#this is thoroughly silly but it is 1:30 am and it was on my prompt list from last year so figure i should probably get around to it?
i-am-become-a-name · 7 months
December 6.  Prompt: Proposition.
Tegan had started shaking beside him, jostling his elbow in a way most unlike the usual distance they kept from each other, and it was quite frustrating the interesting conversation the Doctor was attempting to have with one of the diplomats in the celebration they had stumbled into. It wasn’t cold, even for one of her impractical outfits, and for once, (he dreaded to think it for fear of the universe laughing at him) they didn’t seem to be in any active danger. The diplomat, rare for one of his breed, was fascinating, more interested in talking about what they had learned from the shared histories of the planets to move forward in earnest, rather than picking at and exaggerating the minor differences between their cultures. He turned his most foreboding look upon Tegan, who met his eyes and had to cover her mouth to conceal the grin that still peeked out from between her fingers. 
“What?” he hissed, annoyed already by the fact she had insisted on sticking around for the conversation, unlike Adric and Nyssa who had wandered off, in respective order, to the buffet table and to examine the art hanging about the hall. 
“Nothing wrong at all, Doc,” he made out from behind her fingers, and rare it was for her to not have a complaint of some kind, however trivial, but genuine amusement was creasing the corners of her eyes, and he did a brief pat down of his hair and coat, finding nothing amiss in his appearance. So where was this coming from? He frowned at her, and turned back to the diplomat who was watching them with an indulgent smile. 
“Now, what were you saying about the treaty of Lindor before my friend rudely interrupted you?” His emphasis on ‘my friend’ did not go unnoticed by Tegan, who struggled to stifle a snort behind her hands, but the diplomat was looking pleased. 
“Perhaps we could continue this conversation in my rooms, without the, ah, interruption.” He’d leant forward to put a hand on the Doctor’s arm, voice welcoming, but Tegan was positively quaking at his side now, and he opened his mouth to suggest perhaps she could find Nyssa to keep her company while he continued the conversation, but suddenly lost the ability to speak as a warm hand tucked itself into his, and a small frame leant itself against his free arm. He looked down in confusion at his companion, but her face was hidden by the frizz of curls tucked against his shoulder, so turned back as the diplomat took a step back, apologetically.
The diplomat looked disappointed, but suggested some titles where he could find further information on what they had been talking about in case he changed his mind and Tegan wobbled against his side. They parted with smiles, Tegan still tottering at his side as they walked away, and hidden by the crowd, pulled away from each other.
“Sorry for the ear-bashing he’s given you,” and the Doctor saw the diplomat mouth the words in puzzlement, but Tegan was bowling past any possible interruption, “but this galah has promised to muster the ankle-biters for tea.”
“Ah, quite,” the Doctor agreed, not understanding a single word beyond tea, but Tegan’s voice was assured, and the hand in his was clenching it quite speakingly, and he put his free hand over hers, patting it firmly, because he hoped to be able to use that hand in the future thank you. 
‘“May I ask what that was?” and Tegan was bent over, hands on her knees and positively cackling. He gently pulled her away from the crowd against the wall and let her calm down. 
“I, uhm, don’t think he was your type, Doc,” and- ah. She stood back up, still letting out the occasional snicker, but wiping the tears away from her gleeful eyes, her fingers coming away colourful with smudged makeup. “You’d still have missed it if he’d written it on a brick and thrown it through your window, wouldn’t you?”
“We were simply having an interesting conversation,” he protested, but that set her off again, pointing at him and giggling, and they were starting to draw attention. 
“Cripes, Doc, you can be a drongo.” And why were they all speaking a different language all of a sudden? She patted his arm, but her face was still twisted in mirth. “Haven’t had anyone be that obvious since a friend’s hen, right smooth-talker there.” 
She stepped away from him then, craning her head over the crowds to seek out Adric and Nyssa, and Australians. He would never understand them.
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softluci · 3 years
family friendly dialogue prompts ^_^
[ i just wanted to make a list of all the fun things that bounce around in my head, in the form of dialogue/action prompts/lines that i can (and probs will) draw from whenever. it can (and probably would) be mc saying these things, or it can be a man of your choice, but anyone can use these if they so choose, but if you do, just tag me so i can see what you’ve done with the chaos of my brain. or, if you wanna send me a number, i can write a small thing for you ^_^ ]
1. “if i have to—shut the fuck up—if i have to open this fridge again and find that we have no juice, i swear—”
2. “woke up today. never wanna hear jesus loves me ever again.”
3. “it is time for the immense power of violence.”
