his own choices 
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Katherine K.ent (Dark R.ise)
has no idea what’s going on in the whole light-dark conflict 
but she’s engaged to the bad guy (that James works for), because it’s the best opportunity for her family
so Katherine does her best to be a dutiful child of her time & marry well, so she & her sister can have a future 
she actually feels very trapped in that role as the perfect young lady & wants a different life 
unbeknownst to her, Katherine carries a great power in herself & she’s the only hope for the light
she works in a “normal” historical setting even better than James bc until later in the story she just isn’t involved with the magic at all 
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G.ideon de V.illiers (R.uby Red T.rilogy)
kind of an arrogant prick
the time travel gene of his family was passed on to him when he’s 17 & since then he has to go to the past every day
that’s the role he’s been prepared for all his life & he knows nothing else (certainly not a normal childhood)
his father died & his mother left, so he grows up with the secret society/lodge that controls his time jumps 
actually planned to study medicine after school, but his duties take precedence
during the course of the trilogy, he finally begins to doubt the lodge (especially their founder) & strays from the path set out for him to fight said founder Count of Saint G.ermain, (his ancestor & also a time traveller)
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L.ucy M.ontrose (R.uby Red T.riogy)
a time traveller from the female line, a generation before Gideon & Gwendolyn (the protagonist)
was trained pretty much like Gideon & prepared by the lodge
but she fell in love with her time travel companion from the male line & together they uncovered the truth about the lodge’s founder & his plan to make himself immortal
she got pregnant at 16, but they could hide that with the help of her aunt
they had to escape into the past right after their daughter was born & Gwendolyn was raised as the child of Lucy’s aunt
now they live in 1912 & still try to stop the count’s plan & save their daughters life, because her death is a vital part of an old prophecy
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