#this is so rambly im sorry fjdlfjs
icicleteeth · 3 years
Once again going off to my friend about Modern-ish!Morrowind in which it’s TES universe but there’s some modern irl elements to it, and there’s no Nerevarine prophecy, Servyn is just A Guy living in a shitty one room studio in Balmora working a busboy job at the South Wall Cornerclub, and McJiub’s and fantasy pizza is a thing, with your local Vvardmart selling cheap affordable instant foods like cup goblet and pre-packaged guar ham sandwiches, with frozen food isles (basically cabinets salted with frost salts on a regular basis) where you’d find cheap not-quite-authentic packaged goods of foods from other provinces like Breton style cream cheese puffs or Khajiiti-inspired sweet bean sugar paws...
Most people own dwemer televisions (Servyn’s would be very small like a CRTV) where you’d get general channels like weather and news both local and international (I’d wager the Great Houses run their own seperate news networks that are the more popular ones in Morrowind), but you’d get some fun channels too like cooking channels, some of which specialize in actual cooking, but others in alchemy (like maybe for alchemy they have their own reality tv type shows like instead of Kitchen Nightmares it’s Apothecary Nightmares or something fjdlfjs) You’d also have your usual product advertisements, military ads in the form of Imperial Legion recruitment ads (these only run on multinational shows since the local government in Morrowind would not enjoy those) and TV preachers in which it’s all about the Tribunal (maybe Dagoth has his own channel too, but it’d probably only manage to get on some obscure channel like channel 749 with a single timeslot at 3am...)
I would like to think Servyn would enjoy bundling up in front of his little television with his little pet scrib (which he may or may not be hiding from his landlord) and a hot steamy cup goblet to tune in to an alchemy channel....
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