#this is the only use that is valid for a 3d printer
0xo · 10 months
i know my uncles have their reasons for distancing themselves from their parents. valid reasons. but leaving my mum, eldest daughter, firstborn, to shoulder every bit of expense and labor for their parents, for their mother, over the last 25 years is insane. they are entirely spineless and selfish and cowardly. tw: abuse / domestic violence mention
my mum's probably paid four years of ivy league tuition to keep them alive. and as of yesterday they're both dead. both my maternal grandparents. these men couldn't find a shred of compassion for their mother because she didn't "just leave" her abusive relationship when they were kids. be mad at your dad and fuck i guess even be mad at your mom but she lived in fear for her life for so long. she genuinely believed she had to stay or you'd all be killed by him. it was a credible threat. she stayed to try to keep you alive, and you blame her for this.
and the eldest daughter, the one who got it second worst next to your mom, you let her pay for everything and take care of everything and suffer it all over again. not a penny towards her end of life care. not a visit or even signing her birthday card. just signing it. couldn't be bothered. five 3d printers and new bike parts all the time, a hundred rolls of filament - can't just cut a check, even. you hate your mom for being abused and in turn "letting" it happen to you, okay. i get it, you're mad she didn't make the "easy, clear" (impossible, DEADLY) choice to leave, you hate her for that. you hate your sister? the one who did everything for you? it seems like you must because you couldn't even do anything for your mom just to make it easier on your sister. too annoying, too inconvenient. too emotionally taxing to sign a birthday card.
good god, grow the fuck UP. i was kinder to my mum when i was fourteen and actively dying of sepsis. i could barely see because my body temperature was literally cooking my brain and i was still nicer to her than you've ever been in your entire adult life.
and now grandma's dead and you didn't go see her, didn't speak to her, the last thing you said to her was "stop annoying me about calendar alerts" before you went to facebook to bitch about how technologically illiterate your DEMENTIA RIDDEN MOTHER was. and when you were rightfully called on it, you proceeded to act like even more of a bitch.
you can't see anything those women have done for you all your life, you only see what they didn't do. you only see how they failed you. you don't understand anything about what either of them put up with just to give you the chance to get out of there. and you did get out, and fucked up your life of your own accord, and now you're bitter they didn't make it better for you. you've never tried, actually tried, to make it better for them.
maybe this entire family is going to hell for our collective sins against each other and maybe that would serve us all right!
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joomju · 1 year
I need to write a sci fi fic that handles disability gracefully.
By gracefully I mean “different characters have different takes on it and are sometimes foils for each other” and “there are multiple disability narratives and all are valid”.
Like, the replacement arm that is super badass is cool, and should be part of the narrative.
Something something wheelchairs. Floaty chairs? Chairs where the seated person can put themselves at eye level with the 6ft tall man?
A character loses a limb and grieves. And learns to accept it. And moves on. And their life isn’t perfect, and their feelings about it aren’t all warm fuzzies forever, but there’s a sense of closure. I am sooooo sick of these “but my hand is gone foreeever” stories where the loss defines the character in perpetuity. Some people grow and move on.
Why on earth did the replicators only make food, we all know they would be used for custom disability aids like 3d printers.
Brb, gotta go lookup if NASA has sent a 3d printer to the ISS.
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talenlee · 2 years
Game Pile: One Page Rules
New Post has been published on PRESS.exe: Game Pile: One Page Rules
One Page Rules is a family of tabletop material games with the design principle that the core rules for playing the game takes one page (back and front), and each individual faction you want to play can have all its game mechanical information conveyed again, on one page (back and front).
Once upon a time, this kind of thing would be considered an indie game, an extremely streamlined, microgame style arrangement. But the thing that sets One Page Rule aparts is that it has one of the most remarkable potential scopes of any game of its genre I’ve ever seen.
One Page Rules is designed to work with paper miniatures made on an A4 printer. It also can have a hardcover printed rulebook, and a full 3d printed army of system-specific miniatures. Games that operate with paper miniatures and terrain are often unable to scale up – they leave it up to you to customise and make your own material for the game uniquely, or you know, use your other miniatures for that other game.
And yeah, that’s valid, but it also makes the game limited to siphoning players from another, pre-existing space. While lots of attempts can be made to make mini-free, paper-only tabletop wargames (and there are those! And a lot of them are fun and good!), totally new players aren’t as likely to pick them up and make them into their forever game because the trajectory of those games inexorably leads you towards little plastic mans on a board because those are neat little doll toys and we like those things. These games are treated, typically, as introductory games, as cheap alternatives to the ‘real’ games.
One Page Rules instead treats itself as the game system that functions as both an escape from Warhammer‘s existing market capture, and a starter game that has its own means of real expansion, presented in the form of 3d printed miniatures and terrain. It tries to defray the normal, up-front costs and demands of a Warhammer style game game by presenting, at first, a free model, which you can then add to with a patreon subscription model.
This subscription gives you access to more tools, things for customising specific army designs, tools for creating your own ‘army page’ and loadouts, but also STLs for 3d printing. That’s not to say you have to 3d print an army – but if you want to, it’s a very affordable way to get the miniatures. You can even order them as printed miniatures from one of their services, if you’re not investing in a 3d printer.
The result is that this is a print-and-play, free tabletop miniatures game that has an entire upgrade path that you can chase as far as you want even if you stop at ‘I printed it out and played it a few times.’ Normally, print and play games lack scope. There’s only so much they can supply you in your home, with a printer. And One Page Rules is built on the edge of a really genuinely interesting space for the future going forward: We are going to see this technology pushing into this kind of space pretty aggressively going forward.
The simple answer to ‘why I haven’t played it’ is I don’t have anything for it. I don’t have a physical space to play it, and while I have an army of miniatures sitting in a drawer somewhere in my house, I honestly do not know if it’s going to be where I go to look for it. They have support for ‘my army.’ I have a friend who has a Tau army, and I have some Nids, and when we meet up again –
After all these years
Maybe we’ll play with these One Page Rules. They look efficient, they look quick, they look like they capture the spirit of what I want these things to do, and I don’t need to lay out a big pile of money to do it. Even if I was going to pirate a Warhammer codex to get started, so as to keep the costs as close to zero as possible, the models I have wouldn’t necessarily fit the new rules, I would need to sift through complex rules to do it, and then I’d need to print out multiple pages of units to get my handle on how things play.
The thing with this kind of game is that the game being simple and fluid allows for emergent mechanics. The rules systems don’t need to be really complex or handle lots of stuff, because the play experience itself creates a lot of opportunities for interactions of simple pieces to create interesting opportunities for complex decisions. I don’t know how I’m going to see these armies deform around terrain because I don’t have the means to process that in my head (yet), but when I get to play with this system a bit, I’ll learn those things. And then maybe the game will get predictable and reliable, but if that’s the case, then the next step is to start involving the advanced rules, if we agree upon them.
The Game Pile isn’t just for games that are, you know, good, or games that deserve a bollocking. This is a game that I find interesting. It’s a game I find intriguing in how it works and how it’s distributed and how the industry may have to change, in light of things like this.
And this Decemberween you can play it, if you have even a modest printer.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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3ddentalprints · 2 years
3D Technologies for dental process
As mentioned above, 3D technologies should be able to provide greater precision and reduce manufacturing times. But what are the new steps to follow when creating 3D printed dental devices? Oliver Bellaton explains, “The physical impression will be replaced by a 3D digital impression taken by the dentist with an intra-oral scanner (meaning a camera will reconstruct in 3D and in real time the surface of the teeth and gums). This 3D file can then be sent over to the dental laboratory through a secure web platform. The laboratory will review the digital impression and model the morphology of the crown in its design software (CAD), taking into account the limits of the gum, interference with other digitised teeth and even the shape of the patient’s smile with a face scanner. In case of doubt, a quick exchange by split screen with the dentist allows to validate the shape of the crown. The 3D file of the crown can then be sent to a 3D printer for manufacturing. In the near future, the dentist could have the 3D printer directly in the office for simple manufacturing. All digital flow configurations are possible. The process may take only a few hours, which in some cases means that the patient could only be brought in to the practice once.” The result is reduced logistics flows and production times, a personalised system that is much more adapted to the patient’s morphology.
Dentists and dental technicians will therefore have to equip themselves with 3D scanners or printers but also with CAD software, an obstacle for many professionals today. Nicolas Klaus, Dental Product & Business Development at Formlabs explains, “The essential pillars of these new working methods are 3D scanners, CAD software and 3D printing. Generally, there is a point of resistance in the software on which training is not obvious”.
Future of dental 3D printing?
