#this is very quickly done bc i am tired but it did actually rid me of that restlessness so overall W
aeb-art · 6 months
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i legit couldn't get comfy in bed bc i was thinking about fem geo 😭 had to get it out
anyway once again, geo belongs to @8um8le
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stevesharrlngtons · 5 years
120 steve
he’s pampering me, let him be 
not a shot for shot scene (bc u know im not a fan), but may hold slight spoilers for those who haven’t finished st3 yet. but it’s kinda an au? idk, but i hope you enjoy lmao
you were getting sick and fucking tired of coming so close to your death. you were far too young to have seen what you had, experience the trauma that had been dished your way, and have to live forever with the knowledge of interdimensional creatures out for blood.  
and as you sat now in the starcount food court, with blood caked skin, a throbbing headache and the knowledge of possessions, russian spies and more upside down bullshit, you longed deeply for a time when wondering if steve would like your new lip color was your biggest problem. that’s what mattered, not hoping that you would evade monsters and live to see the next day.  
everything just kept happening so fast. in ‘83 it felt like days. in ‘84, weeks. now, you swore you, robin, steve, dustin and erica had been fighting for months, years even. you had to remind yourself continually that it was only friday, and not months in the future. two days ago steve had planned a date for the two of you. nothing fancy, just a movie and burgers at the drive in, but you had been looking forward to it. you had been looking forward to a night off. you were supposed to be swapping spit with your boyfriend in the back of a movie theater, not listening to chief hopper and dustin play rapid catch up on the newest threats.  
you gnawed at your thumb nail, letting your mind go blank and take a rest. you weren’t sure when you’d be privy to another calm moment like this. it needed all the time it could get.
you stayed in your blissfully unaware bubble until you felt a tap on your shoulder. thumb still resting on your lips, you glanced up to see one of the men who had come in with hopper looming over you.
when he saw he caught your attention, he shook his hand at you gently. he held a damp handkerchief and was montioning to your blood covered knees.
“oh, um thank you.” you offered a sweet smile as you gingerly took the handkerchief from the man, who grinned when you took it.
he then turned to the other tag along, muttered in words you could now recognized as russian and looked back to you, smile still intact.
“he says to tell him if you need anything else.” the man informed you.
“uh, alright. tell him thank you?” you breathed an uncomfortable laugh as your eyes darted between the two strange men.
“она говорит спасибо.”
she says thank you.
his grin only widened.
“i don’t think i caught your name, either of you.” you looked between both of them again.
“murray bauman,” he extended his hand which you took, “and this is alexei.”
“(y/n) (y/l/n), it’s a pleasure. though, i wish it weren’t under less threatening circumstances.” you said with a charismatic lit to your voice.
murray relied your words in russian as you shook alexei’s hand, who placed his free hand on the back of your hand clasped in his.
“удовольствие все мое.”
the pleasure is mine.
with him still holding you hand, you glanced over to murray, your smile staying put as to not tip alexei off on your slight discomfort.
“he says the pleasure is all his.”  
“quite the charmer.” you demurely dipped your head.
“она сказала, что ты очаровательный.”
she says you’re charming.
“она очаровательная.” alexei replied almost instantly, a slight blush dusting his cheeks.
murray chuckled, “he says you’re the charming one.”
“did he flirt with joyce this much?” you prompted, turning back to rid the blood from your knees.
“that was jim’s prerogative.” murray scoffed, and you laughed.
“well, it is nice to know that i am the least bit alluring in this state. i feel like i’ve been hit by a truck.”
alexei’s eyes were ping ponging between you and murray as you spoke out of his native tongue.
“она польщена твоим флиртом.”
she is flattered by your flirting.
alexei didn’t reply, but his bashful look said it all.
while you cleaned, alexei flirted and murray translated, steve stood watching it all from a far. his eyes narrowed as he watched you laugh and reply back to whatever murray had just said. the russian asshole he was with was giving you some looks steve didn’t approve of. this green feeling wasn’t unfamiliar territory for steve, but he didn’t think he’d be experiencing it here and now, of all times.
you were naturally appealing and attractive to others, you exuded it. people were drawn to you, adored and worshipped you when your orbit caught them. you couldn’t turn it off, couldn’t push people away, no matter the situation. but right now, steve wished you could.
