#this is the most accurate bc tom loves her ass
motelpearl · 4 months
fuck j///kr she can choke
but yall I've been watching (pirating forever ofc I dont even have any means of acquiring them legally) the h*rry p*tter movies (not reading the books bc theyve long since been donated & if I may be so frank were honestly boring & full of irrelevant bullshit especially order of the phoenix onwards she definitely was surrounded by yesmen. did she fire her editor?) anyway I've been watching them for reasons I will not be disclosing at present but I can assure you those reasons are most noble/embarrassing/on brand &
the amount of anti irish racism(? if you can call it that idk europeans are ass backwards on everything) is staggering like we talk about her transphobia & antisemitism & fatphobia & racism towards poc at length but the anti Irish shit is in literally every movie like the fact that the irish kid is not only named seamus o'finnegan but his first appearance is him trying to turn water into rum & then it blows up & blowing things up is his whole gag throughout the series & then when the death eaters commit a whole fucking terrorist attack at the quidditch world cup (side note the focus on quidditch was one of the things that bored me so much about the books like your audience is nerds & you write at length about the intricacies of wizard hockey who caaaaares) one of the weasleys says "oh the irish must be celebrating" LIKE WHATTTT IM SCANDALIZED HOW DID THAT GET THROUGH SO MANY PEOPLE ONLY LIKE 10 YEARS AFTER THE TROUBLES ENDED
also people used to compare me to luna lovegood all the time when I was a kid which I took as a compliment then (bc I was a fucking nerd & would tell people I spoke parseltongue [& klingon] & would pretend to open automatic doors with alohomora & went to school dressed as a dementor) but now I'm like first of all that was NOT accurate I was way quieter & creepier & bitchier & more rednecky & weirder in a less palatable way than her but also SHE'S SOOOO GODDAMN ANNOYING LIKE I GET IT THAT WAS CUTE & QUIRKY AT THE TIME BUT NOW IM JUST LIKE UGH I KNOW PEOPLE LIKE HER & THEYRE ALL PAINFULLY INSUFFERABLE TAKE THOSE GLASSES OFF SIT DOWN
also I dont expect much from romances that take place in high school but godddd all the romances in this are so bland like harry & ginny might as well be a brick wall trying to seduce a wood plank (also I just hate seeing child actors pretending to be in love it gives me secondhand embarrassment like dont yall have blocks to play with or something? get back in the playpen) also I hate to say it but ginny as a character is so nothing like what traits does she have other than "nice"? shes defined by nothing except her relation to men like shes ron's sister & harry's girlfriend & that's about it (also i know literally nothing about acting so maybe I'm just yapping but I dont think she was particularly well-acted either though maybe that's just because the actress had so little to work with) (yes I know she was more outspoken in the books but she still annoyed me then SORRY!)
also I've seen all these movies but I was wondering "why do I remember so much of the first 4 but so little of the last 4 even though I literally saw order of the phoenix in the theatre" & now I realize its because after goblet of fire they become very depressing & admittedly still gripping but not necessarily fun to watch (& the things that are supposed to be lighthearted are so nonsensical like did we really need to see aragogs funeral & ron hoeing around? I feel like so much of half blood prince could've been cut out or replaced with more productive stuff ie. deeper explanation of horcruxes & showing how tom riddle became voldemort) like hedwig getting straight up murdered just feels egregious
I can never tell if helena bonham carter is a good actress or not like is bellatrix supposed to be like That
seeing the marvel reddit millenial cringe erm that just happened humor kicking in right in 2010 is crazy
ok maybe this makes no sense but the comparison between voldemort & hitler is old news at this point but was mcgonagall putting all the slytherins in the dungeon for the actions of a few of them an analogy for japanese internment or am I literally insane....does that make snape italy (also speaking of snape the way his outfit in the movies has sleeves so long they give him constant sweaterpaws makes me laugh. assigned uwu at costume department)
harry falling in love with a girl who looks just like his mom....not even wizardry can stop freud (also people have probably pointed this out idk idc i dont interact with the greater culture around this & didn't even when I was a big fan bc the fandom has long since made me want to commit atrocities but it pisses me off how everyone says harry has his mother's eyes to the point where its snapes last words before the biggest reveal in the series when hers are brown & his are blue & they're green in the book like ONE JOB ONE FUCKING JOB)
also the implication that voldemort cursed the defense against dark arts job bc he wanted to keep the younger generation unable to defend themselves shouldve led to harry becoming the teacher of that subject when he grew up instead of becoming a glorified cop like that wouldve closed off that arc (or harry couldve stayed an auror I GUESS & the teaching job couldve gone to neville bc he was the other half of the prophecy idk I shouldnt be investing so much thought into something so trivial & yet)
given what Shes on about these days it's weird how many plot points revolve around school bathrooms (including boys being in the girls bathroom actually saving a girls life) it's literally like one per book
am I stupid. has he been a christ figure all along.