4. “no because if vivaldi ‘didn’t intend’ for me to shake my ass to his music then why do i feel such an inclination to do so?”
5. [holding a can of lysol and a lighter] “do you wanna see a magic trick?”
6. “and then i said, ‘because god don’t like ugly, and you’re not cute,’ and i got in so much trouble.”
7. “i can’t tell you what we do in there, it’s a total violation of the bro code.” [i was absolutely, 100% thinking of beel and his teammates.]
8. [“are you ticklish?”] “are you willing to die to find out?” 
9. “i think if barbatos appeared even a little bit annoyed with me, i would just have to die.”
10. “i’m not saying i’m attracted to him or anything, i’m just saying, given the chance—”
11. “if you guys see me, like, shaking my ass to big time rush, just don’t say anything.” [“what?”] “i said if—you—see—”
12. “and i was like ‘you have to die,’ even though, at the time, i didn’t even know what death was, but i meant it—”
13. “one time i was babysitting this little girl, and we were making bracelets together. i see she’s making two, so i ask who the other one is for—she fucking goes, ‘oh, it’s for the man in my closet!’ my heart very swiftly falls out of my ass.”
14. “some of you bitches are very odd.”
15. “me, personally, i think i’m pretty neat, but lucifer seems to think i’m a public enemy.”
16. “stop that.” [“stop what?”]
17. “bye, squidward, bye, mr. krabs! byeeee, squidwaaaard.” [but it’s two obm men. it is barbatos and dia, in that order, don’t ask questions.] 
18. “i am formally apologizing in advance for the person i am going to become if i ever see [man] with his hair pushed back.” [barbatos. this is about b—] 
19. “did i commit arson? technically.” [“‘technically’?”] 
20. “if i were to bite you, like, a little bit—”
21. “all everyone does is stare at me from afar and whisper, like, bitch, if you don’t give me a fucking kiss—”
22. “everyone is like, ‘are you okay?’ i eat breakfast at four in the afternoon, don’t ask silly questions.” 
23. “one time, one of the boys walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek while lucifer was talking to me— i have never seen someone look so murderous and confused.” [again, was absolutely thinking of beel and his teammates.] 
24. “i think my parents tried so hard to make me religious because they could tell from my eyes that i thoroughly believed god was dead.” 
25. “and he was like, ‘you like me?’ and when i tell you i almost fell over.” 
26. “you know, under normal circumstances, i am pretty laid back, but i was in the middle of my second nap for today, and you have just committed a felony.”
27. “in theory, it was my fault. in actuality, it was also my fault, but what we should be focusing on is why none of you made any efforts to hide that trap door.” [“it was hidden.”] “then how and why was it so easily found by my dead little eyes?” 
28. “what was i supposed to do, let it go?” [“yes.”] “well, i’ll tell you what, i was never known for my virtue.” 
29. “and then he ate my poptart, so i had no choice but to show him that actions have consequences.” [“what’d you do?”] “i threw a desk at him.” 
30. “embarrassing mammon is my favorite pastime.” [“you know you’re not actually embarrassing him, right?”] 
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3ezentrum3-blog · 6 years
Colon Cancer That Spread to the Liver - We Can Only Help Those Who Want Our Help
On 25 May 2007, I got an email. The essayist needed me to help her sister-in-law, Jane (not genuine name), a thirty-nine-year old female who was determined to have colon growth. She had experienced a medical procedure to expel a tumor, about the span of an orange, from her insides. The disease was likely at Stage 3 or 4. After the medical procedure, Jane experienced twelve cycles of chemotherapy over a six-month time span. The author stated: "we tried to persuade her to take your herbs by demonstrating her a portion of your tributes and documentation while she was experiencing chemotherapy. Nonetheless, she was not persuaded about herbs."
A half year after fulfillment of her treatment, a CT check uncovered various sores in her liver, demonstrating that the malignancy had spread to her essential organ. The oncologist recommended Jane experience another twelve cycles of chemotherapy.
Knowing the reality of her circumstance, the essayist conveyed Jane to meet one of my partners. After a short clarification, Jane was incredulous about our herbs! Jane continued with her next round of chemotherapy. In the wake of finishing two cycles of her second-round of chemotherapy, she endured inconveniences, for example, water maintenance, tiredness, and so on. The author expressed: "The oncologist even recommended she eat a considerable measure of organ meat, for example, liver from creatures. How silly it sounds from a man in the therapeutic club? As of now on, she felt somewhat uneasy with the oncologist and furthermore with her treatment."
The author finished with a supplication: "Can her get together with you in the event that you at any point come here? Perhaps you can be all the more persuading in your clarification about your herbs. If you don't mind help."
