#this is the meanest threat I think I've ever come up with
I'll make ron desantos your governor
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Dabi would punch a kid who was rude to his kid on the playground
Of course 10000% Just because you refuse to be a menace to society like him and will literally be nice to every stranger that comes your way even if they tried to hurt you (because let's be honest, baby reader ain't getting hurt as long as Dabi is around), doesn't mean he's going to shy away from violence, because that is the only language most people understand.
Let's say a kid has been bullying you, and you're such a sweet thing that you didn't even know what "bullying" was, or why that kid was being mean to you, so you never bothered to complain to your father. But then the day you return from school with a small but slightly deep gash on your forehead, Dabi is CONCERNED.
"Baby? Are you okay? What happened?" Dabi asks, picking you up to inspect the gash.
You gave him a toothy grin as he lifted you up, before pecking his nose when he pulled you closer. "Yeah! I fell off the swing!"
"Fell of the swing?"
You nodded, playing with the loose staple on his cheek. "Mmmhmm. I was on the swing and then my friend came and he pushed me too hard and I went flying!"
"And then you hit your head?"
You shook your head. "No, no! I landed on my feet the first time. But then I got back on the swing and he pushed me hard again but I didn't fly this time, I just fell! Then he laughed, and I laughed. Silly me, daddy!"
Pushed two times? Dabi never really believed in coincidences but he didn't wanna beef with some kid until he's sure.
So the next time you go to school/park, Dabi comes along. And when he spots the boy who "pushed you accidentally", he knew instantly the kid was a bully who had no good intentions for you. The moment the kid tried to push you off, Dabi immeadiately caught the swing (and you along with it).
"Y/n? Sweetie, will you go and get the water bottle from bench over there? Good girl." He watched you skip along and just when you were out of earshot, Dabi gave the meanest glare to the bully as he crouched down to his level, holding his arms so he couldn't run away.
"Now, listen here you little shit. That girl is my daughter, and I know what you've been trying to do. Now since I have never introduced myself before, I'm going to be lenient with you." Dabi's hands began to warm up, not enough to burn but enough to cause severe discomfort and make the threat clear. "If you ever hurt Y/n again, if you even think about it, I will know. If you hurt her, I will hurt you more. If she cries, I will make sure you cry harder. If she even has a pebble in her shoe, I will stone you to death. If she's in pain, I promise you- you will fucking regret it. I don't give a single shit if you tell on me- I will hurt everyone you care about too. Do you understand?" The boy with tears in his eyes nodded shakily.
Dabi looked over his shoulder to where you were and saw you struggling to hold the 1L water bottle. Honestly, you looked so cute with your little face puffed up as you used all your might to carry the bottle that was almost your size.
So cute.
He looked back at the kid who was trying to escape Dabi's death grip, but he only patted him on the shoulders before a manic grin appeared on his face.
"Now, its good that we've made things clear. However, you still pushed my daughter and she's got a scar on her forehead. Will it heal? I don't know, but I do know that I need to return the favour. So, hold still. This won't hurt... much? I don't know I've never done this before."
And with that, Dabi singed off the bully's eyebrows, the boy yelping in fear more than in pain.
"An eye for an eye, kid. Remember what I said." Dabi said before turning around and walking to help you.
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Natsuo is both in shock and also laughing his ass off once he heard about Dabi burning off a kid's eyebrows off.
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glossolali · 2 years
TLOVM Ep 12 Twitch Watch Party Summary
- There will be no consequences to Grog taking Sylas's blood sword, nothing at all haha
- It's SO GOOD UGH (Vax and Keyleth dying scene)
- Can you make sure your mouth and nose is covered by the mask? (lol about Percy's plague mask)
- What if they started kissing??? (Percy and Delilah... uh ok :D)
- Taliesin: To me, it's always a sad upset crying face behind the mask .... aw :-(
- They laugh at Delilah being dragged around by Scanlan's hand lol
- This is why it's so good to work in animation, you get to make freaky dream sequences of Percy's personal hell
- The demon gives Percy extra power, that's why his gun doesn't run out of bullets even though we've been having a hard time counting shots all throughout the 11 episodes otherwise
- Orthax's sound design and all the ups and downs in Matt's voice are so good, props to the sound designers
- Taliesin loves every single shot of this so much (Orthax and Percy scenes)
- (Watching the intense Percy and Cass and Delilah scenes very intently)
- (Everyone's cheering/laughing about Delilah being killed oop)
- Taliesin: I will never forgive you Sam, for throwing Pepperbox in the acid, Sam: Well, I was right
- The shiny shirtless guy Scanlan hits on is Phil Bourrassa, who is the incredible character designer, he said "no you don't understand I want to fuck Scanlan so bad, put me in there!" (LMAO)
- Everyone says "awww" like a LOT during the Vaxleth rejection and a lot of the Kiki scenes in general
- Beau was in the chamber at that point if Keyleth had died in this arc (WHAT OMG - Beau in VM would have been SO WEIRD i hate it aaaa)
- Matt: A-ok, would you like me to point you somewhere? (in the stupid suntree voice LOL)
- Emon is so beautiful! Nothing could ever go wrong, it will stay protected forever! *clown emoji*
- Oh, what are those in the distance? An eclipse! Several eclipses! Really expensive sky writing! Weird gender reveal party!