While 3D technologies have significant advantages for the sector, their adoption may frighten some practitioners because it requires a new work logic, training in software, scanners and printers and a certain amount of confidence in these innovative processes. Today, for example, more than 50% of French laboratories have equipped themselves with 3D scanners and machine tools and 20% with 3D printers. These players recorded a 70% increase in turnover, proof that they represent real gains for dental professionals. Anton from EnvisionTEC added, “Most practitioners are very receptive and open to new digital technologies. It is simply a matter of asking clinicians and dental industry professionals to understand and trust the new digital technology and its benefits for themselves, their company and their patients. And of course, education and training play an important role. This is why many manufacturing companies are investing in this field to better understand the technology and its clinical applications“.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: 3d printed dental models Idaho, 3d printed dental model Idaho, orthodontic laboratory, dental lab & digital dentistry. 
Please feel free to visit us at: https://www.3ddentalprints.com/
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mintcad · 7 months
How NFTs Are Revolutionizing The 3D Printing Industry
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The Computer-Aided Design (CAD) industry is finally witnessing a tailwind of technological advancements that are nothing short of breathtaking. The industry, now at the forefront of the tech race, is witnessing cutting-edge solutions that make designing, manufacturing, and precision manufacturing easier than ever.
3D printing? It's nothing if not magic. If watching bits turn into atoms doesn’t melt your heart, I don’t know what would. The tech is revolutionary for jewellery designers, engineers, and manufacturers, transforming digital designs into tangible realities. The digital backbone for their work, allowing creators to easily design highly complex shapes and structures that were difficult or near impossible through traditional methods. It has kicked off a new era where anything can be tailored, ideas can be brought to life promptly, and making things more affordable than ever.
In a world where 3D printing is the protagonist, where is the plot twist? Anybody can duplicate your designs and sell it under their own label. How do we fix this problem? NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are here to save the day. The latest of innovations, the third version of the internet (WEB 3.0), decentralizes and makes intellectual property ownership possible in the digital world.
If 3D printing brings designs to life, an NFT in CAD introduces authority to the designs. Through smart contracts, a complex cryptographic set of rules on the blockchain, each design file turns into a one-of-a-kind asset. 3D printables become unique and ownable digital assets.
Let’s explore in detail the future of Computer-Aided Design and how NFT marketplaces are revolutionizing the industry.
Recent Challenges in CAD Industry
In the realm of CAD and 3D printing, there's a big problem. Picture this, you've invested a significant amount of time and crafted an intricate design, but when it's out there, you're not reaping the full financial benefits for your hard work. There isn't an ideal platform where you can securely share and sell your designs while maintaining control. Some designers, especially in jewellery, are paid measly sums for their fantastic work. Even the folks making the actual 3D files hardly make money selling the files themselves. Imagine developing a revolutionary programming language, but most of the recognition and financial gains go to the entity that uses it, leaving you with minimal returns.
Now, the existing solutions have their own complications. Some allow people to freely download designs, and the original designers receive no compensation once their hard work is disseminated.
Others send you the fully printed 3D model, but it takes an eternity, and if you're a designer without a fleet of high-tech printers, you must share your design with other companies to get it printed and delivered to the buyer. It's like sharing your groundbreaking code with another company to implement. There's also the option of hiring freelance designers, but that's an expensive affair for everyone involved. Clients must invest substantially, and designers end up working tirelessly without much opportunity for career growth.
In this tech-savvy world, there's a dire need for a sophisticated platform where designers can securely share their digital creations, earn rightful compensation, and streamline the entire process. like creating a space where tech innovators finally get the recognition and financial rewards they deserve, without all the unnecessary complexities.
How Can NFT Marketplaces Revolutionize CAD Industry?
In a landscape where CAD designers invest substantial time and effort, the conventional models often fall short in compensating them adequately. With the introduction of NFTs - the revolutionary digital tokens built on blockchain technology, you can not only validate ownership but transform digital designs into tangible, 3D printable assets. The challenges of royalty tracking, ownership control, and fair compensation find solutions in the cryptographic magic of NFTs.
What are NFTs or Non-Fungible Tokens?
Imagine you've meticulously crafted a sophisticated digital blueprint, perhaps a futuristic jewellery design or an intricate mechanical engineering prototype. Now, imagine you digitally sign your name on this creation, in a way that can never every be modified and becomes part of your design’s core metadata.
Your new NFT shows, "This unique 3D model is my creation, and its authenticity is digitally etched in stone for eternity." It's your means of leaving a distinguishable, un-editable mark in the digital landscape of the 3D printable world. Non-Fungible Tokens(NFTs) become the anti-matter for your designs, now stored on the inter-planetary file system.
So, when you create a piece of digital art or anything cool on your computer, minting an NFT is like getting a virtual autograph on it. It says, "Hey, this is the original, and there's no other exactly like it," making your digital things extra special and one-of-a-kind!
To learn more about NFTs, checkout our article about what are Non-Fungible Tokens.
Significance of the Integration of NFTs in CAD
Authenticity in a Digital Landscape
Our team at Mintcad proudly unveils the ultimate solution. The first and best NFT marketplace tailor-made for 3D printable NFTs. Here, you can create Non-Fungible Tokens for your 3D printables, registering your design on the blockchain, granting ownership over intellectual property and transforming it into bona fide digital assets.
A Marketplace of Possibilities
Your newly tokenized CAD creations will gain visibility among a diverse audience. The top NFT marketplaces like Mintcad becomes a digital gallery, showcasing your designs to a global network of art enthusiasts, potential collaborators, and industry influencers. It's a stage where your work will be recognized and celebrated in our online community.
Mintcad introduces a plethora of revenue channels, from auctions, fixed-priced listings, and payment for single prints. As designers, you have the flexibility to choose how you want to present your digital assets, providing a dynamic marketplace for buyers, manufacturers, enthusiasts and creators alike. You can learn more about listing types on our article, How to list your first NFT on Mintcad.
Monetization Opportunities
NFTs not only amplify the visibility of your 3D printable designs, but also opens doors to monetization opportunities. As your designs gain recognition on Mintcad, they become more than just digital art – they become potential sources of income. Collectors and enthusiasts can print your designs once using Mintcad very own slicer software, offering a unique avenue for artists and designers to earn from every print without having your file downloaded.
Designers own the underlying files they create and allow other users to 3D print them for a fee they decide, all through the power of smart contracts. Users can also sell the digital assets to buyers through auctions, fixed priced listing and more. This ensures fair compensation and open transactions, empowering designers to monetize their talents effortlessly.
Providing Scalability to Designers with Mintcad: The Resale Revolution
A notable aspect of 3D printable NFTs, especially on Mintcad, is the emergence of the secondary market tailored for you assets. Much like artists relish ongoing royalty payments from the perpetual sale and resale of their creations, CAD designers utilizing Mintcad can now partake in a continuous percentage share with every transaction involving their digital assets. This transformative feature not only introduces a scalable recurring revenue stream for designers but also acts as a dynamic incentive, fostering the generation of high-quality and innovative designs. We stand for royalties.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
The best NFT platforms aren't just about one designer and their masterpiece, they're about teamwork. Imagine an artist in Japan teaming up with a tech whiz in Brazil to create something amazing. With Mintcad, you can easily team up globally, fostering collaboration and connecting creative minds across the world. It's like the Avengers of design, where different skills unite to create something bigger and better than before.
Future-Proofing Creativity
As we navigate the integration of NFTs in CAD, it's not merely a trend but a strategy for future-proofing creativity. Just as Uber transformed transportation and Spotify revolutionized music consumption, Mintcad urges designers to be the trailblazers of change in the future of CAD.
By registering intellectual property on the blockchain and creating 3D printable NFTs early on Mintcad, designers become architects of the future. The platform incentivizes creativity, attracting users to your creations and adding value to lives. It's not just a marketplace, it's a digital revolution that has already begun.
The Impact: A Revolutionary Future for CAD Files
NFTs don't just turn design files into a scalable career option, they transform them into and outlet for human innovation and evolution. This new paradigm reveals unprecedented possibilities for monetization and collaboration, positioning Mintcad as the gateway to a transformative journey in the world of WEB 3.0 and 3D printing.
