#this is the new version of the five man band trope okay
amazing-spiderling · 2 years
top 5 asks: fics you've read recently, songs you've played on repeat lately, things you bought yourself on a whim, snacks , things that made you happy in the past few weeks, hopes for the new DD series, fic tropes
SO MANY ASKS AhhHHhh I'll do my best!
Top 5 Fics You've Read Recently:
I have to be honest, I do reread a lot of fic!
The Blinker System - MissMoochy (WIP) : Robot Matt! Robot Matt! Robot MAAAATTTTT!!!
Show Me Your Scars - pogopop : I've read this one a few times. It's got that delightful payoff from the emotional hurt that eventually shifts into acceptance and healing
You're On The List of Things I'll Never Leave Behind - yourbestkeptsecret: Ughhhh, yeah the blip would suck for those left behind but I don't hear a lot of people talking about the pain that comes from adjusting when people's loved ones return to a world they don't recognize. Top shelf feels
A Murder of Crows (A Seduction of Foes) - inkforhumanhands: okay maybe I'm biased bc this was a gift FOR MEEEE but it's also an absolutely baller fic and it has all of my favorite things including Murderdock and Foggy in college and CHRISTMAS and it's just GOOD ok
Bad Moon Rising - 94bottlesofsnapple : A werewolf story that jumps right into things and those things are very, very good. Love Matt's characteristic freak-out and Foggy's no-nonsense way of handling things. Probably going to read this again for spooky season.
Top Five Songs You've Played on Repeat Lately
(I don't know that I do endless loops of songs too often, but songs that have cropped up a lot in the last few weeks include)
Cameo Lover - Kimbra, Dream of You - Jazz Emu, Underneath it All - No Doubt, Skullcrusher Mountain - John Coltrane, Black Sheep - Metric
Top Five Things You Bought Yourself ON a Whim
I'm just gonna speak recently because I cannot remember a whole life's worth of impulse purchases. IDK if it's a pure whim, but a dress I wanted that had been sold out showed up on a used site so I snatched it up. One of my favorite musicians released an LP and I was half asleep in bed scrolling on my phone when I saw the announcement but I jumped out of bed to purchase it lol. Some spice packet to make Thai coconut curry soup. Some used copies of various Rock Band games for the X-Box 360. I've missed being able to go to karaoke and this gives me that little bit of fun back. A "Hero Lawyer" figure? Doll? Idk. 12 fancy offbrand marvel man.
Top Five Snacks
I eat a lot of nuts and seeds. Pumpkin seeds/Sunflower seeds and the like. Sometimes I make them into hummus but usually it's just a handful. I like those Snap Pea crisps in the light salt. I'm a little bit addicted to the garlic Bombay mix I pick up at the local Indian supermarket. Greek yogurt with granola or grapenuts cereal. My favorite movie snack is those terrible nachos. XD
Top Five Things that Made You Happy In The Past Few Weeks
Taking my dogs out to the park now that the weather is cool enough to do so. Being giddy with fandom friends over She-Hulk and Werewolf By Night. Getting to use my Halloween sprinkles to make festive baked goods and take them to a small outdoor tea party. Eating half a baguette with nice butter at a cafe. Beating Rock Band 3 on my own and watching all the avatars I made of my blorbos achieve rock and roll stardom in the FMVs.
Top Five Fic Tropes
Hurt/Comfort, Long distance start (penpals, voice or text only etc), Monsters (vampires, werewolves whatever), Mutual Pining, Character Insecurity
Top Five Hopes For the New DD Season
Kirsten McDuffie! Let's bring in more characters from the comics! Some more wtf villains like (but not limited to) Stilt-Man. I mean, Jessica Jones gave us a version of the Whizzer, I feel like there's room for exploration. More of Matt and Foggy's actual friendship so that if/when things get rough for them, it hurts more. >:) A reference to the events of NWH so we have a little understanding of just what Matt remembers from his involvement so we can throw the fanfic authors a bone. SAMMMMMMYYYY!!!!!
