#this is what happens when i let myself look at v0re art and connect it to my favorite ship
frikus-nom-haven · 7 months
My love for Death/Puss is just making me imagine Death calling Puss a "snack" or says he wants to "eat" him as an affectionate term, because he doesn't know how to socialize properly and he connects Puss to food (sometimes) because that's how he viewed him when they first met.
Of course, he doesn't want to harm him anymore. He's glad Puss is a changed man and values his life, so Death doesn't intend to take it in any way.
But he gets a little vorey around Puss because Puss is so small and what-not, and Death can't help himself from thinking about the fact Puss is on his last life, so it's like an urge to eat him to both satisfy that nagging instinct AND to keep him somewhere he'll actually be safe for a little while /)///(\
Death has no need to "eat" things, his body isn't "alive". He's not a mortal being who needs nutrients, so he could totally just... Nom Puss up simply to hold him and keep him close. To feel a life moving and resting inside of his very being, all for him and shielded from the world.
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