This content is originally published on Mintcad's Website: How NFTs Are Revolutionizing The 3D Printing Industry
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fluffy-critter · 9 months
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Modern Futurist: Promising Technologies and Strategies
If you had asked me in the future, say in 1990, what lay ahead, I could have told you something different than I would in 2023. It develops as the reality of what will happen. The bulk of futurists will be mistaken moving forward if you hold their predictions against them. People frequently make references to or have conversations regarding the predictions made by Hugo Wells in his book about what is to come. Despite the fact that the majority of them didn't, many of them did as expected. I've come to terms with the fact that we're in for a celebration that will essentially be just out of reach. As a result, I'll strive today for the future that is physically impossible to achieve. Several breakthroughs that will impact society are what I'll be talking about; I'll also let you know how I feel about the outcome. If it's not too much bother, please be aware that any predictions given are merely evaluations; they are not predictions of reality; rather, they are conjectures. They aren't even really the stage after a gas. They are only gases, which is merely a generalization. Until further notice, they are essentially conjectures that may eventually develop into theories.
The 3D printing and scanning industries will continuously advance. I tested over 20 various 3D scanners, and I can confidently declare that today's technology is far superior to that of a few years ago when it comes to 3D scanning. As technology advances, so do 3D printers. The 3D printing market has exploded in terms of capacity. I can use a laser to create something out of wood or metal, and 3D printers let you add plastic or perform laser etching. Finding out how to perform 3D filtering is something I've been working on. By using 3D filtering, I can examine actual goods and then print them on a 3D printer. The next invention to go off will be 5G. With 5G, that being the case, and in the event that you are sufficiently fortunate to be in some of the great data transmission 5G regions and the company you use supports them, you'll discover that having a conversation and connecting to the Web with one more device through your phone is simple and successful. The fact of biological effect is my final expectation for the near future in this futurist mix post. Green things are definitely in store!
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Value: $509
Flexible Build Plate
Hands-free Auto Leveling
Impressive speed
Auxiliary Cooling Fan in Chamber
Among fans of 3D printing, the new Creality model has drawn a lot of attention. The speed of the Creality K1 High Speed 3D Printer is one of its key characteristics that has generated the greatest curiosity. Smooth printouts are transmitted at speeds up to 600 mm/s, which is many times faster than a typical 3D printer. K1 delivers a boot-up fast help and is assembled and calibrated before shipment. Simply start printing the moment your K1 arrives. Give K1 a tap, and it will independently test the extruder, heatbed, camera (at your discretion), fan, evening out, and other items. Any deviation noticed will influence the presentation. Clients can proceed in this manner without incident. It works well with many textiles and is tacky and heat-safe. The model base is clear and smooth due to the lightly frozen surface. Flexible for quick print evacuation. Look at the 3D Printers Online Store, if you're more interested in purchasing a quick machine. I should clarify that my theories about the future go beyond conjecture. They are, in fact, valid deductions. Yet, they are not theories. Even if I live in a fantasy world where I wish they were, reality makes it clear they are not. I really do believe that the future will be bright because of the glare from solar-powered exhibitions, not because the majority of the world's developing species have effectively been wiped off by environmental change.
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glickgroupglobal · 1 year
The Impact of Digital Tools on Industrial Design: Revolutionizing Creativity and Production
In the fast-paced world of Industrial Design, the application of digital tools has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionizing both creativity and production processes. As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, these digital tools have become invaluable assets for designers, allowing them to bring their visions to life with unprecedented precision and efficiency. From 3D modeling to virtual reality simulations, the impact of these tools on the industrial design landscape is undeniable. In this press release, we will explore the profound influence of digital tools in the field of industrial design, delving into the ways they have not only transformed the creative process but also enhanced productivity on a global scale. Join us as we dive into the world of digital innovation and its far-reaching implications for the future of industrial design. Welcome to Glick Group Global's exploration of the impact of digital tools on industrial design!
Glick Group Global, a leading industrial design firm, is at the forefront of embracing digital tools and harnessing their potential to revolutionize the field of industrial design. With the advent of advanced technologies such as computer-aided design (CAD), virtual reality (VR), and 3D printing, Industrial Designers are now able to push the boundaries of creativity and redefine the way products are conceptualized, prototyped, and manufactured. These digital tools have allowed designers to explore complex geometries, iterate designs rapidly, and validate concepts efficiently, ultimately resulting in enhanced levels of precision, functionality, and aesthetics in the final products. Additionally, the integration of digital tools has significantly accelerated the production process, enabling designers to reduce time-to-market and cater to the ever-changing demands of consumers effectively.
The introduction of automation in manufacturing processes has further streamlined production, ensuring higher levels of accuracy, consistency, and scalability. As a result, industrial design has evolved into a multidimensional discipline, blending artistic vision with technical proficiency and business acumen. The impact of digital tools on industrial design has been transformative, propelling the industry into a new era of innovation and redefining the role of designers as pioneers in creativity and production.
In today's fast-paced and technologically advanced world, the impact of these digital tools cannot be overstated. With the advent of computer-aided design (CAD) software, designers now have the ability to create intricate and detailed models with incredible precision. This not only saves time but also allows for much more experimentation and iteration in the design process. Additionally, the integration of virtual reality (VR) technology has further expanded the possibilities for industrial design. By immersing themselves in a virtual environment, designers can now visualize their creations in a three-dimensional space, gaining a better understanding of how their designs interact with the surrounding world. This enables them to make informed design decisions, resulting in more user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing products. Furthermore, the use of 3D printers has completely transformed prototyping and production processes. With these printers, intricate models can be produced in a matter of hours, eliminating the need to outsource and significantly reducing costs. As a result, companies like Glick Group Global have been able to bring their innovative designs to the market faster than ever before. In conclusion, the adoption of digital tools in industrial design has had a profound impact on both creativity and production, enabling designers to push boundaries and bring their ideas to life with increased efficiency and precision.
In conclusion, the integration of 3D printers in prototyping and manufacturing has revolutionized the industrial design industry. The speed and cost-effectiveness of these digital tools have provided companies like Glick Group Global with unprecedented opportunities to unleash their creativity and deliver innovative designs to the market at an accelerated pace. The advent of 3D printing has undoubtedly opened new horizons for designers, empowering them to push boundaries, unleash their imaginations, and materialize their ideas with greater efficiency and precision. As technology continues to advance, it is exciting to envision the future possibilities that will arise for industrial design, further enhancing the creative process and bringing even more groundbreaking concepts to life.
For more details, Visit: https://www.glickgroupglobal.com/
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Phone: 612-567-0284
1560 Rhode Island Ave N. Golden Valley MN, 55427
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3dprintingdxb · 1 year
Amazing 3D Printing services in Dubai
Amazing 3D Printing services in Dubai - Dubai, known for its architectural wonders and futuristic vision, has become a hub for groundbreaking technologies. One such technology making waves in this dynamic city is 3D printing. In the realm of additive manufacturing, Inoventive 3D Printing Dubai has emerged as a pioneering force, offering a range of amazing 3D printing services in Dubai. Let's delve into the world of Inoventive 3D and discover the remarkable advancements it brings to the table.
Unleashing Creative Possibilities: Inoventive 3D stands as a beacon of innovation, enabling businesses and individuals to transform their ideas into tangible realities. With their cutting-edge 3D printing solutions, they empower designers, architects, engineers, and entrepreneurs to bring their wildest imaginations to life. From concept modeling and prototyping to intricate architectural structures, Inoventive 3D caters to diverse industries with a blend of precision and creativity.
State-of-the-Art 3D Printing Technology: At the core of Inoventive 3D's success lies its investment in state-of-the-art 3D printing technology. Leveraging advanced printers, such as Robotic 3D Printing with AI Support for extreme precision, Stereolithography (SLA), and concrete 3D Printing, they ensure high-quality prints with exceptional accuracy and resolution. Whether it's intricate details, complex geometries, or large-scale projects, Inoventive 3D's technology is up to the challenge, delivering remarkable results every time.
Versatility Across Industries: Inoventive 3D's versatility knows no bounds when it comes to catering to various industries. They have left an indelible mark on architecture and construction, where 3D-printed models and scaled prototypes aid in visualizing designs and identifying potential flaws. The automotive industry benefits from rapid prototyping, as it allows for swift testing and validation of new vehicle designs. Medical professionals rely on Inoventive 3D for precise anatomical models and custom implants, revolutionizing patient care. Additionally, the fashion, education, and consumer product sectors have all experienced the transformative power of Inoventive 3D's services.
Collaborative Approach: Inoventive 3D stands out not only for its technical prowess but also for its collaborative approach. They work closely with clients, understanding their unique requirements and offering tailored solutions to suit their needs. From initial ideation to the final product, Inoventive 3D ensures constant communication and feedback, fostering a seamless and productive partnership. Their team of skilled professionals provides expert guidance, ensuring clients achieve the desired outcomes with maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
Sustainability and Future Outlook: Inoventive 3D places great emphasis on sustainability, utilizing eco-friendly materials and optimizing production processes to minimize waste. Their commitment to environmentally conscious practices aligns with Dubai's vision of a greener future. As 3D printing continues to evolve, Inoventive 3D stays at the forefront of innovation, exploring new materials, techniques, and applications. Their ongoing research and development initiatives promise exciting advancements in the world of additive manufacturing.