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cindereleanor · 3 years
Sometimes a family means two gay dorks who bond over plants, a man who is too much of a nerd to sleep, his “gender assigned as pilot” partner, and the mum friend who really needs someone to be the mum friend to her for a change.
And I think that’s beautiful.
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garrettsthings · 6 years
My Predictions for the Five-Man Band Layout of the New Power Rangers Comic Team
I know I just made a post related to the new team in Boom! Studios Power Rangers comic coming in issue #31, but since issue #30 is coming this Wednesday and I don’t know what’s going to happen (I expect to cry. Loudly and inelegantly), I figured it would be a good idea to put down my thoughts on this as soon as possible.
For those of you who don’t read TV Tropes as obsessively as I do, this is what I mean when I say Five-Man Band. The roles that members of a team of five ultimately fit into in fiction. Since Power Rangers is rather famous for this, I figured it would be especially fitting to put down how I expect the new team will fit into these roles. So without further ado:
The Leader: Kim. Ignoring the fact that she’s front and center in the official announcement art of the team, I really think Kim’s been getting a lot of attention in this comic (of which I approve immensely), especially in GO GO. And while this version of Kim is from a different timeline/universe, I still think she’s going to continue that trend. She’s got some leadership experience fighting against Drakkon, and even after she was brainwashed she seemed to be a high-ranking general in his army. Plus, even though it was stated there was going to be a new villain, whatever situation this new team will be in will be caused directly by the conclusion of Shattered Grid, of which future!Kim is a central player. I think it’s safe to assume she’ll be taking the lead.
The Lancer: Andros. I actually had to think  hard about this one. With Kim as the Leader, any of the other five could pass as the Lancer. Eventually I had to give it to Andros. Not just because he’s the Red Ranger, but because the comic has kind of been painting him as a control freak who doesn’t like being second-guessed or told what to do. And while it has been forever since I watched In Space, I very vividly remember the episode where Andros benched Zhane just because he thought he was coming on to Ashley. I can see that kind of personality butting heads with Kim. Especially future!Kim (though I do expect him to sympathize with her past given what happened with his sister). Not only that, but out of all of the remaining members of this team, he’s been getting the most screentime both in Shattered Grid and in side stories. It feels like the writers are grooming him for something big, so I expect him to be this team’s second-in command.
The Smart Guy: Cam. This is kind of a no-brainer. He created all the gear used by the Ninja Storm rangers and served as their mission control before he became a ranger himself. He’s basically Billy with Kimberly’s snark. And on that note, he and Kim had better be best friends.
The Big Guy: Mike. Okay, full disclosure: I have no idea if it actually is Mike in that armor, but after reading the preview pages for #30, I’m leaning towards yes since I can’t picture the original Magna Defender saying “So you’re a helmet-on kinda guy?” I don’t remember a lot about Mike from Lost Galaxy, but I do remember he was generally a nice guy, but even if he does turn out to be the original Magna Defender, he’s still a good fit for this role. I picked him for the simple fact that he has full plate armor and his Megazord is the bulkiest of the bunch.
The Heart: Tanya. Tanya’s another character I don’t remember much about (I kind of need to re-watch every single season of Power Rangers, okay?) but out of the rangers that will be a part of this team, my memories of her paint her as being the most appropriate to be the emotional center of the team.
The Sixth Ranger: Dark Ranger. I feel like I’m cheating here because none of us really know who this guy even is (I’m pretty sure we all assume it’s Heckyl, but let’s just play along). I picked him because he and future!Kim are the only ones who have never been in a Power Rangers story before. Since future!Kim is both a future version of a character we are already familiar with and has been in this comic before now, the Dark Ranger is the only true newcomer, which makes him a perfect fit for the Sixth Ranger slot. And while we may not know what his personality is, the fact that he’s called the Dark Ranger means we can assume he won’t be very nice. And now that I’ve said that, watch him turn out to be the nicest guy in the world. Watch him turn out to be Justin.
So those are my predictions for the roles each member of the new team will fill. Do you agree? Disagree? Have anything you’d like to add as to why each member belongs where (I feel REALLY bad that Tanya has the shortest section so any help there would be appreciated)? Feel free to reply or reblog with your input!
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