#this is slowly turning into a thing where jd was with every bounty hunter for at least a little bit before having a rough breakup
binkusdinkus · 8 months
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The girls are fighting
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They were together for a day before they ended up fighting, kissing while fighting then breaking up and never talking to eachother again
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Knife Blood Nightmare ch. 1
OHMYGAWD. Sorry this took so long. I wrote it, then my computer crashed. I rewrote it, and i’m not 100percent happy with it, but oh well. Life has been crazy. I moved in with my bf and its been hectic getting situated. But now I’m back on my writing schedule and I’m hoping to put a new chapter out every other day. And yes, the Max one-shot is coming.....Monday. Anyways, enjoy this chapter of awkward introductions and a little insight to our killers plan. Oh yeah, and JD!
Also I’ll make a tag list if you want to be tagged in future chapters, just let me know! <3<3<3
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@ladylorelitany @jeffreydeanmorganrarechar
Knife Blood Nightmare
01. Intentional Case Assignment and Situation Awareness
JD Richter wasn’t known as the most friendly detective at the station. In fact he had a reputation for being an asshole. He walked into the station, donning his leather jacket and dark sunglasses with a cup of coffee in hand. He didn’t look at anyone as he walked back to his office, walking in and closing the door. He groaned as he sat down in the office chair, tapping on the key board in front of him to wake up the computer. He quickly logged into his email to check on new reports or if there was any new jobs. He scanned through all the messages, a wave of frustration washing over when he reached the newest email. He grabbed his coffee and quickly left his office, heading for the Chief's office at a rapid pace. He groaned loudly when he approached and saw that someone was already in the room speaking with Chief Baker. JD made eye contact with the older man, throwing his arms up with a look of frustration. He looked down at the back of the young blondes head as she stood and shook the chiefs hand. JD took a step back as she turned around and began walking towards the door to the office.
“Let me get the door for you, Lindsey.” The Chief jumped forward, quickly beating her to the door and opening it for her, giving her a small pat on the back as she walked out and came face to face with JD, who was now realizing that she was the subject of the email. Chief Baker smiled at JD, reaching out to shake his hand. “Good morning, detective. I’ll assume by the look of excitement on your face that you got my email.” JD growled quietly, tilting his head down. Chief Baker knew how much JD hated new recruits. He also knew how much he hated working with them. The Chief laughed at the look on JDs face and turned to Lindsey, motioning her forward.
‘JD, this is Lindsey. Shes our newest detective. Straight from the academy. She received a high recommendation, so I figured I’d have her work with you.” He looked between Lindsey and JD and smiled, oblivious to the obvious tension between the two. “You guys are going to work out great I’m thinking. Have a good day, Lindsey. If hes too much a grump, let me know and I’ll put him on paper work all day.” He walked off back to his office.
Lindsey and JD stood there awkwardly. JD glared at the back of the Chiefs head for a moment before turning his attention back to Lindsey. She was staring at the ground, cheeks hot with embarrassment. He frowned, running his hand over his beard before putting his right hand out towards her, hoping to quell her embarrassing that was more than likely his fault.
“He makes me seem like the Grinch of the department, and half the time hes right. I’m JD.” He smiled at her as she looked up, taking his hand and shaking it. “I’m Lindsey. He actually told me a lot about you. I’ve been looking forward to working with you.”
She had known Chief Baker for several years, he had worked with her parents before they were killed. When she applied to the academy, he helped her as a mentor while she was there. When he said he had an open desk at the department, she was thrilled and jumped at the opportunity. “Come on, lets go get some coffee and see what the day has in store for us, shall we rookie?” HE looked back at her as he walked away, a low chuckle rumbling in his chest. Lindsey sighed, trying to get rid of her thoughts of how handsome JD was. She walked after him, slowly. Today was gonna be a long day.
He watched as she walked into the station, her hair blowing in the wind. He rubbed his hands together, pausing at the slight sticky feeling in between his fingers. He looked down at the blood that was caked under his nails. Laughing, her reached over to the glove compartment, grabbing a bottle of water and poured half the bottle onto his hands, rubbing them together before grabbing a handkerchief and drying them. Most of the blood was gone. It would have to do. Using his binoculars, he looked through the station windows, hoping for one last glance before he drove off. Seeing her with another detective, he felt his anger rise up. She was laughing, looking happy. Slamming his hands on the steering wheel, he started the car. He drove off, one last stop to set his plan in motion. He just hoped that she would be assigned to the crime scene he had left earlier this morning. Unlocking his phone, he began to dial. “Yes hello. I’d like to report a murder.”
“Richter! Jacobs! Need you both in here right now!” Lindsey looked down the hall at the Chiefs office, watching as he walked back to his desk. JD stood, grabbing his coffee and tapping his on the shoulder with his finger. “Earth to Lindsey, looks like we might have some work on your first day.” As they both left his office, Lindsey sighed. Sitting in a quiet room with JD was rather intimidating, almost suffocating. She didn’t get to enjoy the moment for very long though. As soon as they stepped into the chiefs office, she could tell something bad had happened.