Inoventive 3D has carved a niche for itself in Dubai's 3D printing landscape, providing amazing services that push the boundaries of creativity and technology. With a commitment to excellence, versatility across industries, and a collaborative approach, Inoventive 3D has become a trusted partner for businesses and individuals seeking to harness the potential of 3D printing. As Dubai continues to embrace innovation, Inoventive 3D remains at the forefront, ushering in a new era of 3D Printing technology to the Middle East. Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Call/WhatsApp: +971 52 595 9616 | +971 58 658 6675 | +971 52 912 4985 | Email: [email protected] | https://inoventive3d.com/ | https://3dprintingdubai.ae/ | https://3d-printing.ae/
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vewormatter · 2 years
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The following applies to HP systems with Intel 6th Gen and other future-generation processors on systems shipping with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 Pro systems downgraded to Windows 7 Professional, Windows 8 Pro, or Windows 8.1: This version of Windows running with the processor or chipsets used in this system has limited support from Microsoft. Discounted or promotional pricing is indicated by the presence of an additional higher MSRP strike-through price HP’s MSRP price is shown as either a stand-alone price or as a strike-through price with a discounted or promotional price also listed. Contract and volume customers not eligible. Orders that do not comply with HP.com terms, conditions, and limitations may be cancelled. Items sold by HP.com are not for immediate resale. These terms apply only to products sold by HP.com reseller offers may vary. Correct prices and promotions are validated at the time your order is placed. Despite our best efforts, a small number of items may contain pricing, typography, or photography errors. Quantity limits may apply to orders, including orders for discounted and promotional items. Price protection, price matching or price guarantees do not apply to Intra-day, Daily Deals or limited-time promotions. Laserjet, utilizing powdered ink or printer toner by using infrared devices in its printing.Prices, specifications, availability and terms of offers may change without notice.Inkjet, making use of liquid ink in the printing process.The prints resemble dots that are linked to every other. Dot Matrix, the principle resembles a typewriter, in the printing procedure utilizing the bow approach.Line printer, the idea is also practically the like a typewriter like Sissy Whell and generates the exact same outcome as daisy whell but the procedure is much faster.The printing procedure is done personality by personality. Daisy Whell, still has practically the exact same concept as a typewriter.Sort of printer based upon its technology A printer was originally just a tool made use of to print files that presented data in the kind of message, photos and also graphics into sheets of paper. Call it the feature of the printer to replicate papers (such as a photocopier), to scan (scanning) and to send data (facsimile machine). Along with being used to publish a file, the printer also has various other functions that have been adopted from other modern technologies. The HP Deskjet 2540 function of the printer is as a device to print a document, ranging from text, pictures, as well as a mix of message and images. Individual printers are made to sustain a customer or on a solitary computer system, while network printers can be used on more than one computer on the very same network. When watched in terms of usage, printers can be categorized right into individual printers, network printers, online printers, and also 3D printers.
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Hp Photosmart 2605 Driver Update, Setup, Wireless Setup.The primary feature of the HP Deskjet 2540 printer is as a digital data printing tool that has been refined by the computer system, although in the meantime there have actually been several technological developments, so that the printer function is no more as a printing machine, but can additionally be utilized to prepare and also can likewise be used as a photocopier. Many printers are and also are installed by unique cables, but the modern-day type used is a USB cable television that is linked into the computer as well as acts as the source of the document. Hp Deskjet 2540 Driver, Install, Wireless Setup – In the computer/computing world, a printer is a peripheral device used to create graphic depictions or text in paper type.
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veworgrand · 2 years
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As PC technology has grown the original uses for the extension have become less important and have largely disappeared from the PC world.Įarly versions of the doc file format contained mostly formatted text, however development of the format has allowed doc files to contain a wide variety of embedded objects such as charts and tables from other applications as well as media such as videos, images, sounds and diagrams. 2 Click Start Conversion, Foxits service will then convert your PDF to Word document (.docx), and then wait for the conversion to complete. We can also email you a link to your FREE PDF to Word files, which will only be valid for 24 hours. 1 Drag and drop your PDF file onto our online PDF to Word converter. It was in the 1990s that Microsoft chose the doc extension for their proprietary Microsoft Word processing formats. When your PDF file has been converted to a Word file, you can access your new editable Word document by downloading the convert PDF to Word file to your computer and viewing the conversions in your browser. Almost everyone would have used the doc file format, whenever you write a letter, do some work or generally write on your PC you will use the doc file format. You can select batch conversion and partial conversion as you wish. As a standalone program, it does not depend on any other program such as Adobe ® Acrobat, Acrobat ® Reader or Microsoft ® Word. Historically, it was used for documentation in plain-text format, particularly of programs or computer hardware, on a wide range of operating systems. It is able to convert PDF to Word document with unchanged original pages, images, hyperlinks, etc. They do not encode information that is specific to the application software, hardware, or operating system used to create or view the document.ĭoc (an abbreviation of document) is a file extension for word processing documents it is associated mainly with Microsoft and their Microsoft Word application.
A PDF file can be any length, contain any number of fonts and images and is designed to enable the creation and transfer of printer-ready output.Įach PDF file encapsulates a complete description of a 2D document (and, with the advent of Acrobat 3D, embedded 3D documents) that includes the text, fonts, images and 2D vector graphics that compose the document. Do you want to convert a PDF file to a DOC file Don't download software - use Zamzar to convert it for free online. As its name suggests, it can be used for batch conversion of several document files from one format to another, such as PPTX, ODT, XPS, CSV, RTF, EPUB, MOBI, PRC, XLS, XLSX, etc. It supports both DOC and DOCX Word formats to convert your PDF documents. PDF is a file format developed by Adobe Systems for representing documents in a manner that is separate from the original operating system, application or hardware from where it was originally created. Doxillion Document Converter is one more free software to convert multiple PDF to Word files.
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barcodelascl · 2 years
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Before the purchase of Wyse, I and a hand full of system engineers guided dell to desktop virtualization leading to Dell developing its first Thin Client. My history with Wyse starts years before the Dell acquisition. and other countries.Greetings! My name is Jim Lathan, I have been with Dell about 20 years serving in many roles mostly Systems Engineer. © 2018 NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, GeForce, GeForce RTX, GeForce MAX-Q, GRID, SHIELD, Battery Boost, CUDA, FXAA, GameStream, G-Sync, NVLINK, ShadowPlay, SLI, TXAA, PhysX, GeForce Experience, GeForce NOW, Maxwell, Pascal and Turing are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. See full whitepaper: Ĭeleron, Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Atom, Intel Core, Intel Inside, the Intel Inside logo, Intel vPro, Intel Evo, Intel Optane, Intel Xeon Phi, Iris, Itanium, MAX, Pentium, and Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Results are based on interviews with 18 IT practitioners and decision makers at midsize and large enterprises and a web survey of 707 IT practitioners and decision makers at midsize and larger enterprises using Dell Technologies server solutions across 7 industries. *IDC Whitepaper “Optimizing Performance with Frequent Server Replacements for Enterprises” commissioned by Dell Technologies and Intel, March 2021. Box addresses). Offer not valid for Resellers. Dell reserves the right to cancel orders arising from pricing or other errors. Free shipping offer valid only in Continental U.S. Limit of 5 units per order. Taxes, shipping, and other fees apply. * Offers subject to change, not combinable with all other offers. Television returns are subject to restocking fees. Exceptions to Dell's standard return policy still apply, and certain products are not eligible for return at any time. *Returns: The 30-day return period is calculated from invoice date. Not valid for resellers and/or online auctions. Find out additional information about the Dell Rewards program at /businessrewardsfaq. Expedited Delivery not available on certain monitors, batteries and adapters and is available in Continental (except Alaska) U.S.
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3ddentalprints · 1 year
The future of Dental 3D printing – Use of CAD in Dentistry
The future of Dental 3D printing – Use of CAD in Dentistry
While 3D technologies have significant advantages for the sector, their adoption may frighten some practitioners because it requires a new work logic, training in software, scanners and printers and a certain amount of confidence in these innovative processes. Today, for example, more than 50% of French laboratories have equipped themselves with 3D scanners and machine tools and 20% with 3D printers. These players recorded a 70% increase in turnover, proof that they represent real gains for dental professionals. Anton from EnvisionTEC added, “Most practitioners are very receptive and open to new digital technologies. It is simply a matter of asking clinicians and dental industry professionals to understand and trust the new digital technology and its benefits for themselves, their company and their patients. And of course, education and training play an important role. This is why many manufacturing companies are investing in this field to better understand the technology and its clinical applications“.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: 3d printed dental models Idaho, 3d printed dental model Idaho, orthodontic laboratory, dental lab & digital dentistry.
