sfpostofficial · 2 years
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Labour Party leader, Sir Keir Starmer has laid out his economic plans and warned that the UK could fall behind countries in eastern Europe if new policies aren’t implemented.
During a speech in the City of London, the leader of the Labour Party spoke to a group of important business people.
In the speech, he gave more information about his “mission” for the UK to have the fastest growth that can be sustained among the G7.
Sir Keir said that he wanted the UK to be seen as an “economic rock.”
Labour said that the Tories had put the country on a “path of decline” and that if recent growth trends continued, people in the UK would be worse off than Poland by 2030.
It said that between 2010 and 2021, the UK’s GDP per person grew by an average of 0.5% per year in real terms, while Poland’s grew by 3.6%. (based on World Bank data).
Labour said that if these trends continued, people in the UK would be £500 ($600) poorer than those in Poland by 2030, and they would be behind Hungary and Romania by 2040….Read More
Source — San Francisco Post
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sfpostofficial · 2 years
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sfpostofficial · 2 years
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Kelly must spend another year in prison on top of the 30 years he is already serving for his crimes.
After a trial in New York in June 2022, Kelly was sentenced to 30 years for sex trafficking and racketeering...Read More
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sfpostofficial · 2 years
Toyota Agrees To Increase Workers Pay
Toyota and Honda, two of the biggest car companies in Japan, say they have agreed to give their Japanese workers the biggest pay raises in decades.
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As prices go up, they are the latest companies in the world’s third-largest economy to raise wages.
Japan’s inflation rate hit its highest level in more than 40 years last month, according to official numbers.
Businesses and the government have had to help because people can’t buy as much.
Most Japanese companies talk with unions about pay for a few weeks every year before making a decision in the middle of March.
The car companies have not explained why this year’s news came out earlier than usual.
On Wednesday, Toyota said it would meet union demands for pay and bonuses, with wages going up by the most in 20 years.
Koji Sato, who will take over as president of Toyota, said he hoped the move would be good for Japan’s auto industry and “lead to honest talks between labor and management at each company…Read More
Source — San Francisco Post
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sfpostofficial · 2 years
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sfpostofficial · 2 years
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Ford Motor Company said that over the next two years, it will cut 1,300 jobs in the U.K. This is one fifth of all the jobs the company has in the country.
It’s part of a big plan to reorganize the company, and 3,800 jobs will be lost across Europe because of it.
Ford Motor Company is reducing the number of people working on research and development because the economy is still uncertain and the company is getting ready to switch to electric cars....Read More 
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sfpostofficial · 2 years
Local Zoning Agent Accidentally Sells Horses for Slaughter
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Local Town removes horses from property due to alleged zoning violations. While in transport from property for holding until zoning violations were fixed, contracted horse haulers stole the horses, selling four horses to be slaughtered across country lines. The Town Zoning Agent failed to check the transportation company’s business credentials.
In this tragic misunderstanding, local farm looses four horses. One horse of 9-year-old, Alana who bought the horse with her own money from mucking stalls. One horse of 12-year-old Melissa who was given her horse for her 10th birthday. Judy’s horse she has owned for 10 years and Isabella’s horse which has won a handful of Grand Prix events on.
Quote from Alana’s mother: “I can’t believe that this is even happening. Alana hasn’t come out of her room in a week now, and I am very worried for her. Her horse meant the world to her, ever since she could walk and start talking, she was obsessed with horses. I told her that I would never let her have a horse, but I couldn’t keep her away from the barn. By the age of 5, she made her way into a barn position mucking for $2 a stall. She saved up and bought her own horse. She won’t stop crying, that horse means the entire world to her. It is so sad this is happening. No town has the authority to even trespass on the private property let alone remove someone’s property without a hearing, this isn’t over we are suing.”
A lawsuit by families, horse boarding facilities, and local civil rights activist groups has been filed against the Inland Wetlands Zoning agency and the local police department.
Comment from the Town Attorney: “I have worked for this town for the last 15 years of my career. The town has been reasonable, and this is out of line for them. This will be the last case; I represent them in. We admit and are not trying to hide what happened here as it is the saddest thing I have seen in my life. We are hoping for a quick speedy trial and have arranged to offer a settlement to the property business owner and the families affected in this event…Read More
Source — San Francisco Post
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sfpostofficial · 2 years
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sfpostofficial · 2 years
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Every small business owner when seeking for a loan must ensure that they choose the right loan for their businesses
If your small business needs a loan, you might be tempted to accept the first offer you get and end up not choosing the right loan for your business.