“aye, what do you think they’re talkin’ about?” steve elbowed robin and tipped his chin over to where you sat.
robin observed the scene for a moment before speaking.
“if i had to guess? russian doctor dude is trying to butter up your girl. i can tell from here he’s flirting hard core.”
steve didn’t need any more encouragement than that to stalk across the food court toward to three of you. when he arrived, steve joined in on the laughter, his obviously forced and angry.
“wow, what’s so funny over here? didn’t think the end of the world would be a laughing matter.” steve practically berated.
“well, we were actually just making light of this situation. we’ve done this before, baby. y’know if we get to in our heads, we crumble.” you reached up to take steve’s hand in yours hoping it would calm him, but his resolve only hardened.
“yeah, yeah, yeah, cool, cool, cool. so, shitbag soviet over here ain’t bothering you?” steve glared daggers into a very confused alexei.
“oh, goodey. another man in this group incapable of expressing their insecurities in a constructive way.” murray chimed in sarcastically.
“the fuck you just say?” steve took a step forward and puffed out his chest at murray’s comment. sadly, only proving murray’s point further.
you quickly turned around to the two men behind you and kept a death grip on your boyfriend’s hand.  
“murray, darling. alexei,” he perked up at the mention of his name, “can you both go grab me a cup of ice and something to eat? i’m starved.”
“она попросила лед и еду.” murray relayed.
she asked for ice and food.
“женский мальчик ее разозлил?” alexei asked, worried.
did the feminine boy make her angry?
“нет, что-то говорит мне, что она много занимается этим.” murray snorted a laugh before leading alexei off to find what you requested.
no, i have a feeling she deals with this a lot.
“what? what did they say about me?” steve craned his neck to watch them leave.
“sorry, i didn’t become fluent in russian since the last time i saw you.” you replied.
“well, i know it was about me. commie assholes.” he cursed.
you slapped his leg, “hey! what the hell?”
“those commie assholes are helping us figure this shit out. don’t be an a dick.”
“you’re only saying that because he’s kissing your ass.” steve muttered as he flexed his jaw.
“can’t get mad at him for something you love to do too, harrington.” you shot him a smile.
he looked at you and rolled his eyes, why did your smile have to be so cute? could you stop being so cute for five fucking seconds?
“whatever, it’s still annoying. even robin could tell how thick he was laying it on with you.” steve grimaced, coming to sit next to you.
“he’s pamering me, let him be.” you sighed and rested your temple against his shoulder. as you did, steve slung his arm around you.
“i should be pampering you. not that fuckin’ babushka.” steve brought you closer to him, reveling in your closeness and satiating his protective instinct.
somehow after a day of running from russians, being tortured and sweating from pure fear, you still smelled amazing. god, he hated how perfect you were sometimes.
“let him. let’s me conserve my energy for when i pamper you after this is all over.” you lifted your head briefly to press a kiss to his cheek.
“if we get out of this.”
“we will. this is all gonna work out.”
steve wasn’t so sure. there was still so much that could go wrong. the obstacles were rising and viable plans were dwindling. billy was out there with his army of flayed, ready and waiting to kill them all, and their one weapon was weak and acting faulty. but, steve wasn’t going to let himself be cynical. like you said, you had done this before, side by side and won. so what was a third time? what was the saying? third time’s the charm? he could only hope that applied now.
but in case it didn’t, steve memorized this moment with you. curled to his chest, smelling like fresh air and wild flowers.
feedback is greatly appreciated!!
requests are closed 
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mx-sfthrs · 5 years
finals week
a/n: i got two hours of sleep last night and am too lazy to write a coherent story so idk what’s abt to happen but this goes out to all my homies who started finals this week stay strong <3
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picture this: you’re a college student and it’s the beginning of finals week
everything is happening all at once, you’re spending all your time cramming for your exams later, really just a walking ball of stress
your boyfriend kihyun has been bugging you for like 5 days now to hang out and finally today he breaks you
“fine! we can hang out tonight”
“really !!” he was so excited you felt kinda bad
“yes, just please don’t call me until then i really have to study”
“will do. i’ll be over there at 7?”