Please feel free to visit us at: https://www.3ddentalprints.com/
A dematerialised manufacturing process
As mentioned above, 3D technologies should be able to provide greater precision and reduce manufacturing times. But what are the new steps to follow when creating 3D printed dental devices? Oliver Bellaton explains, “The physical impression will be replaced by a 3D digital impression taken by the dentist with an intra-oral scanner (meaning a camera will reconstruct in 3D and in real time the surface of the teeth and gums). This 3D file can then be sent over to the dental laboratory through a secure web platform. The laboratory will review the digital impression and model the morphology of the crown in its design software (CAD), taking into account the limits of the gum, interference with other digitised teeth and even the shape of the patient’s smile with a face scanner. In case of doubt, a quick exchange by split screen with the dentist allows to validate the shape of the crown. The 3D file of the crown can then be sent to a 3D printer for manufacturing. In the near future, the dentist could have the 3D printer directly in the office for simple manufacturing. All digital flow configurations are possible. The process may take only a few hours, which in some cases means that the patient could only be brought in to the practice once.” The result is reduced logistics flows and production times, a personalised system that is much more adapted to the patient’s morphology.
Dentists and dental technicians will therefore have to equip themselves with 3D scanners or printers but also with CAD software, an obstacle for many professionals today. Nicolas Klaus, Dental Product & Business Development at Formlabs explains, “The essential pillars of these new working methods are 3D scanners, CAD software and 3D printing. Generally, there is a point of resistance in the software on which training is not obvious”.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: 3d printed dental models Idaho, 3d printed dental model Idaho, orthodontic laboratory, dental lab & digital dentistry.
Please feel free to visit us at: https://www.3ddentalprints.com/
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In all over the world, manufacturing sector has emerged as one of the high growth sectors on which millions of people are dependent because of their jobs. Throughout history, people have always been dependent on technology. Of course, the technology of each era might not have the same shape and size as today, but for their time it was certainly something for people to look at.
People would always use the technology they had available to help make their lives easier and at the same time try to perfect it and bring it to the next level. This is how the concept of the industrial revolution began. Right now, we are going through the fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0.
Basically Industry 4.0 can be defined as “digitization of the manufacturing sector, with embedded sensors in virtually all product components and manufacturing equipment, ubiquitous cyber physical systems and analysis of all relevant data”. There are total 4 main factors on which Industrial revolution 4.0 is based.
1.     Data, computational power and connectivity – i.e. low-power, wide-area networks, for example
2.     Analytics and intelligence
3.     Human-machine interaction – i.e., touch interfaces and augmented reality
4.    Digital-to-physical conversion – i.e., advanced robotics and 3-D printing
 3 D printing or Additive manufacturing is yet another technological advancement made possible by the transition from analog to digital processes. In recent decades, communications, imaging, architecture and engineering have all under gone their own digital revolutions. Now, AM can bring digital flexibility and efficiency to manufacturing operations.
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    Additive manufacturing uses data computer-aided-design (CAD) software or 3D object scanners to direct hardware to deposit material, layer upon layer, in precise geometric shapes. As its name implies, additive manufacturing adds material to create an object. By contrast, when you create an object by traditional means, it is often necessary to remove material through milling, machining, carving, shaping or other means.
Although the terms "3D printing" and "rapid prototyping" are casually used to discuss additive manufacturing, each process is actually a subset of additive manufacturing. While additive manufacturing seems new to many, it has actually been around for several decades. In the right applications, additive manufacturing delivers a perfect trifecta of improved performance, complex geometries and simplified fabrication. As a result, opportunities abound for those who actively embrace additive manufacturing.
Computer aided engineering, or CAE plays key role in the process of additive manufacturing. CAE is mainly used to create the design which is later provided as an input to the machine. Rapid prototype is been made by the machine only after proper design of the object is achieved. Let us know more about such softwares which are commonly used for additive manufacturing technique:
One of the commonly used CAE software for additive manufacturing is ANSYS. This software along with other 2 software exaSIM and FLEX help users reduce the risks, trial and error of implementing a 3D printing workflow. It also hopes to speed up the installation and optimization of said 3D printing equipment. 3DSIM Company has launched the software exaSIM which is being used for 3D printing operation.
Ø  Residual stress
Ø  Distortion
Ø  Build failure
Ø  Tolerancing
  FLEX capabilities:
Ø  Ability to determine best process parameters based on material and 3D printer
Ø  Optimization of part integrity, micro structure and properties
  Topology optimization in ANSYS Mechanical allows to:
Ø  Take into account multiple static loads combined with optimizing for natural frequencies (modal analysis)
Ø  Satisfy requirements for minimum material thickness
Ø  Observe rules around feature direction (for machining operations)
Ø  Easily validate results
Ø  Easy extraction of optimized data in .stl format
This particular tool is used for
Ø  Geometry repair
Ø  Lattice creation
Ø  Clean up of parts using the software’s faceted data tools.
Ø  Full nonlinear, including transient, and linear analysis
Ø  Capability to validate designs under a vast range scenario.
Ø  Both thermal and structural loading conditions can be applied to models to understand performance and durability.
Ø  Predict Distortion
Ø  Predict Stress
Ø  Run Parametric Studies
Additive Print delivers unparalleled accuracy in predicting:
Ø Final shape of the printed part.
Ø Layer-by-layer distortion and stress.
Ø Optimal support structures.
Ø Distortion-compensated STL files.
Ø Potential blade crash.
To determine optimum process parameters for metal additive manufacturing
**Capabilities of this module: **
Ø Analyze Porosity and Melt pools
Ø Predict Sensor Measurements
Ø Predict Thermal History
Ø Predict Microstructure
Ø Run Parametric Studies
Ø Track Phase Transformation
  Materialise Magics
 Materialise Magics is a versatile, industry-leading data preparation and STL editor software for Additive Manufacturing that allows you to convert files to STL, repair errors, edit your design and prepare your build platform.
With the Materialise Magics Sinter Module, you can:
Ø  Nest parts quickly and automatically on multiple platforms
Ø  Control the build time, height and density
Ø  Avoid interlocking and colliding parts
Ø  Create protective crates
Ø  Re-nest from an existing configuration
With the Simulation Module, you can:
Ø  Predict areas prone to deformation, overheating and residual stresses
Ø  Reduce the risk of build failures and make test prints redundant
Ø  Speed up the search for the best parameter sets to build your parts
Ø  Modification of support and orientation based on simulation results
Ø  Counter-deform your parts to avoid deformations arising from the printing process
With Materialise Magics Structures Module, you can:
Ø  Lower your powder consumption and production costs
Ø  Add strength to the parts
Ø  Reduce distortion (due to the heat generated during the build process)
Ø  Create porous designs
Ø  Available lattice structures include diamond, cross, diagonal etc
Ø  Design your own unit cell structures to create a lattice structure
With Materialise Magics SG+ Module, you can:
Ø  Conduct heat and avoid deformation
Ø  Optimize part orientation
Ø  Recuperate powder
Ø  Reduce build failures with build validation tools
With Materialise Magics Tree Support Module, you can:
Ø  Improve the surface quality of metal prints
Ø  Prevent part deformation with enhanced heat conduction systems
Ø  Save time on finishing
Ø  Use trees to create inlets in your lost-wax mold
With Materialise Import Module, you can:
Ø  Manage the resolution of your data while importing it (for better STL quality)
Ø  Import native color information
Ø  Receive a repaired file after the import
Netfabb is software specially designed by AUTODESK for Additive Manufacturing applications. Netfabb software includes efficient build preparation capabilities alongside tools for optimizing designs for additive manufacturing, simulating metal additive processes, and planning for CNC post-processing.
Netfabb consists of following features:
Build Preparation:
Ø Import, analyze, and repair models:
Import models from a variety of CAD formats and use repair      tools to quickly correct errors. 
 Ø Modify models for production:
Make your models production ready by adjusting wall thicknesses, smoothing rough areas, and more.
 Ø Configurable build supports:
Identify areas that require support and use semi-automated tools to generate support structures.
 Ø Mesh to CAD conversion
Convert organic, free-form mesh files to boundary representation models and make them available in CAD in STEP, SAT or IGES format.
 Ø Automatic packing
Use 2D and 3D packing algorithms to optimally place parts within the build volume.
 Ø Report generation
Create custom reports that include critical information for manufacturing and quoting.