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Gen Kill Reactions: Hannah is a Walking Sin
So I found out today that @ghostyroses​ has NEVER SEEN GEN KILL which, in my humble opinion, is a national travesty. So, naturally, I sent her pictures of the boys and let her guess who the hell they are. I’m impressed.
Title courtesy of Hannah
Me:  Lololol I love it! If you're free now I can send you pics of all the characters I can remember.
Hannah:  *rubbing hands together* LET'S DO IT
Me:  Oh my god okay, here we go. Let me get my arsenal of pictures ready.
Hannah:  *puts military helmet on*
Brad Colbert
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Hannah:  He's cute, I really like his eyes. 
Okay, he looks like a Charles or even a "Charlie". I also like his lips, they look kissable
Me:  He is very kissable, haha
Ray Person
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Hannah:  Okay, I know that's Ray Persons from all the gifsets I've seen on Tumblr.
He looks like trouble though
Like illegal trouble
Me:  Yay!!!!! He is my sinnamon roll
Gabe Garza
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Hannah:  He looks like the kind of guy that makes sarcastic jokes. He also looks like trouble but not illegal trouble lol
I'm gonna guess his name is James????
He has James vibes
Me:  Hes a baby and I love him 😁
Definitely not James lol
1/3 so far
James Trombley
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Hannah:  Aw, he looks cute. Like Burgin kind of cute
Is he like a really sweet guy cause that's what I'm getting
At least I know his name is Trombley from his uniform 😂
His first name looks like a Tom
Me:  Oh boy
Hannah:  Oh no
Me:  Alright moving on
Evan Wright
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Hannah:  He looks like he's a dad
Like he already has kids
Wait, is he a reporter or something??? Like I think I've seen him on Tumblr too
He looks like a Mark
Me:  Ooooooo like half a point for Hannah 😆
Hannah:  Yay! At least that's something
Me: Exactly
Tony “Poke” Espera
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Hannah:  He. Looks. Intense.
Like Joe Toye intense
I can't think of a name because his face is only telling "danger"
He's a Rambo
Me:  Lolololololololol I'm dyinggggg
That is the most accurate description you've given
Jason Lilley
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Hannah:  He looks like a Brit
Like he could fit in with the royal family
Um, I'm guessing his name is like Will or something
Me:  That's fair
Hannah:  Also those lips are juicy
Walt Hasser
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Hannah:  Oh gosh I love his jaw
He looks like a cinnamon roll
Um... His name is Bryan????
Im just staring at his jaw. Just wow
Me:  Hes too pure for this world. He could bring peace to everyone
Rudy Reyes
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Hannah:  Hm... He looks bland... Like the guy who doesn't like pepperoni on his pizza
Um... His name is David???
