#this is such a good question tho anon your minddd
kenzie-ann27 · 1 year
do you think stewy has ever loved anyone he’s ever dated as much as he loves kendall?
Honestly, I don't think so. No matter what, Stewy always goes back to Kendall; Stewy is Kendall's kicked dog, and I don't know if Stewy himself knows that or not. Maybe he sees a lot of their 30 years of history and believes it's love, that Kendall wouldn't possibly be using him all that time (or maybe he does know that, and he just doesn't care). Of course, Stewy uses Kendall just as terribly, but anyone who's anyone would be stupid not to use Kendall Roy to some extent. But they're friends, so it's okay. They fuck each other just the same.
But Stewy has to enjoy being kicked around by Kendall. We're talking about a 30-year friendship here. Stewy is fucking Sisyphus gathering up his love every day just for Kendall to kick him back down. And it's all for that one look, that one touch, that one hug, that one kiss, just for Stewy to know to keep at it, that Kendall will let him in eventually, that he will chip away at that dam of repressed feelings. And Stewy is such a smug bitch that part of it is just to get under Logan's skin. To be the one person in the world that gets to fuck Logan Roy's son. It's almost like a game to him, to cause and to be some gaping wound in the Roy family legacy, to be ever present and ever near, yet never totally part of it, always somewhere on the sidelines. It's a very, very interesting dynamic, him and Kendall, and he knows it. He knows it, and that's the most addictive drug of all to him.
It'd be hard for Stewy to meet someone now and love them as much as he "loves" Kendall, because Kendall will always have that history. And I don't know if anyone could compete with that history, or Kendall's money or fame, or that pinky promise they made each other in Kendall's tree house that Stewy would be there when Kendall takes over Waystar. That's their love, and I don't think there's anyone that could fill that void if Kendall isn't the one doing it.
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