 Ø Advanced tool paths
Develop build strategies and define tool path parameters for maximum surface quality, part density, and speed.
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   Design optimization for additive manufacturing:
Ø Internal lattice structures
Create lightweight parts with performance characteristics specific to your application.
 Ø Topology optimization
Generate forms that are optimized for stiffness and weight, based on the loads and constraints of the part.
 Ø Integrated performance analysis
Test how your optimized designs will perform using built-in Autodesk Nastran simulation.
 Ø Optimization engine
Automatically verify and optimize lattice and skin elements to meet load requirements and reduce weight.
 Thus, we can say that there has been a lot of progress in the field of additive manufacturing day by day. As the technology progresses, it will be easy for us to analyze & manufacture the objects easily.
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illustrious-rocket · 5 years
Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution 2: Anemone (review)
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Score: * (out of 4)
Summary: A creatively bankrupt film that represents a new low for a beloved yet beleaguered franchise, Anemone is an epic misfire that begs comparisons to, of all things, The Room.
Long review (spoilers):
The story of the Eureka Seven franchise has been a long, and unfortunately, often troubled one. I have a separate post in development documenting its history through my eyes as someone who got into the series long after its original airing, so many of the matters relating to that subject will not be in this post. What this post is, however, is a breakdown of what makes this one film a failure.
Strap in, this is going to be a ride.
After several years in dormancy following the ill-received Eureka Seven AO, a new film trilogy titled Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution was announced. Immediately, this news begged comparisons to other cinematic reboots to well known franchises, two examples being the recent Code Geass reboot series and, more notably, Rebuild of Evangelion. I know when Hi-Evolution was announced, I was apprehensive. I dropped AO halfway through, and the installment of the franchise prior to it (Pocketful of Rainbows/Good Night, Sleep Tight, Young Lovers) was an average at best alternate universe. I was curious to see what the Hi-Evolution trilogy would do, but I had little faith that Tomoki Kyoda and Bones would produce something to redeem the series after AO.
The first film would later be promoted as finally telling an untold part of the story: the First Summer of Love, an incident in which main protagonist Renton’s father Adrock gained hero status for saving the world during an incident involving the alien Scub Coral. Unfortunately, this proved to be a bait and switch. The new animation depicting the First Summer of Love - which came about as the result of the military’s Operation Necrosis, a mission to use a weapon called Silver Box to destroy the Scub Coral and liberate Earth - comprises only a fraction of the film. The rest is made up, somehow, of footage recycled from the 2005 series with new audio dubbed over it to tell an altered story. As a result, the first film was mostly a failure.
Then the second film was announced to focus on Anemone, an immensely popular supporting character from the original series. Not only that, it would portray an angle of the Eureka Seven universe never seen before: for the first time, the story would take place in the ‘real’ world, being set in Tokyo. This represented a greater ambition on the part of the production, but also was a concept that could easily go wrong. Prior to the release of the film, I was expecting it to be another sort-of-retelling, this time focusing on the psychadelic nightmare depicted in the infamous original series episode “Acperience 1.”
If only that was what this film actually was.
I admit, when I saw this film, I had already been spoiled on its plot. I am glad I was, because had I not been, I would have found the movie incomprehensible. Tomoki Kyoda’s attitudes going into producing it have also been troubling, particularly remarks about “auteurism” in one interview. When the words “A Tomoki Kyoda Film” appeared on the screen at the beginning of this film, I gulped. I knew I was in for something.
The film opens with a flashback sequence introducing Anemone as a character and explaining some of the context of the movie’s story. Two problems immediately become apparent. One, this sequence - and all flashbacks to similar moments throughout the film - is rendered in full 3D CGI that looks extremely cheap. The colors and shading create the image of dull, flat figures created by a 3D printer moving around on CGI backgrounds. Worse, the mouth movements in these 3D CGI scenes do not match the dialogue. Viewing this movie, you will see mouth flaps regularly desync from the audio.
Worse yet, this movie is titled “Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution: Anemone” and was promoted as being an Anemone film, but Anemone is not in it. The “Anemone” in this film is, in fact, a new character named Fuuka who looks like her and has the nickname Anemone. She isn’t Anemone, though, because her character is completely different. It couldn’t be any more unlike the original Anemone’s. She’s an exact polar opposite of who Anemone actually was. The fact that this film is an even bigger bait and switch than the first one was is bad enough. But even if you roll with the idea of Anemone being a totally different character, it introduces problems that undermine the film internally. Let’s put a pin in that for now.
Anyway, the movie establishes Fuuka/Anemone’s backstory as a military brat whose father, Ken, was killed during an operation to fight an “Eureka,” one of several phenomena that destroyed the planet over time, eventually annihilating many nations and killing nearly three billion people. She is an inoffensive character, but does not have much at all of the spark the original Anemone had, instead sacrificing it for more typical tropes. Once the flashback concludes, the film jumps forward to the present day. Here, the first thing we see is a long battle sequence in which military forces battle “Eureka Seven” (the seventh Eureka), which attacks with a manifestation of the Nirvash. This sequence is drawn out and poorly plotted, making the action difficult to follow. That’s a problem throughout the film, in fact - we see cuts to similar battle scenes many times, and they always feel like incoherent sequences where things just explode to fill space.
Once this incoherent battle sequence ends, the true plot begins to kick in. Anemone consults “Dominic,” an app installed on her phone by Ken during the earlier flashback, for advice during the battle, and Dominic’s advice leads the military to decide to send Anemone “diving” into Eureka Seven using a special device. This device greatly resembles a virtual reality setup, but when activated, it sends Anemone into flashbacks to the original series. Here is where the recycled 2005 footage comes back in, but this time, it is executed better thanks to the context of it being in an “alternate world.” Anemone is sent to a moment where Nirvash and theEND battled in the original series and manages to destroy Nirvash, catching a glimpse of Eureka holding Renton’s clothing before being ejected from the dive. This causes a portion of Eureka Seven to be destroyed in the real world, which is humanity’s first victory against the phenomena.
There are several things we need to unpack here. First, the Dominic app. This is a bizarre reinvention of the character Dominic Sorel from the original series, who was a military officer that usually served as Anemone’s handler, often found himself on the receiving end of her abuse, and ultimately became her love interest. He had a story arc alongside Anemone where he came to doubt his role in the military and had his views evolve over time until he changed sides to join the heroes. Here, he is nothing but an annoying app with no real characterization. Worse, the avatar of his face rendered on the phone is depicted with CGI even worse than the flashbacks. Many of his sentences will begin with Dominic’s mouth moving, only for him to stop moving his mouth halfway through and yet continue to talk. It is a jarring sight to see every time it happens.
While the use of 2005 footage is better contextualized this time, and there is even some new footage animated in original 4:3 style, other things happen that bring down anything good that could come of this. Because all the leaps take Anemone to various battles between Nirvash and theEND, a plot hole is created: if Fuuka is the real Anemone, how was theEND there battling Nirvash before she leaped into it using the dive device? Worse, still, because of how different Fuuka and original Anemone’s personalities are, there is abrupt shifting back and forth in her character within the same scenes. Fuuka is, to put it mildly, an average anime girl who hits the usually expected tropes. Original Anemone was an ill-tempered, mentally damaged person with a violent streak and an addiction to drugs given to her by series antagonist Dewey Novak, who abused her and took advantage of her depression and need for validation to benefit himself. The problem comes in the fact that some of the recycled footage from 2005 includes showing Anemone piloting theEND in battle. Because Fuuka and original Anemone are so different, she suddenly becomes much more bloodthirsty and violent and then reverts back depending on when the individual moment was animated. It’s not consistent and takes the viewer out of the film. Another inconsistency in this same place comes with Dominic, who manifests as Dominic Sorel while inside Eureka Seven. He is present inside theEND’s cockpit while Anemone pilots, but even while new footage is animated for these sequences, Dominic is not present for the Anemone combat shots. He appears and disappears between individual shots.
Moving on. This basic setup drives much of the film. Anemone makes more dives into the world within the Eureka Seven, each time returning back to a battle between Nirvash and theEND that ends with a portion of Eureka Seven in the real world being destroyed. Because she is responsible for humanity turning the tide in the battle against the Eurekas, Anemone is turned into an idol by the military for propaganda purposes. This element is severely underplayed and has little real signficance in the plot. Her primary motivation is to come to terms with Ken’s fate battling the Eurekas, and thanks to this and intelligence gathered during the missions, the military decides to bring Anemone to meet a familiar face: Dewey Novak. Unlike the rest of the characters in the film sans Eureka herself, Dewey is the real one, having been ejected from another world heavily implied to be the world depicted in the first Hi-Evolution film. He was captured by the military outside Eureka Seven and placed in restraints that cover his eyes, while his legs are trapped in the other world and fade away to nothing.
