#this is so unedited i just need to feed myself LMAO
seiwas · 10 months
iwaizumi hajime the type to run to the store for you at some outrageous time like 2am—
—in nothing but his sweatpants, sleep shirt hastily thrown on. it’s thinned out from each wash and is way too faded to be worn out; there’s a hole or two somewhere on the sides. and his hair’s all messed up, sticking out every which way with a bit of sleep still in his eyes.
he’s yawning through the aisles, slides smacking against the store floor as he looks for what you need. self check-out is mechanical at this point, movements memorised.
when he comes back home—to bed, you’re sat up against the headrest, waiting. he drops the paper bag beside you and climbs under the covers, slinging an arm around you as he whispers in your ear, lazy and sleep-laden while his eyes fall shut, “need anything else?”
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withleeknow · 2 months
11?? publicly posting that?? oh I do feel like a gma + I have so many thoughts on this particular kpop gen. - it's the same niche of stans who restrict idols from living life bc they feel like they have ownership of them like?? there's having fun with the content out there (literally look at tumblr my asks ahem) and then there's living real life where this shit does not matter at all
(ryan is so darn cute but it's so hard to get my hands on line/kakao here in the UK - next time I travel to asia a plushie will be coming back with me 🫡)
o_o if you started writing 🐈‍⬛ I wld shortcircuit a little. even if it was super-unedited late-night brainrotting hcs to indulge in (absolutely not a request, just understand the impact this wld have on onigiri the microwave can only take so much ygm)
+ speaking of microwave, did you survive skz at gayo daejeon today? specifically tinyurl.com/3aadwd8p he. is. insane. like how?
+ this edit had me crying laughing vm.tiktok.com/ZGenaGYHx/ god I do have a type and it's paboracha-esque crackheads and if gyu's the prince then dk's the king
lastly this is completely non-kpop-related but had to send this to you speficially - it just popped up on my feed + I audibly laughed at the caption/content like “who's spying on me” tinyurl.com/rfrskxd2 literally 🍙 in the wild, ngl I wish I was here rn
back in our golden days (lol i sound like a certified grandma saying this) i used to keep up with most groups back then, but since i came back to kpop i’ve kept it to a limited few (it was only bts until late last year, then txt and skz and now mayhaps enhypen too) so i’m generally pretty clueless about everything else lol. but yeah i agree fans these days are so much more restrictive (they would not survive gen 2 when everyone was dating left and right and both male and female idols were publicly friends with each other). i do firmly believe it’s bc companies keep feeding fans’ delusions and market the idols as always available to cater to the fans’ every whim. jype really took it up a level with the skz lips cards - those are genuinely quite disturbing to me lol. but yeah, there are already so many weirdos out there we don’t need to breed more 🥴
i would def be v interested in (trying to) write for 🐈‍⬛ heheheh that kind of personality is my favorite to write for and i think that’s why i enjoy writing mimo and seungmin sm. dude with the cold exterior but deep down is actually the biggest softie <3 superior in this household lol
did anyone really survive gayo daejeon? he is disgusting he is an awful man who makes my life a living hell every day and i just have to deal with it 🫠 not to mention hyunjin. god, that was equally as awful. i also indulged myself in a little enhypen at gayo daejeon and i was properly looking at heeseung oop
LOL I SAW THIS EDIT TOO. he really is a god tier crackhead lmao. there’s a reason why he’s one of my favorite svt members 🤣
AN ONIGIRI SHRINE 🫨 bookmarking it as we speak bc i HAVE to see it when i go to japan 🤣 that’s amazing lol i can’t wait to get a little onigiri to carry with me wherever i go 🥹
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forgottenpasta · 6 years
Lifeline Chapter 5 Teaser
A/n: this is about 1k words lmao. when I tell you this chapter is going to be looooong.
“You’re what, the twentieth guy now, I don’t know, I was never good at numbers.” She rolled her eyes. “Who the fuck trusts witches these days? I would have intervened but most of the time I’m not in a generous mood.”