It has been a long time since my better half and I began CA Care in 1995. We have seen and helped a huge number of in critical condition growth patients. The issue looked by Jane is exceptionally regular undoubtedly. Throughout the years we have learnt numerous exercises about "helping individuals". There is a maxim: "There is no hopeless illness, just serious individuals." Our measurements reveal to us just 30% of patients who came to see us advantage from our herbs and guiding, the staying 70% did not. A considerable lot of the individuals who came were looking for an "enchantment shot" and a simple way out. For this situation, Jane did not have confidence in our work in any case. She worked in a pharmaceutical organization. All things considered, maybe she has the possibility that exclusive "experimentally produced pharmaceutical medications" can fix ailments - herbs and non-ordinary treatments are all hocus-pocus. Such a disposition is justifiable. Every one of us has our own convictions and suppositions.
On our part, we learnt early that we can just help individuals who need our assistance. We would not venture to "mentally condition" or make a special effort to impact individuals to take after our treatment. Patients need to accept and be OK with what we do - at exactly that point would they be able to be conferred in their mending. We can't change individuals.
To exacerbate things, our assistance is sans given of-charge. There is by all accounts a recognition that something given for nothing is shoddy or has no esteem. For as long as twelve years we dedicated much time and endeavors doing only that. A Canadian companion of mine once asked: "Chris, what is your trap," while an Australian companion remarked: "What you are doing is against the standard of the Western entrepreneur societies." Perhaps to help kindred individuals without requesting a charge is outsider to law based, industrialist societies, however for the Oriental societies "administration to encourage humanity" or "kiu-lang (deciphered as spare individuals), do happen and is not all that much. With respect to the trap? All things considered, there is no trap - that is whether you comprehend Oriental societies.
Give me a chance to offer a couple of conversation starters for you to consider.
One, Jane had Stage 3 or 4 colon growth and experienced chemotherapy. Was chemotherapy finished with therapeudic or palliative purpose? If it somehow managed to fix, without a doubt it has fizzled. In my inquiry of therapeutic writing, I learnt that for Stage 1 or 2 colon malignancy, the commitment of chemotherapy is just 8 to 15 percent, in term of five-year survival. In my prior works, I even recommended that such saw advantages could be substituted by taking of herbs or a difference in slim down.
Two, after twelve cycles of chemotherapy, the disease metastatised to the liver. Why? What exactly degree had chemotherapy added to this spread? Do patients ever offer such a conversation starter? It is recognized that chemo-drugs are dangerous to the liver.
Three, more chemotherapy was suggested for Jane's metastasis. Again ask: Is this to fix or to vindicate? On the off chance that the goal was to fix - what might be the possibility of accomplishment this time? Keep in mind, the first round of chemotherapy had fizzled. After the initial two cycles of chemotherapy, Jane endured unfriendly symptoms - is this not revealing to Jane that something isn't right?
Four, the oncologist prompted Jane to eat more organ meat. To elective specialists, creature proteins are "terrible for growth". Jane should read more about this subject as opposed to depending on only one-see feeling of an oncologist.
Five, there is a maxim: "To know is science, to accept one knows is obliviousness." In malignancy, numbness frequently murders. By temperance of her being on the staff of a pharmaceutical medication organization does not make Jane "all knowing." To accept that she knows "every single" about medication for malignancy is undoubtedly guileless of her. While it regards be distrustful, it is clearly arrogant to thoroughly acknowledge the idea that herbs are inadequate and pharmaceutical medications are better. There is no more noteworthy disaster for the individuals who have eyes yet decline to see, have ears however decline to hear.
Six, while Jane's sister-in-law demonstrated worry for her, it is dependent upon Jane to understand that: "Her wellbeing is altogether her own obligation. She is the creator of her own biography. Others can just help. Jane needs to settle on her own choice and be prepared to live with the results of that choice." It is adequate for Jane's sister-in-law to assume the part of a "little heavenly attendant" by alarming her to an alternate probability. The rest is for Jane to act likewise following her heart.
Seven, in the wake of having gotten their medications, patients should take an interruption sooner or later in time, before it is past the point of no return and assess their results. Make these inquiries: "Do I profit by the treatment? Do I show signs of improvement? On the off chance that things don't work out not surprisingly, would despite everything I like to continue on a similar way? At the point when do I say nothing more will be tolerated? Am I overcome enough to state that's it?
For more data about corresponding tumor treatment visit: http://www.cacare.com, [http://www.naturalhealingforyou.com], http://www.BookOnCancer.com
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/master/Chris_Teo,_Ph.D./55108
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/582279
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