Dewey’s presence in this film accomplishes little other than give tastes of what it could have been and provide sequel bait for a future installment. Many of his scenes are merely him saying mysterious and vaguely threatening things, none of which really make sense in the context of this movie alone. Further, because he is the Hi-Evolution 1 Dewey and Anemone is Fuuka, the reunion of the two ends up having no emotional resonance at all. In the original series, Anemone suffered terrible physical and mental abuse at Dewey’s hands, through his administering drugs to enhance her performance in battle and dispensing praise and attention in measured amounts to ensure her compliance. The idea that Anemone would be reunited with Dewey, who is now (apparently) a ragged, powerless old man at the mercy of his captors, could have been an opportunity for great mental catharsis as Anemone finally obtains closure for what Dewey did to her. But because neither one of them knows the other, this ends up being a false start. They merely speak about the mission against the Eurekas and therefore the dialogue could be between any two people. It is not something only Anemone and Dewey together could do, and feels wasted.
As her mission continues on, Anemone eventually destroys enough of Eureka Seven to expose its core. The core has a design that was clearly intended to be frightening, but instead is laughable; it is covered with small eyes and has one big one whose expression makes it look tired and unhappy about having to show up. Suddenly, Anemone gets trapped in “PLAY BACK” during her dive, a phenomenon that rewinds time back through the events in the earlier dives. She ends up being brought to a time just prior to Ken’s death, where she is confronted by Eureka.
The film was not good until this point. At this exact moment, it completely falls apart.
Eureka is no longer the naive but well-meaning girl from the original series, or even the mother who would go to any lengths for her children from AO. In fact, those Eurekas never existed at all. The “true” Eureka is a psychopath who became this way after accidentally killing Renton when her powers were awakened by her exposure to Silver Box (thus implying the event took place in the Hi-Evolution 1 world.) Since then, she has been using Silver Box’s power to rewind time and try to create new worlds where she can have her happy ending with Renton, but they all go wrong, forcing her to “PLAY BACK” and start over again. These actions were responsible for creating every other part of the franchise - the original series, manga, light novels, Pocketful of Rainbows, AO, all of them were nothing but dreams made real through Eureka’s use of Silver Box’s power, in the process releasing the Eurekas in the real world and killing billions of people.
Needless to say, this twist is appalling and fails in more ways than one. First of all, it renders the entire plot of this movie and the trilogy dependant upon knowing the events from the previous installments. If you don’t know anything about what took place in the previous installments, this twist is meaningless to you. It only lands if you have an attachment to the events now revealed to be false worlds. But if you have this attachment, the movie then steps squarely into the same mistake AO made by revealing that what you liked in the past didn’t end up the way you thought it did and wasn’t real. Worse, though, it makes it hard to care about any form of the franchise anymore, because at this point, it becomes apparent that every character can be whatever the demands of the plot dictate. When no character has an actual consistent personality that won’t change on a dime depending on the whims of the plot, there is no reason to get invested in them. Eureka is now essentially Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club, killing innocents and erasing entire worlds out of an overwhelming selfishness to get her own happy ending. It’s a complete betrayal of the central character. This twist also disrupts the logic of the timeline even further - because Anemone was leaping into battles between Nirvash and theEND, theEND already had to be there, but since Anemone didn’t meet Eureka until this point, how could she have created a world where Anemone was her enemy prior to meeting her?
Eureka offers to create a world in which Ken survived, but Anemone refuses, and after Anemone leaves, this happens.
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There is little to say about this image, as it is the downfall of this franchise encapsulated in a single picture. The scene itself is even worse, rendered in the CGI and as awful to look at in action as it is in a still image. Worse still, Eureka’s dialogue in this scene has her saying that she is willing to become “the devil itself” to get her happy ending, which just butchers her character even further.
When Eureka Seven is destroyed and Eureka falls into despair over being unable to reach Renton, a new monster appears and goes on a rampage. At this point, Dewey suddenly reveals he has superpowers by breaking out of his restraints, manifesting his legs and showing that his eyes at least temporarily turn black. He telekinetically escapes from the prison, displaying powers similar to those of Truth, the main antagonist of AO. I strongly suspect he will be treated as a Dewey/Truth amalgamation in the final film of this trilogy.
With nothing left she can do, Anemone calls out an unheard phrase Ken once told her to call when she needs him. This causes Dominic to reappear, and he summons a new form of theEND that resembles Gulliver, her pet badger, into the real world. Together, they resolve to enter the monster so Anemone can try to save Eureka, and engage it in battle. This sequence is the only truly good portion of the film, offering a stunning example of what an Eureka Seven movie could have been and finally truly recapturing its magic. Contrary to the previous battle sequences, this one is well choreographed, exciting, and is enhanced by the presence of Ballet Mechanique during it. Unfortunately, this dizzying high is fleeting. When she reaches the inside of the monster and dives into its world, Anemone finds Eureka at the apartment complex from Fuuka’s childhood. This means we’re back into the awful CGI again. Eureka confesses her actions and motivations to Anemone, but Anemone refuses to give up on her and honor her request to kill her now that she no longer can use Silver Box’s power to make more worlds. This being Fuuka instead of original Anemone, and the alterations to the timeline, end up leaving no relationship between Eureka and Anemone in the “real” timeline. Like the interactions between Dewey and Anemone, there is little emotional resonance. Anemone manages to convince Eureka to leave, but before they can escape, the most stupefying event yet begins.
Millions of giant Gullivers begin pouring out of the apartment building and eating the entire world, forcing Eureka and Anemone to escape from them. If this sounds like a dumb visual, it is. The Gullivers also have the voice of Larva Nirvash from Pocketful of Rainbows for some reason. Yet this scene is treated completely seriously, with heroic music and everything, creating an embarrassing sequence that is impossible not to cringe during.
Eureka and Anemone escape, destroying the monster and causing it to drop a giant egg. Everything that happens after this point feels like a post credits scene placed in the wrong point of the film. Somehow, the Gekkostate members, Dominic Sorel, a giant Gulliver, and Charles and Ray Beams all appear in the real world despite their worlds being false. Dewey, having gotten to the surface, says more mysterious comments to set up the sequel. Anemone and Eureka talk, and Anemone says she thinks Renton may still be alive after all. Suddenly, the egg cracks open to reveal a new Nirvash model, whose drive displays Eureka’s name inside of it. Eureka realizes someone is searching for her, and the final shot of the film reveals Renton on another planet, using his Compac Drive to call out to Eureka.
Now that the plot is fully picked apart, I feel like I have to finally sit and really address one of the major elephants in the room when it comes to this film. In both broad strokes and smaller, more specific instances that would not be notable if the context of the more blatant examples didn’t exist, this film heavily copies things from the various installations of the Evangelion franchise. I don’t mean this as a reference to mere inspiration from Evangelion, which is widespread. This film is blatant, Darling in the FRANXX Episode 19-levels of copying things from it.
One doesn’t even need to actually view a single second of the film to see this, either. The teaser poster sets a trend the rest of the movie follows by brazenly copying the imagery of the Evangelion 2.22 poster.
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Needless to say, this image sets the stage for what you see within the film itself. Within just the first 10 minutes, it becomes immediately apparent that Anemone lifts stylistic choices and imagery wholesale from Evangelion. Throughout the film, but most plainly in the early scenes, the scenery and composition of camera shots are directly lifted; when I first watched it, it was mere minutes into the film that I stopped and said “oh my God, this is ripping off Eva.” Smash cuts into title cards and scene transitions abound at the beginning (the first thing that made me notice the copying) and the first battle sequence is not just ‘inspired’ but flat out stolen from the well known battle sequence featured at the beginning of Evangelion. It steals the imagery of tanks and battleships engaging the enemy wholesale, and the story’s lead character (Anemone/Shinji) is being driven through the battle to an important location by a female character in a position of authority (Mischa and her crew/Misato), where the main character is coerced into piloting a weapon (the dive system/Eva Unit-01) against the enemy (Nirvash & Eureka Seven/the Angel) that nobody else can defeat.
