#this is so xlear what main au im tlaking about i dont even think this cohnts as a vauge post
trixstriforce · 2 years
canonically, the Four Sword has had 5 individual masters, 4 who wielded it under the name "Four Sword" and 3 who have only wielded it as the "Four Sword" individually, and yet the fandom commonly only depicts these heros as 1 or more commonly 2 people??? 3 if we r lucky??? why tho?????
the Hero of Men(Minish Cap Prologue), Hero of the Minish(Minish Cap), 1st Hero of the Four Sword(Four Swords Prologue), 2nd Hero of the Four Sword(Four Swords), and the 3rd Hero of the Four Sword(Four Sword Adventures) r all canonically different people who lived at least a century if not more apart??? long enough for everyone besides the last 2 to become less history more legends in the next Hero's time?????
the Four Sword is the second most powerful weapon in loz, its history is rlly interesting and rich...its nearly as old as Hyrule itself and is the only ancient blade other than the Master sword to have more than 2 Links master it bc iirc the Phantom Blade and Lokomo Sword just have the Hero of Wind and Hero of Spirits
...SO WHY IS IT SO UNDERRATED??? like man yall sleepin on the interesting explorations u could have w/ each Link's relationship to the sword and its legacy but instead shove them all into two ppl or ONE GUY and erase that long history behind the blade and its role in keeping Hyrule safe for CENTURIES in a row w/out need for the master sword to the point ppl in Hyrule have multiple legends and at least 1 festival surrounding its mythos
also?? Vaati is the only villan to be the final boss other than Ganon in multiple games, he was the final boss in 2 and shows up in 3! hes a big deal!!! even if Ganon outranks him he is still a threat Hyrule faced for centuries??? dont downplay him to only face 2 heros when he faced at least 3 maybe 4 but idk if the first Hero of the Four Sword canonically fought Vaati or if it was something vague like the Hero of Men's adversary...still he has history and by the time of Four Swords Adventures hes fucking ANCIENT like easily the oldest not divine being in Hyrule by a LARGE margin at that point in canon...
like, i get merging the second and third hero of the Four Sword bc like...Four Swords and Four Swords Adventures COULD be seen as the same Link bc the games flow into eachother well and for years ppl assume they were the same guy! thats cool, i do not mind this, but still there was another dude who wielded the sword before them in the prologue of Four Swords and then there is the guy who forged the legendary blade like long enough ago for it to be a myth and ALSO the guy who used the blade first and sealed away every single monster for at least a century and was important enough to get a festival...yeah dont forget about those guys even if only 1 of them had a game at least acknowledge the other 2 also had the sword dont just ignore them or merge them into the Links who had games that defeats the purpose of them being in legends...
like, to me, its about legacy and responsibility and repeating history and not about one boy with one rlly cool sword he made/found but a line of Heros who history has not cared to remember in favor of those blessed by the blade of evil's bane...and yall rlly just do not see the irony there when the fanon does not merge every Link who wielded the master sword together into 1 or 2 guys off the basis they *check notes* mastwred the same legendary blade at different times in history
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