“that works okay bye” you quickly hung up so that you could get the material you wanted to know down before 7
what felt like 30 minutes was actually more like 5 hours because all of a sudden there’s a knock at your door
you go to open it and you’re met with your cozy looking boyfriend all smiley and excited
he immediately went to kiss your cheek and walk in toawards the couch
“i was thinking we could stay in tonight since i bet you’re tired, is that okay?”
you opened your mouth to speak but he cut you off
“we could watch that show we started last week, or maybe a movie? it’s up to youuu” my god why did he have to look so cute
“yeah about that…” you felt kinda bad for what you were about to do but you’d made it very clear when you first started dating kihyun that you took academics very seriously “i think i need just like, 30 more minutes before we can hang out”
you knew he was sad because usually he’d make a big dramatic scene to be funny but his smile just fell and he looked down into his lap
“oh… okay”
“but maybe you can come sit on my bed? then you can tell me as soon as 30 minutes are up because otherwise i’ll forget”
he sighed “oka-”
before he was done you’d already turned around to go back to your desk in your room
once he was settled on your bed he set a timer on his phone and started to play a game to pass the time
in the background he could here your write for a while then pause before writing again
like 20 minutes in though he realized you had paused for a while
he peered over the top of his phone and saw your head in your hands, figuring you were just thinking he went back to his game not wanting to disturb you
but then he heard you take a deep shaky breath and went into Protective Boyfriend Mode ™
“hey baby ….” he locked his phone and left it on the bed as he slid off and walked over to you
he rubbed his hand down your back as he gently turned your chair out to face him while he crouched down
he gently rubbed your back with one hand and your thigh with the other
he already knew what this was about because he’s smart and knows what it looks like when you get really stressed out
he sort of anticipated it actually that why he planned on staying in
you were trying to keep quiet and get it together as to not ruin your date night
you were trying really hard to get rid of the lump in your throat and to stop your tears from falling but then kihyun asked in the sweetest and softed voice what you needed him to do and you looked at him and broke down
and even tho you werent able to answer him, he knew what you needed
“oh sweetheart i’m so sorry” he stood up and pulled you up out of the chair by your wrist and forearm because he wanted to lay you in bed and hold you there
but you stood up and immediately buried your face into his chest so he wrapped his arms around you and held you close
he put one hand at the back of your head to assure you that it was okay to cry into him
u guys just kinda stayed like that for a while while u cried it out
u sorta calmed down but then the timer kihyun had set went off and you both jumped back
after getting over the initial shock you looked at each other and smiled a little
kihyun turned the alarm off and sat against the headboard
he deadass didnt even say anything he just opened his arms up wide and have you a cheesy smile lol
so you crawled onto the bed and straddled his lap before snuggling into his chest
“do you wanna watch a movie?”
you nodded
he had one hand on the small of your back and the other reached for the remote
“do you wanna watch finding nemo?”
you nodded again
he smiled as he brought the movie up on the tv
once the movie pulled up he started to lightly and mindlessly trace his fingertips up and down your back while his other hand rested on your thigh
like two minutes in he realized you weren’t even facing the screen and suddenly stopped
he tried to look at your face but your head was resting where his neck met his collarbone so it didnt rlly work lol
“hey did you wanna turn around? you can still be in my lap just facing the other -”
but you were already shaking your head no
you sat up a little so he could actually hear you
“i said maybe later”
you assumed the position you were in before as kihyun went back to what he was doing before
he kissed the top of your head
then he rested his cheek against the side of your head
20 minutes later you were dead asleep
he knew bc he could feel your even breaths on his neck and because you didnt laugh when nemo’s friend said “he touched the butt”
he smiled to himself, happy that you finally seemed relaxed
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