#this is why gundam seed astray will always be one of my all-time favorite gundams
anthurak · 1 year
Underrated Mecha trope I wish we would see more often:
When one or more of the supporting characters who helped design and/or maintain and repair the protagonist’s super-shiny-flashy-hero-mech and have up to now provided little more than goofy comic relief and/or basic emotional support suddenly goes ‘so did anyone forget that I know basically EVERYTHING about super-OP giant robots? You know, because I build and maintain them?’
And then proceed to break out this janky-ass looking mech they’ve been tinkering on in their spare time that is clearly cobbled together from spare parts of the flashy hero mech and also one or two salvaged enemy and/or mass-production mechs and just starts kicking ass in it.
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