You may only need small business loans, though. If you carefully consider what kind of loan your business needs, you could keep your cash flow and save thousands of dollars on the table. Or, even worse, you might need help to solve the problem for which you got the loan in the first place....Read More
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sfpostofficial · 2 years
Net zero targets ‘may mean higher taxes’
The UK is making good progress toward its goal of having net zero carbon emissions by 2050, but it may need to raise taxes to reach that goal.
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Lord Nicholas Stern, a well-known economist, says that the government and private sector must as a a matter of urgency invest in new technologies.
A former boss of oil giant BP also says that the UK should follow the US in promoting green technology.
But the government said that the UK is “leading the way as far as climate change and net zero carbon emissions is concerned.”
Lord Stern told the BBC, “We need growth, and we need to cut down on emissions, and we’ll get there by investing in new technologies.”
He also said, “I’m not saying that investments in health and education should be put off. On the contrary, we must work on both of them at the same time.
His words come when the country is struggling with a high cost of living and taxes are higher than they have been since the Second World War.
Tax cuts are also something that some people want the government to do.
On the other hand, Lord Stern says that more public investment could be good for jobs and the environment…Read More
Source — San Francisco Post
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sfpostofficial · 2 years
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sfpostofficial · 2 years
Recession: UK economy not out of woods
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New numbers show that the UK economy barely stayed out of a recession in 2022. From October to December, the economy didn’t grow at all.
Even though the economy dropped sharply by 0.5% in December, partly because of strikes, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said this was still true.
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt said that the numbers showed “underlying resilience,” but that “we are not out of the woods.”
The Bank of England still thinks that the UK will go into a recession this year.
But they think it will be shorter and better than they thought before.
The Bank of England is the main bank in the UK. Because managing the economy is so important, the BBC said what it thought.
One way it does this is by changing interest rates. So, it has recently been raising rates to keep up with the rising cost of living.
When the BBC asked Mr. Hunt about the government’s position, he said that high inflation is still a problem that hurts families all over the country.
The rate at which prices are going up (inflation) is going down, but at 10.5%, it is still close to a 40-year high.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS), which released the economic output numbers, said there was no growth in the quarter of 2022.
This is the first guess for the period; numbers are often changed later.
The ONS changed its numbers for the July-September quarter on Friday. Instead of a 0.3% drop, the economy shrank by 0.2%, less than what was thought…Read More
Source — San Francisco Post
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sfpostofficial · 2 years
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sfpostofficial · 2 years
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After months of fighting, Russia says it now runs the Ukrainian town of Soledar, which is home to a salt mine. It says this is an “important” part of its attack.
The defense ministry said that the victory would make it possible for Russian troops to cut off Ukrainian supply lines in the nearby city of Bakhmut, which is much bigger...Read More
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sfpostofficial · 2 years
Bard: Google’s AI bot commits a blunder
Google is looking for ways to persuade people that it remains the market leader in artificial intelligence technology.
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So far, the internet behemoth has the wrong solution.
The bot delivered the incorrect answer to a question in an advertisement to showcase its latest AI bot.
Alphabet’s stock dropped more than 7% on Wednesday, knocking $100 billion (£82 billion) off the company’s market worth.
The bot, named Bard, was asked what to inform a nine-year-old about what the James Webb Space Telescope had discovered in a Twitter ad released on Monday.
It claimed that the telescope was the first to photograph a planet outside our solar system. However, the European Very Large Telescope did so in 2004. On Twitter, astronomers soon pointed out the error.
“Why didn’t you verify this example was true before sharing it?” Chris Harrison, a fellow at Newcastle University, responded to the tweet.
Investors also needed to be more impressed with the company’s presentation on how it planned to employ AI in its goods.
Google has been under fire since the end of last year when Microsoft-backed OpenAI launched updated ChatGPT software…Read More
Source — San Francisco Post
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sfpostofficial · 2 years
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sfpostofficial · 2 years
Inflation: Fed moves to stabilize prices
Read More - https://sanfranciscopost.com/inflation-fed-moves-to-stabilize-prices/
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