Or Bruce
He's a Bruce
He's got Bruce vibes
Me:  Oh my god I should've put a shirtless pic
Hold on
Hannah:  Shirtless pic 👀👀👀
I like a guy with abs
Me:  Well that's good for the both of us because this guy is only abs
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Hannah:  HOLY SHIT
Me:  Same guy in both pics hahaha
Hes a BABE
Hannah:  I can't think of a name because HIS PECKS ARE GOING PLACES
His arms are also heavenly
He really is perfect
Alright next guy 
Anthony “Manimal” Jacks
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Hannah:  He looks like the kind of guy who would step in front of a car in a New York accent "im WaLkInG hErE!" Or he's a cowboy
Me:  Hahahaha, I love how theres no in between
One of those is right
Mike “Gunny” Wynn
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Hannah:  I can hear his voice say "what the fuck" like all the time
He looks like a decent guy
Me:  That's pretty accurate
Hannah:  His name is Zack
Me:  Not so accurate lolol but I love it
Hannah:  Or Johnathan
Evan “Q-Tip” Stafford
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Hannah:  He's giving me Talbert vibes
Me:  It's the lip pulling thing right
Hannah:  Again, decent yet funny guy
Me:  Hes my idiot husband and I love him
Hannah:  Ok, I guess you called dibs on him I see
Tim “Doc” Bryan
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This one too
Hannah:  He looks like my dad but younger
I'm not joking, he looks like my dad if he was 30 and buff
So his name is David, cause that's my dad's name
Me:  Oh my god 🙃 hahahaahaha
Craig “Encino Man” Schwetje
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Hannah:  Again, a tense guy. Looks like he wants to deck someone
His name is Austin
I knew an Austin that reminds me of his dude
Me:  I feel like Austin would be a good name for him. That's an apt description
Hannah:  Well that's good I guess lol
Dave “Captain America” McGraw
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Hannah:  He's a toehead
He also looks sad
Like he needs more friends
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Toe head is a perfect nickname for him
Hannah:  I got that right?!
I'm not going to guess his name bc I don't want to screw up 😂
Me:  You got it fairly right. He is a definite toehead
John Sixta
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Hannah:  He looks like a high school gym teacher that everyone is scared of
Me: Accurate af
Hannah:  😂🤣
He would be like "it's dodgeball time! time to die!"
And everyone is trying to run away from him
Because he is hella scary
Me:  That's perfect
Stephen “Godfather” Ferrando
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Hannah:  He has no lips
not juicy enough
He's not Gucci gang
He seems like a nice white guy though
He probably has some Starbucks girlfriend or something
Me:  Oh my god Hannah 😂
Hannah:  What I'm just telling my truth🤣
Me:  I just, I can't hahahaha
Alright, last one of the main guys I can think of
Nate Fick
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I'm not joking he looks exactly like him
Like 80% exactly like him
Hannah:  He's in Louisiana!!!!!
I have to wait another week or two before he comes back
Is his name Nate???
Me:  Holy shit is that the name of coffee boy or character
Hannah: Character
Me:  Well damn you're right
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Me:  Perfection in the last round
I'm impressed
Hannah:  Awesome!!! I am a champion!!! 🤣😂
Me:  Exactly!!!!!!
Now go watch gen kill so you can see what they're really like!
Hannah:  You better post this on Tumblr because this was so much fun
And I will!!!
Round of applause for Hannah everyone. She actually did pretty good!!!
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superbatson · 4 years
tagged by @chestnutblondehead
Rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag some people.
roswell, new mexico
zoey's extraordinary playlist
the witcher
the healing powers of dude
high school musical: the musical: the series
Who is your favorite character in 2?
i feel like i gotta say leif bc he's my icon and i love mtg A Lot. and it wouldn't be wrong, i definitely think leif is my favorite from the show. but i do love zoey too, i have to admit. she's a very close second. (and she would be #1 if i didn't love hot villains so much, lol)
Who is your least favorite character in 1?
can i say isobel? i feel bad saying isobel but i guess with all the possession stuff in s1, i just felt i couldn't like her, especially before we found out about the possession stuff and i thought it was a dual personality thing. i haven't started s2 so maybe she'll grow on me in those eps.
What is your favorite episode of 4?
ughhhh they all really blur together. i mean, not in a bad way, but they were really so closely tied to one another - i guess episode 5, "middle school musical". it was sweet seeing noah and simon supporting amara, and i felt it was a good episode to represent disabled people. i mean, it really shined a light on the way society treats them, and it ended up with said disabled lead amara finally getting her time to shine. who knew she could sing so well?
What is your favorite season of 5?
it's only got the one so far, lol. so i guess i have to say that's my favorite for now, but it probably won't be for long with s2 focusing on a production of batb
Who is your favorite couple in 3?
they're not canon (yet) but geralt/jaskier. obviously. let the bard be gay for the hot monster killer!
