#this is still leftover thoughts from yesterday and people using ‘oh but im a Film Student’ as the entirety of their analysis argument
aemiron-main · 1 year
I say this with Love In My Heart but some of you guys need to realize that going to film school does not matter nearly as much as you think it does. Your status as a film student is not a substitute for an actual argument or actual evidence, nor is it an effective way to try and rebuke actual arguments/evidence. It doesn’t matter WHAT you’re a student of because what matters at the end of the day is evidence and analyzing that evidence effectively, and you sure as fuck don’t need to be a film student to do that, especially not with how much information about the filmmaking process is available online now.
Are some film school experiences and knowledge valuable depending on the topic and circumstances and what evidence is available? Yes! But your status as a film student is never going to be more credible than what’s actually being said by ST production themselves, nor does it trump what’s being shown in the show, and it’s also not a substitute for nor a rebuttal of actual evidence.
Like I said yesterday, I don’t care what “actual film students,” think when it comes to topics where we have information from the ST production team themselves. As well, your experiences in film school are not the same as working on the ST set, and going to film school does not make your analysis or opinion more valuable or well-founded than others’ because what matters is evidence and effective analysis of that evidence, not whether or not you can afford to go to film school. Anyone who gets into film school is a “film student,” and that alone doesn’t add any extra value to your arguments.
“Well, I’m a film student!” Isn’t an argument. It’s not a piece of evidence either. Your status as a film student does not add any extra inherent worth to your analysis- what matters is your evidence and how you can use it to prove your point. There’s certain analytical techniques you may have learned in film school which are valuable, but talking about those specific analysis techniques (which can also be learned outside of film school) is different from just expecting people to believe you because Youre A Film Student.
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