#this is speaking from someone who is also autistic and manages to not lie/stalk/emotionally manipulate/guilt trip and harass people :)
monstriiss · 3 years
ooc: I have been on tumblr for 9 years and while I have encountered some unpleasant people I have never felt it necessary to actually go out of my way and post a call out on them, and it’s good to be skeptical of call outs because you can never tell if there is a motive behind it, but just look at how many people have been hurt by miles and its the same story EVERY TIME. He has no respect for your boundaries, he will guilt trip, lie, harass and bully in order to get what he wants and then play the victim card if he doesn’t get his way. Don’t get me started on the copious amounts of shit he has done like grooming minors, shipping incest etc. I used to scoff at DNI’s before but I’m so tired of seeing this nasty person slithering his way into friends when I know he’s just going to use them. I’m sad because I know I’m going to lose friends over this, but I need to do it for my own sake. So yeah, don’t interact if you follow miles please and soft block me. Just please be fucking careful.
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