#this is very self indulgent please forgive me for being earnest about supernatural
ivytwines · 5 months
It’s delicious that Sam often thinks he is broken and evil, that something inside of him is tainted and he must use every moment of his life to atone for both the sins he has committed willingly and the ones that were thrust upon him. But the thing that makes all of that guilt and shame fascinating is that it’s not true. He is not evil, he is so down-to-the-molecules fundamentally good that it hurts. He’s kind and he’s patient and he’s achingly gentle. His self-sacrificing doesn’t actually come from a desire to save himself, but because he truly believes he can save others. What if a boy was destined to be selfish and cruel and jealous and bloodthirsty, and he chose to be decent and human instead? What if hope is kind of the whole point?
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