Who is your favorite couple in 2?
can i just say leif/tobin to avoid any sort of controversy? so... leif/tobin. (the coder boyfriends!)
Who is your favorite actor in 4?
jace chapman is an excellent child actor. he particularly shines in the scenes where noah is experiencing intense anxiety. they're so similar to how i feel/act/think when i'm anxious, so i was really able to see myself in the character. i have to say, i do love larisa oleynik and tom everett scott too as noah's parents. they're fun, cute, and dorky without seeming incompetent and they really do have noah's best interest at heart. it was really sweet to see and i almost wish they could be my parents, lol. (though i also think they're pretty as hell so that probably wouldn't work out for me, haha)
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
apples and oranges, man. like, one's a cheesy teen drama, another is a heartfelt musical dramedy, and the other is... well, a teen dramedy? okay, so there are some similarities, but it's hard for me to choose. i can say that zep is the one i enjoy most right now, just 'cause it's such a feel-good show to watch with everything going on in the world right now, but overall? i might have to say hsmtmts, just 'cause i really feel so attached to those characters/that world as a whole (even if the pacing of s1 got a little messy at times).
Which show have you seen more episodes of - 1 or 3?
roswell, new mexico. ironically, though, i really need to play catch-up on both. i now have several s2 eps of rnm to watch, and the second half of witcher s1!
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
i literally am noah, let me just put that out there. like i relate to him so much, he's basically me when i was his age, just i'm a girl and he's a boy. i guess if i had to pick a character to be, maybe amara? bc she's a friend of his so she gets to kinda see things from the outside and help him out when he's struggling. (though poor girl is also pining for him hard, ugh, tween love is so messy. i never had a legit crush on a boy till i was 14, so i'd probably be safe in that regard.)
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
wow i really mixed up my own numbers here and started writing about a witcher/zep crossover, whoops
hell no. witcher is a bloody adult fantasy and healing powers of dude is a sweet kids' show. a crossover would never work. (though now i'm thinking about jaskier and geralt being father figures for lost orphan noah and i'm emo. it's such a crack-y concept but i like it lol)
Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
from what i can remember in s1, michael & liz had a fun dynamic. sort of a love-hate thing (as opposed to her and max which was nothing but love). i think they'd make an interesting pair. especially given the end of s1, as they'd bond over their shared grief over max.
What is your favorite episode of 1?
pffft i don't know. i almost wanna say the pilot, just bc it was the first scripted show i'd started watching after, like, a whole semester of barely watching anything, and it also brought me back to the cw after i quit watching the flash. plus, i obviously didn't really know what to expect, so i was impressed with the way the show got me invested in both max/liz and michael/alex in the span of one 42-minute episode.
What is your favorite episode of 5?
i also gotta say the pilot bc it was probably the funniest episode, in that it felt the most like some sort of self-aware mockumentary comedy, and the end cover of "start of something new" made me super nostalgic for the original hsm film. both of those elements kinda faded as the show went on and we got so invested in the characters, so, yeah. it was fun while it lasted.
What is your favorite season of 2?
it's only got the one, so again, that's kinda the only one i can give as my answer? but hopefully it gets renewed for at least a second 👀
How long have you watched 1?
it premiered in... like january, i think, of last year, so... since then. like a year, though as i keep saying, gotta play catch up on s2.
How did you become interested in 3?
henry cavill. yeah, that's it. he's hot and it was his first major project following the rumors about him being out as superman, so i wanted to see what it was all about. also, considering it's netflix, i was kinda hoping we'd see his ass, but apparently we do not. netflix can give us pine penis but not cavill ass. Sigh.