“Hold on.”, Taehyung held his hand up, confused. “What the hell are you on about?”
She gave him a “duh” expression. “The witch won’t come here. Bet you a storm demon’s precious horns, they’re going to text you with a shift in location soon. Likely a deserted back alley or some other abandoned place.”
“Why?, he asked, though he already suspected the reason.
“The last guy who came asking for the coven, a vampire like you, was found sliced up like sashimi a few days later.” She smirked, as if enjoying the mental picture she was painting. “A few others, shifters and an incubus, were thought to be kidnapped. I don’t know what became of them.”
“My guess?” She shrugged her slender shoulders. “Maybe the witches are using their entrails for some cult, ritual sacrifice to summon Hecate.” She curled her lip in distaste at the name of the goddess of witchcraft.
“Calm down, Indiana Jones.”, Taehyung chuckled at the valkyrie’s dramatics. “Most likely they’re just mugging these poor souls for some quick cash or kidnapping them for ransom. Either way, this is my only lead and I can’t squander it.”
Freyja was surprised. “Even if you end up in pieces inside a boiling cauldron or something?”
“I can defend myself.”
She opened her mouth to say something, likely a jibe at his bravery/stupidity but Taehyung’s phone vibrated with two quick texts on the bartop where he had placed it, causing her to throw a knowing glance at him.
*last minute change up*
*meet me at the lake park, north clearing*
“What did I say?” Freyja crossed her arms, reading the messages from an unknown number on his lock screen. ‘I told you so’ written all over her face. “You’d be a fool to go there alone.”
“Maybe so.” Taehyung slid off the barstool gracefully, pocketing his phone. “But I’ll regret it if I don’t take this chance out of cowardice.”
Apparently that was exactly the thing to say to impress a valkyrie. He figured he had just gained some serious brownie points with Freyja as she smirked at him with a twinkle in her eye.
“It must be important to you, huh? Whatever you’re seeking.”, she probed, clearly angling fo more information. 
Taehyung just hummed an affirmative, staring past the wrangling bodies on the dance floor to the exit, ready to leave the crowded place already.
“Alright.”, Freyja clapped her hands. Jumping over the bar top in one swift motion, she landed beside Taehyung soundlessly. “I’m coming with you on your suicide mission.”, she announced.
“Sure.” Not glancing back at her, he stepped away from the bar, making a beeline for the exit, making sure to avoid grabby hands. The place was swarming with all types of supernaturals. “Not that I care but are you sure you want to leave this place unattended? It’s very crowded for a Friday morning.”
Taehyung pushed open the door and the murky, artificial nighttime air of a cleverly crafted cloaking spell surrounded him. Overhead the sky was ink black, with no sign of any clouds or stars, just a big black void covering the darkened landscape which comprised of a few willow trees, some shrubs and acres and acres of unending grassland. The willow trees were a side effect of purchasing a spell from witches, they were a natural source of power for those performing witchcraft and a trademark of their artistry. The bustling club was smack dab in the middle of nowhere. The only source of light, which poured out of the windows of the two story building like flames licking up the darkness, in the pitch black surroundings.
It didn’t matter though. All supernaturals had perfect night vision.
“Today is the only day I can leave it.” The valkyrie caught up to him easily, both of them heading for the portal between the two willow trees in the distance.
“My mate would never let me go deal with this problem otherwise.”, she huffed. “It’s bad for business, so many patrons going missing. Before long this place might become notorious for it.”
“You have a mate.” It was a statement rather than a question.
“He’s a fire demon.” Taehyung could almost hear her eye roll, but he also didn’t miss the warmth that suddenly coated her voice like silk at the mention of her other half.
“Temper problems and all. Too overprotective. Though I still love the buffoon for some reason.”,she chuckled fondly. “Thankfully he’s out of town for a few days. What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him right?”
He raised his eyebrows in surprise, looking down at the tiny valkyrie who had a wistful look on her face. Missing the demon?
“Odd combination.”, Taehyung commented, sweeping his hair off his forehead. How their relationship worked out, a calm, blunt pixie-sized valkyrie and a hulking (for most demons were the size of a mountain), fire-demon with anger issues, he couldn’t begin to comprehend.