Things don’t really improve for this topic after getting through the first battle. The unit “ASSID” that Anemone enlists and serves in is more or less a copy of NERV, both being paramilitary units ostensibly under affiliation with the United Nations to battle the enemy creatures. This might not be a big deal on its own, but in the context of the more obvious copying elsewhere in the movie, it is an example of something that is made worse by the rest of the film. We reach another shamelessly stolen point a little while later, when Anemone goes to visit Dewey. First of all, Dewey is held in a complex whose design - from the vast open spaces to the elevator to Dewey’s cell deep underground - is blatantly ‘inspired’ by Terminal Dogma, a chamber of similar design concept deep underneath the NERV base where the Angel Lilith is restrained on a cross. Accordingly, Dewey’s personal state is seemingly copied from Lilith’s. For no reason, Dewey has his arms pulled back onto a cross-like structure on the back of his wheelchair, giving him the appearance of being crucified sitting down; meanwhile, his eyes are covered with a blindfold, in context seemingly mirroring Lilith’s mask. Most notably, however, is one of the oddest things about Dewey’s appearance in this film: his legs fading away into another world. Lilith’s legs are also significantly malformed, barely forming stumps before splitting into dozens of tiny human-like legs. Both having such a specific, unusual similarity is hard not to notice. He even regains his legs after an important event related to him - the defeat of Eureka Seven and emergence of the Eureka monster - takes place, much like how Lilith regrows her legs in the original Evangelion series after the Spear of Longinus is removed from her body.
Also notably, the way Nirvash is suspended in the real world as it fights the military forces clearly mirrors the way Evangelion units are transported by air, save for the blatant crucifixion imagery being removed. This is depicted on the poster for Anemone I posted above. There are other smaller, more nitpicky examples of the specific cribbing from Evangelion I am excluding from this review to more highlight the significant ones.
Next let’s move on to something you’ve likely been waiting to see if you’re reading this review: the comparison to The Room. I’m sure that will likely cause some controversy, but I feel it’s on solid footing. As I mentioned, Kyoda remarked about having reached a point of “auteurism” with this film. That comment implies a certain mentality on his part that he absolutely failed to live up to, and it is hard to not see shades of Tommy Wiseau and his fanatical belief in The Room in Kyoda’s belief in his film’s quality. There is one point where they diverge that is troubling, though - Tommy Wiseau, after releasing The Room and seeing its reception, realized how people saw it and decided to roll with the reputation The Room acquired even though it wasn’t what he intended. Kyoda, on the other hand, seems to believe that his movie is the masterpiece he thought it to be and everyone else is wrong about it. To me, this represents a self-fulfilling prophecy in which Kyoda doubles down on previous mistakes in each new installment because they were poorly received the first time, as if he believes doing so will eventually force people to “get” what he’s doing. You can see in Anemone a doubling down on three of the worst aspects of AO: time travel/dimension hopping, butchering Eureka/past characters, and the inclusion of boring and irrelevant “real world” politics. It is like if Tommy Wiseau, instead of becoming self-aware after The Room was treated as a joke, decided to teach the public why his filmmaking style was right by getting the rights to make an adaptation of War and Peace with his style in it.
The continual doubling down on mistakes is something that can be traced through the franchise all the way back to the very first followup, the 2009 film Pocketful of Rainbows. As someone who only got into the Eureka Seven franchise many years later, my relationship to that film is different from that of people who were fans during that era, so I sought out opinions from a friend who was an original-era Eureka Seven fan. As it turned out, topics I was already honing in one turned out to have been controversial or poorly received back then, too. While Pocketful of Rainbows was ostensibly set on real-world Earth, it continued to feature the fantasy political structure from the original series, so that problem was at least partially dodged. One big flaw of Pocketful of Rainbows we did agree upon was its extensive use of recycled footage, with my friend pointing out that it also had an ugly gray filter applied to it, giving the film a “darker” look. Comparisons to what was released in 2018 are almost painfully obvious, and arguably even uglier than the filtered footage in 2009 was because of the fact the recycled footage is now 4:3 in a 16:9 film. Pocketful of Rainbows also drastically changes its characters, turning Gekkostate into the villains, Anemone into an elderly priestess/prophet of the Scubs, Dominic into a bit character who appears briefly as Renton and Eureka’s mentor before dying ten minutes into the film and popping up again later very briefly, the Scubs themselves becoming the “robotic” “EIZO,” and most notoriously, derailing Eureka in a fashion to which I will simply quote my friend:
For example, Eureka was made into this tsundere childhood friend of Renton, which felt cliche and unnatural. Not only that, but Eureka was completely helpless for much of the film. She didn't do any fighting and was just a broken bird for Renton to save. Some people took it as an insult to her character, a huge step down from the capable girl she was in the original.It's a common theme in these other entries, really. Eureka is consistently disrespected and derailed as a character to just fit the narrative. 
Another point about Pocketful of Rainbows that comes back in AO and Hi-Evolution is its use of alternate realities. While the original did establish such a concept existed, the followups have increasingly abused the idea of alternate universes to retcon previous installments, retcon themselves, and ultimately in Hi-Evolution 2, completely delete the entire franchise from existence.
As someone who came into the series late, I have always felt that Pocketful of Rainbows is an average, watchable film that fails to live up to its excellent predecessor, but I can easily understand why fans in the original era would not have liked it. It is not a good Eureka Seven film, but unlike AO and Hi-Evolution, it still feels like Eureka Seven. In my opinion, it includes enough of the spirit of the original in its fairytale-esque story (including the use of one, singular parallel universe) to still capture the whimsical tone that distinguishes the original series. That is where Tomoki Kyoda’s constant insistence on doubling down on the same mistakes over and over and over has destroyed the franchise since then, and the Hi-Evolution Anemone film is the pinnacle of that collapse. It tops all its predecessors in terms of alternate universe abuse, character derailment, and boring and irrelevant politics, choking out the soul of the franchise. As I said earlier, the Ballet Mechanique sequence is the only moment in this film that truly feels like Eureka Seven. That may be because at the core of Kyoda’s discernable vision, it would appear he wants Eureka Seven to be a darker story with a much more bittersweet ending. The problem comes with the fact that even if it was childishly naive, the unambiguously happy ending of the original series was a big part of its unique identity landing so effectively. I have mused before that what made Eureka Seven stand out was the fact that it combined a mecha anime with themes from 1960s counterculture, which effectively worked hand-in-hand with the fairytale tone of the story to create something unique. Even as childishly naive as it may have been, it was always at its heart about fighting for the right thing and for love, no matter what the odds or the forces opposing you. This wasn’t what Kyoda planned for it to be, it is what the series evolved into once other minds placed input into it. Now don’t get me wrong, there is plenty of respect to be had for a creator who sticks to their vision, but Kyoda has doubled down on the same ideas so many times now while remaining stubbornly closed-minded to the merits of the original’s evolution that any goodwill has burned away. Pocketful of Rainbows still felt like Eureka Seven because it still captured that idea of fighting for the right thing no matter what, but it did have a bittersweet ending. People criticized that movie, and Kyoda followed up by creating the grim, depressing Eureka Seven AO that retroactively inflicted damage on the original, as if it wanted to retcon what he was unhappy with. AO was rejected by fans, so he takes the same ideas and makes them even worse, flat out retconning the entire franchise out of existence with a film that barely has any identity of its own beyond undoing Kyoda’s dissatisfaction with his past work.
In the end, all these problems, in my opinion, come back to Tomoki Kyoda and his stubborn, singleminded obsession with executing a vision and forcing it to be liked. The first screening of this film in the United States, at the recent Anime Expo, was a very telling moment for it. As per my friend (original post at this link https://historyman101.tumblr.com/post/186188741243/so-i-was-talking-with-my-friend-pantsunugerumon), the Anemone screening was attended by only enough people to 1/3 fill the hall, and the film was met with silence for almost its entire runtime, the only moment eliciting cheers being the appearance of Gekkostate, Renton and Charles and Ray at the end. When the credits rolled, there was more silence followed by polite applause when the audience realized it was over. Kaori Nazuka, Eureka’s seiyuu, was in attendance and made a comment during the Q&A section of the presentation that also did an excellent job encapsulating the reason Kyoda’s approach brought the film and the franchise down. Accoring to Nazuka (voice clip provided by my friend via his friend who attended AX https://historyman101.tumblr.com/post/186190292840/kaori-nazuka-strikes-me-as-someone-who-is-just), Kyoda told her not to worry about Eureka being so different in this film because as long as she provides Eureka’s voice, it will always be Eureka. While it is true that a voice is an important part of an iconic character, it demonstrates a mentality that characterization, development and logical progression doesn’t matter. Those are key factors for any work, but especially for a character-centric story like Eureka Seven that lives and dies on getting you to care about the characters and what they experience. If characters become completely fluid and change on a dime to suit the director’s whims, the entire backbone of the story collapses.
I could go on for ages about this film, but I’ll finally wrap this review up. Since I reviewed a film that was ruined by its director’s obsession with executing a specific vision, next time, I will review a movie whose director was able to carry out their vision with exactly the creative control Tomoki Kyoda wanted himself.
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