Overall, which show had the better storyline, 3 or 5?
i guess hsmtmts bc it kept me the most engaged? but it was also not bingeable, so. kinda hard to accurately compare the two. but i guess that's my answer, bc witcher was kinda confusing at times (and i haven't watched it since like late december/early january)
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
neither really has an official theme song, unless you count the music that plays over the title card at the beginning of their respective episodes. i guess i like the matching band sound of hsmtmts', but they're both so short to compare to one another.
if you ask me to compare soundtracks, i might also have to give an edge to hsmtmts just bc of the nostalgia factor and their amazing original songs. sorry, zep!
i tag: @waystobewicked @willlamschofield and anyone else who wants to do this bc i'm too lazy to tag rn lol
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hp-again · 7 years
Rereading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Chapter Thirteen - The Secret Riddle
- LOL ron and hermione are just straight up ignoring harry every time he talks about malfoy and like, same. 
- OH WHADDUP PHINEAS i missed your eavesdropping ass 
“I would rather not say just now,” said Dumbledore. “However, I shall tell you in due course.” “You will?” said Harry, startled.
even harry is shook at the idea of dumbledore telling him ANYTHING lol
- guys i want a pensieve so bad. shit sounds dope. i have literally the worst memory i honestly think its NECESSARY 
- fucking hell. merope was super pregnant and had no money so she sold slytherins necklace to borgin and burkes and dude gave her TEN GALLEONS AND THATS IT bc she didnt know how much it was worth. thats so fucked. im so sad/mad. 
“But it is my belief - I am guessing again, but I am sure I am right - that when her husband abandoned her, Merope stopped using magic. I do not think that she wanted to be a witch any longer. Of course, it is also possible that her unrequited love and the attendant despair sapped her of her powers; that can happen.”
meropes life is literally so sad. GUYS this is really depressing
“This time,” said Dumbledore, “we are going to enter my memory. I think you will find it both rich in detail and satisfyingly accurate.”
jesus christ i love dumbledore. 
- was young dumbledore hot? can this be canon? i mean hes wearing a plum velvet suit for christ sake
It soon became clear that Mrs. Cole was no novice when it came to gin drinking. Pouring both of them a generous measure, she drained her own glass in one gulp. 
this lady is my hero. 
- ok mrs cole has had like literally 5 shots of gin in the span on maybe 10 minutes and while im a little worried shes telling us EVERYTHINGGG giving us the good goss
- ew wtf lil tom riddle hung a kids pet rabbit from the rafters. that anyone DIDNT assume he would turn out fuq’d up is a shock to me.
“I knew I was different,” he whispered to his own quivering fingers. “I knew I was special. Always, I knew there was something.”
why wasnt dumbledore more weirded out by this kid? like hes so quick to be like YUP OK IM A WIZARD. compared to harry whos like ‘lol no i just got caught in the wind! thats how i ended up on the roof, yeah!’
- tom is being described as having a commanding tone every time he talks and its giving me a real freaky deaky feel, ya know?
“And be warned: Thieving is not tolerated at Hogwarts.” Riddle did not look remotely abashed; he was still staring coldly and appraisingly at Dumbledore. At last he said in a colorless voice, “Yes, sir.”
“My mother can’t have been magic, or she wouldn’t have died,”
even as a kid he still sees death as the weakest thing a person can do. this chapter got me fucked up.
- oh shit ya even harry says that tom was way quicker than him to believe he was a wizard. wild.
“Did you know - then?” asked Harry. “Did I know that I had just met the most dangerous Dark wizard of all time?” said Dumbledore. “No, I had no idea that  he was to grow up to be what he is.”
“The ring’s gone,” said Harry, looking around. “But I thought you might have the mouth organ or something.” Dumbledore beamed at him, peering over the top of his half-moon spectacles. “Very astute, Harry, but the mouth organ was only ever a mouth organ.”
HORCRUX SEEEEDING god damn jk rowling is genius
well that was an informative chapter. i havent read half-blood prince and deathly hallows nearly as many times at the other books, or as recently so im like learning new things!!!!! v cool, v cool
WELP if you liked this, follow me for more chapters!