“You guys got a case. Three dead. Male, female and a kid. It was just called in an hour ago by a mystery caller. Its brutal guys.” He turned to Lindsey, a small frown cast over his face. “Rough first day, kiddo. I’m sure you’ll do alright though, JD will help you out and if you have any questions just give a shout.” He patted her on the shoulder, laughing. “Or just give JD here a swift kick.” JD groaned, sounding thoroughly annoyed by the older mans sense of humor. “Well boss you gonna let us go stare at this brutal crime scene or are you setting miss Lindsey here up for an HR violation.” Lindsey quickly set her eyes to the ground, feeling another wave of heated embarrassment go to her cheeks. She sighed loudly, getting both mens attention as she began to walk toward the doors where JD told her his car was parked.
“You’re both heading towards a sexual harassment claim if you don’t knock it off.” JD and Chief Baker both stared at her in disbelief. Lindsey laughed as the door to the car park slowly closed behind her.
JD stood with the Chief for a moment, finally getting a laugh from the situation. “Alright chief, whats her deal? You obviously know her.” Chief baker looked back at the man, nodding slowly with a frown across his face. “You cant tell who shes the product of? Her last name alone is a give away.” JD turned, looking at the woman as she pulled her phone out of her pocket, staring at the screen for a minute before putting it to her ear. Pieces slowly fell together in his head and the look of realization hit his face as he turned back to the chief. “That’s her? Holy shit, man. Why didn’t you tell me that?” JD ran his hand over his beard, staring at her.
JD had been a bounty hunter before becoming a cop. He was one of the best around, even snagging federal bounties from time to time. But there was always the one that got away. The last 6 months of his bounty hunting career was spent searching for someone that he had no picture of. No description. Just the awful crimes he committed. The newspapers had begun calling him “Jack The Ripper”, the crimes between the two killers were almost identical. But then one day, his M.O. changed, killing an entire family. Bob and Dana Jacobs were both well known Detectives back then, their 5 year old daughter Lindsey would brighten a dark room with just a smile. Bob and Dana were assigned to the case, but apparently got too close to catching the guy. Their bodies were found one morning by their neighbor, flesh peeled back from the ribs, disemboweled and handcuffed to their front porch chairs. A wide spread panic swept the town; Lindsey was missing. JD thought back to the giant manhunt that he was a part of. For two days they searched through out the town, looking for the little girl. One the third day, she appeared back at her house, walking around a corner singing a song, surprising the two officers that were there guarding the crime scene. They all chalked it up as a win, but JD could never let go the fact that the killer was still out there.
The car door slammed loudly as JD got into the drivers seat, looking over at Lindsey. The Chief had been right. The crime scene was gruesome and she was clearly shook by it. “We can head back to the station and then you can go home if you want. I’ll take care of the paper work.” He sighed as she continued to stare out the window. He wanted to ask for a different case, but he started to wonder if the chief put him and Lindsey on this case for a reason. The entire family that lived in the small ranch house was dead, on display on the front porch, disemboweled and posed. “I can just take you home if you want, and I’ll pick you up in the morning. You don’t need to be driving like this.” He put his hand on her knee, making her jump. He quickly removed his hand, apologizing quickly. She smiled, grabbing his hand with both of hers. “Thanks, JD. I appreciate what you're doing. But you can just take me back to the station and I’ll drive myself home.” He looked her over once before nodding his head.
Once they it back to the station, Lindsey went and grabbed her things from JD’s office and quickly walked back out to her car, ignoring both JD and Chiefs attempts to get her attention. She got to her car and after struggling to get the FOB to unlock the door. She dropped her keys twice, her anxiety going through the roof. She went to pick them up the 2nd time but was startled to see JD standing there. He bent down, grabbing the keys from the ground. One glance at her shoes and he took a knee, reaching over and retying the laces that must have come untied as she walked from the station. He stood up slowly, watching her carefully. “First murder scene is always the hardest.” He handed her the keys. “But I’m guessing in your case, that was a bit familiar.” She didn’t look at him, but nodded slowly. She turned to the car. “See ya tomorrow, JD.” He waved, standing there and watched as she drove off, hoping she would be okay.
Lindsey sat in her car in the driveway for 15 minutes, staring out the sun roof at the sunset stained sky. She didn’t like to think about what happened to her parents, obviously, but it was a topic that she knew she was going to have to face when starting at the department. Now she was starting to doubt the idea of ever being a cop. She jumped when her phone buzzed and fell off the dash. Sighing, she reached over and grabbed it, looking at the screen. One text from JD, asking if she was okay. She noticed a voice-mail icon, but decided to wait until she was inside. She gathered her things, walking to the front door. A piece of paper was on the door, gently blowing in the light breeze. She unlocked the front door and opened it, setting the keys in the dish by the coat rack. “What the fuck…” She grabbed the paper and shut the door, turning towards the kitchen. The lights flicked on and she stopped, staring at the kitchen island. There was a small plate with a lid over it. She reached out for it and lifted, frowning. A cupcake sat there, red in color with a card in front of it. “Congrats on your first day…This is the only red velvet in your future that you can eat. The rest, well….that’s up to me…. what the fuck?” She then opened the paper, and after taking one glace at it she turned and ran out the front door.
He watched as she quickly drove away, frowning. Not quite according to plan, but now shes scared. A shiver went up his back at the thought of her eyes wide in fear as he stood in front of her. He grabbed his bag, slowly climbing off the duvet on her bed. Back to the shadows. “She will be mine. Soon.”
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