“Fate works in unexpected ways.”, was her simple reply.
He sighed. “That it does.”
As they crossed the threshold of the portal and the cloaking spell disappeared behind them along with the murky darkness, he thought of you.
He thought of you as clear, bright daylight engulfed everything. A fresh breeze blew through the forest that suddenly surrounded him, birds chirped overhead, flittering from branch to branch, playing in the afternoon sunlight. Thick undergrowth covered the ground, ferns overtaking any available empty soil. The gurgle of running water somewhere in the distance mixed in with the cacophony of the forest to create a soothing song that somehow reminded him of the sound of your voice.
The sound of your irate voice calling him an asshole.
Your words had been ringing in his head like a stubborn, catchy tune ever since he’d phoned Namjoon. No matter how much he tried to put it out of his mind, it creeped up in his conscience every few minutes. He did not feel bad about calling you a problem, you were a problem. A massive boulder in the path of their smooth lives and careers that threatened to throw everything in disarray. Taehyung firmly believed that if something was not broken, it shouldn’t be fixed. Their lives were perfect without you. Nothing should have changed. Especially not on account of his huge ego, a mistake he’d made trying to humiliate a witch who didn’t have anything to live for.
“What are you thinking about?”, Freyja watched him observe the forest patiently, letting him ruminate.
Taehyung shook his head, rubbing his chest right over his heart. He couldn’t begin to describe to a near stranger that no matter how much he pushed the feeling aside, an ache in his heart had started to build ever since he’d heard your voice. A kindling of sparks that had the potential to become a roaring fire. It wasn’t intentional, not something he had control over. At least that’s what he told himself when he wanted to reach for the phone, tell Namjoon to put you on the line. When that urge arose he told himself he just wanted to set the record straight with you, to have you on the same page as him. Not, of course, to hear your voice again.
“Vampire, we should get going.”, Freyja said as she pulled ahead of him to the path that led to the northern side of the lake park forest.
“Yeah.” He swallowed, falling in step behind her, his parched throat reminding him of another situation he had no control over. Namely his rapidly increasing thirst. It had been weeks since he’d last fed, the longest he’d ever gone without blood and he was starting to feel it. Images of sinking his fangs into soft, supple flesh racked his brain at odd hours of the day, making his sharp canines drop involuntarily and his body shake with the need to consume blood. It was everything he could do to distract himself from the thirst gnawing at him from the inside.
Still, even the thought of feeding from some random blood bag he could arrange from a dealer, made him nauseous. His body knew what it wanted, what it needed.
The exact opposite of what I want.
Taehyung made his way through the dense forest silently, following the valkyrie who’s footsteps were just as soundless as his. Every noise that filtered through the dense trees reminded him of your voice and he wondered if he was really going crazy, like Suli had. His foggy brain hanging on to that little piece of you, his mate, that he’d managed to hear, like a piece of bone thrown to a starved dog.
Not everything was under his control, but why did he feel like he could kill to hear that angry voice again.
A/n: unedited af :)
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Tagged by @tracle0, thanks! (also if you were talking to me, no worries, you’re forgiven lol)
For this game you find your 7th page, the 7th line, and the 7 lines after that then tag 7 people
okay uh since this would’ve been boring as hell if I’d used just the first book, I’m using the first four for this oH nO I’m including Eternal in this!!!!!! so from like, we’ll say Destiny onward it’s still kinda raw and unedited (though tbh I feel like none of it will ever be edited enough lmao)
I’m tagging @pleasehelpmestopwriting,​ @madammuffins, and​ @nemowritesstuff. Not obligated at all if you’ve already done it/don’t want to do it!