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seokjinchuriki · 7 years
82 Truths
rules: once you’ve been tagged you’re supposed to write a post with eighty-two truths and then tag twenty-five people.
tagged by the lovely @mochiminii thanks honey WARNING: yo this gonna be long af so like feel free to ignore/skip
name: linh blood type: i don’t know, so i’m just going to say gold nickname(s): rin, log r/s: dating park jimin. nahhh, single and don’t want to mingle. zodiac sign: taurus pronouns: she/her favorite tv shows: fixer upper, triple d (with guy fieri), kitchen nightmares, and iron chef long or short hair: to my shoulders height: 165cm do you have a crush on someone: park jimin what do you like about yourself: my love for food and my heart of golf right or left handed: right handed list of three favourite colors: black, gray, and white
right now: eating: cheesecake w/ strawberry syrup drinking: soy milk i’m about to: shower for like an hour listening to: btob - movie on Mnet kids: probably never get married: i’d hope so career: as a pharmacist or the proud owner of a dog cafe
most recent: drink: soy milk from a box phone call: my dad bc his car ran out of battery song you listened to: do u dirty by kehlani
have you ever: dated someone twice: yes i have, i was a naive little shit been cheated on: yes lmao, still was a naive little shit kissed someone and regretted it: i suppose so lost someone special: unfortunately yes been depressed: yeah been drunk and thrown up: i’m always the designated driver™ kissed a stranger: ew stranger danger had glasses or contacts: i wear glasses and i look damn good in them
had sex on the first date: nope nope ( i don’t know why there are large ass spaces ™)
broken someone’s heart: noo i dont have the heart to do so turned someone down: i don’t have the heart to do so cried when someone died: yeah, for someone i was really really close to fallen for a friend: i guess
in the last year have you: made a new friend: yep! fallen out of love: no how could you fall out of love with park jimin?? laughed until you cried: i laugh all the time at my own damn jokes met someone who changed you: yeah i guess found out who your true friends were: yeah found out someone was talking about you: i literally dont care kissed someone on your fb list: lmao no
which is better: lips or eyes: eyes but have you seen park jimins lips??? hugs or kisses: hugs. i love hugs shorter or taller: taller romantic or spontaneous: both pls sensitive or loud: a good balance hookup or relationship: relationship troublemaker or hesitant: good balance
first: best friend: my old guinea pig surgery: none sport i joined: tennis vacation: the philippines
do you believe in: yourself: sometimes miracles: a little? love at first sight: not really heaven: feels like only hell exists sometimes
extras: how many people from your fb list do you know irl: a lot i guess do you have any pets: yes, my boy King Mickey™ do you want to change your name: nah i like my name what did you do for your last birthday: ate three cakes what time did you wake up today: 10:43 am what were you doing last night at midnight: laughing at my shitpost something you can’t wait for: for jimin to buy me a Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise last time you saw your mom: just now what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: nothing, i like it rn have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah what’s getting on your nerves: rude and ignorant people
i tag: @tr4sh-s0ci3ty @parkjiminbiased @emjooni @hipsterminseok (sorry if you guys have done this already) and whoever else wants to do it!
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jugggheadjoness · 8 years
the parent trap pt6 // archie andrews
The Parent Trap (6/12)
Words: 1k
Summary-Archie and (Y/N) separate, splitting their twin daughters between them. what happens when ten years later, the pair seem to be reunited in a twist of fate at summer camp?
AN-OKAY SO I’VE NEARLY FINISHED WITH THIS AU!!! I was thinking of doing another au based off a film, so i was thinking 27 dresses with Jughead but idk idk send in your ideas bc it’ll probably be better than mine lmao!
previous masterlist next
(Y/N) sat on the porch with Fred, staring off into the distance. “You know, (Y/N), my son can be a pain in the ass but he really does care for you. God knows how much that boy loves you and normally, I wouldn’t believe that people of your age would be in love but you guys, you guys have been dating since forever. Don’t let this rough patch you’re going through ruin you two as a couple because, you guys understand each other more than the older couples in this town.“ 
(Y/N) laughed at the situation she was like but her laughter turned into a scoff “I can’t be with someone who believes I can’t achieve my dreams though, Fred. You know we fell out because he believes I don’t spend enough time getting to know you but you have been a better father to me than my own father every will be. I’m sorry if it seems like I don’t want to spend time with you, it’s just I get homesick, even after nine years of being here.”