Q: When is season 2 coming? Will you tell us when you know? Do you know? Do YOU know?
A: We have no idea (Taliesin says no no no no, Matt fake cries) Q: Tell us about Percy's guns and how the idea of him inventing guns came about.
A: I was having a bad year and processing some trauma and thinking about death, I wrote a manuscript while thinking about a man who invented the first gun, like what would drive someone to invent the first gun? Also was listening to Black Rider by Tom Waits, which is about a man who sells his soul to the devil for bullets that never miss, except for one bullet that only the devil knows where it will go - so a mix of things. This is a thing and I've never tried it before, but Matt let me get weird (Matt: never thought about firearms in a fantasy setting, we were playing Pathfinder and there was a gunslinger class, but this is one thing I'd be interested - unique challenges and consequences to creating guns for the character, it worked!)
Q: What is going through Delilah's head as Percy is plotting his revenge and how to tear her to pieces?
A: She had just lost her love, I think at that point she had just given up and was just like "Kill me and put me out of my misery" but she made sure to say the meanest things possible before she left to speed it up
Q: Final battle is Percy and his demon Orthax against VM, walk us through how you chose for his inner demon to be the penultimate threat of the season.
A: In the campaign it was more of a traditional battle, we just hit him until his health was at zero cause that's how the game works. But this is animation so we get to delve into more mind-fucky stuff. We don't want to just have the good guys go after the bad guys, it's more complex than that. The whole season was about Percy's revenge, and what was going through Percy's mind, so we got to go in Percy's/Taliesin's mind. We never gave too much and we never gave anything away too quickly, it turned out amazing!
Q: Orthax Percy design!
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A: We were debating eye shape and other elements, and Phil went on explorations of what Percy would look like if he got taken over completely. We just let him off the chain, and it was fucking cool but not quite right for Vox Machina. It's really Final Fantasy! But it's funny because the campaign we were in at the time (Mighty Nein) this would be very appropriate - there were red eyes there too.
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Q: Uhhhh.. that cliffhanger??? What's up with those dragons?
A: You mean just the innocent winged creatures in the migrational pattern? (they all make bird noises lol) I'm sure it's totally innocent. Keen eyed viewers may have noticed an earlier battle this season that may cause some ramifications now. It MIGHT have something to do dragons, you'll have to wait and see.
Q: Anything you regret not being able to fit in to the first season?
A: Maybe a bit more of the Briarwoods backstory, but nothing we regret. Most of the key moments made it into the show, we needed to constantly move and shift things around to make sure that it stays fresh, and just because we left something out doesn't mean we won't include it in future seasons.
Q: Favorite scene to voice record?
Grey: Delilah's bloody death gurgles
Taliesin: The Orthax mask bit when I first got to get into the deep voice in episode 3. I love yelling at y'all, I loved every moment of it
Sam: Enjoyed recording for the music, for Scanlan's songs, cause I did that at midnight when the kids were asleep and the house was silent (everyone sings 'Beads of Love', Travis: MOM he's doing the thing again!!!)
Travis: "I would like to rage", Mary Elizabeth (Voice Acting Director) was like "Is that all you got? Do it again" So Travis really went for it next time, Mary Elizabeth is an amazing conductor - and the twins, hearing them sink into the heart of the two characters, Laura and Liam always level set for us and we just rise to it, they don't get a lot of praise, but they're the acting heart of the show (me: THEY BRING IT TO YOU EVERY CAMPAIGN!!!!! i love those two)
Matt: The earlier subtle couple stuff with Delilah like the domestic stuff.. we make breakfast, we kill a few people, like at the dinner party, that comfortable confidence when they're both arm in arm with other people around - something delicious about it!
Matt: We did it Critters, you made it happen and we hope you're as proud of this as we are, because you did this, it's incredible - YOU DID THIS! IT'S YOUR FAULT! All the artists and designers, y'all did the damn thing! And again to Sam and Travis for carrying this show on their backs! (APPLAUSE AND PARTY POPPERS WEEEEE)
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That's it for Season 1! Good night Critters!
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