I’m putting everything under the cut because holy moly (and I censored some overly spoilery bits just so y’all know)
Fatigue set in and he found himself drifting off on the couch waiting for the rinse cycle to finish. He forced himself to step outside for a smoke to wake himself up, and it worked to a point. Around nine that night, he gave up and set an alarm on his laptop to wake him up every hour so he could check the progress of the flying object, then fell into bed with his clothes on. * * * The last alarm went off in the midst of a nightmare. Every detail burned into his brain even as he scrambled to the desk to shut it off. He remembered the water so cold it hurt to his bones, the layer of unforgiving ice over his head, the unheard screams that burst from his mouth into frantic bubbles around his head…. He looked at the feed, barely cognizant and morning mucus coating his throat. Six hours to go, and it was still predicted to land in Somerwilde. The whole thing made him antsy; the idea of an alien craft being so close made him itch. He didn’t even know if the damn thing was on its way to crash. It could very well have been on its way to decimate Earth, starting with the idiot who thought, for reasons of which he still wasn’t clear, that he could be a hero. Warren spent twenty minutes deciding whether or not to get groceries, though, in the end, his growling stomach won out. He cleaned up, grabbed a shirt, his jacket, and his keys, and jogged through four inches of snow to his jeep. His preferred grocery store was an independently-run place that dealt mostly with organic wares. It sat out of the way on a back road, didn’t draw a lot of attention, so while he was on edge leaving the cabin he felt somewhat safer there than he would’ve at a chain. He grabbed some essentials and a cup of coffee with milk from the shop next door, stopped for a smoke between loading the jeep, and drove back to the cabin, glancing over his shoulder at random intervals just in case. Four and a half hours to go. The closer it came to zero hour, the more full of beans Warren felt. He unpacked his suitcase to pass the time. Shaved. Played music on his laptop, did some last-minute cleaning while trying his best not to start dancing to rid himself of nerves. That didn’t work, and he found himself unconsciously breaking into choreographed routines he hadn't even thought about since high school as he ran wood cleaner over the floor with a mop.
Thriving: Destiny
Warren used his fingernails to pry open the panel under the keypad and examined the thin wiring. "I may be able to let us out," he said. "I got just as much training on the station programming as anyone else here, but I've done my share of tech in a past life. Orlando, give me your music player." He grabbed it from him as it was handed out, and he gave it a once-over in awe. It held a complex custom operating system on a low-end touchscreen device that normally couldn't support such a system, one that Warren hadn't dealt with before. "Did you build this yourself?" "Yeah." Warren looked at him. "This is amazing. You might have to teach me some of this stuff; I never familiarized myself with customizing an OS." "People are panicking through the hallway," Gavin said. "They're running right past here, I don't know what's going on but it looks serious." After popping the back off of the player with a bit of strain, Warren connected some wires and linked it to the room's back-up wi-fi. "Yeah," he said, distracted. "My guess is that there's something wrong with the life support systems."
Thriving: Rebirth
Thrive looked at Sussa. "Are you alright?" "Are you?" "Yes," he said, though his still-open wound felt raw. "I've been dealt worse." They arrived at a secluded clearing in the middle of a fertile patch where a much more technologically advanced shuttle awaited them amongst the drooping trees. Nyra turned to them and scrutinized them carefully. "...You can heal now." Thrive narrowed his eyes at her, but did as suggested anyway. The sting in his face ceased as the wound closed. "It's safe," Gosrah said. "Nyra is on our side."
Thriving: Eternal
"Are you expecting to be [doing this] forever? I've got a limited run here." "What are you suggesting, exactly?" "I'm suggesting what I just said," Warren replied, shutting the door behind him. He attempted to smooth out his tone. "It's time to let someone else help you through all of the madness." Thrive sat back in his chair. "...And you think [they] are ready for those burdens." "Hondris went over an entire legal document for you to make sure nothing would jump out and bite you on the ass later. You've got Calen building new shuttles from scratch, Plio overseeing the construction of an entire [building], Corin's up to his eyeballs in plants that smell like a complete stranger’s unwashed ass...." "They're not ready for responsibilities such as mine." "They so are, but we'll come back to that. Nobody's asking you to dump your entire workload onto them, but they can help you. Give you a much-needed break here and there. You said you wanted to settle down and retire, anyway, didn’t you?" 
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