“You see, (Y/N), unlike my own son, I understand why you spend so much time with your family. You’re still sixteen, you shouldn’t be away from them. Archie should understand that and I’ll speak to him about that but for now (Y/N) don’t give up on him and most importantly, don’t give up on yourself.”
Aria noticed two things about Riverdale. The first thing she noticed was that it seemed to be practically empty. It was nothing compared to the busy city life of London. The second was that although the town was basically a ghost town, everyone seemed to pulled towards ‘Pop’s Chock'lit Shoppe’. She had instantly recognised it as the place in which many of her mum’s childhood and teen life was spent. Her mother’s description of the place was accurately perfect. The neon lights buzzing gave somewhat a satisfactory feeling. Something that seemed to calm Aria’s nerves. Her father watched her as she slowly made her way towards the entrance. He noted that she was almost hesitant to enter.
“Morning, I brought breakfast.” Jughead grinned at his niece. “Your mum wants to see you in her office after this.”
“Sh-She doesn’t know, does she?” Amelia asked, looking down at the tray her uncle had placed in front of her. She noticed that her uncle had written ‘Welcome Home’ on the pancake himself, making her grin.
“Your secret is safe with me Amelia. It was about time you two were made aware of each other.” He pushed himself off the bed and strode towards her bedroom door. “By the way, nice work with the accent.”
Amelia picked up a pillow from her side and threw it at her uncle who dodged it. "Good throw, Amelia, your dad’s been teaching you well.“
Aria frowned as Jessica barged into the room she was staying in without her consent. “Jess, you idiot! I could’ve been getting changed.”
“Calm down, you’re as flat as an ironing board, Amelia! There’s nothing to see!” she exclaimed, shutting the door with her foot. “So Tom Mantle has heard about your doppelgänger at camp and wants to see pictures because he doesn’t believe it.”
“Tom Mantle?” Aria raised her eyebrow, he definitely wasn’t spoken about by Amelia.
“Amelia! Don’t tell me camp has made you forget all about Tom Mantle! He’s only the cutest guy in Riverdale!”
Aria’s mind wandered between playing along or telling Jessica her true identity and then finding out the truth between Amelia and Tom. Aria thought it’d be the best to do the latter, despite knowing that it could lessen the time she had with her father. She sighed, barely being able to look Jess in the eye, too embarrassed to tell her she had no clue who Tom Mantle was. “Er, Jess, who’s Tom?”
“You can sto-NO! NO!” Jessica gasped “You two did not swap places! Please tell me, you’re joking! Please tell me, you’re not Aria Jones!”
“Can’t exactly lie to my favourite cabin mate can I?” She shrugged, a smile spreading across her face “You cannot tell anyone, Jessica!“ 
 Jessica nodded eagerly and wrapped her arms around Aria.
Betty knocked on Archie’s door once again, mentally begging for him to turn the music down. She couldn’t stand to hear ‘All I Want’ by Kodaline played once again. She was pretty sure the lyrics would forever be imprinted in her mind. She knocked on Archie’s door for a final time, not even waiting for a response before she entered and found the flame haired boy sat at the foot of his bed, his hair everywhere, dark circles around his eyes and his daughter peering at him through her crib. Ever since, (Y/N) and Aria left, he had made sure Amelia wasn’t alone in her room and made his father move her crib into his room. She stepped over Archie and made her way over to the girl, who kicked in joy at the sight of Betty. "You know, Andrews, you don’t have the right to sulk.” Kevin commented from the door, his eyes never leaving his heartbroken friend. “You being the idiot you are pushed her away.”
Archie looked over to Betty who just nodded at him. She knew Archie was aware he was the reason she left with Aria. (Y/N) had warned him on multiple occasions she was ready to leave with both the twins. He just didn’t know that arguing with her brother would be the final straw. He could recall the moment so clearly. It repeated in his mind. It was the day he lost his girlfriend, best friend and daughter.
“How do you act as if you’re not interested but interested at the same time? I’m so confused!” Aria groaned “I’ve never met this guy before, how am I supposed to show him I’m interested? Oh my God, we’re eleven, my mum would actually laugh at me if she heard me say that.”
“Your mom would what?” Archie asked, taking Aria by surprise.
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